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11/09/2010 TUE 14:14 FAX 402 471 4429 �CC SECRBTARY OF STATE ��� Hall <br />Form 6d8 (Y)(c) <br />(R�tv. Fe6ruary 2004) <br />For qptionat Use by•Recording Office <br />Dapartment of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service <br />Notice of Federal Tax Lien 2 O 10 0 8 3 6 3 <br />Hrea: Serial Number <br />SMALL �USIN$5S/SELF EMpLpXF,A AREA #4 <br />Lien Unit Phane (800) 9I3-6050 715869810 <br />As provided by section 63Z 1, b32�, and 63Z3 af the Internal Revenue <br />Code, we are giving a not'rce that taxes (including interest and penalties) <br />have_ b�en auessed agalnst the fallawing-named taxpayer. We have made <br />a demand 'for payment of th�s iiability, but it remain� unpaid. Therefore, <br />thcre �S a lien in favor of the liqited States on all propert�r and r�ghts ta <br />property belanging to this taxpayer far the amount of these taxe�, and <br />addttional penalties, interest, and costs that may �accrue. <br />ame of Taxpayer JESUS CASTA <br />J C WELDZNG <br />Residence �1�� W OgLA�;OMA AVE <br />GR.AND TSLAND, NE 6$801-6651 <br />NE S�c af 5laka John W Gels - llCC FT4 <br />9930642816-9 Pas: 1 <br />GA5TANfDFl JESU5 <br />Filad: 11109l2010 08:51 FiM <br />�002/002 <br />lMPORTANT REL�AS� INFORMATION For each assassment listed below, <br />unless notice of the lien is refiled by the date _given in column (e), this notice shall, <br />on the day follawing such date, operate as a certificate of release as defined <br />in IRC 8325(a). . ' <br />Taac Period Date of I.asE Day far <br />Kind of Tax �nding Iden�tifying Number Assessment iLef�ling <br />�a� (b (t) �d) � (e) <br />941 03/31/2010 2p-3856452 1A/04/207.0� 11/03%2020 <br />Place of Filing <br />�y� <br />Register of Deeds <br />Hall POBQX 1692 <br />Grand ��sland NE 68802-1692 <br />llnpaid Balance <br />of Asseument <br />F�7i�cTi1 <br />Total �$ 2 5 6. 31 <br />This notice was prepared and signed at CHTCAGO, TL <br />the 2 �� h day of Oc�ober 20�,0 <br />Signature <br />for KAY PONTE <br />, on this, <br />Title <br />REVENQE OFFICER <br />(308) 384--4850 <br />24-�0-1739 <br />�nv� a: �ermicate or prriCer eutnor�zea py IaW to teke BCknDwledgment is not eesential to the valldity pt NotiCe ot Feqeral T�X lien <br />Rev. Rul. 71-466, 1971 - 2 C.B. 409) Form 668(Y)(S) (Rev. 2-20Q4) <br />Part t- K�t By Retording Offlte CAT_ NO•60026X <br />