v k 'G � �.. ..._�._� � •' �....,5��_:_�_}_..�.�y._..,•i:o..�...�_._...:,:_r.�.c.�>` •2.etf�+'_.
<br /> •�a...,. ..e...=....c�._..___.�..... ._,....,._..._..... - -
<br />,� �..�
<br /> t..
<br /> �N
<br />_ �_�-:r;��—
<br /> .t' "�i ���� ��:•'.c;��.
<br /> �6aF'�C +<.. C4 E ti
<br /> �y o�suner's etsd oparators af simll�r properue�e��d��ant��tc3Q�nttzy ra�uira!�r i:e a•ssY,, an. 4nrn�r�Ji►i c�s:�ply �,�..5:,<<'-,
<br /> �nri4h auC4� athsr requltsc,�s�te aa �er�e4tciary rt�ay fcom 4im�to tirita rorduQSt 4or the ptot��cion b�f ins�tvaneo of U'te .;��•«;�;.,_�
<br /> interast ot tha res�os2iv���rti�s. A91 insurar+ca RQ'��E3��nte3n�6 Rur�uont to ti�13 Qa¢�of Trua4 a¢tali n�n�Teu3Yar ��,t,`,� ;
<br /> tt
<br /> ertd k�enaitai�{as Inas�ed,es thei�respecttva tMSre3t mey appeEt aRd Pfav�ds thet there shall ba�o cancell0tt�n or t.�.,<<<<
<br /> ma�iflca2ton v�tfaont fi6tesn 1161 days prior written�flti�tr.�2isn to Tne�tes a���aneitc3tuy IN t7ts svant�nV RsAaY `<.:f�t�;;
<br /> �,;�•f,,.
<br /> ;:.�
<br /> heteundar in not rennvred on or befare fifte.�n(9 61 days prlor 4o its explret��n date,Truutoa ar Ea�flfi�toey m�l psacuro .<,,(.'E.,,
<br /> suci� insurance ire eccordensa �i� 4h� provist�ns ot Paregraph 7. Ttuat�r she31 tlefivar to Ba�tt�icia�+ titp Q�t�i�tul ,' �',:'
<br />'�'-'- p�ctes o9 ir►sueeieca�res►�c�'.s th��4 ot t�api�s of such pQli�ses end rena+�raia thareof. Fa:furo to tumint�IIuch •'�y._.:�,
<br /> insura�ce by Tn�stor,or renewela�s re��afred horQUnd2r,sh�il,at th�optian af Benofidery, can�tuto o dofaui� Ai# � ��
<br /> unsarned Rr�ntu�e3 ara hereby assignrd Yo Trustee as��9di2isnel secUrity.ert�e salo ared convoyanco af tho�rv�sRy �'.:�Y`rj�`
<br /> �:��
<br /> - tiy gise Yrustee shall ap�rato to onnvey to the purchsser tho Trustor's interest in and to e!1 Rolicias af inuuronca upon �§:;;�t�_
<br /> ��.`•�?4�.'
<br /> the Ttust Praper¢V• -•--•-__
<br /> 5. Taus an�Qsa�c�sat�. Trusior shafl pay al1 taxes as��spsc:el esca�cments tevted os a�eased ag�tnst.ar ��,�'`,__�.'
<br /> due upon.ti�e PropertV bsfaro de43�tqu�ency end�vili ds6ver to�enaflcit�ry ca6tiea of reca[ptr3 showlrtg paymottt mf suai� �,�„_`_. -_
<br />:. ; taxes and apeciel assessmants. �F��-
<br /> �. Q�t�gt3�ia�'J ii�res. Tn�stor shsli maka ell peymeMS�s of(ntc3�est and�rirtc�pal.snd payrnent�s of a�y o4h[►r a4�urgau, ,,�:;A:
<br /> t '
<br />'.s,%�, faea,artd expenses canuacted to ba paid 4o arry sxlst3n9 �ie�holdsrs or arfor h$n�ficiaYiea under anv p�tor 53ond ot r•� ___
<br />':`;s� Tsum,M��tgagg or othar security sgreemarit.taefore ttte da4o they are�aliRquent and to pay anU atlter c1alm vahtch �,�.:, •
<br /> jsapsu¢i�q�the securit}►9��herein. '�st;Y�`
<br /> `4 <�•��,.:.
<br /> 7. P���fl a���rs..^tlsJas�'s�• Shouid YrunwP fail ta matce snV B�an� frsIl Ya do any act eu Pses�in ��:$;;_:-_.
<br /> � prmvidad 0r if anV acdian or�roceeding is commertced whtafi mFttodBfty affacta Honeticiar/'s tnYarsst in tfto FropertY. ;.:...
<br />'.`� ina3udtng, hut�a limited w. eminent doma�n. [rt�oivart4til, as�angomontt� or procaedlnIIu Invatvirt8 a Duce�ruAi or �;:
<br /> deceder►t.���n�oiury ar Tnrsie�,bu4 Lvithaut obt�gatian to do ao,and vsriGtout aotfce to or dtmtarttE uRan Trustar. �_
<br /> and tvitltnut aret�t�Ftiq'fmt�ter from any oIoligauon AQreundor, rt�ay n'tuico ar do the samo. nnd eney pay.Purcit�se,
<br />.',.:.' come�t:tsr raamprcm�andy encum�rence,eharge or tien� v�4►adt tn tHe judgame�rt of�Ittter apReara tn ttUfast said
<br /> 4vr_�
<br /> Pro�ie�tgtr Ptc c3xefc�sirtg any�u�h Rauvers,the Bensficiary ar TQUSise rr�sy incur a lioSatl�tj/nrtd expertdl vahetedm�mm�uMS. ��'•:�,=��'
<br /> � --
<br /> inct�dl��+sbursemer�ot reascm3ble attamey's fees, whict�in their ah�otuu�distxatian m� kro necessan►• In the �---=
<br /> :,t� evere��aY Yrustor sha31 fail to Ipra�ure insura�oe, fail to �ay tarce� and sgecial assssamnolu r�r tail to make any
<br /> pay�uss�s yo exfsting or priar Gen hatdc3rs or bsnsftc�sries.tha Benefiafpn/may pracure sach.{nuurcince and maSce suc�
<br /> rs
<br /> paymm�i�,. l4�i sums incurred ot expended by Benefi�iary ar Trustse in sccordart�:a s•rith t4��Rra�iaions of•the Dasd ot E,T.�;.
<br /> �
<br /> 1'n,�ttir�c�usdare�he��►artd.�vitt►�ui demand,shetl he iramed�aLety due end puyt�{u i�y Trustor and shull.baar fnte�est
<br /> . fbt8 .. —_:-
<br /> at Yhe rs;i�rpPOVidzd ff�r advances under tho Loan Agroern�nf;:{travided,hovaenrnr,-:tftftt et tho optdon of tt►e Bu�eficiary ___
<br /> r
<br /> ��� or Trust�-e,sucin samss rraay be edded to this principal bsttrnas of ar��indebtednass aecured hereby en4 shsti tsear the _
<br /> '•,` samo i�ttarest as suci�indebtednass and shail6e payabte ratabty a��rsr 4ho remaining term there�t. _--
<br /> • g. �t�an4 of 14e��se. �see�ie�tuy shafl hava tha right,p�vrc�t and autharitV during th�oontinua�t�e of t�s��a� _�.
<br /> . uy
<br /> of Tru�ffi collect tha rents.is�ur�ss and�fofits of the Paaparty end af any per�on�E pro�terty locate�d tharaan�c►s�4fi ar --
<br /> without taktr�g possession of th�Propertiv affac8ed hereb�+,:r�nd Trust�r hereby ebs:mfutetY ans�n�am�i4�os��liy asaign,s
<br /> a�t aach rcnts,issues end proftts to�eneflctary. Beneficiery,hnvvever,hereby consas�ts to tho 7'ni-.°ter's oa%�e�mn end __.
<br /> reuntion of auch rerna,issues end profit�as thel►acc�ue and become payabie so lon�as Tn�r is noi,et such tiine, ---��-
<br /> in datta�E8 witb rospact to paymer9t of any trtdabtedness securcd hsreby or tn 4he perfmnn� of any sgreement �_��.
<br /> hereur�ii�r.. Upor arry suci►6a9autt, �eneflcisry r�saY at aeay�irne, ehher in person,by age�rt onr b�a reoeiver to he ______
<br /> eppo(r�!#A?t�y a�u�t,vrithaut notiee and without regar�f t��°�e adequaey of eny asca�rit'/tor.tha indebtednes�herehy �; .:.
<br /> �ure�: @r�.t er��or upon end take posseasion ot the Frap�r¢1r ar any p�i thereof end In ita own name sue tor or __
<br /> oiherwis�o�ICdrt���cicCs ront�.issuos and Rraftb,inc(udirg thosa�due artd unpatd.an aDp1y tho��ne,tess co� �_
<br /> and oxYi.c�G�4a'��ZE�atios►en�coliactton,inctudirtg�easonabte atenrrm�iwes,upmr�any ire�ebtedness�securec!hurzily�� � � _-=
<br /> '' aRd irt�ti�tttlt"crder as Benefictary may dotermirto:!b)Ra��sucfi act9 of rep�[r or�rotactiea a9 may be aac,ttiY&�}t 4R� � ' —___
<br /> ' prap�on��o;�nserve tfrte vaiue of tho Property:(c)laase tfn��me or any part hara�zS:tav sua�rental2erm en�i�s�}��n such !�'-:
<br /> � cond�t'so�ns as its judgmsnt may dtcteta. Unto�s Trustor end Benaficiary egeee otAva�uvise in writing,any appticatlan of --
<br /> � • r e n t s,taauas or profits ta eny indebtedness secured hareby shatt nat mrtend or postpone tho duo c4ate of 4he inStalim�rn �.:_,.
<br /> .. � parymertts es provtded in 4he Loan Agreatnent,and ths appticaUon theraof as eforese t�s h a f F�rsrs2 w a ive or cu re a n y ��
<br /> defautt cr rtotice of defautt hereunder or invatidate anV ect dono pursuant to such nattoe. '�nt�tar elso.asslgns to t_,—
<br /> = Beneflci�ry,as fur�her security tor the perforenanee of t4te obfiga4ions seeured herr�by,ei��g�s�renta ac�ct r:t!monfes
<br /> �,���; which may have Coen or may hareefter be de�o�ited vyith said Tncstar by any[es3ee ot t11a��operty,vz ttecurQ the
<br /> �•_�; . payment ot any ia�ct,and upnn default in mu�perforanance of any ot the provtaions hareo�,Tiiastar egrees to delivec�
<br /> auch rertts and daprta'its�Yo 4�to Hcrsnflcia�/�. t7alivery ot vrriteen notice of Beneftciary's axerdse af U�e rights g►er►r�� ��°
<br />�'``�''��' � herein.to eny tenant oceupyfrtQ:urdd �r�n�ea shetl be sufficient to require sa:d tenant to pay said rent tq tt�e . , !'
<br /> ,';;�, �' Benafici�r/untit 4ur¢her no6co�.�
<br /> ;;..��i 9.`Condsmnatton. If 4itle t���dcty�Ourt of the Property shatl be•4mkan in coitrtltunnattcn proceedtnga,Isyr�i$ht ot
<br /> .�E, ornfnent domain or similar ectian, or ai�n9b ISQ GOId URdOf thY68t Of CORQOII¢RQtI04i, �1 avlerdc,damagea a�d proceedo —
<br /> �`'::t' ,� are bRr�by asalgned and aholl be�aid c.c►ti�s�fciery w�o shall apply suah av�ard,damegos and procoeda tm the sumu ,�__
<br /> • oecut�c�bV tho Dead of Truat,witln 3ho exco�,if any,pald to the Truotor. �
<br /> � i�: Fu4ur��daance�. The Loan Agreement provides tor advoncoo from tima to timo to Trustor by Beneftctary
<br /> ' as providad therein. In addition,uDon requost of Trustor,Beneflciary,at Benaifci��►'s optlon,prior to reconveyence � __
<br /> ' ot the Property to the Trustor, may make additional tuture advancea to the Trustor. Suah iuture advancos, with -��
<br /> interest thvreon,shaU bo secured by thi�Qesd of 7rust whon ev}denced by pramissory notes ctating that sai�notos �,��;;
<br /> are secured heroby; provided that at no Ume shall the secured p�inaipat and 9uture advences, not inctuding 3uma r.�.---r
<br /> �._-
<br /> advanced to protesct tha security, exceed one hundred percent (10095) of tha originat principal amounto secured �- _•__
<br /> � har8by. .
<br /> •• " 11. Ramod,b�Cumr�etiva. AO remedias provided in thls Oeed of Truttt are dlatinct and cumulativa to any other �--
<br /> � �""��' right or remeQy under this Deed of Trust or eNorded by Iaw or equity, end may be exer�rd���ot�ir�ently, ---
<br /> ,..
<br />, indopanslentiy or successivety. ___
<br /> 12. Acc�:stettas�:Remadies;Sde. A dafault sAail exbst in the ovent of:
<br /> (A} Any iraud or misreDresenmtton by the Truutor in connectlon with the line ot erodi4 which this Deed ot Trus4 _
<br /> s SQCUt83;
<br /> � � .
<br /> 9/fl4 . • 408-T �_'
<br /> ;r
<br /> . . � � � . . _ . _. ,. .. :5 .
<br />. . . � . .. . ,1 . . . '%�• - _ . \ . . ' �� . . . � . � . - .. _ ..��i�"_ . ' . .. . ...
<br />