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, � <br />201008357 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />A tract of land comprlsing a part a6 the Narthwest Quarisr af the Northeast Quart�sr (NW1I4N�'114) ai Sectipn. <br />7wanty Thre� �23}, Township 7welve �12) Nnrth, Range Eiaven (1'1) Wesi of tl,e of the 6th P.M., Halt County, <br />Nebraska, and mare particularly d�scrlbed a� follows: <br />aeginning at a point an the nvrth line of sald Northwest Quarter di the Northca5t f2u2rter (h1VV1/4NEif+k), said <br />polnt being Gne Thpusand 5tx Hundred 5eventy Twn and Thlrteen Hun�redth& {1,672.'13) fa�t wast af the <br />northeast corner af the Norihsast Qudrier (NE1?4), sald point also baing the narlhwQSt comer of a parcel. <br />desCribed in Survivorship Warranty Deed Nn. 98•ipD16�, recorded !n the Mat� County �e9�s�er crf �ceds <br />Offlce; thence S 90° OQ' Op" W{Assumed Bearing}, aiohg and upan the narth line of sald Northwast Gtuarter <br />of the Nnrtheast Quartsr (NW114N�1/4)� a dislence af Four Hundred Saven arid �ighiy Seven Hundredtns <br />(407.87) i�et tQ a point, s�ld �olnt being Ffve Fit�ndrtrd Sixty �wo (���� feet east of the northweat corner vi <br />sa9d Norchwesi Quarter ot tha Northeast Ruarter (NW114NE1/4); thence 5 0�° �4' 13" W, parallel with the wast <br />line pf said Nprthwest Quarter ot the tJorthed5: Quarter (NW1/4ME,'f14�, a distance af �Ight Hundreci 5ixty Six <br />and Qne Tenfh (BBfi.16) fe�t; thdpce N 90° U�' U�'� �. na�d��ej �+vith the narth Ilne o!` sald fJorthwest Quartar nf <br />the Northeast Quarter (NW1�4N�114}, a dlstance of Five ffundre�d S�xty Thres and Fnrty Twa Ffundredths <br />(563.42) feet; thenca N DO" tl4' 13" �, Rgralfel with fhe west Ilne of sa�d PtorthweSt Cluarter af the IJoI'th�ast <br />Quartar (hfV��114hlG1/4}, s dlstanee of Flv� Hundrea Fifty "fhrae �nd Twelve HundredEhs (�53.1a) teet to a paint <br />an tha sauth line oE the parca� described in salti �urvfvnrshlp Warr2nty Desd; ther+ce S 9fl° OQ' 4D" �N, para{le{ <br />with the south Ifne �f sald Nortlrwest Quartsr of ths Northcast Quarter (NY�l1I4N�1Jd), and being alnng and <br />upon the south line of the parcel descrlbed In sald 5urvtvorship Warranfy Used, a d�stance of One Nundred <br />Flffy One and Three Tenths ti�1.3Q} feet to the sauthwest carner of the parcel desarlbed In sald 5urvfvorship <br />Warranty Deed; thence IJ DO° 42` 26" 1N, parsllel wlth the east line uf the NoRheast Quarter (N�114), and aiso <br />bsing alon� snd upon the west Ilne oi the parcel descr+bad in said Survivorship Warranfy Deed, a distance af <br />Three Nundred Yhirtean (313.D) feet t4 the ppint af be�lnning <br />
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