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201Q08352 <br />az. surrower xot Releasea; For�rvnce � Y.enaer l�uc a waiver. Estea,sion oeu�e Wne ror paymenc or modiscation of <br />aznarhizadon of tha swns secured by this Sec�airy Insmuncnt grauted by Lend�a to Boaower a� any �ucessor in Tnterost of <br />Borrowcr ahalt not operate to release thc liability of HoaQOwer or arry Sucresaors in Intemst of Horrov�ex. Lcndar shall not be <br />requued to coumnenGC proeocdings against any SY�ceessor in Interest of Boao�ver or to refuse to extend time far paymeni or <br />otb.ezwise modify amoitization of tha sums secured by tttis Security Ins�uuient by ceason oF any damand made by the orz�ival <br />sorrower or any Suceessors in Interest of Hoxrowu. I�ny forbeacaru�e hy Lender in exercising any right ox reuudp inclurring, <br />withput limit�tion, T,endets accepWnce oP paynxnts finm Uurd peisons, entities or Successors im �nterest af Borrowrr or in <br />amounts less than tize umount tl�en due, shall not be a wsiver of oz precluda tha exercise af any righl ar remedg. <br />18. Jaint and Several Lia6i7ity; Co�ei�ners; 3uccaesors and Assigna Bound. Barower cavcnants and agrers that <br />Baxrowe�'s obli�tions and liability shall be joint and severaL. However, au� Bozrmver who co-si�s this Sec�uity tush�uncnt <br />but does not execute the Note (a "co-signer")' (a) is co�igning this Security �axsWmeut oniy to mortgage, grant �nd camve}• <br />the co-signets intexest in the Property undex tLe terms of this security L�ua�enY, (b) is zwt persona►IS' ohligated to pay the <br />sums aecured hy this 5ecuriry InstnunenT, and (c} agrees t�at Lender and any othez Borrower can a�'ec ta extend, znodiCy, <br />forbcar or make any aceommodaflons witti regazd to the terms of t}ns Saurity TnsWmtr�t or the Notc without the co-signe�s <br />consea�t. <br />SubJeR Lo the �ovisions of Section 78, anq Suscessor in lntczest of Ba�rrnver who essumea Borrowea's obligations widea' <br />this Security Ins�ument in writing, and is approved by Lestder, sliaJl obtain all of Borrowe�s rigYats and lxnef'rts under ihia <br />Securit� Insfiunea�t Bot[ocver shall not ba released &om Bomower's obligations axui liabiliry w�der this Security Inshumezu <br />unlesa J_.ezuler a�rees to such release iq wciGng. The eovenants aad agreemtnts oF thic Security Tns�ument shall bind (except <br />as pxovided in Section 2D) and bencfit the sucerssocs and assi�s of Lenda. <br />14. Loan Chargea. Lxttder may charge Ha:rower faes for services perf'onned in connection with Bon dcfault, for the <br />purpose of protecdng Lender's uitcrest in the Propexry and rights uada this Security Tnshument, incfuding, but no[ limited W, <br />attomeys' fxs, ProPutY �A�ction aixl valuatiaa fees. tn iegacd tn suy other fas, the absence of exprass authoxity in lhis <br />Securiiy .InsUVrnent to eharge a specifxc fee to Hoaower shall no[ be consaued as a proMbition on tbe charging of such fee. <br />I.eucier mxY not chaxge fees that sre expressly panhi6�ted by thic SecuritY Instrum�nt or by Applicable Law. <br />If the X.aan is subject to a iaw cvhlch sets maximum loan cttaxges, an[l ttat lawis &�ally iat�rpreted so that the interest ox <br />othcr loan cl�argra collxted or to be colleated in connection with the Loan exceed the pem�itted iimifs, thai: (a) any such laan <br />chuge s�aU, lx reduced by the amount neccssacY to reduce the char8e to thc pe�itted 1'vnik aud N) anY sums already <br />coAected from Eorrower which ex�eeded permitted limits will be rafunded to Bormwer. Lender may choose to malaethis re£Und <br />bY reducing the ��nciPal owed umder the Note or by making a direct paYme�►i to Borrower. Tf a zefiuid reduCes �l:acapai, tbe <br />redrrction will 6e U'eated as a partial prepaYment without arry prepaymrnt charge (whether ar nM a prepayme�at chaYge is <br />prm�ided for under tbe Notc). Horrow�ets acc.tptana of any such refimd made by direct paymcnt w Borcnw�ex will constitutc x <br />waiver of xny right of action Boaovver might ]�ave arising out of such ovexct�'ge. <br />�S. Noticee. All notices given by Bvrrqwer or Lmder in cannection withthis Secunity Tns�ument mUSt be in writ�ng. Any <br />notice ta Horrow�r in connedion twith this Securiry Tnatnunen.t shall he decmed to have been givtn ta Borrower when mailed <br />by [usl ctass mail vr whau acd�ally delrvemd to Boxroww's natice address if sent hy athex means. Notico w srny ene Borrower <br />sball conshitute notice to all Borrow�s tnnless Applicable Lsw ex}mssly lsquit[es otherwise. '!'he notice address sha11 bt the <br />Proparty Address unlcss Horrower has designatcd a subst#ute natice address by rwtir,t W I.mder. Rarrower shall Promptl�' <br />notify Lcndex of Borrowets chan�e of addreas. Tf Lardar speci�es a pzocedare for reporting Borrowa's changc o£ address, <br />ihen Boaowes shall only iepa�t a change o£ address through tI�at specified pracedure. There may be only vna designated <br />notice addcess vnder this Seciuity inskument at arry one time. .4ny notice W Lmder shall he given 6y delivtring it or by <br />mailing it by first class mail to Lender's adc&ess s�ted herein imless Lsnder has designated a�wther addreas by notice to <br />Horiower. Arry notia m connectioa 'wAW this Stcurity Insutunmt shall not be deemed to i�ave been given to Leoder ucrtil <br />actt�ally xeceived by Lender. lf any notice �equired by this Security Tn�tnun�nt is also required wudeir Applicnbie, the <br />Applicable Lawrequaanent will sadsly the corresponding requicemea�t widea' this Se�uity Tnshument <br />�iJ�. � <br />N�RASKA - Single FamYy - Pannis MadFrrddle Mee UNtFORM INS7RtIMElVT <br />�A!IT� ,p�N� �ce�p � r�ry. oau � u�w� _ Rorm 3u29 1101 <br />�fo <br />DDS-N&9 <br />I I� � � �II I� �I � I�' �ill �� ��� �u ��I � � <br />OOPDNE9H41356 <br />