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201408352 <br />cc� n�d�� �3 <br />Firsi National Bas�k af Omaha <br />Lendex is a A Nak�onal Banking Associativn <br />organized and existing uuder the ]aws of NEBRASKA <br />Lender's adifress is 162D Dodge Stteet Smp C.ode 3165 <br />Omaba, NS 68t97-3163 <br />Lender is the beneficiary undsr ihis Secuz�ty Insh'��cM. <br />(b) "7yustee" is <br />Fhst National Bank of Onaaha, A National Sanling Assoczation <br />(� "3�Tate" means the proxnissnry note signed by Barr� and dated <br />The Note states tl�at Boirow�r owes Lendei <br />octoher 11, zalo <br />One Hundred Posty-Five Thousand and 00/100 AoUars <br />(U.S. $ 145,060.00 ) plus ]ntexesk Borrower has promised to pay this debt im regular Pa'iod"tc <br />Payments snd W pay thc dcbt in full nat later thaa November ], 2025 • <br />lI� °ProP�►t9" mexng the property tha[ is described below under the heading "Tcansfea o;f?�i$h� in tbs Properry•" <br />(�) "T..oan" nveans the debt evidenced bY the Note, plus interesy �Y P�Ymexic charges and ]ate ck�arges due undex ihe <br />Note, and all suxna dpe under tttia Sawriry Xmstntmart, plus interest. <br />(� ^Ridera" means all ltiders to thia Secazil'y Inshument that aze e:cecuted by Bairower. The followiog Ridera are to be <br />execvted by Boaower [cheek box as appli�ablej: <br />❑ A,djustable Rate ltider <br />� Balloon Rider <br />� VA Rider <br />❑ orn�ns) ($P���l <br />❑ Caadominium Ridec ❑ Secand �iome Rider <br />❑ Planned Unit Develo�¢nent ltider ❑ I-4 FamilyRider <br />� Biweekly Paqment Rider <br />(T) "Applicable T.arr" means sll controlling applicable fedet'al, staie and local �tap�tes, re$ulatioms, ordinances and <br />adminis�ative tutes and orders (that bave tlu effeet oP lav� ss well ac all appli�ahle final, non�ppealsble judicial opiuions. <br />(,Tj "Community Aaaoclatfnn Duee, Fees, aud Aaeeasmenls" naeans a1l dues, fees, assessments and otbex chaiges that aze <br />iazrposed an Boaawer or tl�e Property by a condominium associaticm, homemn�ars assoeiation or sisnilarorganizalioa <br />((� "�lectronic l�adz 'IYvnster" means azxy U'ansfer of fiu�s, otkw�r than a transaction ori�inated by check, draft, or similar <br />papet inshnrment, which is initiated through an electranic �sninal, telephonic instnunent, computcr, or magz�tic tape so as to <br />order, ins�uct, o� authorize a fu,ancial institutiai to debit pr credit an accvurn. Such term inchu7es, but is not limited to, point- <br />o[�ele trm�si�s, atrioCqated teIler machuu� Ven6acticros, tl'atl�f� initiated by telophone, wite tz�►s�ts, aod at�ptated <br />cleazinghouse tiansfers. <br />(L) "Eecro►r Tt�ma" meaiu those �tema that are described in Scction 3. <br />(lY� "�vTiaeellaiueow Proceede" mexna anY eampensafion. sett[eme�., award of damages, or procceds paid by a�y third Party <br />(odter than insurance �oceeds paid undet' We coverages described in Scciion 5) for: (i) damage to. or deshuetlon oF, the <br />Property; (ii) coandemnation ar other taking of al] a Nrny part oP the Property; (ui)com�yance in lieu of condemnation; pr (iv) <br />misrcpresentatioqs of, or omissirnas as to, ihe v�lue andlar condition of the Praperty. <br />(Al) "11�ortgage Tniurancc" means insurance protecting I.ender against the nonpayment a� or default on, the Loan. <br />(U) "�eriodic P�nent" means the xegularly scheduled amount due for () princlpat and in[ciest �mder the Note, pltts (li)any <br />an�wwvs amder Section 3 of this Secunity Tnen,�nt. <br />N�RASKA - Sinple Family - Fanni� MaelFraddia Maa uNIFORM INSiRtlN�NT �� � �'R, � <br />��� ���� v�. xata u:�.: pp� 3028 1/01 <br />A06-NE9 <br />I (� � � � Y� 111� � I�I� �q � IIAU �II W� �� I� <br />OODONE8G44358 <br />