<br />Neither Horrower noc Lender may cammenoe, join, or be joined w any jtulicSal action (as either an individual litigant or the
<br />mennbcr of a class) that arises from tlue other pac .ry's actions p�rrsuanr to this Securi�y Ins�unuent ar that alleges that the other
<br />party lws breachcd xny pravision qf, or sny duty owed by reason of, Uris Securily I�tnunent, until such Boxrorrer or Lender
<br />has notifted the other pariy (with such nptice given in c�npliance with the recpirements nf Sectioa 15) of such alleged breach
<br />and afForded the other peity herato a reasonable pa'iod aRer the giving af such notice to take co�xvctive activn ]f Applicahlo
<br />Law provj.des a time period wlaieh must elapse 6efone ce�tain action can be taken, that tlme period will be deemed to be
<br />reasonable For purposes of ihis pazagraph. The notice of acceleration aad opportuniry to curc given io Borrowe� Pursuant Co
<br />Secfion 22 and the natice of acccleratirnn �iveu tn Borrower pursuant to Section 18 shall lx deemed to satisfy the notice anci
<br />�PP��Y to take coaearve action provisions of ttus Section 20.
<br />21. T�zsrdous SuLatances. As used in this Seckion 21: (a) "Hazsidous Substances" are those substances def'u�ed as toxic
<br />or l�aardous substancrs, pollutants, or wastea by Er�viromnental Law acad tl�e foilowing s�ibstances: gasvline, kcroscnc, other
<br />tlammable or wxic petroleum products, tmcic pesticides �d herbicides, voladle solvents, nnatetiais cv�ining asbestos at
<br />fonwaldehYde, and radioactive materials> (b) "Environmen�tal LaW" means federal laws aud Laws of the jurisdiction. whe�e tbe
<br />Prapertty is located t11at xelau to liealth, safery or environmcnral protect[cm; (c) ^Em�ironmcntal Cleaz�up' incindes any
<br />rcsponse action, remedSal acUOn, ar renwval action, as defined in Environmenital I.aw, an.d (� an "Snvironmental Candition°
<br />means a conditiou that can cavse, cankibute to, or otherwisc txiggcr an En;vi�as�mal Clesnup.
<br />Borrower shall twt cause nr pennit the preserce, use, disposal, srorago, or rolease of any Hazardous Subslanccs, or
<br />tlueaten to release any Ha�anlrn,� Substanas, an or in the Pmperty. Horrower shaIl not do, nor allow anyune elae to do,
<br />a�rything affecting the Proparty (a) that is in violation of nny Bm�mnmentsl Law, @) w�i.ch cxeates an Environmental
<br />Condition, or (c) which, due to tho pze�ence, use, or nelease of a Hazandous Subs�nce, eieates a condition that adversely
<br />affects t6e value af ilxe Frope�ty. The preceding iwo sente�e.s sbell no� apply w the presence, use, or sWrage an the Propeciy
<br />of s�naA quaniitics of Fiaza�rdaus Snbatences that are genuallq recognized W be apprapriatc to �cmalresidential uses and to
<br />maintenance ofthe Propeity (including, bu[ �t limitad ta, hazardous substances in conaumer pxnducts).
<br />Horrower sball P�P�7' � Lend� writtan no4ice of (a) any investigation, claim,demend, lawsuit or otl�er aetion b3' �Y
<br />gove[�amental ar ngulaWtY ��Y � P�te paRy involving the Property and arry Haxardous Substauce or Environmenial
<br />Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (b) any Panvimncnantal Conditian, including but not limited to, a�ry spilling,
<br />leaking, discharge, rekase ar ttneat oFselease of any Hazazdous Substap�e, �t (c) any conditian caused by the preses�e. use
<br />M IC1fflSC OC A I-TA�ArYIM7C Substance whach advetsely alTncts the �alue of the P.roperty. Tf Hontowex teams, or is notif'ied bY ax�'
<br />govemmer�ul or regulamry awhonity, or any privatc party, [hat any removal or oThex xentediation of azry Hazardous Substance
<br />atlkcdag Che Praperty is necessaxy, Barrower sLall pronzptty lake all nectssaty remedial acbons in accvrdance wi.th
<br />Env3no�imental Law. Nothing l�crein sl�all crcete siry obligation on Lender for an Environmt�tal Cleanup.
<br />I�lON-UNTFdRM C�VENANTS. Borcower and Lender fiuther covenant and a�ee as follo�vs:
<br />22. Accrlerxtion; �tpaedies. Lender eh�ll give notice to Horrower prior to acceleration i'otlowiqg Borrower': qreach o1'
<br />a�►y cavenant or a�reemeqt in fhie Secarity Inatrummt (6ut nat prior W ecce►eretion uader S�tion 18 unlea� A,ppti�table
<br />Law p►rov[det ofherwiu). The natice �hell fpecH�: (a) the default; @) d►e actfoa requind to cure the defanlC, (c) a dace, not
<br />lees fhmn 3D d�a frnm the date dae natice p givm to Barrower, 6y which the default muk be eured; and (d) tLst faiture lo
<br />cure the default on or before the d�tc specFded in the natice may rnaalt iaa acceleration offhe smns secured bythig 5ecuwity
<br />Instrnment and'ale of the Property. TLe notice ahalt [urthea� inform Borrower oF tbe right to rein�tate ait�' ucceleration
<br />and the rl�t w 6riroig n court actloa to aaert the non-e�is6eace of � default ar s� other de[eaase of Borrower ro aacders4on
<br />and sala Ifthe defnnit f� rwt Gured on ow be�re tHe date,pecified in the aoticq I.ender at Ife option may �quire imroediate
<br />paymcnt in riill oP aU sume eeeured by thie Secarlty inatruma►t wifhout farther demAnd and may invoke the power of sale
<br />ond any other rnmedies permitted by Ap(tlicable Law. Iknder ahnll be entitled to collect ail eapensa incurr�ed in pw'auin�
<br />theremedia providedlathu 5ection 2Z, lncluding, batnotiimftedto,reaconable attorney�' feee aadeoete oYtitleev3dence.
<br />If the power oF sale ie invoked, Truslee ahall recot'd a notke of default ia eac14 tounty in wAich any pert of the Propetty
<br />iu �acated and ahall ma7 eopie� of such nufice in We manner preacribed by Appl[cnble Law to Horrower and to tbe oWer
<br />persoos preacx�ed by Applica6le i.arr. ABer the tEme required byApplicable I.aw,'IY'ua6ee sGall gfve public notiee oitsle to
<br />tLe peraone arid in the mauacr prcacn`bed 6y Applicable Law.lywMc, without demandon $arrower, shaIl aell tLe kroperiy
<br />at public auaioa to the higheat bid�r at tLe time and place and under the teruu deatgnated m�►e notice of eale ru one or
<br />more parccb and in aqy ortler Trustee determiaea TrnsteP may poatpoee sate ofall or anypanel ofthe Property bypublic
<br />aupou�ucem.ent st the titrae and place oi aqy previoualy achcduted eale. Lender or ita desiguee may purchax the Property at
<br />any,uk. �^ (� /�
<br />p�Rp3Kq - Single Famlly - Pannle MaslFnddi� Mac 11NIPORM INS7RUMF�IT �" ' J � ~ Q K'�
<br />�g�ry� Poen� n+q•++a�� ww�ou: Form 3028 vo1
<br />Df73-MS9
<br />� � �� � I�fl I� 1�, � I� Mql �UN � �� �� �� ��
<br />Op00NF9841358
<br />