_ £.'� �� j_ �y '_
<br /> ' R° � � . . " . /� . .. . E. -, - ��.�"�'. f�' : .,-.. _._ .r„x�� _ .
<br /> � ;�; � . . , . � 'a . •a �,. �� ' ,_
<br /> _` �. .. ,� tf c
<br /> I � �{
<br /> sttbstantia#iy.equivaien+t uvsrtgqga ins,cu�saGe cavere;e is not av a b!e B�����h�e asurance coverage t Ps�or c��co _^ _
<br /> . ene-twel�t,'s of tIie yearly mortgqg¢mst��n3�ca premiucn being Pai Y e insurance. l.oss reserve ��-._
<br /> be in eff9�c�Ipnder�rill acce�t.as��ittf rntcun thes.paYments as a l�ss resarve in lieu of inortgag �_
<br />-- nayment��ir.av nn IQnger be te�i�.�d►c aption af Le�eder.if mongage insuraase cavernge(in the amaunt and for the�eriod _ -,-
<br /> c
<br /> � that Ler.der rPqairc�)Prolnd�6g zn.��s�irs oppmved.by[+eader agaian Deromes avail�la ar.d is ubtained.Borrower shail�aay �_^,,
<br /> • the pr.cniu�a requii�t�rnaiasasr•�:rs�v";=:""'^���ect.or to p�vid�a toss reserve.uatit the requirement far mortgage �
<br /> insurann�ends tn:scordance�th e��vx€i�c�,��tzzs�at Bet���eeA 8orro�ver�nd LendQr or upplicable t�w.
<br /> 9s.[�gcc4���t.Leuder ar ita�tm�mn;r ma'.ce r•,asani6!in r�uos�ble c�au c foretke nspectian t��. Ler�es shall giv� --
<br /> Borrowa�r na3f�ce at thc tis�ot as psF.tr��R�n i�sD�on sp�f}! S
<br /> an
<br />' 1�5;Co�tt�8lrr�. Tt+a p���ti af any award ar cla�m for dast�ges.dlrect or consaiucntial. in wnnection wtt any _
<br /> rnndentttntibs►os other[s�king of an��:�n[a af t�e PraP�nY•oT far conveyance in licu of condemnzt{on,ure h�teby�ss�gned cutd � ��__
<br /> st�ull @r��pAid¢o llend:s. ��-
<br /> I�:cAe even6 af a ta3,:!tt�:'sug af Q►Q Fraperty.ti:c procecds skatl b�applicd to the sums secured by thig S�rity��1�,��i 0 �.
<br /> whctlute or nat d�en due. �vith an7�a�cess paid to�uureower. In tite eveat of u partiul taking uf the i'raF.."rt�+ .�_
<br /> mark�vetcce of tfie FrnpMty imm�iutely before the tat;3ng is equal co or�reater than nhe uir�a�nt,vnt ne 5ch �� ums secu�red by •�.=
<br /> Secue�ty Iastrument immedlatet�r beFu�rs tJie taking.antess Borrovrer sitd Lende�oihersvise agrce� S• --.
<br /> t(sls:�cunty Instruunent s�uli 6e n:�tce�by tM amount o�d dr b N)thet�f ir mai et valne of�the Property�eunmedistey� _ '
<br /> a�nut�at of tfr:e sums secured im��li�iely sefore E�e taking. of the Pruperty in which the fair
<br /> befirae tlse taldng. Any balanca s�hA1t�e paid to Sorrower. In�he ev�nt of a purria! ta&ic►g —
<br /> maeket vAlue of the Pmpamj immedi�ly befon t�e takiwntin�or nnle�st�aPp ca6te!w othenvise pro ides,the p�iuoeeds shall --
<br /> tak{�fg.untess B�nrro�vEr and Len��r:atlle�vvise��t wfiegther or aot the sums are then due.
<br /> bg.p�t�5�[C�80 L�C SllIIL9 S�d 6} [T1lA.�CI1t1iJ/ --
<br /> Ift the Fio�is abandnnec!by�;$orrower.or if.afier notiee by Lender to Bocrower that she conde�nor otlFers to m.ake an
<br /> awrud ar seul�a cia�m for dumag�s,.PASrower fails to tespond to L.erder within 30 days after the d:ite the notice is given.• �`_
<br /> L�ader is au�hnrized to�o11�st�nst al?Piy�e pYO�,�i�°�tion.eitt�er ta restora�on or,repair of the Prnperty or to the sums
<br />. �ecuao3 by this S�rinj Is�uument.?a'hethe�or aot tt►en due. � � �t �nd or
<br /> UatesS Iender and Borcmve�viheewise a�e ia writing, anY ap�lication of pioceeds w PrinciF
<br /> gasqpoQe.�d�date af the mantht��payments refe�dw� oN t a ti'VaiQer�Exteusio�n o t�tirae or pa me�o�adifrcation
<br /> 11.IFY��1NuY itdt�tx�d;.�o¢'ke�'•ce�3' �b I.ender to sstcoessor in inie�rs4 of�orrowra shall �'
<br /> of amn��'�Q�t�ss�.ms s�un�d:��tIus Secunty Instrameni gra�► Y �Y °r
<br /> not�err^W.�cet�e ti�liubillry o�the origiBa!Borrower or Bor�ov�rer's suooes�ors�interesc-Lender�hall ao4 be require�to
<br /> gi a! '
<br /> . �p,n,r�pr�proc�3i.ags agninsa any:suscessor in�terest or refuse to eatend tim.�.fer a ..Bt or otfa�rwrs:.madifj+amofirauon
<br /> � of�th� svafs secured hy this Se�r�i� rn _,m �e by reasan of any demand made by t�origincil �wrrower or Borrower's
<br /> b Lende�in exezcisin�any riglit ar remed�sS�H� not be a waiver of or prectude the
<br /> successois in intemst. {�ny fadsr.�tr3ptse Y
<br /> eaet�ise of airy ri�or semady. �ets.'!�e cavepantc und agr�inems of Wis -°°-
<br /> 1�:S�r.s a�i A.�Ns�lf£u�d:Jotr,s and Several Idabflity;
<br /> S�p�sitY Instrame�sI�+�31 bind and;benefit the suceessoss and assigns of 9.�cfrzr.and Borrower. sublECi w the provisions of
<br /> ppr�gc�t� 17. &�r,a�ver s cm=ensrittl� and agreen-�ents sl�il be,{oiai azcd �al. Any B+orcower who co-s�gns this Security
<br /> iea and arnvey tliat
<br /> Ins�4:•:1sut ddes not executa t�tn Idote:-(a)is co-signing this Securiry Instnunen2 ea�g t��y ob��P�Y the sums
<br /> Bortow�'s iuteiest�n tl�a Pns�'�under the t�ms of this Seca�iry Instrument;(b?is r,r.�t� �
<br /> secur�d�Sy this 3ec.u�iiY Insa�um:n�t.and(c)a�tt�Lendr,r and any ather Borrower���Cee to exteud,modi$':�x��r _
<br /> muhe any acoomena�iians witl�cq�and to the+�of this Security Insuum�at:�r the l�ote��thout that Eorrower'�oo�;ent.
<br /> _.� _ 13.Lo�n t,'9s�r,�r�.if th:lnan securect�;,x..i��s Secunty Instru�eat c.�:"��l�ct to a law wfiich�unaximum loan chazBes.
<br /> attd that taw is final�ty inter�n�t�i':sa!that th�•t.*+�zest or other loan ebargr�i��ected or t�6e aolle��6 in connection witb the
<br /> t�
<br /> �: la�ui e�oeed tbe`pemiitted tim�u;�'#7t��(a)anY such loan charge shall6e ret?xed by the a�ount nec�t.sa�Y to seduce ths e -
<br /> ta the pernvued l3aut;�ttt�(bl c►ii��sums elready oollected from Borrawer a�_.i;.h exc�Qemriued limits will 6e refimde�to
<br /> gd�tower. LemdLr sri�r_3? chaa�tif�make this refluid by rodueing tR�{s ' S;L bwet!�.--�:er We Notc or by making a direct.
<br /> . pAYaxnt to B�nn�*�t:;�ff a �wd n:duces piincipal� the redaction w� : ��.sieated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> a atent a ^ tsFfeItt�!1��ltitrm= `
<br /> -'j P� �,����;i:�„�,M•„��,��rraerer provided for in this SecutitY Iu°•9�r*t.sient sha�1 be 8iven by delivering it or by mailing . . _
<br /> � � ie� .:�i�c'�ss m::?1 ualus�aPPii�tible taw requires use of another methad:The aotice s(�a1b be d3recte�ta the F'ruperty Address -
<br /> or any u��aec addcti�s:�O�o��!1�'�P.i�tes by n°ti°� to l.�nder. My natice to i.ender shail be giver�by first ciass mail to !
<br /> . � � Lender's addr�a�culvA han�n bs,any other a.�dress Lender designates by notice to Borcawer.My notice provided f,r�u�rr:�.ta:s .'
<br /> _� SecurttY Inst�m�:�lrs'd!•bo d�ad to hav�t�ccm given w Bo�n[shalJi�gavened by federaE,l� and the�law�of t�. •.
<br /> ��.�.j��,�a�pary �rsDifi4gi- .��is Sewriry mvisS�me or claa�e of this Serur���Insttument ar the Nc��.•
<br /> � � ,j�cisdictivn in w'u9dr t�tc��'e�: �as locaud.In the event that au5+p , _--
<br /> : � co�fIlets witb app�3eais�g ts�iv��co�tict s1�all not affect other praviuons oE ihis Seeuritylasnum�nt an�the vNote are declared
<br /> given effect without dics�ooni7ttii�.3 pm'rision.To this end the provisions of tAis Securty
<br /> to 6o severabte. , ' .
<br /> • � 16.Borro�r�'nC"��a�+:.D�m3wer shal!be given one canformed copy 2�t�e Note and of o s��TY�a��interest in i�
<br /> 17.Tw��i�r+��43ae Pt��)e;`x9 or a B�efic7�1 Intecest tn Bon�owc�i��11 or anY P�
<br /> is soid or transfcs�'S'(nr�f a•fµ�s�,.�icial inte�ese w Borrower is sold or tr�:G:rred and B�Lrnn�full of all s�uns p�-'�d tsy t1u�
<br /> I.�adei s prios wcf�.�.en can�ik. ►�er may. at its option, require i�at�PaY�: � . .
<br /> J. ; Security InstrumE�i,�'ativmr�tt'�s option shait not be exerciseal by Leridet if exercise is�roinbrted by federal law x�rf:��g&� _
<br /> �. i ' of this S$curity It�.�nn�n1•
<br /> t If],ender�RCis,e.c ti�i!�aptian.L�xier shall give Borrower notice of usceleration.The notice s�P����by thi:s
<br /> � less than 30 d��::�furm d�o daRe: the notice is drliveted or mailed within which Borrowet must Fay
<br /> ;�. Securiry Insuwrv�nt:.If Bnnanrer faiis to pay these sums yrior to the expiranion of Uus perIud.Lender may 3moke any c��die3
<br /> permitted by thi�Sc�uRtY�lns�imrn�t wiv►oLt fu�her notice or demand on BorroweT.
<br /> 18. Bor�a�r.a'� AZ�SAt t,�•Ref�►t� If Borrower mQets certuin conditions. Bo�rower shall have t�te right to have
<br /> ra
<br /> enforoet►s�:nt of ttti�,S�rurily� [n�trument disconlinued at eny t�me prior to th ursua►qt o�ai►�5 wers of�e oontained in this
<br /> upplicab(e law mu� r;�octf;r:for ��nstaceme�c) before sale of the Properey p Y P�
<br /> '. ;' 5ecurlty Instrument;or(b)°antry of a jud�neut enforcing this Secudty Insnument.Those oonditions are tMt Bortower.(a)paya
<br /> , } Lender all sums whia7�8�earwauld be due uc�der tJds Security Irrstn�mert and the Note us if no acceleration had occurred:(b)
<br /> ace.y any default af ar►��cnitar cuvenan�s or a�erneai4s:tc)P�Ys all eapenses iucuned in enforcing this Secudty Instr�me�t.
<br /> ( u
<br /> f� inetadi�.but not Hmit��tu.n:asonable nttomeys' fees:and(d)takes such uction as Lender may reasonably requice tu assnre
<br /> nnd Borrower's obli tion to pay the sums secured bY
<br /> ��� th�t ti;e lien of this Sc�uity L�trument. Lender's rights in the PropertY 8? _
<br /> �� tlzia Sscurity Insstwns�t�s'�ht�l contmuc unchnn�e�• Upon reinstatement by Borcower. thu Secunty lnstrument and the _
<br /> � obEigatiuns sesura9 ttem�y s�tull remain fully effective as if no accelemtion had accuvmd.Howevcr,this dght to reinstate shall T
<br /> � not appty in tho c�of sctu:elemtion under para�caph 17. ty�
<br /> � 19. Sald of'11�otcA�Ghaaga o!Lann Serv�aer• 7't►e Note or a panial interest in the Note (tagether with thls Securi
<br /> � IoctruQ'�nt)ma.y b3�lit`uno or more times without prior Rotice ro Borrowet.A sale may resuk in a change��thC entity(IuTOVm
<br /> as the"Loan Serv��r')�thut collccts montIt[y payments due under the Note and this Security Inswn�ent.There also may be an�
<br /> ti os more chang�of daax Coan Saivicer unretated to a sale of the�N,��ee�a a!��e la�v�The no Sc�:wiil sB e the ename:+nd
<br /> . �� given written notia�a6 the chun�e in Bccordance with patagr�p �ents should be made. The notice�vill�lso wntnin any other
<br /> address of tho n�y Cwan 5ervicsr and the•address to which pay
<br /> �tiis��tion re�ai�.3`i�y appticabtP I�w. -
<br /> f Zp, ��duw BuUMnnces. Bonovrer shall no!cause or pemsit the presence.�se, disposai, stonge. or oclease of�y
<br /> � ya�ant�,»e St+hsum:�s on or in the Pco�serty. I3orrorrer shall Rot do. nor a11ow anyone else to do. anything afferting the
<br /> i grope�qy tha.a ia in�vinlutian of any Environmentai Law. ii�e preceding iwv aitictc�Scs �a{!not sppl; s4 h°Q'r°s�''ue� '��. or
<br /> ��+ �! storage on th�Pr�rprrty af sn�ll quantities of Hazardoas Substances that are generally rec�gnizcd to be appropnate to normal
<br /> � c�esidentia�u�an9 to mamte:nnncE of the Property.
<br /> vaee a or a Form 3028 �JISO
<br />.n, � , }.��^ r -f i .� u • -; k• . , .
<br /> . . . �..�:' .� � . ' . . _' . .. � � . .. . ' . . . .. •- ., . .• . .. . ' . , .. .
<br />