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<br /> NOT�CE:T�I�L�AN IS N�T ASSin1�I.E�OIUT'�APPR�?VAL OF - ��:
<br /> . - T�E DE�ART�EN'�OF VETERAI�I�����IYS A�41�E��1�ENT.
<br /> .�,,.
<br /> �_.=�-:-
<br /> THIS V.A.GUAIi�WTEED LOAN AND ASSUMP'�'��N FOLICY RIDER is made this 11TH day ,
<br /> �;;
<br /> af JIILY , 1946 .and is Encorporated into and shali ix dee�ued to amend and saPpLement �.._..
<br /> . tiie Mortga�e,Derd of Trust or Dezd to S�ure De6t(Ei�s`•Security Inst�ent,•)dated of even date herevrith, �,..�`'4
<br /> given by the uadersigaed(hemise"Sonower")to sesure Borrower's Note to �;,;._
<br /> ��;_.
<br /> �. lY0�l1GST F10�7�G�GE, YNC (t�erein"Ixndtr") �_
<br /> antl covernnII cbe Pro�erty des:nbed in tiie Secusity Instrua�enc and located at
<br /> �n
<br /> 102 ASTEROID CAITRT AI.1)A, NE 68810 �„�:.
<br /> . (prcp�ty Addias) '=r"�
<br /> V.A.GUA��AM['E�D LOPiN COVEMADT!':In additiob to the covenants and agreem�s made in the�e.� �-�..
<br />� Instniment, Sortower and Leader fiuther covenant aw�agre�as foIlows: `"``
<br /> If the indebtedaFS�secuted hereby be guaraateed or insured under Tit!e 38,United 5tates Co�,.�Title �
<br /> aad tte�ilanons issued thereunder and'm effect oa the date hereof shall�_tr�era the rights,duties an�ifiab�lities ;�:.
<br /> of Sarrower and Leader.Any provisions of the Security Insdument or cSt�insuumwis executed in conneaion g::
<br /> - with said iadebtedaess which aa�e inconsistent wit�said T'c¢i.�ar Reg¢Eations,iacluding.but not limited to, ' �;_'
<br /> the provision for payment of any sua�in cannection with�.r�payms�.of t6e secured iadebtedness and the •
<br /> provision that the Leader may acceterate p�yyment of thr secused i��dness pius�ant to Covenant 17 of �.--
<br /> the Securit5►Instrufaent,are hereby amended or negated to the exteni me�sary to conform sacb iastruments �.__
<br /> , co said Title or Regulations. —
<br /> L,p'i'E CHARaE:At Lender's api�on,Eoaower m71 pay a"late charge"noi exceedin8 four pat cxatn.m(4°'0) -"—
<br /> of the overdue payment when�aid more than fifteen(1S�daYs after the due daie thereof to cover the exua
<br /> expense involvecf ia tlandIinB�e�nqueat Pa.���•but such"late c�ge••shall not be payable aut nf the :�'�t
<br /> an
<br /> � praceeds of any�rx�ads to satisfy the iridir�t�tedness secured here�iy.�rrsr3ess such psoc,c�ds aze svfficient to _`=e
<br /> � " discharge the enf�indeiste�ness and all���er costs and expens�se�ed hereby. .
<br /> '�::`=:� GUARAI�3'I'Y:Should the Department of Veterans Affairs fail or refcsz to isstie its guarant9 in fuI9 amount�:•'` ` .. _
<br />_" wiinin 60 days from the date tfiat this toan would normaliy become eTigi'i�le for such guaranty a�mmit�ed uDoa ��,� _
<br /> . A
<br /> • by the Depart�ent of d�terans Affairs under the provislons of Titte 38 ot the U.S.Code•�Veterans Senefits:'
<br /> the Mortgagee may dPClare t�e iadebted�ess hcreby secured at once�.�lue aud payabte and may foreclose •--
<br /> unmc�iiately os mtry exerase anY other righc�i�ere�mder or talce auy o,her proper aetion as by law provided. __
<br /> ',h;; . TRANSFER OF�PROPERTY:If all or any p3rt of dze Property or auy interest in it is sold or transfened,
<br /> � t6is toaa may be declared Immediately due and payable upoa traa�fer�••assumptioa")of the pro�eriy secutiag.�
<br /> sucI�loan t�aup ssansferee(••assumer").unIess the accxptabilit5►o�tY�2ssmapuan and transfa of tbis toan� . .�
<br /> is a7ablished bY-tirc�eyarmcmt of V�erans Affairs or its authorizsd�t�pursuant to§ecaon 3714 of G9��tet
<br /> - . 37,Titte 38.Uriii�cfi.5sates Code. . � ,
<br /> ' � An.au3horized 4a�rssfet t"a�sz�Ptton'°)of the prope�t,r W'2aU also be subject t�.tt��itional cov�ants and . ., _
<br /> . . • . ; .: �
<br /> � . agreements as sKt�arth belatuc : . � ,,�... _
<br /> �a� `. �. •A feeeqnal co��c�half c��I;�;iercent(.SO�i)aF the un�,+3it:�,riaciF�S � �,*,
<br /> � Ualance of Irs�ia as of the dau of transfe•r of tae propertyr sh�Ii�.i'sc„�:,ayabls at the time of tct�tur..z=to the ��; ��
<br /> mortgagee or it�autDori�:agent,as trustee far ttee Dep�4ment ct'l+'c�ans Affairs.lf the assr�er fa�s to . `-
<br /> _ . ���?.thiis fee at the tima of`.�tlsnsfer.the fee shall constituta an ad�tantal debt to that slreadY sxured by tt�is �-
<br /> s
<br /> ura�;,uneat,.�ll 6ear iatea�trr�r the rate herein providod,:�td,at tLee oytlon nf the mort�ee of the indehtedness , _
<br /> --__��. . �ca�y secvred or et�y+transferee thereof.shaU be immediai�i�due aad�ayable.Ttus 6:e is sutamatica!Iy waived
<br />;;;;•':- . ,'; � if the�ssuma:lu,+.'"4empi under the provisiona of 38 U.�.�L.3729(b).
<br /> �;�,-`� � . Y� •Upoa apDSlcrttnn�t'or approval to allow assumption and
<br /> tr;tres�fe�r of Wis oan,a processing a may be charged by ttie aeor.�sg.r,tr v�r its an¢lzorized agent for dete�IIinB
<br /> :u:.� 1t��•��ditworthiness af the assumer and subsequentlY revi.�c8 ehe ho�Ps ownershiD reoards ahen an aDDrovrd
<br />;-;�"� ti:itsud'¢r is comp'.eted.The amonnt of this eharge ahnU r.x¢exceeci tue lesser of the maximum established by
<br /> td�•f,�e�arttac�t�a5.Veterans Atfairs for a Laan to aiuch Section 37P����a Chapter 37,Title 38,United States
<br /> ' Cuur:�z S..F3�'.i�s,�r rits.y maximum DrescriBe��,�apFiica62e State tasv. • __
<br /> ,� ' (C�' eG`�►�.�-�'IOI�INDEMNf'fY LT�B1�.iTY:If thia obG�t3�a�s assuated.t�en�he�us�er hereby ���
<br />_;:H�;; a�[a:ass to assume all of the oGb�atto�of th�veteran u�der the terms of the ia�trmncnts creating and securin3
<br /> - tUe�oaa.iacluding the obligarin�a of thB veteran to irtdemnify the Depaatment of Vat+rarans Affairs to thc e�ne
<br />'`c''`�; of any claim payment arisinB from tAe suaraaty or insnrance of t0e indebtedness c:c�*.ed hy this instrurrten¢. �_
<br /> IN WITNESS W3F3SREOF.Borrawer(s) exesvtcd this V.A.Gi�aranteed Loan and AssumD�aa.PmGcy Rider. _-
<br /> .���_ � -
<br /> . MICH!!EL A HESS -Bono�u DLB33Y I. �SS -Eorcoo� �
<br />.'.-`:;. �
<br /> .Boacr.er •Burrasaer s
<br />�' V.A.GUARAHTEED LOAN AAID A.^�.,UMPTE0w1 Pd1dL'�1 RIflER fl/92
<br /> • ��538mxoa VL94'0�7TfiAG8F0A7f.5• teoo;sz�•ns+
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<br />-' titilHF1•3274 d93 � -- - - — –
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