r ;. . .r `rt. ' . . . . . , . .t .�. , . �-,.,� .
<br /> �C<. '#: ' + c-� , . ' , e.� - .. , i . . .. ' ' 'r .i. �a�r�.'..cL �:
<br /> ti .�.� °- '•` . . � ;�; ,f _ -•:'w'�.�t'-.
<br /> �:.
<br />.�i . —-
<br /> , • , �• . �_
<br />„ . • • • �:_'-
<br />� 4/�Y� ��a�� . ii':_�.
<br /> y �_'_
<br />. � 15e Mi�ce�laneous Proviaions. �J���
<br /> i�'=
<br /> � (�) Barrovrer Nvt A�aeased. Exte�tsion ofr tlse tiana fo� ��
<br />•�� � gapment or ffiodif cat ora o amo�� zation of thQ aums eecuaed by� �=�--
<br /> .Y"...
<br /> _ . tlsis De�si of T3ruet granted by �ender to any ancceoso�c in inte�e�� ��`
<br /> . of Borrot�e�r shall not opera�e to rei�ass, in any manneg, t}�e ��
<br />_ l�ability of the oriqinal �orrower and Borrower's successoacs ia �'�
<br />-" interest. Le�er shall not be required to ca�nc�nce pa-oce�clinqa �.
<br /> ag2ainst such snaccessor or refnse to extend ti�ne for palrment oz �-
<br /> aYherwise modify a�ortization of the sum� secur�d by this need aw —
<br /> Trust by reason of any dema�tds made by the original Borrawer and
<br />' �,;s.�:
<br /> Bs�rrower's succes�ors in inter�st.
<br /> (b} Len3er's Po�ers. W3�fltst affectfnq the lfab�ait}F
<br /> of any other g�rson 1 le fos the ���eut of any obliga�iott F��-•
<br />±��";�.` here3.a ntentioAed: and withont affec�isag th� lien or charge o€ �,--.
<br /> t3ais Deed of �rust �npon anp portior� Q� t�ae PraPerty not thea o�
<br /> ::,: �.
<br /> t&sareto�ore re�c�ased as sect�ri�y fo$ tgao �-v1�� amoun� of a
<br /> nnpaid obliqat�tons, Learler may, frozn tirae � ti.me aad 'r�ith�ss�.� '
<br /> - notice Ii) relea�� angt person so liable. t�i) e�ctend �ce �atusit�r �"~
<br /> � ar alter any of �lip icerms of any su c Y► o b l iga t ions, tiiz) g�an� o
<br /> ��`,; ather indulg�a�s, �iv) rel.ease or reconveyt a� caose to b� . --�
<br /> released or rc�onveyed at any time, at I�eae��'s option, aay
<br />. parcel, portion or all of ttae Property, �v) �atse or r�lease att�- �:�
<br /> � other or additional secnrity for any obligation �e�rein msn���onac�,
<br />„` or (vi) anake comy�ositions or othex arrangements with deb�m�s in -°_
<br /> ' relation ther��Ga.
<br /> .. . �,:
<br /> (c) �t�bearanae b L�r�� 2�IOt a W��..r. Ari� fa�ta-�a��- �,-
<br /> �` ance by I,ende� �a e�cere s ag any r g�u� or rc-�e y h��uuae�, d� . �:..
<br /> �. otherwise afFvs�ed by applicable la�a, ��a11 a�t be � a.s�i�r�r �� as =
<br /> ' preclu8e the ��cise of any su��a righ� or r�edy. The �rdcune�- . _
<br /> � ment of insu,�~7�:i�ce or the pay�ea�t of �►xe�. c� othe� li�ens d�
<br /> , . a:
<br /> `^,�.' char�ges by �ar�� shall not be a waia�r �� �a3ar's r�.�ghL ti@ . ��::
<br /> acce7zrat�� �?a:�`�ma�writy of tlie indela���ss sc�cuxed by th�ie t�ged� __
<br /> � af�7.•rvir�. . � . -
<br /> , id). Smccessors arscl As�ialx�s Btitnns�a J��.n� a��. Sc�v�era�i �_
<br /> _.._ LiabilitYt C�,ons. The cov�aa�ets �.ncl agrec�csnCS n��es.n a���� � �.;;:
<br /> ta nec�"s�ia�1 nc�and the sigbts h�re�ncler sl�il inurre �u����'4��a --
<br /> •� ; respective sucaessorc� and assigais of kona3or an8 Bos:a��a�s:,, �n�tjec� ;�_`
<br /> to the provis��f�� ef paracgraph 10 te) hereag. A�l aq�mi���i��� a� ,:,: �:.:. .�,:-
<br /> agreements a�;�3iarrower shall b� jaia� aar2 �c����a�. Z'he c�i�tiions , • ;�-•�.:=`:
<br /> � � and he�dings!.�aE the paragraplts of t.IIqi.a ��3: u�` T'�:u�� +a�i�� for _
<br /> � convenienc� ��s��q and are not to bfl u��� tc� i.ai�erp��et• a�:•r�effne _-
<br /> �_ � t.Yte pzovis#.ati�s�� �iereo�. .
<br /> ���'' 1�� est fvr Natic�s. Tha pa�3.�a�.��.1:t�Y =eqct.�s�c -
<br /> "- that a copy ccs�' �any not ce o def8ulf hsre�ande� a�c1�%z!�'�opy a�',�:ny
<br /> ' ,�:�';�,t - � notice of �a�i� hereund�r be maile� to each p�nty t.ta��-�:�y is D��i��of �.
<br /> �..y . Trust at the �ddrea�r se� foa��t aB�cnra in t&e m�ane�r ��r.�mcribed by
<br /> � . appifcabie la►w. 8xcept for anyr ot.ti�r noti�e rsc�tt.re�d undex "�
<br /> ap�licable la�,� ta be given itt anoth�r manner, any notice psovided
<br /> for in this �7�d of Tros� sII��lY b� given by m�.liug s�ch notice _
<br /> '. . by certi�i�d�nti�il ad�re8sed to tho-� oth�r p�rtiga, at t�e addresa =-
<br /> . sat fo�th above. �
<br /> ���':•": ' Any notice provid�c� ffn� in t�£� Deed of Truet _
<br /> ehall be ef�ca�ive upon mai�ba� in �Yae raanr�:e� dsoiqnated herein. -
<br /> If Horrower t�a more than one p�r�on ancl/or .��si�3.�y, notice �cr�.t to
<br /> , � thE adr�aess set forth above shall b� r�oxice .�a a1.1 r-:a.tch g����ns
<br /> ;;E anfl/os� e�atStf�o. . :
<br /> (f) ins ection. LQna1�r iaay muYa�� v� cause to 1oe ma��
<br /> reasonable en�s �s upon and lnopecti�nm oF tPr.� 8'roperty, provided �
<br /> � 'cSza�: Lezde� s�ialg g3ve Earro3s�er a�otace gr�or �� any ��ch inspeo- -
<br /> � tion spec3.fy�ng reasonable cauae th�sefor r�I�iced �o Lender's • _.
<br /> .� � fntere�� in the Propertp. -
<br /> � (qD Reconveyance. Upon pa�snt of ��.1 atuns secured by --
<br /> � thia Deed of T�tast, Lend�r shall reqtnest Trastae to reconvey the E
<br /> , Psoper�y aaid ahall sur�ender tlaio Deed of T•r*s�t and all notes •
<br /> :. . - �v3��r.a3n3 3n?e�*_�e$B sec*iec� �y *his �p�c� 4� Tsrust to Trustee. .-
<br /> . . �6s .
<br /> , �. , , , . . , . � ' . ' ., `� - .,,♦�� ,y�r,,.,,.:.,::�.. .�.� ' .
<br /> . , .. ;�: s + r.
<br /> . . ... . , . ;,. . . :�:. . . .,. . . , . � . .
<br />