c` 2 '- . ` ' �_ J � _ __ '"� � ,.y -
<br />� �S._�_....
<br /> � �<.C,4;v;._.;::;.
<br />` • • 1�. 'B�a+sw�erNat Rei �° •Fo�t:t�stt�ce By Lead�s 1�Io3 a�fiizd��€a.Eaceensi4a of tG° time for payment or modificatioa �..:.:.�p ;_:
<br /> of amortizet�au of tAe sums secur�.d 6y this Deed of Tnass gcaated bY.L.r.der w suy s�coessor ia intzrest of Borrower shall _.
<br /> u
<br /> �nt eperet� w mtzase. io a�►y mannsr.the Uab'il'iry of the oriIIinal 14a3rower and B�arr�s's au�c�ssora ia lnt�eat. Lender M�.,�::.�
<br /> e A � ur o.ie_*aise ='
<br /> s&all Qut be rPquiszd to wmmsnr.� pzoceedings agais�sicit suc��;cr rrfa�;. :o e�.�l ti� for y�� '�,`•-= -..
<br /> modi4�j an;o�on of the suma secttred hy this Deed of T[ast by reason of any d°wand t�zds by th� arig6nal Eoaower aad ;�c
<br /> ,� �orro�veCs susxessora is interest. Aay fo�earance by Lender in exer�isin8�nY ng�t or rem�y.hece�ndsr. or otherwise _ < ..
<br /> :.�,�',,,..,.,
<br />'='`'' aifor�ed by�pplicabie l�a.shaU not be a waiver of ar precfude the exercise af aAy s�ch si�ht as retn:dy. t �:�
<br /> `��.+.,;i�.•.
<br /> il. su��o�ana as� ao�a;aa� ��s���mey.Co-stBuers� The cavena� asid agreements herei� :'; ;.�� ,
<br /> contained shall tiiad.aad the dgt►ts heieunder shnii i�.�eo.the res�ective susc$ssnas an$assigv af Lec�,er aad Bo�rower ' ;:_.�.,
<br /> a ��,;�:�
<br /> subject m the provigions of paragr3ph 16 heteof. All eovenants an�d agreemeuts of Borro�ver sball be joint and several. � �__,..r��.
<br /> br P -
<br /> Borrower ivIio co-sigas tt�is 1>etd of Tn�st, 6ut docs not exec�te ttsE l�Iote.(e� is co-signing this Beed of'1'n�st on(y w grant �-�;
<br /> ,�_,
<br /> - and comrey t6at Borcower's inu�t in dis Fropeny to TEUS�ee u�er she terms of this Deed af t"1v.st,(b) is Qot pecsonaliyry�- , -;y,����•:
<br /> liabts on the Note or nader tius Deed of Trust,aad(c)agees th�t Leadzs and a�3►other Boirowar hereunder msY flSr�� . E�.
<br />' e��d.mud'sf�+ ����a.
<br /> fo�ear.or maks anl+othez acsommodatioas w's*1►cea,�td m the t�ms of dus Deed of T�ust or the Not�� -t_'..�__
<br /> aritiiont that Boiraa�r's consent and without ceteas'sag that Bosc�+rs�art,a►Y�d'sfyinS this Deed of Trust as to t�at Boaow-er� �T�
<br /> inUarest ia the Fcoperty. �..,
<br /> 12. Na4tce. Except for aay nfl t ice r e q u i r e d u n d s r a p p l i s z?�s,� I g�s� b� g i ve�in anntbtx z+aanncr. (a) aaY Qotice � �-'
<br /> B orcowe:providEd for in this Deed of Trast sLall be�►ivenhy delivettn�ii or by mailit�q su:b r�t'itn�f cem3�ed ixta7 address°d m=_
<br /> .�
<br /> W Barrowzr at the Propetiy Add�ess as trt su�h oiher address as 9orrower may devgaate b Y�S:e m L e n d e r a s p t o v i d e d
<br /> �z u
<br />.� he�eut,and N}aay aotise to Leader sbaU be given by c�fied m�1 m Ixnder'a adr.'itcss stated beiein or w such other addtess rt_
<br /> as Lender may designste by natise to Borrnwe�as pnm�fi:ci•br.cein. Any ao8sv.;tsmided for in this Deed of Trust shall bx j v- -
<br />�s,` deemed to i�ve heea given to Hom�wer as Le�x s�'�Lt�ghe.°as.m ttrc mang:s �herein. -- --. ,
<br />'�,., 13. G�jvtsn�a8 E.�aw;SeaeraiaitIYri. The sR2te and[rrai€�s�s s�glirsbte w tLis Deed of Tenst s6all be ths laavs of tI� �r�"
<br />`'"�� Ls loc2tsd. Tfie fosegoing sea:t� s�atl nat limitt� �ica�'-IiLY of Federal law tn tt�3 e=-,-:...
<br /> �: �trisdictinn in cvh�h the Prapori3► � a --.
<br /> Deed of Tms� In the evcnt that any provisinn or c}an�e of tfais aectf af Tta9t os.d�2 No�cm�i�s with applicable law,sttr�
<br /> ,',�� �uI:;;.
<br /> • wnflia steall nut aitecc oth:r provisions of thi3 IIeeci c.f'fEasc or th$ Note ��S3t.�an.tie giv+�a e�'ect withont the conf�icGnB `
<br /> �'� provision, eN�to tlus eqd�9te provisfo�ctf t�IYa.e�3 of Ttast fsnd the I�Ius»r�a tlsdu�+J�to i�sevezabte. As used hErein, �����:�
<br /> ast #.:
<br />.,;;yl� � Cfl$�.S��n���•a��gs s�s�y'�a!l sums to th2 e�ote�not pmfuGifeil�isy ap.ti:aFi�!aw or lifftiteQ tterew. }�1:!,t .
<br /> l ��.IACi'.:.
<br />>:,�'' 14. 13vmss�c'.;'B�OF+Y• Bor�owes sb.�ll is9�ivaished a confnmaKY capy of die �iorc aud nftls#is Decd of Tnut at die time r,...
<br /> . �iiia�'�C'«
<br /> � of execuuon u7�:sti�reeordation heYeof. �F..
<br /> �'.;"::5
<br /> L4. RtLahL''�tion B.aan Age�e'men�- Eorrov.-er�rdl E�ilSll aII of Boirower's obGgations uuder any home��ehabiliradon, �t,,���•..�
<br /> improve�eat. rePair•or other loan agreement wiu�.Stmuwer e�:s into with Lender. Ler.der,at Lender s opuon, maY ir�•�,��':�,� '
<br /> req�Soa�aer to �ecute and deTrver w Ieadez.in a foim accepiabte to I.ender,an as�ignuient of atsy n�,claims or r
<br /> la�m
<br /> defen.�es wl�ctt 8ouowzr may have�ainst parties who saQpIy labox,materials or servicea in connection wi�fi�rovem�ats �._�:
<br /> o-,�:��.:-.
<br /> made m ti�Piop�cicy. art of d�e Pta ur;ury inter�t 'sja �
<br /> 16. 'E7�ar�fes a�tHe�rsp�tg or a Be�ei�1 Imterest tn Barro�ver. If all or any p �S' �r" ,
<br /> . it is sold or rraasferrc�i.(0�if a beneficia]ia[erest in�ormwer is sotd or�ran�fe�rc.d and Bo�ac�is met.¢ntcf:�ra1�eersoa} ' . ,' �'z�.;..:
<br /> .. rs �,
<br /> Yzu; ` w i t hout L x u d e t's p ri^o s w r.�i t�e a c o n s e n t, L e n d e r m a y.a t i u a p t l o n. r e q u u e i m�s.�3 i���a y ment i�fnI1 of all�s Eecured by .`f:,-
<br /> - � thiy Deed ok'tivst. How�rer,t*�ia apti�rn shaU not be exerciEed by be�eT if es�is pm!�?,�3r�.by federal law as of ths � � �';�'
<br /> � >.
<br /> � data of thfis lJad of Tcast. • .. ' . �,• ':`.
<br />.V�'.;� If I.eac{tr eaercises th9s 6Ptlon, Lender sLnU give Boaawer n�v:.-r of acceL°ratiou. Thc nafrc�shall provide a period af.: `� � �-,: . f�•:-
<br /> .:�:, +�F:.:
<br /> . not tess thu�30 days from ti�e date the andce is deli�.r�d or mailed wi9tin whicT�H:nrower must pay all sumg secuzed by this '�
<br /> '�`.. Deed of 1Yuss. If Boaowar fails w pay these snms pnor to t h e expua ri o n o f d d s p e r i o d.l.e n d e i m a p i m o k c a a y r em e d ie� __�i_`' =
<br />-`,_�,, petmitted by_this D�d of Tnut withuut fnrthet aodce or demand on Borrower. as follnNS:
<br /> -,��=• IS02�-�RiIFORM COVENAI3T5. Bormwer and Lender fasther cove�nt and agee �
<br /> .=s.;l;'�' 17. A,ecei�r�tLon:Reme�ks. Except as provided in pxragrapb 16 hexeof,upon Borrower's 6reach of any co�enant or �-----
<br /> agreemeat of Botrowar in titls Ikcd of'Fn�t,includinS B°n°w�'s faih.ue to pay.by tf�e ead of 10 cal�ndu days a�er they
<br /> are due,any sama se�tted by this Deed of Trast. Le�udet prior w acceleration stull give aarica w Borrower as pmvtded in -_ -
<br /> puag�ph 12 hereof spe��►ings(1)�e brcacb;f2)�e utton zequired w coro�h breuh:(3)a date.aot less tLan ZU d�Ys ;�i�y�
<br /> aIIich such 6macb must be c�t�:and(4)thai fa�hue w cure sucb bteacb Y.' .
<br /> -'�'`! from tt�e dau the notice is mails�t to Barroxer.HY fi�t��..�:
<br /> -' on or bef�z�the dat�spcCifie��n���n� �Y r�t 1Q���6 of��.��th9s Deed of Tnui aad sale ,�°;:
<br />�rat�;� oY t11�F�t�. 'f�re�euce si�ll t�tctfler infoim Horaower of tuz r.ig��ta 4eu�ssW after acceitration aad the right to�tlag , 1=••.,,
<br /> .�a coort ac'trCri w assett ifh�no++�-s�►�^�'p of a defauFi ar aay othet dz�use o7J�.+�c��:r w a�������. If the breud� �_�-
<br /> •is not cate�l on or ba�i+c tH�e ei�te specified in ti�e norice,I.ender.at I.endsz'c.�,{�t3�a�� may declsue all of the�s�cared bY
<br /> �..:_ '�°.
<br />. • this De°d vf Trost co be immraiatr�y�e anA p�ya6le without t�ather demand osstdi n"•ay iavnke the power of sa�e•anYl any otber '��
<br /> � remedies���tnitv:d by applicab2e[aw.Leuder stail be entitled m collect all rw.as�yrR[a costs and eapsnses incurred inpurau�t�. =
<br /> .,<,� th+e rem�dir�provided in this paragrapL 37,i�ctuNng,but not limit�d to.rea.viisr�;ie attomeys' fees. : .
<br />''; . If We powet of s3Ie.�involced.Ttusiee sh�U record a nodce ofcIIe!'�St u�av�alb r.ounry in tvticb the Ptoperty o�soine�t&xt' --
<br /> I�szeof is Wcated ind slqtll.tznil caples of such notise In t2u mzaner pre�cn'bs�l l!nt'aqaplicable l�w to Barroarer a�3 to the other �'�,�.
<br /> '�', s
<br /> � �" �eraoas prescn'bed by 2t��sf�-cable�law. After the tapse of s�m timc as may be'�uice�bY aPPlicable law.Trustoz shaU give '. -----
<br />�;;'��>' '`, �.� publk not�u of este W the personv and in the maaner prescn'bed by applicaDle law. Trustea.without demznd on Banower. _
<br />°��`��• � .��'• .,ha11 seli,Usk Froperty at public suc�fnn tu the highest b3dder at the dm$and ptace and under ttne term4 des3gnated in tDe Q.�-:.
<br /> � � nottce af vate in one er s�ore parcels end in such order as Tzustee may determins. 'Tn�stee waY Postpone sale of all or a�►
<br /> pucel of tha Property�ivy t�lic amwuncemcnt aa t�tlme aad placs of auy previuusly acheQnIed sata. Leader or Lendet's
<br /> desi�e� may purcttt��fur Ptogetry at any sale.
<br /> � Upon receipt of p�,►ment of the price bid,Trustt°.� +�all deliver to the purc(naser Trusue's deed convcyiag the Ftoperry
<br /> so1d. 7Ue recItzLs in the Trustee's deed shall be prix.0 ra:is evidr•.a�e of thc wtb of the staumenrs made therein. Tcastee _
<br /> sL�ll appSy tt�proceeds of tte sate ln the following order:(a�:m�nlltccasan�ble costs ancl eapsnses of ttie sale,inslud�,.#�tu,
<br /> not limiarA to.Ztustecs.'?feea acwally incurred af not taarc�ur %of the gross sale price.re�sonaMatis_
<br /> ' attom:ys' fees and car.t�s�Af ade ev3deace;N)to a�f:Rt.�ms secured by mic Du�ecl.of Trust: and (c)the exces9.iYpn}I.to t�e r,��:�
<br /> person or pefsons tegaity cntitled thereto.
<br /> 18. Bnrcoxer'aRJgbt to Qeiastato. Notwithspnding I.ender's acceleration of th� sums secvred by this Deed of T�ust. � '���-�
<br /> dur w Hormwer's breach.Borrower stiall tiave tLe right w h�ve a�r proceedin�s begun by Lcader to enfoice tIils Dead of �..--
<br /> _ '!'n±st �?�on?�!med at any tlmr prior w 61e eaziier w occur of(i)tihe fifth day before sale of the Prop:rty pursunat w�the � ��%_
<br /> ' .. power of sa(e oontair.ed in thi�Deed of Tcust or(ii)entry of a judgneat enforciag ttris I}eed uf T;ast it:(a3 ���-z Ps;'� , ___
<br /> � � I.ender all bvms whicL would hs then due under this Deed of Tnut and the A'c�*.$ha0 no accelera�on ozcurle,d:(b)Hoaoarer _
<br /> cures a116reache,.of a�y o�her covenants or agreemrnta of Bonower wntsi�d in thas Deed of Triut; (c)Bono��e�pa�rs all __
<br /> �n a
<br />� � reasanable expenses insurred by 1.endeY aad Tn�stee ln enforcing the covemnts aod ageeme�s of Bntrower contained ia `Y^
<br /> � this IIeed of Tnut aad in enforcing Lender's uIIS1 Tmstee's remedies as provided in paragraph 17 hereof,including,but aot ����
<br /> ' limited to.reasonable attmneys' fees:and(cn Borrower ta�es susb acdon as I.ender may reasonnbTy require w assure thaa __—
<br /> t�e Gen af tLis Deed of Tnut, Lender's interest in the PropertY and Bonor;ea's obGgation to pay the sums seL�ured by this . �;�_-.
<br /> ,. . �
<br /> .. �•.-_
<br />' NHBtt/6S$I4SE�OND MORTGAGE -1/80-FIZ6SA1FH�gC UtII�RM II'SPRUhSAi'dP Aage 3 of 4 i�m 382b e""'�-�
<br /> r��.
<br /> � �-
<br /> .
<br /> f__
<br /> ' �
<br /> , '. . ��_ , . ,... ' ,_ . ; " ` ' •. _ . � . . . . . . . �---',-,r .. . _ • ..� ��. ,
<br />