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2oioa�2�� <br />V� WACD �QAIi � 503071fi22 <br />information FiESPA requires in cannection with a notice oftransfer otservicing. Ifthe Note is sold and thereafterthe Loan <br />is servi�ed by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Nnte, the martgage loan servicing abligations fia Barrower <br />will remain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the Nate <br />purchaser unless qtherwise pravided by the Nate purchaser. <br />Neither Bvrrower nor Lender may comrnence, join, or be joined to any judiciai actian (as either an individual litigant <br />ar the member of a class) that arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this Security Instrument nrthat alleges <br />#hat the other party has breached any provisian of, or any duty owed by reason of, this Security Instrumen#, until such <br />Bvrrower ar Lender has natified the ather party (with such natice given in compiiance with the requirements af Section <br />15) af such alleged breach and afforded the other party hereta a reasonable p�riod after th� giving of such nctice to <br />take corrective ac#ian. If Applicable provides a time periad which must eiapse befare certain actinn can be #aken, <br />that time period will be deemed to be reasonable for purpases of this paragraph. The natice of acceleration and <br />oppnrtuniry to cure given to Barrower pursuant tn Section 22 and the notice of aaceleration given to Bvrrawer pursuant <br />ta 5ection 18 shall be deemed to satisiy the notice and opportunity to take corrective action provisions of this Sec#ion <br />20. <br />21. Hazardou� Substenoes. As used in this Section 21; (ay "Hazardnus Substances" are those substances de�ined <br />as toxic ar haxardoua subatances, pollutants, orwastes by Envir�nnnenkal Law and the following substances; gasntine, <br />kerasene, other ilammable ar toxic petraleum praducts, toxic pesticides and h�rbioides, volatile solvents, materials <br />cantaining asbastos orfarmaldehyde, and radioactive materials; (b) "Environmental" means fede�ral laws and laws <br />c�f the jt�risdiction where the Property is (ocated that relate to heal�t, safety or environmental protection; �c) <br />"�n�iranmental Cleanup" includes any response action, remedial actian, ar removal action, as defiined in Environmental <br />l.�w; and (d) an "Enviranmental Candiiion" means a candition that can cause, contribute to, or o#herwise trigger an <br />�nviranmentai Cleanup. <br />BarrQwer shall not cause nr permit th� presence, use, disposal, starage, or release af any Hazardaus Substances, <br />or threaten ta release any Hazardous Substances, nn nr in the Property. Borrawer shall not da, nor allow anyane else <br />to do, anything affecting the Prqperty (a) that is in violatian ofany Environmental Law, (b) which creates an �nvironmental <br />Candition, ar (c) which, due to the presence, use, or re(ease of a Hazardaus Substance, creates a condition that <br />adversely at�Fects the �alue of the Property. The preceding iwa sentences sha{I nat apply ta the presenc�a, use, or storage <br />nn the Praperty of small quantities of Hazardaus Substances that are gener�ily recvgnized to be appropriate to normal <br />residential uses and ta maintenanae of the Properry �including, hut nat limited to, hazardaus substances in consumer <br />praducts). <br />��rrower shall promptly give l.ender written notice af {a) any investigation, otaim, demand, lawsuit ar pther actian <br />by any gavernmental or regulatory agency ar private party involving the Prnperty and any Hazardaus Substance ar <br />Environmental I�w ofwhich Borrawer has ac#ual knawledge, (b) any Enviranmental Candition, inaluding butnot limited <br />Ca, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) any condition <br />caused by the presence, use or releas� af a Nazardaus Suhstance wh+ch adversely affeots the value of the Property, <br />if Borrower leams, or is notified by any governmental vr regulatory authority, or any private party, that any removal or <br />other remediatian of any }iazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrnwer shall promptly take all <br />rtecessary remedial actions in accordancewith �nvironmental Law. Nothing herein shall create any obligation on Lender <br />fvr an Enviranmental Cleanup. <br />IVQN-UIVIFORM COVENANTS. eorrower and Lender turther covenant and agree as follaws: <br />22. Acceleretion; Remsdies. Lender shall glrro notloe ta Borrawer prlar ta acc��eration tollawing Borrowar's <br />breach of any aavanant ar agreem�nt In thia Securlty Inatrumant (but not p�lor ta acceleratinn under Secttan 1$ <br />unle�s App[Icable prqvides atherwlsej. The notice sha11 speclfy (a) tha default; (b) the ac#Nnn requlred to <br />cure the default; (a) a data, nat less thr�n 3p days from the data thv notica 1s glven to Borrower, by which the defauit <br />muat be cured; �nd {d) that failure to cure the default on or heft�r� the date sp�clflod in the notice may resul# In <br />accalerativn af the sum� s�cured by thls Security Instrument and sale a# tha Praperty. The npttca shall furth�r <br />intarm Borrowgr of #he right to relnstato arier accoleration and the rlght ta bring a court �ctlon to assert the non- <br />existence of a default ar any ather defen� of Borrawer to aocQloration and sale. If the datault is not cured an <br />ar bafore tha dat� specifl�d In tho notice, LendQr at Its aption may require imrttediat� payment in fwf! af all aums <br />secured by thls Sacurfty in�trumant wlthout fwrther +demnnd and may In�oke the power af aafe snd any other <br />temedle� permltted by Appl.lcable L.�ndar shall ka� onfftlad to colEact all expensos Incurred in pursuing tha <br />remadias provided irt thia Section 22, fncludlrtg, but not llmlted to, reasanable attornoys' fees and costs af titl� <br />�vidence, <br />tf the power af sal� is Invokad, Trustea �hall rocard a notic� of datault in each county in whlch any part ot <br />th� Property Is tocatvd and shaH mall copias af �uch notic� Nn tha mann�r prescribed by Applicable Law to <br />Barrawer and tv the other p�rsans pre$crlhed b�r Appllcable After th� time requlred by Appllcable Law, <br />Trustra� shall gi�e publlc noti� af sale to the persans and in the manner prescrlbed by Applicahle Law. Twusta�, <br />without demand on Borrawer, shall soll tha Property at pubtla aactlon to the hlghast bldder at the tlmo and place <br />and und�r tha tern►s deslgnatad in the notice af sala in one or mqre parcals and in any qrder Trust�e detQrmin�s. <br />Trustee may ppstpone �ale of all or any parcel af the Property by publlc announcament at the time and piace af <br />any previcua�ly schedul�d gale. L.�ndor nr It� dealgnee may purchase tha Praparty at �ny safe. <br />Upan rec4ipt �f payment of th� prfae bid, Trustee sFtall dellrrer to the purchaser Trustee's daed cnnv�ying the <br />Property. The recit�ls in the Trustee's d��d shall be prima facle evidence of #he truth of the statvmer� made <br />thoreln. Trust� shall apply the proc�eds of the s�le in the follawing arder: (a) tp all coasts and �xpon�a� af <br />•xarclsing the powor o# sale, and the �IQ, [ncluding the pnym�nt nf tha Trustaa's feea actua�ly incurred and <br />reasanehle attorn�ys' f�eea as permitt�d �ry Appllcable; (b) to all sums sacured by this Seaurlty Instrument; <br />and (c) any excess to tha porson or persons legally entitled to I#. <br />23. R�ecanvoyance. llpon payment nf all sums secured by this Security Instrwment, l.ender shal! request Trustee <br />ta re-convey the Property and shaf! surrender this Security Instrum�rtt and all nntes evidencing debt secured by this <br />Secwrity Instrument to Trustee, Trustee shall recanvey the Prnperty withaut warranty ta the person ar persons iegally <br />entitled to it. Such persan ar persons shal! pay any recordativn costs. Lender may charge such persan ar persons a <br />fee for recnnveying the Properry, k�ut anly if the fee is paid to a Third party (such as the 7ruste�} #or services rendered <br />and the charging of the fee is permitted under Applicable Ww. <br />NEBRASKA--Singl� Family--Fannie Man/Fraddio Mac UNIFQFiM INSTRUMENI" �orm ao281/oi Initials s� <br />� i999-2pD7 Online Documents, Inc. Pago 8 qf 9 N �EEn 07a5 <br />io-z -�oxo �z:o� <br />