<br />v4 wBCD LOAbI � 5030716�Z
<br />residence for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless l.ender athetwise agrees in writing, which consent
<br />shall not be unreasanably withh�ld, pr unlass extenua#ing circumstances exist whlch are beynnd Bo�rower's cantrol.
<br />7. Pr�servation, Maln#enance end Protection of #he Praperty; In�pactlons. 8orrower shall not destrny,
<br />damage ar impair the f'roperty, allow the PrnperCy ta deteriorate or commit waste on the praperty. Whether or not
<br />Barrawsr is residing in lhe Praperty, Borrower shal! rrraintain the Properky in order to prevent the Property from
<br />deteriorating ar decreasing in value due ta its conditinn. Unless it is determined pursuant tv Section 5 that repair ar
<br />restnration is not ecpnnmically feasihle, Borrower shall promptly repair the P'roperly if damaged to avdid further
<br />deterioratian vr damage. If insurance or condemnation praceeds are paid in connection with damage to, or the taking
<br />of, the Property, Borrower shall be responsible for repairing or restoring the Praperty only 'rf Lender has released
<br />prc�ceeds fnr such purpases. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restaration in a single payment ar in
<br />a series nf progress payments as the wark is completeti. I� t9�e insur�nce or condemnation proceeds are not sufficient
<br />to repair ar resknre the Property, Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's obligatian for the completion of such repair or
<br />restaration.
<br />Lender or its ageni may make reasanable entries upan and inspections of the Property. If it has reasanabie cause,
<br />Lender may inspect the interiar of the impravements nn #he property. Lender shaif give Barrawer notice at the time of
<br />or prior to such an interior inspectian specifying such reasonabte cause.
<br />8. Bort�ower's Loan Appllcatlnn. �orrawer shall f�e in default ff, during the t,.oan application prvicess, Borrower
<br />or any persons or entities acting at the direction af Borrower or with Borrnwer's knawledge ar consent g�ve materially
<br />false, misleading, or inaccurate inforrr►atinn orstatementsto Lender (orfailedtaprvvide l.enderwith material irtformation}
<br />in connection with the l.aan. Material representatinns include, but are not limited to, representations concerning
<br />8orrower's occupancy af the Properry as Barrpwer's principal residence,
<br />9. Protectlon of I.endar's Interest in the Praparty �nd Rights tlnder thia Securlty Instrum�ant. If (a) �orrower
<br />iails to perform #he eovenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument, (b) there is a legal praceeding that
<br />might significantly af�ect Lender's interest in the Fraperty and/nr rights under this Securi#y Instrument (such as a
<br />proceeding in l�ankruptcy, probate, tor condemnation ar forfeiture, far enforcement af a fien which may attain priority
<br />overthis 5ecurity Instrument orto enfarc� laws ar regulations), or (c) Borrawer has abandaned the Property, then Lender
<br />may do and pay far whatever is reasanable or apprapriate to protect Lender's interest in tl�e Property and rights under
<br />this Seaurity Instrument, inciuding protecting and/or assessing the value af the Property, and secu.ring and/ar repairing
<br />th�: F'rop�rty. Lender's actions can include, but are nvt limited to: (a) paying any sums secured by a lien which F►as priarity
<br />aver this 5ecurity lnstrument; (b� appearing. in courh and (c) paying reasanable aitomeys' fees to pra#�ct its interest in
<br />the Property and/or rights under this Security Instrument, including its s�cured position in a bankruptcy proceecEing.
<br />5eauring the Praperty includes, but is not limited ta, entering the Property ta tnake repairs, changa Iocks, replaae or
<br />board up doars and windows, drain water fram pipes, eliminate building nr ather code vialations �r dangeraus
<br />conditians, and have utilities turned an nr otf, Althaugh Lender may take action under #his Sectian 9, Lender does not
<br />have ta do so and is not under any duty or obligatian to do sa. It is agreed that Lender incurs na liabitity inr nat takir�g
<br />any or all actions autharized under this Sectian 9.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by l..ender under this Sectian 9 shall become additfanal debt s�f Borrower secwred by this
<br />Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear in#erest at the Nnte rate frpm the date of disbursement and shall be
<br />payable, with such interest, upan notice fram Lender to Barrower requesting payment.
<br />Ifthis Security tnstrument is on a leasehold, Borrower shall compfywtih all the pravisians ofttie lease. Borrowershall
<br />notsurrendertheleasehald estateand inter�sts herein canveyed orterminate orcartcelthe ground lease. Barrowershall
<br />nat, withaut the express written consent of Lender, alter or amend the ground lease, If Borrower acquires fee title to the
<br />Properry, the I�asehold and the fee ti�e shall nat merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br />10. Mortgage Insurmnaa,l� Lender required Martgage lnsurance as a condition of making the Loan, Borrower shatl
<br />pay the premiums required to mainWin the Mortgage Insurance in eftect, if, fvr any reasan, the Mortgage Insurance
<br />coverage required by Lender cease�s to be available fram the mortgage insurer that prevlously proWded such insurance
<br />and Borrawer was required to make separately designated payments toward the premiums far Mvrtgage Insurance,
<br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required tn obtain coverage substantially equivalent #a the MarCgage Insurance
<br />previausiy in efFeci, at a cnst substantialty equivalent to the cast to Borrawer of the Mortgage Insurance pr��iously in
<br />effect, from an attemate martgage insurer selected kay Lender. If substantially equivalent Mortgage I.nsurance coverage
<br />is nat available, Borrawer shall continue 1c pay to Lender the amo�ant of the separakely designated payments that were
<br />due when the insurance cov�rage ceased to qe in eifect. Lender will accept, use etnd retain these payments as a nan-
<br />refundable loss r�eserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. 3uch loss reserve shall be nan-refundable, notwithstanding the
<br />fact that the Loan is ultimately paid in full, and Lender shall nat be required tn pay 8nrrawer any interest ar earnings on
<br />such loss reserve, Lender aan na longer require loss reserve payments it Martgage Insurance coverage (in the amount
<br />and far th� period tt�at Lender requires) provided hy an insurer selected by Lender again becomes a�ailable, is al�tained,
<br />and Lender requires separately designated payments taward the premiums for Mc�rtgage Insurance. lf Lender required
<br />Mortgage Insurance as a conditi�an af making the Loan and Borrower was required to make separately designated
<br />payments toward the premiums for Martgage Insurance, �orrower shafl pay the premiums required ta maintain
<br />Mortgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a non-refundahle loss reserve, until Lender's requirement for Mnrkgage
<br />Insurance ends in accordance with anywritten agreement between Borrower and lender providing for such termination
<br />or untit termination is required by Applicable l.mw. Nathing in this Section 1 � affects Borrawer's abligatinn to pay interest
<br />at the rate provided in the Nate.
<br />Mortgage insurance reim#�urses Lender (or any entity that purchases the Note) tar certain lasses it may incur if
<br />Bqrrower dnes nat repay the Loan as agreed. Borrower is not a party ta the MarCgage Insurance.
<br />Mnr#gage Insurers evaivate their total risk nn all such insuranc� in farce from time te time, and rnay enter into
<br />agreem�nts wikh ather parties that share or modify their risk, ar reduce losses. These agreeme�tts a1'e ofl terms �t7d
<br />conditions that are satisfactory t� the martgage insurer and the other party (or parties) ta these agreements. These
<br />agreements may require the mortgage insurer to make payments using any source af'futtds that the martgage insurer
<br />may have available (which may include funds obtained from Mortgage Insurance premiums).
<br />As a rssult of these agreements, Lender, any purch�ser of tha nate, another insurer, any reinsurer, any other entity,
<br />ar aifiliaCe of any of the #aregving, may receive (directly or indirectly) amaunts that derive irom (or might be characCerixed
<br />as) a portion of Borrower's payments far Mortgage Insurance, in exchange far sharing ar mndiiying the mortgage
<br />insurer's risk, or reducing losses. I� such agreement provided that an affiliate ot Lender takes a share afi t " surer's
<br />NEBRASKA-Singla farnily�Fannie Mae/Frerldle Il�ac UNIF4RM INSTRUMENT Fdrm 30281/01 Tn3tiala s�
<br />� 1999-2007 �nline Documents, Inc. �a�Q 5 O'� 9 N pEEp 0705
<br />xo-z -�oio iz:o�r
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