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<br />[Spsoe A6ava This Lina For Recarding
<br />ca�s� #= 34-34--6-019181z
<br />MIN iona5z5so3a�a.�xzes
<br />Words used in multiple sectians of this dncumenC are defined below and ather words are defined in Sections 3, i 1, 13,
<br />18, 2Q and 2i . Certain rules regarding the usage of words used in this document are alsa pravided in Section 16.
<br />(A) "Securlty Instrument" means this document, which is dated oc�o��R 29, 2010, toget�er with
<br />a11 Riders to this document.
<br />(B) "�pP1'pw�1" Is ,James L. Friend and Debra L. Friend, hpsband and prife, as jaint tenants
<br />vri.th right af �urvivorship, �nd no�. as tenan�s in oomm,on..
<br />Borrower is the trustor under this Securfty instrument.
<br />tC) "Lender" is �c�ar �zaxxcz�, c�ROU� x�rc.
<br />Lender is a CO�tpaRA2io�
<br />under the laws of aESttasxA.
<br />191Q S 72DiA ST, 103, pMA,HA, NE 6812�.
<br />arganized and existing
<br />Lender's address is
<br />(D) "Trustee" is First American Title Insurance Campany
<br />��� fR M ���„ �� Morkgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. MEFiS is a senarate corpnration that is acting svlety as
<br />a naminee far Lender and L�nder's successors and assigns. MERS Is the beneficlary undar thls Security instrument
<br />MERS is arganized and exlsting under the laws of Delaware, and has an address and telephanr� number af P.O. Bnx
<br />2Q26, Flint, MI 4$5b1-2026, tel. (888) 679-M�fiS.
<br />(� "Nnte" means th� promissary note signed by Barrnwer and dated oC�os$tt �9, 2p10. The 1Vote
<br />states that Borrower awes Lender **�**o�s 1�crxn�n FORTY gac�� mxous�n sxx [tcr�n�n �D xa/rao
<br />******�r*�r*+r*r�*tx****,r�r**+r,t**x****,t+r*******r�*+r*�r�*,r�r***+r*+rx []OIIAfS �U.S. $148�6�O.Q� �
<br />plus interest. Borrewer has pramised to pay this debt in r�gular Periariic Payments and to pay the d�bt in fuil not later
<br />than acav�a�ER i, 20�0.
<br />NESRASKA-•Single �amily-Fanni�a Ma�/Fr�ddip Mac t1NIPOqM iNSTRUM�NT Fwm 3U28 ib1
<br />� 1999-2Dq7 Clnline Documents, Inc. P��@ x q} g
<br />xnitiais s ������
<br />EEDEED 0705
<br />10-29-2p10 12:07
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