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<br /> �' �� • POWGR UE A11UltN�Y
<br /> . a ; KN(1W A1.L I�N 6Y 111CSE PIZCSENTS:
<br /> T " �� ' 11iut I, META B. AOFDF•MBpGE of Grand Island, Nebraska� do by � �^
<br /> '"''`"�'"'°"`'"°�"�'`� these presents make. cons�itute nnd appaint my son, Victor Aufdemberge _ - ---
<br /> � � ° � of Grend Island, Nebraska, as my Attozney-in-Faat, to do for me and on
<br /> � ° � , • my behalf, any of the fol.lowinge
<br /> n:�, - �- �" 1. To wit�►�haw by check or othetwise f ran any checking accouut ar
<br /> ''- '`�`��"'�"� savings accouat which I may have. - __
<br /> , • -
<br /> 2, To endorse checks for deposit to my checkin� account or suvir��g _
<br /> � -`' '��'"��' � accovnt and to receive any property or credits owned Cy me, iit- -- - -
<br /> _,�-�--�-_
<br /> �� � ' � cluding any monies payable to me by Any,governmenCal ageticy. My
<br /> ' � Attorney-in-Fact shall have full authority to redeao, I�ave rere�- -
<br /> -�=-�:��
<br />' • r_ :� istered, or have reissued any bond, note, bill, warrant, certi[i- _�
<br /> --� °"` �� cate Ar other evidence oE indebtedness owned by m� (including nny _ - _ __
<br /> ; , such items o�med by me as a co-owner or joint tenant) and issued �-��� ��•
<br /> �� � � by the Unired States, any other country, any state, municipAlily,
<br /> � • �� or other govercmental subJivision or gov�rnmental agency_ � .��
<br /> �� 3. To sell• or lease any assets owned by m�, whether real estate �r �•��•�:��
<br /> personal property,and including hanestead property anJ s�ocics ancl 'F`.�
<br /> � bonds, at such prices, on such tenns, for such lengCl� o[ tenn, nnd - ---�= —
<br /> � in such manner, whether at private or public salp or negotiation �'`"`"'°""`
<br /> � as my Attorney-in-Fact deems advisable. He may convey any pro- �'�'.� i
<br /> �,,..:-...
<br /> . '' perty so sold byhim by inatr�anenCs of conveya�iee wilh cusecan�ry ..e..a____
<br /> warranties. He may eciter any safety deposit box 1 le�se ancl n4�y ���{�•.
<br /> . remove any iCems therefran. He is empowered to roake gilts for n�e. ----�=__
<br /> � �4. .To enter into a reements ertainin to an ro ert or interes� in ��`��'�
<br /> g P � Y P P Y �:���-- � .
<br /> , praperty owned.by me and on such tenns as my At torney-in-Fac� Jec�ns _ �:,;•' '«�:��
<br /> advisable. This shall include contracts for goods, repairs, i���provr. . `
<br /> menrs, replacements, and p�rsonal services for the uk�inlenance ot my ��� ��: =°-
<br /> property; and to borrow fu�ids and mort�r�ge property thereCor. ��� :�.��c:-�;.;�� __-
<br /> „ �� S. In general, to enter into any business transactions pertainin�; to �:_,{,�,��,�.�_�_
<br /> � my pxoperty and for my maintenance as fully as I could do iC �ny- °�,�.:;"'T��T�-
<br /> .'_,�,,..--,
<br /> � ' self. He is e�npowered to sign my income tax returns and re- � : '�`... •.�;�
<br /> , , lated docuunents. ��',',',.?�
<br /> „ 6. To enter into any contracts or agreane►its for any rnedical, dcrnicil- ����";�.,�_,�
<br /> � „ , iary, or other care needed by me as determined to be in nry best i��- � �~�•'"•-�_
<br /> . " rerests by my Attorney-in-Fact, and pay �11 fees a��d chr�r�;ca neces- �k �. '�___
<br /> � sary for my maintenance and care. To authorize any medic�l pro- ' .�, � ��� �:�
<br /> ,. , cedures for me. �'
<br /> . ° I ratify And confi.nn nll acts done by A�corney-in-�act uneler lliis Cuwr�r c►I� , =:
<br /> ' Attorney. I reserve the right to revoke tt�is Power oL Altori�ey by �lu� Ciling c�f k `'''�''T`
<br /> • such revocation in Miscellaneous Re�ords it� tt�e OEfice of Lhe Register oE lleeds t�
<br /> � " oE Hall County, Nebraska. 11�is Power of Attor�iey shall rc�n;►in in
<br /> Eull �oroe and eEfect even thou�h i may hereafter becane mencally �r physically �
<br /> � �� incanpe Cent. '
<br /> t llAI'Gll I.i�is 27thday of J��Y , 19 89 ;
<br /> _ ,
<br /> �ME'I'l�B:-�1FtTEMBER6E -----
<br /> ' s�cn�ri: oc Ncis�tnshn )
<br />� CUUN'LY UN HALL )
<br /> i
<br />� -- -..-- - Un ll�is 27thdav c�C January � ly dy� h��f��i �� �����, it��, �m�l��� �;��•.��,��I,
<br /> , � Nol�ry Publi� wit�ii�� :���d Lor ticiid l'c�unty, F�������+nr�lly c:mu� ME'PA B. AUFDEMBERG�
<br />, who is Icno��t to tne to be the id��ntiral persc�n artx�se n�uoe is aCf ixrcl ��� tlu� I��r�•y;�,iuf;
<br /> 1'ower of Attorney and she nck��owledged her executioii �o b� her vul�mt:�r��
<br /> ' nct and deed.
<br /> ! W11NE5S myltnxl ���J Nutarial 5��,+1 tl►r clhlc� last alx�vc� iarittrn. P1�• Nrt;iri:il
<br /> i
<br /> Cc�����ission expires: February 4, 1992. �
<br /> � � � _
<br /> , / 7 .1.( ',' - -
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<br /> �f�ffE�l�iAlr,�M�p
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