..r �N .r p,,..�,n � ��• { •� •Ti z Y�3""' te�i':' �rt,:'� Y !7x .,, R.f. „P I \ . -„
<br /> , ti� . 3 7'�+�•ii' ,i�'��i`��i$L�Ki���.. .�;; �..t„� , ti. :ry9 G}����f t . �kfv;rr t i r.; 1 _�"n• �.�,�,� �� �1�lnpS'
<br /> �� �:.Y. � _
<br /> w1l• 0 (' �.ti'P.tt '"�! •7
<br /> Iw} f � � r _ ___ .. .._, -�-.. __-� -; .._.��..
<br /> .-�Y – _.. ;';�^:'�• .
<br />� —— ---. . — ._ .�.._ -- ,rrM��#9�a: ' -- - f.ti.w6..
<br /> , t ��� �..� -���...:_._ ---_._��ar�:.
<br /> 6�...._"`�:�....__s`."
<br /> � / �� �ifk.S4.l�ili.__'-
<br /> 9c�� �.:G•sw .�...--'°
<br /> " �, y. �� � ---"
<br /> —j�"-'t'• --'°Y'� '. reuae promptiy anci In��uud w�d wurlcnumllkc mannrr any hufldlnQr which mwy be d�moged ur dcRvi�yed�IKrc�x�.aid���puy.when duc.WII d�im� -�rr."--•-- -_ _
<br /> :,7l2�'���^-="aC!?:��". P�Y•!�' Iw ��_`—-,_
<br /> for I�boi pedurmcd nrvf ma�edaln fumibixd�hcrctw:lAl'il�rt.if��igncr uf lhe PmmHwry NWe.hr will Mn Iy�hc indeMedncr���ureJ ikreby,
<br /> -- _- °� �ndpedortn dl ahrr obliQrtiam in full c�npliuk�e wf�b tho ie�mM uf rnid Prami�uary hdc w�d Ihir[?�.�eJ uf Tru��.171'Ib�l�ha Um:�d p�qnxnl�A Ilx
<br /> �°`''� inde6tednes�hercbyiocured.�xuf�ny P�tfan�henr�f,muybocxtc�xicdarcnewed.�od+u�y�xxtian*nflheprrmiRCrlhcrcfn�lnxrihedmay.wfih�wtn�rice.
<br /> ',�:��•�.`�'- bo rcle��ed tinm�hc Ikn hermf.wilhcwl rclea.ing uraffe�ylnQ Ihe per��nd ifaMlily��f any�+crWm�r 1hr�xM�rily�►f�hH IlreJ ut Tru,1.IM I lU�l he Jner
<br /> ---�,,��vf 91�'�ti'�i"' • �rcby forcver wurrn�end will furever defonJ Uk:�Nk rnd qn��tsrMm�he�e��'��ain+��hu Irwful claimr ul wiy�1,�11�aonx wfw�wevor.
<br /> ,,� � •�' :•+�,,•;;,�., .,
<br /> a� �S►+y� " ' IT IlR MUTUA4I.Y AliRF.�D THATs
<br /> < �`�_,�r..::.`�i• ,•.� (1)Shauld Tnislor f�fl ta mal•e any Wyment�x do u►y wcl�x he�rin provided.or if�ny+�cli��n ur pnkeeclinK i�c�nnmenced which motrriully a(fe�l+
<br /> _� °!�__�,��� . -
<br /> .` -� '' Bcncficia �inurc*t in 1hc Prcmixs.Ihcn BcncCtciary ur Tnn�ec.hut wUhnw obliga�i��n��+��►. t hp�wt nt ixcanprwn�sca y��ncu►ntx�uh:c. ��--- - -
<br /> �;j;.f„i.� i�. .;.. ._ ry an
<br /> �^�14.,.Y:,:, . wlthou�relcufng Tnu�rn'from any obligA�ion hercuadcr.may matcc or do th+eame.and muY{�Y•p�
<br /> .���'.; .� charge or lien,whfch In thc judgment of either appean ta Afie�:l sAid prapeny:ped in exerc{afng uny cuch powerx,irw:ur uny liahility anJ capend whalcv�r "'�Xr,'��!;:
<br /> .' ° artaums ie�he absolute di.rcrc�ion of Benaficiary orTniclec eithor may deem nc�:cwsary�horcfor.All cums rui incu�rrJ or cxpendcJ hy Bcneficiry or �� � � '�
<br /> '�,r,.,..
<br /> <ev�.r,`;::`''`' '"".. Trustoe shall bo witliout dem�nd immediwtely due+uid payable by Tnwtar.chall bau iokre.vl at�Mt biQh¢�t ra�e petmi�►ed by law,und sbwll be xecurcd _
<br /> •�:�1-..•,.y •,•�.:� �� =�..d
<br /> aa:�� ,:;.a �•'�'� (2)Shauld the Premir,es or any pan lhereof be trken by reasa�of any candemna�fon pmceeding.Be�ficiury shall be emfded�a A!I compensaiion.awurd�: _-
<br /> ,.:-.� ";* . :'..•. and aher paytnentx Ihercfor.nnd ro apply Iiie wmc on the indebtednc�z xecurcd hereby. -� ,�. �
<br /> (3)By teeepting payment of any sum he►eby securcd ofter I�s due date,or after tha filing uf nutice of default und ai'�Icction�o xell.Beneficiary ghall new
<br />� ,i��.a.::'r:�"''�•.,a� C 9 I�"M WY . `' � •: _.��`��.�_��
<br /> ,., wn_,_,.r,,�� , waivc iGg ri ht to re uire ment when due uf all other xum�so secured,or todeclam default for failure�o«o pay,or�o proceed wilh Ihc sale under c�J =
<br />{�,,�• yu�ysuchnoliceofdeiauitandofei�iwntasc11,forunyunpaid6alaseceofsaidlndebtednr.c.iiReneficiuryholdxanyaddiuonulsecurityforanyobligatian �� .z
<br />�, , � � secured hercby.it may enioree thc aalc Ihemof at iteaption.cit h er b e forc.con�cm p xaneauxl y with.or after ihc.rale ix mude herecmder. ---W~
<br />��`�� �'�;,. ' .� ' : , (q)All Trustors shall be jointly and severally lable for fulfillmem of theircaven+�nts and ogrcemems herein comuined.and ull provisions o(thiv[kM of 5�,�,y r
<br /> Trust shall inure to und be 6ir�ding upon the hcin.executorx.admini.etrato�.9UCCCF50I9.Brnntn,`Ic�sces anJ a.�iytnc of�he punks hemto respec�ivcty. •.�...i', __
<br />�;r � �.. � . - Aoy rcferencc in�his peed af Tru+t of�ho■ingulur sholl be rnn+vucd oY plural wlwrc uppra P _,,,�,�, �r�---
<br />�. : ." �'��c�t� (Sl F.acb af ihe unde��Bn�d hereby waivas Ihe righl to claim any d�mage for trespnss.injury or any tort cecusioned by or resuldng fmm the exercise by •�r+�� •r� --
<br /> u; - .--z:h.:; . 'Ii:�""' _-
<br /> , .: •:� • thc Halder of�hc righ�g given hareunder ar any wuempt[o excrcisc any othcr right U�e Holder is hercin grsu►�ed.or any other d�t that Ihe Holder hw.v a 4 ,_T1,
<br /> " r t��;�•�n, . '°;�,•J may hwve.to the extent permitted by law. �,••:r :�:,;,,:
<br />�',� ' . ^�•��!j;';:��i (6)lnvalidity or unenforcenbili�y of any provinion�Merein slwll not uffec�Ihc validiry and enforceabilily ai any other pravisiom. � -;, .
<br /> ,.�'r , . . (711fanyoi�heundenipnedisumartiedpe�n,6e�cprecen4+andwurtant+thotthiwing�rum�nthusbcenexecutedinhist+ehult',undt��hisxolepmix�paratc `V.��,;�
<br /> , :i�:��,;;; use and benafil and thal he hux na executed the�ag surety for anather,bu�IhsN he i41he Bortowen c�rcundcr. -�;�•�`j, . •..��;�;;,
<br />' . . .R.,,�r.
<br /> (R)In the event of default in Ihe performnnce of any af the�em�s and condltionxof�hi�Deed of Trux�,Ineluding causing ar permitUng the principal b�lance �,1� � `�
<br />!.;.• ` � � � ,I, t+.:� • aP any Renior lien�o incrca.SC alxwe tha principal balance nt Ihe Ume ot Ihe m�lcing af this Uced of Tru.rl or Ihe nae xecured hy II,�he Beneficiury xhall -- 1�' 4 �
<br /> ' ;:,;�;, ` be enUUed a immedlute pnsxe4rian af�be property above dcacdbed. -- --
<br /> e.� . _ . rm.�.��,E_:
<br />;'1 :• '..,�.�^', `;. (q)p copy of any NMice of Deiuidt and u copy af'1Ae Na�ke of Sule ahull he mailed to each penan wha is n party Ihenio a��he acldrcss of such person. ���.--�-
<br /> , '''},?,�- eet foAh therein,at ihe same�imc and in thn same manner rcyuired aa Ihough u xepamtc reyue»�had bcen filed by each. n-���� �
<br /> IT IS FULLY UNQ�RSTOOD thal the Deed of Trusl ta bc exccu�ed by the undetsigned is na a m�xtgagc,but u Decd of Truat.And�hat�hc pnwcru(salc
<br /> •• •��, � in�he Qeed of Trust videa 9ub ontially diiferen�right�ynd abligutione lo Ihe Truslor Ihan u mat►gaga in the evonl of a del'nultut brcach uf obligalion. `��.�_��A�:..��
<br /> �•. ,;,,.q: .:�t, ..K.�.,...�:
<br /> ,' � ,5.:. -� ��',�"��-
<br />���
<br /> , .:.. . .. ..i �
<br /> -- --°- --
<br /> :,, . �,,,,�•_--
<br /> � � Trusmr-Aurrnwt Tnislur Hrurnr•e►
<br />