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� ._..,� __ _— _ , <br /> --` . : , _ ,r,�I���1�+'�'".'� . � . .. �_� - , <br /> �� , � .. . � . _— - -_�r,_.._- _� ��._ <br /> .�i�' . y}, ..7' <br /> --����:d.M.w,�� i <br /> �t,�����un�..''x.'�.'i.�� <br /> �����s�,�3��� p pc y <br /> TOQ�TFiRR WITH all li�e im{►rovemznt�now or hercARer erected a�Ihe ru und ull easemenl�,apputtenancev. <br /> -- wK! fixtureti n4w or hercufter A pan o(the propeny. All replacemenls und addilians shall also bc covered by thia Security <br /> -- � '- Inr.trament. All of the foregoing is rcierred ta m Ihis Sec�irity lasuument av thc"Property:' <br /> ����� �I BORROWBR COVBNANTS thnt Born�wer ix lawfully scised af the eslutc hemby cunvcycd and ha�thc right tu grant <br /> ,�`'�'1'�'j"►' xnd convoy the Propeny and thut the Prope►iy is unencumbered.except f�x encumbrunces of recurd. Barrower warronts and _, <br /> ��� will defend generaity�he tipe to the Praperty aguinst All claima ond demundc,subject�o any eiuumbrances of record. <br /> y�,n.:...:,..•��.. <br /> "^'':" ";�, 7'HlS S��CURITY INSTRUM�NT wmbinc+ unifurn► covcnan�s for natiunal u.r and non•unifom� cnvennnts wi�h �___� <br /> � Yi;��' Ilmited vuriAtions by ju�isdiclion to constitule a unifom�security instrument covering reul propeny. <br /> �� ���f .. <br /> ww..• •,� �,,.,, U N I F O R M C O V E N A N T S. B o r r o w e r a n d L e n d e r c o v e n u n t a n d A g r c e u g f o l l o w s: <br /> ��',,;�m�,.;:r�:, l. Paymept of PriecipW and Interest;PrepAyment And Late Charges. Bnrrowcr shull promptly pay when due thc .��--- <br /> ':!±�?=�'��.•�;,-,.r. p d n c i p a l o f a n d i n t c r e s t o n t hc dcbt evidenced b y the Nae nnd nny prepuyment nnd lote charges due under�hc Nate. �i[+��t:.!"'� <br /> ;' ;• , - 2, Fpnds�or 71�xes amllnsurance. Subject to upplicublc Iaw or to u wriuen waiver by L en d er,Bo t r o w c r s h o l l p u y t� <br /> _- - � �,� ' '�• � l.cnder on the day monthly payments ure due under the Notc,until lhe Note is paid in full,u sum 1"Funds")for.lal ye:►��Y �K`v_ __ <br /> d���`�a,;��, tuxes and aasessments which m�y auuin prioriry over this Security Instrument as a lien on ihc 1'ropeny:lb)ycarly leasehald <br /> ----""' :�,���: paymentg or ground reni�on the Property, if any: (�) yearly hazard or propeny insumnce premiums: Id) yearly ilood — <br /> ' in�urance premiums,�I �ny; le) yearly mortgs�ge insurance prcmiums, if any: and(� nny .��m.payable by Borrowcr to ____ _ <br /> �•""�'°" "" '• accordancc with the provisians of paragrnph 8. in lieu of Ihe�ayment of mongAge insutanco premiums. Thcse __.� <br /> �•'�k���s�=�• • items nre c�lled"�scrow Items.' Lender may,at any time,collect and ha d Fundx in an amoum not to exceed the maximum �.. <br /> •--a;�•. � :,; omaunt a lender far o federally related mortgage loan may require for Borrower!c escrow accoum ur�der the fede�ul Renl ���� <br /> ��� �• Es[ae Senlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time lo lime. 12 U.S.C.�2601 er se�.l"RESFA"),unless anather <br /> � Iww�hat applics ta thc Funds set�a lesser Amount. If�a,l.ender may,ut any time,collect und hald Funds in on cjmount not ta .�.�=.�.s. <br />"-�•�� excced the lesser umaunl. Lender may estimate �he amount of Funds due on thc basis of current ds►ta and reasonuble _ <br /> -°- - estimntes of expenditures of fuwre Escrow Items or wherwise in accordance with npplicable law. � <br /> � " Thc Funds shull be held in an ins�itutian whose depositti ore insured by a federal agency,instrumentAlity, or entity <br /> (i n c l u d i ng I.e n d e r.i i L e n d e r i s s u c h a n insucution)or in an y Federal Home Loan Bunk. Lendcr ti6�11 npply the Funds to pay ••.,�,� <br /> • the Escrow Items. [.ender muy not churge Borrawer fo� holding and applying the Funds,annually nnalyxing the escrow �••n•_- <br /> �V��' accaunt,or verifying the Escraw Uems, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and upplicablc luw permi�s ���_ <br /> ���..�- <br />— l.endor to mnke such A ch�rge. However.L.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for un independent renl ��_Y__ <br /> � er.tale tax reporting scrvice used by I.ender in connectian with this loon,unless applicable law pruvides othenvise. Unless an _ _ <br />_ agreement is mside or applicpble Inw rcquires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to puy Borrower any interezt or ���lv_, <br /> d �� <br /> � � � ewnings on the Funds. Bormwcr and L.ender may agree in writing,hawever,thet inlerest shull 6e paid on the Funds. Lender ��„�___„_ <br /> Fhull give to Barmwer,without churge,un annunl uccounting of the Funds,showing credils und debits lo the Funds and the �_- <br />``..,; ,."„,�__ purposc for which cach debit�o the Funds wps made. The Funds are pledged a�additionnl security for all sums secured by ��� <br /> %•` thix SeCUnry instrument. --- <br /> If the Funds held by Lender excced the t►mounts permitted to lx held by nppticuble law, Lender shall account lo <br /> Borrower fbr the exces�Funds in accordance with the rcquirements of applicable law. If 1he umount of the FUnds held by �r�.�► -- <br /> Lender ut u�iy time ix not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,L.ender muy so notify Bomower in writing,and,in �,(p'.'�.`_�r,r�;i,;;�' <br /> � sueh ense Borrower shull pay to Lender the umount necetiwry �o muke up �he deficiency. Bortower shall mnlce up the ��_•}�-: <br /> ���r� NS•[ <br /> ' ck.ficiency in no more than twelve monthl�•puymems,at Lender's sole discretion. v;.1,,,,.+.,;; <br /> • Upon p•ryment in full of all sums serured by this Security Instrumen4 Lender shall promptly refund to BoRawer uny �.r ,, ���, <br /> Fundr held by Lender. If,undcr pprngraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition or ��;�,�`'��'"'" <br /> usk of l►�e property,.hul)upply any Funds held by Lendcr at�hc time of ucquisi�ion or sale as a credit again�t the sum� _`�,�+_ <br /> sc:cured by this Security Inswment. <br /> 3. Applkation ot Payments. Unle�s applicable law provides otherwise, all paymentti received by Lender under � � <br /> pumgruphs I und 2 shull be upplied:Grst,to any prepayment charges due under the Nute;xecond,�o amounts puyable under �.:___� <br /> ps�rugruph 2;third,to inlemst due:fourth,w principal due;and last,to uny late churges due under the Nole. ���T <br /> 4. Chprges: Liens. Borrowcr shnll pay all taxes, ossestimznts,churges, finet nnd impositions �ttributuble to the _�_ ___. <br /> Property which may attain priority over this Securiry Instrument,and Ieaschold puyments or ground rents,if uny. Borrowcr ""���. <br /> shull pay these abligations in the mannc�provided in parugraph 2,or if not p•rid in Ihat manner. Borcower shull pay them on '�•~�:,--�� <br /> time directly tu�he penon owed payment. Borrower,holl prompdy fumi�h to Lender•rll notices of amounts to be paid under �qs--k..,=.. <br /> . this paragr�ph. It Burrower makes these payments directly,Borruwer shall pmmptly fumish to I.ender receipts evidencing ��,,,,,-_�•_ <br /> ' . , Ihe payments. �..� <br /> � Borrower shall pramptly discharge uny lien which ha+priori�y over this Securiry Imirument unleas Borrower:(ul ugrces �i• •��-_�: <br /> 't�....';_:�. <br /> ��. in wri�ing to thc payment of the ahligation securcd by�he lien in a manncr acccptuble to Lender.(b!cantests in good faith the _ . <br /> � li��n by,or defcnds oguinst enforcemem of the licn in,legal pr«ecJinga which in thc L.cndc�'s opiniun operatc to prevent the �, _ <br /> enforcement of Ihe lien;or(c)secures from Ihe holder of tlx:lien an ugreement sutisfactory to Lender aulwrdinating the lien ___ <br /> � , to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines thut any p•rrt of thc Pivpeny is subj�ct ta a lien which may attain prioriry �' <br /> '� over this Security Instrument,Lender muy give Barrower a noticc idcntifying Ihe lien. Borrower sh•rl!sutisfy the lien or tuke ��:.,,;_ <br /> '� � one or more of Ihe actions set forth abovc within 10 duys of Ihc giving of notire. 1�.' "�" <br /> . , S. Ho�ard or PropeMy Insurance. Borrower�hall kcep the impn�vements n��w exixting un c�rcafter crected on the <br /> Propcny insured against lass by�re,hazards included within the�erni"extended covrragr"und any other h:uard.,including <br /> �,: (7oods or floading,tbr which Lender requires insuriuice. Thi� in.ur+�nce .rhull he maintaineJ in thc amoun�s unJ for Uu <br /> �;, <br /> , • Form W28 9�90 �/age 2��/A�wRrs� � . <br /> . • � <br /> t� ' .a. � . <br /> � i <br /> . � <br /> i <br /> . � -- - - - <br />