�,'�f .�)t M1FI�__ Y'._ •�cl II � ,t f�� r L FI I I r ,���tlrw, a�f�i...�w�/1F�h1i�A�Gr.�^^��
<br /> r�: !}s �. r �� ��r i �� }�u� � � ' �t;..; 'r , �:.• .
<br /> y r. j� ;� �, � 1 __ �`iF"`� r.�, - t, ' �..
<br /> i� �,
<br /> � ��,' : . , ... �l�wsv,M� : '.._ �_Y -
<br /> �elt._ �:,.
<br /> �.. ��. � �w.
<br />. __ '��' , '#l�tt•:c3Y7MS:v n•,�,�_— ,_ . _— -- ..
<br /> . - ».� -�-- ..�. __�..u..._� •r..
<br /> _�{f:.-1A��.�•�'•(� ..._ ........ ._— . _-- �— ....
<br /> _� --_ _ _ — 'ir+a.�-��. .� �...��...��-�. .._ _ --_�..k' _ _—. .__. _..
<br /> f11i s.i.._....�_,._�__'..
<br /> <<. ,. ' axi�ptlon� oi tIN Trwto� •11 ot rAfeA�n hnby a�V�s�ly wlwd�nd eonvqrrd to tM TrwtM. In tlr NMt _--
<br /> w
<br /> �:��• �• .. . • ' ot A Ml� o MrNnabwn provtd�d. tM lrusto� or�ny p�rwn In poaf���tan 1��th� iruftor. �h111 th�n _.._
<br /> ,� � , , . ���,.�, � p�ec� �nd b� taiant�haldtnp ov�r �nd sh�ll inrthrtth d�11v�r�wsslon to tM purch�w��t weh ul�or b�
<br /> ` ,~• suwwrlly dUposwad. In �ceord�nc� v1tA tM provtsfons of iw applleabb to t�nt�Ao101np ov�r. TM �`-.
<br /> ,�'�;«��k:•'�.�y�, . �nt�d�n caupLd rstb�n Int�nst md�� t�nvoc�bU br d�ath oF otf��rtp,�nd
<br /> , P�r �nd �Y M�Y 9r
<br /> � � , ,� •n pr�nt�d ��c�aul+t Iw to �11 oth�r rwrdt�s for th�aoll�ctlon of utd Ind�bt�f�. TM l�Nci�ry or
<br /> , �-�`-``-'� As�lpns �y t�k�any oth��ypropM�t� �etlon punwnt to�t�t�of'f�r�l �tatuN �fth�� te �NN o►hdl��)
<br /> ..����:ta�'�,Y :: , eou�t or oth�n+lp for th�dl�t/tlan ot th�prap�rty. .� —
<br /> =- �-=� , ^ S. In th� w�t of • wt� n provtd�d tn p�r�p�aph 1, the T►ustM slwill a p+tid� f�+by eh. `.,'
<br /> ,r �= ,'.,-.-,�-,_..'.--------
<br /> •,� 6.•."o ..� len�Ttei��y tn M rar�t not tn �xens of p�rcrnt ot tht qro���Mt of wld ul�or Wl�s. �:W
<br /> � .. �. provld�d. ho�r�r, th�t the raMt of web fw sh�ll b� n+son�ble and sh�ll b�pprowd by tlM NMilcia�r �
<br /> _•— ,. ' as to n+sai+bl��f. Satd tN �1r11 b� tn rddllton to tlr co�t� and �xp�nws tncurnd by th� 1ru�tM In
<br />'�' ` . conductl� woh wb, Th� Mouet of such Cwts�nd��nt�s sh�ll b�d�di�ct�d uid P+Id�� tM s�l�'s
<br /> ' � " procNds. lt fs furtlr� �n�d tfwt tf �1d prop�rty thall bR dv�rttsd to� saU �s Irnln provld�d uid noR --
<br /> • :old. tlr Trustw drli b��ntltLd to• rcascrobl�{�e, tn �n a�ount �cupt�bl� to th� MndlN�ry 1or th� __
<br /> .-�' • s�rvlca r�nde��d. Th� Trust� sh�ll alto b� ►N�bi+rsad by tl�e E�n�ilct�ryr to��11 w�ts and txpaises _�
<br /> � , � m_._.._._._:
<br /> . In6m��d in ca�ction wilb ii.rwtrtlilnp of �tE pro�rty Tor f�l� H fM w1� {s not eons�art�d. �--,---� ____
<br /> .. V . , 6. ihe Pra�adr of �ny sal�of sNd prop�ty in accord�nc•�+cn P.�.o�.on 4 .n.�t a +po�+•d �+��c �o _
<br /> ' •• � p�y�rnt� of fMS. cat�. ��d�Kp�nu� o� sNd s�ls. the�xpens�s lncurnd bp th�l�ftet�ry tor tlw purpoa
<br /> N ot prottctlnp or �Int�lMnp Ntd prop�rq and twswwbl� �ttorny►s' fus: Ncondly� ta W�mt of tM _._ .��_-`�
<br /> � tndebt�dn�sa secund hnby: �nd thlMly, to pq �ny turplus or tuet�to th� p�rson or ptnons lep�lly ___
<br /> .. � til ri�_'a�_*++.
<br /> ' �. �� ������t�ht0. p
<br /> . .. ' rt ts ald pu��wnt to the �ut1�l:�tton cont�tn�d fn tMs 1nsLrunnt ar �t �f���_�
<br /> 7. In tIN �v�nt wid prop� y '
<br /> � " � �udief�l for�cloaur� ��1��nd th proeMds�ti not wffiefsnt to py the tot�l 1nd�bt�dn�ss Ncund by this ��...---
<br /> � �—
<br /> tnstrrwrnt �nd wldene�d by a1d prowtaorr not�. thr &netiN�ryr w111 b��ntltl�d to a detk{�neY Judp�M�t �^�_-..�`� ��•__
<br /> � for th� a�ount of tha def icttney Mlthout rp�rd to�ppr�ita�nt. tM irwtor Mv1�q wtwd�nd n�f�d�11 `�_--,_r-�.
<br /> � Hqhts of �pp�aitwnt to the irust�e. ����T'��
<br /> � �., :�
<br /> ��:
<br /> . .. -:�-
<br /> 8. Tht Truftor cov�nantt and �ynef a� fol lan: . ' �;.
<br /> Y.
<br /> ----- tl t11t 1nd�btbeMSS rrtoenced by said prdafiiory t+Ota iL tli� !�S L�d �t11� �e��;v
<br /> —� , •. Ns �111 prap Y P+Y .�.�
<br /> ,
<br /> , . , w�nr�r lMnln prorltMd. "�T'�`.
<br /> ���5:`�:
<br /> �.';;; b. IM Mtit pay •11 taxes, nsesaient�. �ttr r�te�, �nd oth�r qoren�ntal or�unlclp�l ehrrges. '... . ' �' ,
<br /> fines or dpoaittont. tor �htch prorlslon Ns �mt bwn Mde hertlnf�eipre, and MI11 Pro�qtly delivn� �+.�;x�;�.. �,,_
<br /> the oPfte{�1 e+�C�lpts thentor to th��ttel�ry. ��.ay: -,'.
<br /> r.�..:
<br /> , . . .:.r�c .
<br /> e. FM v111 qy futh expms�s�nd f�ea as �r be lncur� tn th� proL�ctton�nd�aintena�e�oi qfd � �•
<br /> • property. Ineludlrq tM !�t of any �ttorney Mployed by tM Burflel�ry to� tlr eoll�etlon of�ny �� , _ -
<br /> ' or •11 of the tnd�Dtedness her�by t�cured. of auch�xptnsa��nd fees ���y b� fnCUrhd fn�ny . •_
<br /> foreelo�un s�1� by th� iru�tee, or court proc�edinps or 1n �ny other lftly�tlon or proeMdliq � -
<br /> , 1 � ��,
<br /> ' •ff�cttrq atd prop�rtr. �nd�ttorn�y's fas na�onablt lncurnd tn�ny otlMr wy. � ,
<br /> d. TM rtphts created by thts conreyaet� shall r�aln tn full lorce �nd �if�et duriiq�nY I ' �
<br /> ' postpen�ent or extenston of tlw tf�e of the p��ent of th� fnOtbtadmss wld�nced 6r sa/d not� or k -
<br /> ' any part thtrtof ucund henby. --�..
<br /> • t , �''..�
<br /> • , e. N� w111 conttnuously w�lnt�ln h�zard lesur�nee ot auch Lype or tppes �rd tn sueb �ount� as the � ' � ��_
<br /> Ben�flN�ry �y frm ttwe to tt�e rpulre. on Lhe fiqrovarnts noM or here+ft�r on Ntd propertY. p=•-�---
<br /> �nd wtll p�Y Praptly d�en due �ny pr�iva ther�fa. All lnsur�nce�hall Ee arN�d fn co�p+nies ; '��'.. -
<br /> � � • �ccept�ble to &neficf�ry ard the po11c1es �nd renewls thereot sh�l) be held by 8eneflct�ry uid ; .
<br /> h�v� att�ehed th�reto loss wyae�. ei+�s.: tn f�vor of and le forw�ccept�ble to the O�neticl�rr• '
<br /> In tht �wnt of lo�s. T�wto��111�tw+ i�adtate notice tn rrlttnp to Ben�ftcf��y�rd B�n�fki�ry
<br /> ' �ay �ke proof of lose ff not Mde praqt ly by irustor, �nd e�tA lnsur��C! eo�p�ny COnC�P�Md 1a
<br /> hereby �uthorlied �nd dlneted to�ke p�f�rnt for �ueh loss dinctly to &neftctary tn�tud of to
<br /> Tru�tor �nd Ben�ftetary Sotintly. �nd th� 1nfu��nce Proeeeds. or My p+�t th�nof. Yy E��ppiNd pY
<br /> —3—
<br /> . , -
<br />