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<br /> `,{;�- Z IiIS O�D OIr TRUS�is made aa o�.'4'� � �� `�--�f ��.--•�� e .
<br /> �`�r �� �i�s�5� D (�usto�').whos.:mniliag a�dmss is _..� �,-.
<br /> � ' . � (�tIIt�a
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<br /> ,��t�� � � �' � r,?
<br /> �hve.e ma�ing ad��' ' °-
<br />� ! FO$VALUABLE CONSII3ERATION,TrasWr ir�sva��+oonvepe aa�essigns W Traat�II�S•'f`�LtJS'�W�t
<br /> POWL�BO'�StlLE.fcrtaebenefiEeudsecaritYcfBeaafla�u�d�r-��lecttotLetermsan�caa�itiflnsoftLliiItae��f'i yst,� �:^
<br /> ". : the real gsoBexsy 2ncated in the Gtit9 af Ctt[1d 7s1_
<br /> �;..✓ _ h�t�,1--- .Steste ef Neb:asl�a,and legallF de�i�s�l as foIIawe(the`PeoIIert�3:
<br /> �;` � ..�'a3� 8 be�taments,intemctn ia a�a�in8 soad�.etireeta s�a'�le, , �:
<br />��r<'., j Z+p�$Fi�1't`H:AAlrenEo,ea3emeats. DDnst�a�s� to
<br /> ;�'i,' ! af Idad�LQated�aa�fl u i lgcr�ss a a l g m,�e Y t y t f v a�may ba a r b�a�r b e c a n e s�n i a L��l .
<br />:,:��,r impmvamant�t�nd b�.. �9 .
<br /> a�+•�. i past af miGh.biTFl�ling�and:iroppov�u�tu.AI1 a'°gs raised thetean,aruL rsU waLer righta
<br />''�•` � aad the en9�e e:tat.�imd Eni,��s6 canveys.�Un tha 7?�crt�s ose teferrcd'W colte�^1�yrs1.y.9a t�r�mTrast Est�ttu!'... ,
<br />;`t{� , } �'D°1?���*• . �'� �
<br /> q� , FOR3'FIEP'U9g"aS�O�+.�CURYTIC3:
<br /> ;�f��' i ` n.#�u�siant af'indebm.�sa in th�e total princi�al am�t of 5�+�' - with intenet t1�lttw'?n,ea evidrnced bq.t��` , ,
<br /> ,,. . .
<br /> <%�� ) +�i'a��note ofevendate(the°Nate")with a mul�ityd�of.��. ��' .. _.
<br /> ' r. �� �terutad by,Tcrmta�wtric�ha3 6e$n de�itivs�aa�is�p�!s t4 t�e aidss of Bsneficiarq,and whis3i:��,e tS�s re�reut�ia her�eby;;�;:`'.j:.
<br /> E II . . ,.
<br /> ;�:�•,' msde e((rarFi ut�+ea£t�n3 anp encl ell mtr'ci�wLions,p�twa�ans aad renacPals�o$aad �.� • . �
<br /> :'�::;� � b.. �t�yaienL af all sums�utv���b,q Beaefida�rq W&satQCb 4he'lYa.3t Estate,with iri��im�'.it t�n at fhe sat,�ui�`'.,. .
<br /> �,�:,; .
<br /> I � pe�t ( ��_ 9a)pez aAnum.end '.
<br /> �•,� , c 1lse pFrfo�rmance o4'Prastot'e cov�ants aad a�eemen�e. is
<br /> �..�� TbfsBl�ed uf Tsus�. sfie Note, and anp ati�er inrtromeaL Hives� to evidegca�dx �er seaue.tl�e psymeaL a�, � ;
<br /> pesfa�naaee of snSr obligat�n��er'ehp�e refez�d to coIlectively as t�e'Zoou tnaxr�manb`.. . -
<br /> C 4
<br /> I. P�Yt,�iT OF INDESTIDNP.SB�1'matnr ehaII pa9 wlusn due tiui g.r3atcipal a�and tbn uster a�om.t�iudebteeIo.atis� : _
<br /> evi�3eoaed 6y fhe Nate.cl�ar�ea fees end eII other aua�e oe pmvfded ia 6he Loan Ia�rwaeat� ' –
<br /> 2.TAI�.S AND�L'SST3SB�lE`NT$.Trostot e1�11•piQp.tiD t8tes pud�na�nama�ta pf evtfY 1riLd�II4w o�b�teePtzt lev'u!d
<br /> °�, � ngaiYUSt the�ruaL estaZe ar unyp�rt tEereoYaa follasvn: ; . ,
<br /> _Yx;,:,, •
<br /> :!��,h`��, l " finitial an�)'
<br />��:�; �� � �r�y pa9 aus3i fszes. without npticu or dnmand ea. esuh iaatnlLuent oomra daa aad ehnl3
<br />,`r,�' i P�de tt�e beno&siary with evidenoe of t1�o paymeat of tho eame. �
<br /> � nuawr ehral! �r to beneSde�9 oac�EvreIRh of Ehe �al estate ta�ts ead► manth �.ni ench utb�et•�^��,"^Tte
<br /> j a,s tbey 6ecamn dan.The ano-twelfth payment ehal2 be a$(usted annually rin iLo tasee e�ange aad fauator ug��W8L ; v,
<br /> :,, eftet pey�ment af t�e ta�tes eacn year thn2 atty de8eisncy vn'II be pr�umgtlg�pa�d w BmeSd�.&�ntr��9�2� ..,'
<br /> '� � W ymvide trastor aI�seoetpto nhcwing that the real estate ta:ee have be��s�id ia tiill and whoa dwo. i
<br /> r['n,;� � 8. INSUFiANCEAND REPAIIiB.`11rnsWr ebull mafntain Ste ttud e�aded caver,�ge itusm���instain8 t�he i:aymvemez�ttu� s
<br />;�i��i�� aad buildin�+oonatitat+n8 Dmt oftho Trust Estate for aa emount no lecs tbam the amcant af tTu+iva�taid pr3adDa16alanoe af tl,�� � --
<br />:�:'�`� NaOe(cainauraace not escee�in8 80%pm�mitted).Sur.h iasuraaoo Putic9 shalt contaln a a2an��cia�tgaB+a a3av�in favar�o'�'
<br /> ganeHatasy aa,d et�ell noi be caneeltabl�tes�ria�xGto ar�6te withoat tea t101 dnya DrEor w;iwea aat3iip<itt$ene8+3a� -
<br /> ���,..,:.' 'Ctuewr smatl PramDtlY reDsI�maintnfA a.nd�v�c�ia�1'c.t.�i�r�Yuat Fstnto or aay yart tbereof eo 4bat,e�poept far u�c3�n[�,+�ear aad i
<br /> ;���t :. 't;�a�tlte 3�'cu�t?G�att►t�ehalI aat dete�lu 1it;c��s.ernent ehall tbe Tiro�oor cammit waste on ur ta43�ri�I.'cu�F�taix: +
<br /> ;YS�;��` ' 4, AK71"iC.iliit3 AFFECI'INEi TItiTS7:'•11��UL',,`Y'�.14uetar abaU apyeas ia sad conta�t eny acttum ar p�aggnr;�tiaFi;�` �
<br /> • afCoe4!lu.�rmmor.fi�+heseof or tLe righta ar�y�cuoro af Beneficiei9 or R�n�Lee.eacl email pa,y s1l r+attu r,�td.+�yansav,includin8�`nf., �
<br /> evid�n�r;f;tdiit;aad attam�eye fees.in c^.nq snch action orpraooeding ia wLirh Beneficinry or Tnwtee�a7 uypesit:3honld Teattatr 1 _
<br /> f9�CO(�"a�Gle quy Ap3�ei�i:.�tA do t�ny SCt es t�nd in 4�o m^nna►pmv2ded ia r�y of tho Loan In�iamentn.H�n�Gciary anc3los =
<br /> Treetee,en�d���ita atca�liArsssti�,witItont abligatien so tn dp and without natieo W or dersa:d upaa�4a�tl,nr•and without j �
<br /> . . r�eleaddg'iM�tor from a.."5'obliga�iaa,,muy matie or do the same in surh maaacu ead to aar3�+xiteat as ei�es mqy de..MU t
<br /> � aecessaiq bo prateet tha sesnrtty I�enocsf.Truntor ehaU.immedIate�y upon dc�ad t8ezeffor b��13uncficier9.PaY ull coata.enr,L E
<br /> � e
<br /> espenaes iacuned by Hc»e�eia:9ln nmsxveeAion with the ezercise by Benoficimy of tho faset�iu�t',righte�includdn8 without �
<br /> limicatinn coete of evIdeaaa af titYe,cnasB�aste,aPB�surveqs end atCozaoy'e Seea Any fits��tx,sta end e�►�sea noL pnid ;
<br /> � wi't 6ia ten(10)�Ia9e otwrfitxtn demand s[�all draw inLe�est ut tho d�faWt rate pravidad in the tJote: ,
<br /> b. EMIIQL'A3T IIOI�ACN.BhouId tlt�'Y1.us2�Eatcur.ax aay porL thor�of�intr�r�st theruin.6e ta3:en or dams�sl by reason af
<br /> i an9 Publ�r improtamcnt or condatnnniian praceeding.o: 9n nay ot�er mnaner incladina daed in liau of Condemnatiun
<br /> u
<br /> (`�nndemnation">.osehon1dR'�ustorrerntYonnynotic��oLherinfarmm�rega�din8encfipraceedaSg,Truatarahallglveptampt , _
<br /> � wretten aatIca thereoY tn Beneffcinry.Beneflciarq sball bo entatdcrl to nll�mpensat�on,awerds end other�aymoate or relief
<br /> c arq
<br /> ' therefo�and aLall bn entit�ot ite apLfoa w camm�nco.aPPe�r In and proetcu4e ia ite a*aa numo any tictiaa or prateedin�e. � �
<br /> _ � BeneScisry ehall sle.�be entitied to meT�e aqy compmmic�or settdemenL ia connecHon�ith sns3�taictng o:dnmugo.All ench
<br /> • . ' compensatioa.ewa:do.dnmub'e�.ri�2►W oY ac2ion and pmoeeds aavar�ded to Trustor ildio "Fm�ed�")rue hereby aESisncsl w � -
<br /> , 8enefidary and 9'riaztar agre..°s to ezeenta suct�flutflor assignmento of tho Proceede as Scnaficinrq oT Trustee mny req�• � .
<br /> e.FtS'IRJItE ADYANCFB.Upon r2qucKt of Tsnstw.8eneficiary.at Beaeficlary's.optian,prias to reco�eyaace of t1�.o Pro&�Y
<br /> ... I io Trua�v3�jr r,�s�fut�rra�s3:�.a�.:t�Trs�LoL 5•,� 11�t,,,P�ty�y�a,avrt�inteiest thfv�enm.shell be secune8 bY thin Be..�Of . -
<br /> • � Trust whon E+videaced by promieamy nates stating thc►t e�id noLes aae secnred horehy. ;
<br /> roi II _
<br /> �L
<br /> . � ; i =
<br /> .. .. . �
<br /> . , - _.�_.__-------- �
<br />. ,. , - --- aov�J/95 � � ,-
<br /> . , . . u
<br /> - _ : �.;: :����`.. �. . . ... .. . . . . � . .
<br /> �� _ . :�'�•.. ::F� . . ' , t ., r:s . .
<br />