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<br />D�NNA F. BAMFORD, a single person, GRANTQR, in cansideration of the receipt of
<br />an interest in arxd to such limited liability company, does quitclairn unto TRIANGLE �AST
<br />PROFERTIES, L.L.C., a Nebraska lirnited liability company, GRANTEE, all of Grantor's
<br />interest in the following-described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-201) situated in
<br />Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />Part of the Southwest Quarter afthe Southeast Quarter (SW'/oSE'/) of Section
<br />One (l), in Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), West ofth� Sixth P.M.,
<br />mare particularly d�scribed as follows, to-verit: Comrnencing at the point of
<br />intersectian of the Sautherly right of way line of U.S. Highway No. 30, as naw
<br />constructed and located, with the South boundary line of the Southwest Quarter of
<br />the Southeast Quarter of said Section 1, running thence East along and upon the
<br />Sauth boundary line of said Southwest Quarter af the Southeast Quarter of said
<br />Sectian 1, for a distance af 1104.9 feet, turning thence North at an angle af 90°
<br />and running North for a distance af 569.6 feet to the Southerly right of way line of
<br />said U.S. Highway No. 30, as now constructed and lacated, and running thence in
<br />a Southwesterly direction, alang and upon the Southerly right af way line af U.S.
<br />Highway No. 30, as now constructed and Iocated, for a distance of 1258.55 feet,
<br />to the place of beginning; and
<br />A tract of land located on a part af the South Half of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(S'/�SE'/) of Section One (1), in Tawnship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9),
<br />West of the 6 P.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point
<br />on the South boundary line of the Southeast Quarter of aaid Sectian 1, which is
<br />the intersectian af said South boundary line with the East line of th� tract
<br />conveyed to the Geer Company, a corporation, by warranty deed recorded in
<br />Baok 95 at Page 437, in the office of the Re�ister of Deeds of Hall County,
<br />Nebraska; thence North along said East line of said Tract sa convey�d, to the
<br />intersectian of said East line with the South right-of-way line of United States
<br />Highway No. 30, running thence Northeasterly upon said right-of-way line a
<br />distance of 231.4 feet, running thence Southwesterly at an angle of 128°17', ta the
<br />right, to a paint on the South line of said Sectian 1, which point is 62.1 fEet East
<br />of the place of be�inning, running thence West along and upan the South line of
<br />said Section 1 said distance af 62.1 feet to the point o�beginning; being a tract af
<br />�ay1d 231.4 Feet wi�e along the South right-af-way line of United States Highway
<br />No. 30 and 62.1 feet «�ide along the Sauth line of said Section 1 irnmediately
<br />adjoining on the East the tract conveyed to the Geer Company by the warranty
<br />deed hereinbefore referred to; and
<br />A part ot the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE'/SE'/) af Section
<br />One (1), Township Eleven (11) North, Ran�e Nine (9), West of the 6` P.M., Hall
<br />County, Nebrask�, more particularly described as fallaws: Beginning at a point
<br />nn the South line of said Southeast Quarter of tk►e Southeast Qu�r�er, said point
<br />being 538.5 feet West af the Southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the
<br />S�outheast Quarter; thence running Westerly along the South line of said Southeast
<br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter a distance of 724.0 feet to the Southeast corner
<br />of a tract pr�viously surveyed far, and deeded to, the Geer Company; thence
<br />deflectin� right 1 �1 °33'30" and running Nartheasterly along the Easterly line of a
<br />