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<br /> �t. �__ . �.,�—�
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<br /> �a�3�..i�t;...u,�.:r+����
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<br /> --___- th�PropNty�t a d�k�n or dam�p�d.Lendo►4h���hav�!h�opdon,In Iu solo and abwluta diicropon,to epp'�r a",�+ch ProaNd�,
<br /> — `j�� �It�r d�duodnpU►�r�from�II aosq�nd�xp�ns�i Incurred by It In conn�ction wilh�uch P�ae�d�,upon eny Ind�bbdnq�Ncund
<br /> � h�raby�nd in wch ordn a�L�nd�r m�y d�t�rmins,or to�pply all wch Procoade,a8�r such d�duatlorn,to M�reetoraGon o1 the
<br /> ���A'�"���`�s"�f;•�,��. property upon wch eondidon��s L�nd�r m�y d�tNmine.Any appllc�Uon ol Procosd�to Ind�btodnas�h�ll not oxbnd or po�tpon�
<br /> ;;�,.�i:'Ls;�;u�• ` � ths du�dN�ol�ny ptymanb und�r th�Not�,or cun any d�l�ul!ihoroundor or horounda.Any unappll�d lunds�hell b�pold to
<br /> .::�'�+'� -� Trwtor.
<br /> .,s .... �. g, p�m�ne�by L�nd�r.Upon lhe occu►rence of an Event ol0efaull t�oreunder,or if any ect I�takan or lepol proaMdlnp
<br /> �+^� • � . � Commonced whic�materlally atfects I.ender'�Intore�t in tha Property,Lender may In it�own diecreUon,b�t without oblipadon to do �- _ _-
<br /> 'n � ' to,end wlthoW noUca to or dsmsnd upon Trustor and wilhout r�lw�fnp Tru�tor Irom any obllpetion,do any act wh�h Trwtor has _
<br /> yM1'♦�" . ''-.,:
<br /> f�1r.��,::•� „ apraed but lall�lo do and may elsa do any oth�r act I�deema neceaery to protect the aecuriry hereol.Truetor eholl.Immadiately
<br /> �����' upon demand thsrefor by Lende�.pay to Lender all coate end e�pen�ea Incurred end auma expended by Lender fn connectfon with
<br /> �� .;s the axerclse by Lender of the lorepofnp rlghts,topether wlth interest thereon et the delault rate provlded in the Note,which ehall bA
<br /> �` ':;,,„'�•'���, �•'� addad to tho Indebt�dno�s secured heroby. Lend�sholl not incur any Ilablliry becaute o}anythln�It may do or omit to do
<br /> Q • � Iwraunder.
<br /> �a:(Li:��;,.:.,'.;.._ _. 9. Hu�rdous M�t�dal�.7ruatqr ahall keep tha Property In compllance with all epplfcable lews,ordinances and regulatlons �,,
<br /> - ""�=''" "�"'"� ' - relating to tndwt�fel hygiene or anvfronmaMal protection(colleotivaly referred lo herein as"Envlronmental Lewe'q. Truator shall
<br /> - . •-. _ . .
<br /> �:•n°,;,,,,,.,.<.•-. � _ _
<br /> keep the?roperty irea from all aubatances deemed to be hazardous or tozic under any Environmentel Laws(cotlectively re eire o
<br /> "'� � herein as"Ha�erdous Materials"►.Trustor hereby warrants and reprasenta lo Lender Ihat there are no Hezardoue Mate►lale on or
<br />---���".�•+�:':�' '� under the Property Trustor heraby agrees to Indemnlly and ho�d hermleas Lender,ita direalora.oBicers,employeea and agants,and
<br /> -�.��u�: '','r �`�;�'�+ ' any aucceasore to lende►'s interest,lrom and ageinal any and a11 clalme,dameges,losses and Ilab�lidea arisinp in connecUon wlth
<br /> ;,�Y�;y;3,:�s'!.�::,. the preaence,use,dlaposal �r traneport ot eny Hazardous Materials on,under.1rom or about the Properly.THE FORERQINCi
<br /> `___�"�'" ' '• SURVIVE RFCONVEYsiNCE OF TNIS DEEQ OF TRUST. - - --
<br /> :,,�'• ' , -"? t0. Awipnm�nt ot R�nt�.Trustor hereby assipns to 4ender the rents,lasues end protits of�he Property:proWded ihat Truetor
<br /> ,:f,;i '�� •:-; shall,untN theoocurrence of an Evant ot Delault hereunder,have the rlght�q oollect and retafn euch rents,issues and pruflts as they
<br /> � ' � become due and peyeble.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Delault I.ender may,elther In person or by agent,with or without �Y
<br />'`•�c`„�� � . �� brin�i�q any aCtfon or proceedinp,or by d recefver appointed by e Court and wlihout regerd to tiie adequacy Of 0s eaCUrlty,enter _
<br /> �;'� ���•1 + uQon and take possesslon ot lhe Property,or eny pa►t thereof.In fts own name or In the name oi ihe Tn�etee,and do any acta which It
<br /> � � .���„ �:: deema necose9ry or deslrable to preserve ihe velu9.merketabilfty ar rentablliry of the Property,or any part lhareol or interest thereln,
<br /> .'-��•;•;;�`�,•••'�' inuease fhe InCOme thereirom or prolect the secudty horeol and,wl�h Or rvithout teking posseseiOn of ihe Property,sue for or r�.;:
<br />-;%�' � �:�y������ � otherwlae colleCt the renls,Issues and protits Ihereof,including those past due and unpaid,and apply the same,leas costs and � �
<br /> ' � ; •r � �s expensea of oparatlon end collectlon Including attorneys'fees,upon any indebtednesa secured her�dy,sll In auch arder es Lender
<br /> , ����„ ''•`��r� � may determine.The entering upon and:aking posseaslon ot the Property,the collecllon ol such rentF,Issues and prolits and the __
<br /> �� "^'r� .� � applfcatfon thereof as aloresaid,shall not cure or waive any detault or notfce of delauft hereunder or Invalfdale any act done In __—_
<br /> - :; .�;;. y,.�.- ., reaponseta suoA���A1nd aorllcat on ot rents.tissues oeprollls,and T uetee and1Lende Ushall be`entl Ad to�exero ee e epe�ht
<br /> ^-- - -, , . 2he co!lectlor..._c.P .P ry g =-- -
<br /> � �;�� prowded for in any of the Loan Instrurrents ar by lew upon occurrence of any Event 0�Delault,mcivaing K��thout iimilaliu�i tt�n iighi
<br /> • �.�, � ` lo ex3rCl3e the power ol sale.Furthar,Lender's rlgMS and remedies under Ihis paragraph ehall be cumulative with,and In no way a Cy`�.'3�
<br /> . 1,' . Ilmltatfon on,Lender's rlghts and remedfea under any asslgnment olleaseA and rents recorded eqalnst Ihe Property.4ender,Trustee ��,}a
<br /> ' and the receiver ehell be liabte to acCOUnI only for those rents actua�ly recefved --
<br /> 11. Ev�nb ot D�Taulf.The lollowing shalt conshWte en Event pf Qefault undt�r thi=peed ol Trust -=�_
<br /> (a) Fellure to pay any mslallmQnt of principal or int�regt af any other aum aecured hereby when due: "`�=
<br /> �� �
<br /> ' (b) A breach of or default under any p�oviaion contalned In the Note..thi3 peed ot frust,any ol the Loan InstrumeMS,or any �r�?��•-_
<br /> other Uen or encumbrancQ upon the P►operty: ���
<br /> , (c) A w�lt ol execution or attachment or ar,y similar procoss shall ba enlered agalnst Truator whlch ahall become a lien on ��_
<br /> , ' the Property or any portion thereol or mterest Ihere�n: �-�c��
<br /> , � '�`;'�, � (�) There ehall be liled by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any pre9ent or lufure federal,state or olher
<br /> �_=Si._;
<br /> stetute,lew or regulahon relatfng to benkruptcy.insolvency or other relief for debtors:or there shell be appointed eny trustee. "�;.__
<br /> recelver or l iquidator ol Truslor or 8orrower or ol al!or any part ot the Property,or the rents,Iesues or prollts thereof,or Trustor �_Ar��
<br /> � ' � f> , or Bonower Shell make any geaeral asaignment tor the benelit of creditors; �„��i�:
<br /> � ' (e) The sele, trans}er, lease,assfgnment, conveya�ce or furtho.encumbrance of all or any part ol or any interest in the �.��F
<br /> Property,either voluntanly o� involuntanly, wlthout the express•Hrlften consent ot Lender; provided that Truator ahall be �
<br /> permltted to exec�te a lease af the Prqperty Iha�does notoontain an opdon to purcnase and tne term of which does not exceed ���=��°==
<br /> :. one year; !�"`��-2�
<br /> ' ��,��t:� (� Abandonment ot Ihe Property:or
<br /> � (p) It7ruator�s not en indivldua�,the lesuence,sale,trensler,asslynment,conveyance or encumbrance ol more than a totel
<br /> ;,`.f.t. '. • ��_ pe►cent ot(I(a corporallon)Its issued and outstanding stock or(il a partnership)a total ol perCent of ,.,u-_^
<br /> _ partnershlp Intereste during the perlod thls Deed of Truet remains a lien on the Property. ��-,`
<br /> ' � � �.°��' ' " 12.R�m�diq;Acalarltlon Upon ON�ult.In the event olany Event ol Default Lender may,wAhout notfce except as requfred by , ;:�-=
<br /> _'-:_
<br /> � � ' • . law, deClAre ell Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall ihereupon becomo due and peyeble s;,-•,�:-
<br /> � • • r.` wlthout any presentment,demend,proteat or notice of any kind.ThereaHer�ender may�
<br /> � '' (a) Demend thet Truatee exercfse Ihe POWER OF SALE granted here�m,and Trustee shall thereaRer cause Truator's
<br /> ,' ' � � interest In the Property tc be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,all m the manner provltled in tho��ebraska Trust Deeds
<br /> • � ACk '
<br /> •; s ���`� (b)•Exerclse any and a!I rfphls provfded lor In any o1 the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> ' Deleu��:end � •
<br /> � . (c) Commence en actfon to foreclose this Deod of Trust as a mo�tyage,appo�nt a recewer,or apecdlcally anforce any ot the � ��
<br /> � , .�r�;`: covenanU hereof. •
<br /> � No remedy herain conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender�s intended to be exclusive of any other remedy hereln,In tho
<br /> ' ti::�� ' ' lo3n Instruments or by law provlded o►permltted,but each ahall be cumulaUve.shall be in addition tc every other remedy given '
<br /> ' hereunder,fn Ihe Loan Instruments or now or herealter ox�sUnfl et law or in equlty or by statute.and may be exerc�sed concurrently, t-
<br /> � ' . +: ' '' fndependently or succeasively. �
<br /> �; �'���' � � 13.Trudw.The Truatee may resign et any Ume wdhout cause.and Lender may at any t�r�ie and wdhout cauae appoint a �
<br /> . " ,. ' ' � , successor or9ub9tltute Trustee.Truatee ahnll not be liable to any party,fncluding wfthout I�mitatlon Lender.Dorrowar,�ruslor or any
<br /> purchaser of the Property.lor any�oss or dnmage unless due to reckless or wllltul misconduct,and ahall not be required to take eny
<br /> ectfon In conneCllon wlth the enforcement ol Ihis Deed ol Trust unlass Indemndled, m wnt�ng, tor all costs,cornpensatlon or
<br /> . ..�.. ..le..1�I.n D.nnortv li�ulfrlal nr �
<br /> - ' � �^ expenees wh�Ch mey be a99oCItiI80 tnerewttn.in add�twn.iruyian�iiny u6GO„-,o a M�:C`000�.....�s��•�-••••-• •-�- •.�-- -- -
<br /> under the power ot sale granted herem);postpone tne sAie of all or any portion of the Properry,as provided by law;or sell the
<br /> , Property as e whole,o�in separate parcels or lots at Trustee's dlscretion. �
<br /> 14. Fea1 and Expanaos.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exerc�se of power ot sale,Trustee shell be entltled to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds Ifrst to payment ol all costs and expenses ot exerc�sing power ol sale,includ�ng all'frustea's fees,and Lender'e
<br /> � And Truetee'sattorney's(ees,actually fncurred to extent permittetl by applicable law.In 1he event Borrower or Truetor exercisea any
<br /> � rlght provfded by law to cure an Event ol Default, Lendar shell be ent�tlod to recover trom 7ruator all costs and oxpanses actually
<br /> Incurred as a result ol Trustor's de�ault,fncludinfl without limitelion ell Trustee's and attorneye fees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> appllcabte law.
<br /> t5. Future AdranCO�.Upon request of Borrower, Lender may,at ds optfon,make additlonal and luture advances And re-
<br /> advances to Borrawer.Such advances and readvances.w�th fnterest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed of Trupt.At no time sha�l
<br /> � lhe prfnc�pal emount ol the Indebtedness secured by th�s Deed of Trust,nol includfng sums advancad to protect tha secur�y o1 this
<br /> peed pf Truel exceed the orlylnel princlpal amount slated herein,or$________--.-_—,whlchever Iagreeter.
<br /> , . .��
<br /> ,
<br />