.� t_�.i��.,3:�i� f�' , c . . ' ' ..� � ,i: , f . . . . .. :t 'c. , _ �y.;
<br /> t` ` �r ' .<F `�< ' n� � ° ^'� _�.
<br /> ' ��wy._��,. - t...�s__. � `C. . � � Y
<br /> �.Jt. .�,,,�� M���•..
<br /> ��!:.
<br /> � s�- �a�� : �;��
<br /> , ._
<br /> - a�ected t�a�bY,ur�d T�sto:s tc�sY sb�I���itionaliy�all suth r�av.�u�and p�nfits to the tensf s�aiy. The .. .
<br /> � b��l+,ha�'��r•�Y°d��'to lYustais'oQ1Y�ion aud reieniinn of ss�c�ents.is�r�and ps�ts.so!�as Tt�stozs ata ..��°*.�:
<br /> aat,ai susL time.en deSz+ntt�rith�ecY to pay�.'�t c��Y ic��resl hert�sy. or in the prsfo�anoe of tmy agn,�ant ,��..
<br /> � p�xenati�r. If aanyy e��ni of dPfanit d�scn�ed hc�sftet in m�w this�eed af T�e�st s3aall 1��oocuaed and l�e wniinain�,tltt � ��.
<br /> B�ciatyr.as a ut�iter c�f seght and wit�out nalioe to Tta4,w3s oz anyvge daiming t�der T[�stor�.aad withaut nega�d to the vahte of ��''
<br /> � the nast�or the intet�st af the Tc�s�.�rs thetein.s6ai1 Q�a+'e tbe rigb.t ro appiy to any oourt having jurisdic4ioa to appoint a „_
<br /> -,, reaivar af tt�e prape�ty n or in of the fot the ��.
<br /> 8. 'Ig.e Een�"uei,nY.ar i�ts agents,are aut�orized to enter at�Y of t��ac�ts th�' amhonud Pe�'oms n� teimstLe oi �.z``-�'
<br />� g�upas�of ins�g the�d�e aad for the pnr�ase of perforsning anY -[�- f Y
<br /> any!u��ex��y Ttt�tms. ��•`�:'_`-:-
<br /> or iatcaest ef Trastors is so�d,uagsfer�d or f n:t her en c a�m b z r e d�v i t T�t t h z�vri tt e n �=:s;,:-
<br /> 9. If a11 or any p�e of ttta pra�ert3► �Y ---v-:._
<br /> onnseni af tt�c Beu°.f+��t���Y�Y d��all sams secu�bY this Tn�s+t�ed to be immed�a2ety�e and payabt�and �...;�j,..
<br /> pioc�ead to tt�temediw�vailnbie to it nndes tt�de�milt pmvisi��s oan2ained h�in- �`-- -
<br /> !0. Aap�Fti�folla►ving evenis shaU be de�ed aa eveut�cPc�uli�or int�!or any otber sam�sewaed h.�by when -
<br /> a. 'I m�ta��all6a�re faii�l ro make pay�eat of aaY ir�tal�tr�ffi�p�ci�pal --
<br /> 4°.-.
<br /> ,� .i � -
<br /> D. Thens Lns ooau�d a breach af or d�t'arrf¢n�aa�Y te�- o�.reaant, ageement.eandrtinn. pmvisian. �tmion or �;,.�:.__
<br /> �ty�in tLis 1Deed of Tn�st,tt��te or a�r ftber toaa�ot vme�t I t'LeII oI eII�mbl3tlCe iII IeL�t to 3!1 Or 31ry m_
<br /> c. Tdiae l�s�s 6een a defanit�Y the T�astors in the payment anY Pn � __--
<br /> Part af tEte[uagerty', - ---
<br /> d. Tiustms s6aI1 fibe a vatun�er5+ P�itia�i�ba�' or svaD be adjndicazed bantaaPt or insoh'en1, or shali maYe an ,-.,
<br /> as�i�t far the beo�'it af e�edrtms au t�gect ta the pmpe�tY.or an actinn to ea£ame anp tiea os encvmbiauoe ar jndgments ----
<br /> a�tI��peitg is wmme�.
<br /> 1� la the e��r��►p d�f'aWL t�Be��a1Y maY�all indetr?�d�s seca��y to be due ar�papable aad the same �f;_;;
<br /> 51�aF�.�be�e due andp4yable tvith¢u4:a�P�,�'p��ag II�of zny I�n�. 'I��"'�2ft�;ti�Heaeficeats► Fr��s�.,;,
<br /> r:-��,
<br /> ,•i;.,,,:.
<br /> � i:.• � ' 1,::%
<br /> �. a. eathPa in pason or by agent,wlth ar cti�ihout biin�anY acaon aT Pmo�n��bY ceoeivz=r appanu�.Pr9 a anut and �?�?:.•
<br /> ��• w�thwrt ie8ard to the a�es�acY of a���I+.e��a a�ta�e p�nn of tk�pr�pertq,vr a�r part thetea�in its aara - .___
<br /> J s� �C OI iD 1bC namC b�f��t11StCC. �ud d0 2IIY �CS WhICh h�IICS ��dEfr�F�2n. LO� t�fC Vs�OC, `s''�Y':
<br /> .',� � � �",;__�-
<br /> . Q�ab�7ity or m.utaiaa�siy�af tLe PmpertY,or part tt�eceof�or iateaest theczan�.int�eea�e We im.roms tta�mSram or grat�
<br /> acauity tieseof an4��1�8 P�an af iLe pavpertp,su�for oi at�wis��a.'[ect the teass.is�cs aatd pmfits th�af4 �u`
<br /> �g P�OSe pasi dus aad�paid, and apPiy 4he sama.less oasts and�xpea�s a�f'�a�3 ca�,inctudin8
<br /> ` ateo��cy f���9��ued ver'e�Y.all in sus��as s�;.Bec�ar;m�;�t��. T�.�e�i��u�n.�: � -
<br /> Uer
<br /> �' � ��ty�u°af the tmst�i�.the.aolYte�cn of ssrd�.tr.�t�;.��+�P��and e.�iiratian tYreceof as afi��astY�:: �----
<br /> . �:;
<br /> ' ��'. .t.�aait�aL ojue ar waivs any defaWz or natioz af de�rrPa 6eaeande�H,s invatidate a�r aet and in response ta-Snd��#�.5�'::� -
<br /> :#�`; �to scrh uati�cf d�It an�a�ta+iti�srandiug t�e eun�i�ano�m p�..�daua of the pmperey or iLe c�al?r�.reaeiFt ,�__
<br /> `;;�i�s an��1ic�ion afreat5,�orpc�,Yraste�ar the Be�3'�Y��Rtt�toeacuase evesY riSm P�++�fos ita auy
<br /> af the 2oan ia�ar[ry Iaw upan ac�of an3+eveut af def�lt,inctcds'u;�;�tt�e ri�l c4►"°•°"';`A the Po���; �_
<br />��4�t�:.
<br /> ,'��:f b. camm�nee an actlan to farectase this Uced of Tmst as a mast�� appoim a aeoeiver,or sper�sailp e�afaroe azry of tLe -�
<br /> �;_.
<br /> aavstsnts�eteo�
<br /> c. delivr�to T�a wiitten d�ecaaratian of de6iilt and demand fos�i�a�cd�iii�u notiae af defanit and elocxian to r�uc
<br /> Ttttrior�'intemss in the pr�penY w be so1d,a1ncL not�oe TmsLae abaU caus:r3 6e dutY fited for re��in tY�e oSc�l reoords . -
<br /> ^� o£tBe oo�mi9 in wLiclt tIIte pmperty is laated. � . •
<br /> , i.;
<br /> iz. Sba�tLe Bwe6cuuY ekG to fore�2ose 6}►exarcise of the paivra���ti�1�etein oa�ined.utie 8eneficiaiy s1�a11 a�fY'I'�!t�!�.�� �
<br /> '"�� � aa(L st�II depa�t wit$T�.this Dad aY Ttusi and tLe note attd s�+ds;t��pts a�evidenee of expenditures t�.de aa�s� -
<br /> ,., [�iv;r as Trnsme mz9�eciai[t�!r��n re4ues3 of the Baec6�ra�9.the Tra�oe sLali�se tfl 6e leo�rfed.Ptibli.yft�t��ad deli'lesed � -
<br /> trl'�',�s�Nai[ce af De�ipl��Notic�of Sale as Ylk-is:ra��Y iaey aadby tlt�Y��td of T�i.Tcuatee aS��;�t dsmand
<br /> ' . ati Ttastnr.a&r sach time es�rira.y�i E�e.r�f(!�d bY�and after r�tt�aiion bf suc�Notix a f t�a u I t a n d a t t e r N o�ice o f S a I e �
<br /> ,��?'... �g�����,,Tr�r.s�C�31�c�r.+�ertY at the dme a�dc.�i.�ne�uf sa2e fiwed by it in such Natioe of Sa�eitber as a
<br /> -'°,�. who1G or ia s�epar�te tota or���or ir�;s�i Tnutee sball deem.���Yient,and in sach otder as it may determiae�„a�P�i� �
<br /> .! or tt►zreof a�to cLe pzopertp sa'td,oansistent ==
<br /> ..` . mictiet�w tbe trighe�st bIdder fox cash and shal!de�iver to such put�lsaser Pnc�asCt�
<br /> ait�the law then in effec�. R,ecI1�Is in We Trastee's d�d sLall be prima facie evi8enae of the uath of ihe statemeut3 made tl�a. .
<br /> . � Tmaae s1nU apF1Y iLe psaa�eds of the sale in the foflawin�arder:(a)ta��Sl ceasanabte oosts am expences af the s�incd�clin�f��i �:
<br /> e
<br /> ' � mt limited m Ttustee's fces of aat more tban 2%of tAe gmss s�Ie pHo�..rr.szsonabte att9m�y fees aad c�oats of titte evideace:@I tt��;
<br /> sI
<br /> sams sauted bY tt�I?eed R$Tiust:an0(c)the ex� ��3+.to r3se person nr p�sons tegaUy Witle9��sa1�aIl -:�
<br /> � inciuding tLe BeneSc�v3►.mnY�[�e sa�d p�Y at•cnd:�te. Tiu.KUZ may in the raanner provid�i lsp
<br /> �.. � ' �:;.
<br /> .��'
<br /> � or any ppfiam pf tlye p�operty:. ���'�,y'su�deAtedn�5 aa
<br />:�.�. �
<br /> !3. Tinstee and tt���cia�Y.aasl eas�of them.shaU be enn'�r this Deed o�f T�nut or und�z azry taan insuumeat or�tTreff
<br /> • pp�g�on sec�red t�ereby and to exercise ali ri�Lts F►nd OoR ,.-
<br /> agcoemeat ot a�+lawb nor��aeatL�e cufs�xr�nomrithstandia�some or all of tLe in0ebte�dac,s�ul obli�ia�ns sc�rod L�S� �W�_,,,:
<br /> ' wi�ich may now mr hetraRet tr��ise s�ared,wfi�hsr by mcmpg� deed af wst,Ple�e, iden.a�igame�or otl�wisrs. Y,u=
<br /> � ! NcItt�e�the aaoepwnoe of this 11r,�d af Tiast nor its enforc�mea�.w�scther by ooart actian or pmsnant w tt�e pawet af sak or mher
<br /> ' pocrEts 6e�a conmined.sl�ail pm�cdicc or in azry manner affect Tru.��ce's or the Bea�ficiat}�s dght to iealize upon or enfn�+c�auy
<br /> oW�r soauuY n�'or hereai�er he2�bY Tnr�ee or the Be�nefic��y►. it i�u�a�d tLat Tn�stes aad the Er�cauy,and c�d►of
<br /> I�� � them,s6,w be enlitle�to e�aroe this De�l af Trust sind an3'a�s s�r►fY naw o:herpfter beld bq the�ciaiY or Tmstae in `-
<br /> e n
<br /> f sach ozde.t and msnner as thsy maY in their absohrte dit�ion dgtermin$. No rea�.edy heris wnferra�upon or rFSenred to Tnutee -
<br /> s ch l�°t::=
<br /> or HeneffciaN is ini�to be txctnsive af any ather rcmedY herein or by law pravtded or petmitteQ bnt each sh:lll�e camnlative ---_-
<br /> . � � and shull 6e ia a�sfitian to every other�+61van hare�mder or nasv or 6eieaRer e�dsdnS at law or eqirity or by statute. Every :-��....
<br /> pawer ar remody��Y�Y af the la�n ir�ttum.-uts to Tsustee or the Benefsciary or w w�ic6 either of them may be aihemi.e G -:�.
<br /> eatitW!maY bs euucised,concunenllY ur i�n�1Y,fmm nme to ume ana as oaen as may ne aee�a exya�iem by rn�scee or r�
<br /> �• Beraefiesaty.an�l eithxr af th�m maY gnrsue inoonsistent remedies.Ndhing haein shali be ooasuu�as prohibiting tLe Beas'ficia�y
<br /> Be ae
<br /> ftnm seeYinS�defiaenzY3►usf�ee-nt agaiast Trostors to the extent suc�actian is pesmitt�d by la�w. _
<br /> 16. Tn�flis t�^reby request�o�DY of an3r notiae of def�It anA tbat anp�atiae af sale hereunder be maited to TnuW�s at the '�:..�
<br /> a�ess set forth in tha first pacagtaph of�his Deed of Tnist.
<br /> � fi5. T�8cnd�sy�.�'i s:.siit�s:•••�,�.R,�n��,re��nd se�tedged tiv BcaeflciaTM.maiicd to Tnuwrs aad re�aG�d in ` ..
<br /> tT��u C t;y in wlicli the prap�arty is lorat�:!xr,d by ott�v�+ic eomplyins aith tho pmvisions of th�applicable!aw of the Smte of _-
<br /> Neisraska.substitute a s4coessor ta thr Tnutee ayme�t�.rein or atting hxnenndu. ',=
<br />• ; �:
<br /> ��'.
<br /> � `.
<br />....y.. . . . . - . _ � . � � �� ' . .. ' ' ; ' ' . Y .
<br /> ' . � � �� . . . . ..._ .� . . . . �. . �' �' - . . .�.. �' -�. � . .� ' . . ' - - .. 1•� _
<br />