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r . �.:ar� <br /> �� �� a:a:t`�-=�^-:'f:�'�',���II <br /> ` � ���,�..._ — -- ._ -—. <br /> � - — - _--- —__• -� ___ ._ <br /> . <br /> — <br /> _Y'-_a.� <br />. . ._--L."„--___ _ . . ..1 ��. .�Tr��r-��u��,,�,'•�;, _.. _ _. . "���...r __— . <br /> . n '„y';•i�'!]�!L"�'�+1�'�kNr-- , .-_-- ^_�,�c� - � __ _ ---_.._ <br /> ..w- <br /> � + � ' ` � r i ...M- <br /> - ��.�.,�� . . : � . 92— 1ov�2 <br /> - �;:�:::���, �. <br /> ��,. <br /> --_'„"`"-`°"�d tM Prop�rfy I��0 4k�n a drm�pW.L�nd�r�hdl hav�th� la�ol��nd�b�olua dlscr�tlon,W�pply all�uah PracMd�, <br /> ,,, . �Mr d�duaNnp th�r�trom all co�a and�xp�mn Inournd by It in aann�cllon wflh�uch P�aaNd�,upon�nylnd�bt�dna�Nnw�d <br /> • ;;,,; h�r�by and In suah ad�r��L�nd�r m�y d�urminw,or to�pply all luah PrxMd�,�R�r�uch d�duatlon�,W th�rNWr�don ot fh� <br /> �� � •� Prop�►iy upon wah condlllon�u L�nd�r mry dat�rmin�.Any applic�pon ol ProcNd�to I�dWbdn�ah�ll not�xqnd or pwlpon� <br /> � � •� th�dw d�u ot�ny p�ym�nts und�r th�Note,or cur��ny dN�ult Ihor�under or hu�undu.Any unnppll�d lund��hall b�pald to <br /> � �. ;• .. <br /> �:.. <br /> . r=�...;..�_.-.,.. . Trwtor. <br /> •�•• ••�• -- �-• 8. P�rlonnana�by L�nd�r.Upon Ih�occurrenc�of an Ev�nt ol Default hereund�r,or II any aot Is hk�n or Ip�l procNdlnp <br /> . . .�_... . - , �— <br /> " �� comm�na�d which m�brl�lly�ffool�Laad�r'�Interssl ln th�P�op�rty,L�nd�r mey In IW own df�creUon,but without obllfletlon to do � - --.-.� <br /> , .,�* •.��: <br /> ;�; �.� : w,and without noUc�to or d�m�nd upon Trwtor�nd without nleaNnp Truator Irom�ny oblip�pon,do aoy ect whiah Tru�tor hq -- <br /> ��",�!� apre�d dut UII�W do and m�y also do any olhor act it d�ems n�c�u�ry to prol�nt th�seouriq h�rw1.Tru�tor�h�ll,imm�diauly ---- <br /> � �.��• ^• ���r• - upon d�m�nd th�rela by Under,psy to lander all co�t�and expenlei fnaurred and�umt exp�nded by Landa In conn�apon with <br /> '� th�ax�rci�e by L�nd�r ol tho forepotnp rlphu,topether with intwest th�reon at ths dN�ult nte provldid in th�Not�,M hich�h�ll be <br /> �o A ' ' � , add�d to !h�Ind�btWn�u s�cured hareby.Lender�hall not lnaur any Ilebillry b�cauN ol onylhlnp It may do or omit to do _ <br /> �"—— <br /> �--__.. <br /> ..'.a, ", ' h�rounder. - <br />#A ., � � , g F1u�rdpu�Mat�l�.T►ustor ehall keep Ihe Property In compU�nce wllh eU appliceble lawe,ordinanoes and repulotlonp r..�==_, _ <br />��, '� relaUnp to industriol hy�isne or snvironmental protecllpn(oolteatively relerred to herel�a�"Environmental Law�'7•Trwtor ehall <br /> •-! '_ _�____.._. kexp 1ha Property iree trorts a!I aubatencea deamed to b�he�ardous or toxlo under any Environme�tal Lews(coilectively re}erred W _ __�_.____ _ <br /> � hsreln as"H�zerdoua Materiale"►.Tru4tor hereby warrents and represeMa to Ler�der that ih,sre sre no Hitzardoue MeterielF on or <br />�C�'' � , under the PropeAy.Trueta hereby apree�to Indemniy and hold harmless Lender,ito directore,ofllcen,employeas and apent4,and — <br /> Y � � any succeaors to Lender's Inte►est,lrom and ayalnst any and all clNms,damepet,louea ond Ilabllitles ariolnp In conneadon with _____ <br />�w � .,.f`' the presenee,ute,dispoaal or trsnspoA ol eny Hazardous Meterlal�on,under,Irom or abaut ihe Property.THE FOREQOIN(i ���� <br />�• • ' - WARRANTIE8 AND REPRE8ENTATIONB,AND TRUSTOR'S OBUGATIONS PURBUANT TO THE FaREC�01N(3 INOEMNITY,BHALL ��Y— <br /> . � ', � `��n''.'":�� BURVIVE�iECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEEO OF TRUST. �'-=--_ �--� - <br /> � •� � 1p, AsWpnm�nt ot R�nb.Truslo►hereby aalpn�to Lander the renb,lauea and prolin ol the Proporty:provided thet Trwtor ;'���,s, _ <br /> ehell,until the occurrence ol an Event ol Default hereunder,heve the ripht to collect and rataln auch rente,faeues and prolUs as they �r_�:��i <br /> � become due a�d peyeble.Upon the xcurrence of an Event ol Deleult.Lender mey,elther fn person or by aQent,wUh or wUhout � -�_ <br /> ' � brinpinp any action or proceedlny,o�by a recelver eppo in t e d by a cou r t a n d w l l hout re gerd to the adequecy o1 its securily,enter � , �.�, <br /> . � upon and teke pos�e�alon of the Property,or Any paA thereof,in Ita own name or In the neme of the Trustee,and do any acte which it __ <br /> ' � deems neceaeery or desirable to preserve the value,merketabfliy or renteblllty o1 the Property,or any part ihereol or interost thereln, ,, �r <br />• ' "•'' �``�� Increase the I�come therelrom or protect the securiry horeot and,with or without tekinp poseessfon of Ihe Property,sue lor or �� .� <br /> � • � the rente issues end profita thereof,tncludinp thoae paet due end unpald,and apply the seme,less co�te end ��u'' �'_ '�'_`�- <br /> • otlterwise C011eCt . <br /> � expenses ol operation and collectlon including ettorneye'fees,upon any Indebtedneas secured hereby,all In auch order aa Lender �� •�:�. <br /> � mey datermine.The enterinp upon and tekinp posseo�ion of the Property,the collectfon ol such rents,Isaues and proNta and the "`' '�' <br /> app l i c a tf on thereof as aforesald,shall not cure or walve any deteult or nodce ol delault hereunder or invelidete any act done In �,'_�._� _ <br /> h response to auch delault or purauant to such not�e ol default and,notwithstandinp the continuance In possessfon of the Property or ' <br /> — • ��p����inn,receipt and applicetlon of renta,lasuee or prclils, end Truelae and Lender ahall be entHled to exerclae every ripht ___._ <br /> �` provided 1or in eny of the Loan Inalruments or by law upon xcurrence ot eny Event of Gefauit,inciudiny wiihoui ifmfiailan tha dQh! �.-,•-°�4__ --- <br /> n ° to exerclse tha power ol oale.Furlher,Lender's dghts end remediea under Ihfs parayraph ahell be cumulapve with,and In no wey e �!'�;� �; '•�- <br /> h.� <br /> ' .. � Itmitetlon on,Lender's rights and remedles under any assfgnment of leasee and rents recorded apeinet the Proparty.Lender,Truslee -- <br /> • and the receiver ahell be Ileble to aaoount only for those rent�aatuelly reaeived. --__ <br /> • 11. Hwnb of ON�ult.The following ehell constltute an Evenl ol Oefaull under thls Deed ot Trueh �•�*�-.;,s,�, <br /> ,' *,�-- .._,.� <br /> (a)Fellure to pey eny Inatallment ol principel or Intereat ol any olhe�sum secured hereby when due; �'�'�,.�..,:.,, <br /> �'��;;;'� . (b)A breach ol or default undar eny provlsion contafned in the Note,thlo Deed ot Truet,any ol the Loan Inatruments,or any �.�z-....__.._. <br /> � ° •� othor Ilen or encumbrance upon the Properly; �`��-==-°- <br /> �---- .-.,,�_ <br /> • �� (c)A wrlt ol ezecution or ettachment or any eimflar proceea shall be entered a�alnat Truetor which ehall beCOme a lien on � T ' <br /> � •' the Praperty ar eny portion thereol or Interest therefn; <br /> `a�`.';}�� (d)There ahall be filed by or agalnat Trusbr or Borrower an action under any preeent or future(ederal,state or other ;� <br /> � 't'� � � slatute,lew or regulatlon relating to bankruptcy,insolvency or ather relfef for debtora;ar Ihere ahell be appolnted any trustee, ( ' ` ,-�,- <br /> � receiver or Ilqufdator of Truetor or Borrower or of all or any pert ol the P�operty,or the ronta,lssues or prollt4 thereot,or Trustor ., . _ <br /> ' � or Borrower ehall make any general asafgnment for the henelit ol creditors; _ - <br /> � �' ..0 ' . (e) The sale,trensfer,tease,aesignmeM,conveyance or lurther encumbrance M all or any part of or any iMerest in the � _ <br /> :�;f Property, either voluntarlly or fnvoluntarily, wlihout the expresa wrltten conse�t of Lender;provided lhat Truator ahall be <br /> permitled to execute e lease of the Property that does not cohtaln an optlon to purc haee an d the term of which does not exceed ,�,_,r..,,,,.:_..:,,;;: <br /> I,.:,' ., one year, `a�, <br /> ;� �. (Q Abandonment of the Properly;or — <br /> . (p) It Truator Is not an Individual,the fssuence,sale,trensler,assfpnment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total �. �- <br /> � � o� percenl of(U a Corporetion)its Issued and outstanding stock or(fl e partnership)a totai of percent ol � ���• l <br /> � " � `�`�_. pertnerahip Interests during the perfod this Oeed ol Trust rameins a 11en on the Property. � .. <br /> ' ''•''' 12. R�msdla;Acc�l�ratlon Upon O�t�ult.In the evenl c1 any Event o10elault Lender may,without notice except as requl�ed by <br /> . �`.z ` -- <br /> ��''� '� law,deolere all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shell thereupon become due end payable � <br /> � without any preaeMment,demend,protesl or notice of any klnd. ThereaRer lender may: - <br /> � (a) Demantl thet Truatee exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shall thereefler ceuse Trualor's �.� + ,• ���. . <br /> � Intereat in the Properly to be sold and the proceeda to be dislributad,all In the manner prov�ded fn the Nebraske Truat Deede � <br /> i Act; ' <br />; . � (b) Exercfae any end ell riphle provlded for�n any of the Loan Instrumenta or by law upon occurrence ol any Event af . <br /> Delaulk and �`� <br />! � � (c) CommenCe an actlon lo lOreclose this Oeed of Truat as a mortpaqe,appoinl a reteiver,or speclllCelly enforCe any ol the .. , <br /> covenants hereoL . • <br /> No remedy herein conlerred upon or reserved to Truatee or Lender is intended to be excluslve o1 any other remedy hereln,In the � , <br /> ' � LOen Inslruments or by lew provlded or permltled,but eath shall be cumulative,shall be in addlllon to every othet remedy g�ven . <br /> hereunder,fn the Loan In3trumenta or now or herealler existing at law o►In equity or by slatute,and may be exerased Concurrently. � . <br /> �` fndependently or succeasively. <br /> • 13. Tru�tN.The Truatee may resign at any timQ without ceuse, and Lender may at any timo and wilhout cause appolnt e , <br /> successor or substitute Trustee.Truatee ahell not be Ifable to any party.including wuhout Ilmltatlon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any , <br /> purCheeef of the Property,for any loss or damage unless due 10 reckless or wilNul misconduCl.and shall not be requfred to take any <br /> actlon In ConneClfon wlth the enforcement of thfs Deed of Truat unless �ndemndled.I�wrfting,lor all coate,compensatlon or <br />.. .. � - ---."_ . ..._�...'--...,.� �_ _���.��., <br /> T....�.,...„,...�,..,.,.e e.,���..�ai anv saie of the Prouertv lludlcfal or <br /> - —----- gxpenseswn�cn mey beaaaw�a�w u�o�o..�.��.���o..,...�..��. ..,.o....,....., ...._,....__�-�- --- - - • <br /> under the power ol sele granted hereln):postpone Ihe sale of all or any portlon of the Property,es provided by law;or se�l the <br /> � Properly as a whole,or m seperate parcels or lots at Trustees discretlon. <br /> 14. FNS�nd Exp�ns��.In the evnnt Trustee sells the Property by exercise ot power of sele.Trustee ahall be entltled to apply <br /> � gny sale proceeds flrst to payment of all costs and expenses of exercising power ol sale,Including all Truatee's fees,and Lender's <br /> and Trustee's altorney's fees.ectually Incurred lo ex�ent perm�ned by appl�cable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor ezercfses any <br /> rlqht provlded by 18w to cure an Event of Default.Lender shall be entitled to recovar Irom Trustor all costs and expenses aclually <br /> Incurred as a result of Trustor's dc�lnult. Includ�ny wlthout Ilmitauon all Trustee's a�d attorney's leea,to lhe extent perm�tted by <br /> oppllcable law. <br /> 15. Fulur�Advanc��. Upon requeat of Borrower, Lendar may, at us option.make additlo�al and lulure edvances and re- <br /> edvances to Borrower.Such advances and reedvanCes.wflh intereat thereon,shall be secured by thls Doed ol Trust.At no time shall <br /> ' the princlpal amount ol the fndabtedness aecured by thfs Deed ol Trust,not includmg sums advanced to protect the securfty ot this <br /> Deed of Trust.exceed the orlpinal pr►ncipal amount stated herein,or$ .—___.wh�Chever is reat�r, <br /> �� ;w� � <br /> . � <br /> . .j ( <br /> . 1 _____� _ _ _ <br />