<br />As a result of thesc agree�nts. �der. an►Y A� of th�e Note, another insurer, any ,�;n�,�,�r,
<br />any nther entity, or any affiliate of any of the foregoing, may receir+e (diu�ectly or imdirectlq) amounts that
<br />derive frorn (or might be cbaracteri�ed as) a portion of Horrower's payments for Mortgage Ynsurance, in
<br />exchange for sharing or m�adifying the morCgage insurer's risk. or reducing losses. If suc�h a�greement
<br />provides that an affiliatc of L,ender takes a sl�are of tha insurer's risk in exchange for a share of the
<br />premiums paid w the insw�r, the arrangemezit i�s often termed "captive reinsurance." Furchex:
<br />(a) Any such agr�ents w3ll not a�'£ect the amonnts that Borrower has agreed ta pny for
<br />Mortgage L�turanae, or any otlter t� af the I,oan. Such a�ement� wtll not Increase the amount
<br />&►rraw�r wiU o�we �ar Mortga�e Itt�uqrance, and they will not �titie Borrow� to any refimd.
<br />N) Ainy guch agreeme�ts �vill not at'fYed the rlghis Borrower has - if any - vv�th res�ect to the
<br />Mortga�e Insurance under the Homeown� ProtecHon Act of 1998 or any athe� law. These r�ghts
<br />may include the t3ght to reo�ve r�tain disdosures, to request nnd obtain cat�cellatlan of the
<br />Moctgage Insurance, to have tite Morkgage L�surance terminated auto�natically, and/or to reodve a
<br />ceflr�nd of any Mortpge Insurance prem�mns t1�at wc�e uuuearned at the tiyne oi suic.b� cancellatton ar
<br />termination.
<br />11. A�signment of Misce�laneous Proaeeds; Forfedture. All Miscellaneous Pmceeds are hereby
<br />assign�d to and sbaill be paid W�r.
<br />If the Property ia damaged, such Miscellaneous �raceeds s�all be applied to reswration ar repair of
<br />the Property, if the reswration or repair is economically fcasiblc and Lender's security is not les,sened.
<br />During such repair and restorarion period, L,ender st�all have the right to hold such Miscellaneaus Pmceeds
<br />until I.ender has had ati apporlunity to inspect sucb, Pimperty to ensure the work has bcen completed to
<br />L�ender's satisfaction, provided tt�at such inspection s1�all be unde�n promptly. Lender may pay for the
<br />repairs anrd restoar�tion in a single disb�t ar in a series of progress payments as the work is
<br />campl�. Unless an agree�m�enC is mad� in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to bB paid on such
<br />Mise�llaneous Praceeds, I.ender sbiall, nat be required w pay Borrower aray ix�tera� or @amiugs on such
<br />Miscc�aneous Proce�ds. If the restoraUian ar repair is not economically feasible or Lenudear's security would
<br />be lessened, the Mis�ellancous Proceeds shall be applied to thc sums secuc+eii by this Se�rity Instmm�ent,
<br />whether ox not th�n due, with the excess, if azry, Paid to Barnnwer. S�ch Miscellaneous Procee�is shall be
<br />applied in th� order provided for in Section 2.
<br />Ia th� evetxt of a totat ta�ng, desGruction, or loss in v�lue of the Property, the Miscellanevus
<br />Proceeds slaall be applied to the sunas �ecured by this 5ecurity Instrument, whether or raot then due, with
<br />the excess, if any, Paid to Horrovver.
<br />In the event of a partiai taldng, desa�ction, oar loss in value af the Property in which the fair market
<br />value of thc Property imnaediately beforc the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is equal W or
<br />greater tban the amount of tl� sums secured by t�is Security Inswment immadiately before the parti�al
<br />taking. dest�v�ction, ar loss in value, unless Hormw�r and L,ender othen�vise agree in writing, the suu�s
<br />seau�ed by this Secunity I�nstrument shall be reduced by the amount of t�he Miscellaneous Praceeds
<br />miultiplied by the following fi�action: (a) the total an�unt of the sums secured immedistely before the
<br />partial taking, destruction, or loas in value divide� by (b) the fair marlaet value af the Property
<br />ir�m�adiately befora the partial #a�ng, desixuction, or loss in value. Any balance shall be �aid W Horrower.
<br />In the eveYnt of a paztial tabng, de�tnrction, or loss in value of the Properly in which the fair market
<br />r+alue af the Property immediately before the paRial t�king, dest�nictian, ar loss in value is less than the
<br />amount of the sums se�ured immediattAdy befare the partial tal�ing, destivction, or loss in value, utiless
<br />Barrnwer and I.ender otherwise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Procecda shall bc a�plied to the sums
<br />secured by ttus Security Inswment whether or not the sunns are the�n due.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Horrower, or if, afte�r notice by T� W Earnvwcr that th�
<br />�PPo�� ��5' (as defin�d ia the nea�t sentencx) offera ta malne an awvard to settle a claim for damages,
<br />Borrow�cr fails to �nd to I.e,nder withiia 30 days after the date the notic� is givea, I.ender is authorized
<br />to callea and apply che Misvellaneous Proc�s either to restoration or r�air of thc Properry ox ta the
<br />sums secured by this Se�urity Insamm�ent, whethar o�r �t thcn due. "Opposing Party" means the third P�Y
<br />that owes Barrower Miscellaneous Proce�s or the parly against whom Borrower has a right of action in
<br />regard to Miscellanaous Proaeeds.
<br />Borrower shall be in default if any actian or praceeding, whe.ther aivil o�r crirminal, is begun that, in
<br />Leinder's judgnaent, could x�ilt in forfciture of thc Property or other material impairment of Lender's
<br />interBSt in the PropeRy or rights unde�r ttu� Security Instrru�t. Horrovvcr can cur� snch a default and, if
<br />NEBRA8KA - Singla Family - Fanni� Mpp/Fraddir Mac UNIF011M INS'fRUMEM' �
<br />�-�(NE) 1081 t l Papa e a� t S �n�de4: ____,,,� Form 80Z8 7/01
<br />