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<br />i
<br />2oioosii7
<br />lf I.ender exercises this aption, I,euder shall give Borrower noticc of acceleration. The notice shall providc a period of
<br />noi less than 3p days fnom the date the notice is given ia accordance wid� Section 15 within which Borrower must pay ali sums
<br />secured by this 5ecurity lnstrument. If Borrower fails W pay these sums prior to the expiratiou of [his period, Lender may
<br />iavoke any remedies permitted by this Securiry Instrument without further notice or demaad on Borrower.
<br />19. Bortower's $igLt to Reinstate Aitet Accelerattan. lf Bormwer meets certaia candltions, Borrower shall havc cqe
<br />right to have euforcement of this Securlty Instnunent discoqtiuued at any time prior w the earlieffit af: (a) t�ve days before s�ie
<br />of tl�e Properry pursuant to any power of sale contained in t1►is Security Instrument; (b) such other period as Applicabte Law
<br />might specify for We termivation of Borrower's right w reinstate; or (c) entry of a judgment enforeiug this Security lnstrument.
<br />Those canditions are tl�at Borrower: (a) pays L.ender all swns which then would bc due under this Security Iastrumeut and We
<br />Note as if no acceteratiou had accurred; (b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses
<br />iacurred in enforeing this Security Instrument, includiug, but nat limited to, raasonable suorneya' fees, property inspection and
<br />vxluatioa fees, and ocher fees incurred far the pwrpose of protecdng Lender's interest in the Property aud rights under Wis
<br />Security Instrument; and (d) takes such action as L.ender may reasonahly require ca assure that Lcnder's i�ueresc in the Prapecry
<br />apd rights under this Security Inatrument, aad Bocrower's abligation ta pay the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument� sLall
<br />tontiuue unchauged. Lender may require Waz Borrower pay such reinstateu►eat awns aad expenses in anc or more of We
<br />following fomxs, as selected by L,epder: (a) r�ash; (b) money order; (c) certif'ied check� banic c6eck, creasurer's check or
<br />cashier's check, ptovided auy such check is drawu upon an ipstirntion whose deposits are insured by a federal ageacy.
<br />instrumentaliry or eudty; or (d) Blectronic Funds Transfer. Upon reiustatement by Borrower. this Securiry Instrument aud
<br />obligations secaced hereby ahall remain fully ef�ective as if na acceleration hsd occurred. Hawever, this right to reiostate shall
<br />noi apply in We case of acceleration under Sectioa 18.
<br />20. Sale oP N�e; Change oP Loan Servtce�r; Notice oP Grlevance. The Note or a partial lnterest in the Note (together
<br />with this Security Instrument) can be sold one or more times without prior natice to $orrower. A aale migt►t result in a chan�e
<br />in the entiry (kuown as the "Loan Servicer") that cotlects Periadic Payments due undcr We Not� and this 5ecuriry Instrument
<br />and performs other mort�a�e loan servicipg obligatians under the Nate, tltis Sccurity Iustnuneut. and Applicable Law. Therc
<br />also might be one or mare changes of the Loan Secvicer uqrelated W a sale of the Note. If Were is a change of the Loan
<br />Servicer, Borrower will be given wriuen notice of the change which will statc the nam,e and ac(dress of the new Loan Servicer,
<br />ttie address to w6ich payments should be m�ade and any other iufarmation RESPA requires in coauectiou with a notice af
<br />trausfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a Loau Servicer other Wan We purchaser of We
<br />Note, We morcgage loan servicing obligations w$orrower will remain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor
<br />Loan Servicer and are not assumed by t6e Note purchaset uuless otherwise provided by the Note purchaser.
<br />Neither Borrower nor Leader may commence, joia, or be joined to any judicial action (as eitl►er au individual litigant or
<br />the member of a class) that arises fcom We other parry's actions pursuant w this Securiry Ynfitrumeat or that alleges that the
<br />other party has brcached any provision of, or any dury owed by reason of. this Security Instrumeat, until such Borrawer ar
<br />Lender has not�ed the other party (with such aqtice given in compliance with the requirements of Section 15) of such alleged
<br />breach and afforded the other paciy her�o a reasanablep� riod after the �iving of such notioe to take corrective action. If
<br />Applicable Law provides a time peciod which must elapse 6efore cerraiu mrqou can be taken, that tinne period will be deemed to
<br />be reasanable for purposes of this pardgraph. The t�tice of acceleration and o�portuuity to cuc�e given to Borrower pursuaut to
<br />Section 22 a�pd the notice of accele[atiou gn+en to $orrower pursuant to Secpon 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice aad
<br />opportunity to take correctivc action provisioa�s af this Section 20.
<br />21. H�ardous 5ubstances. As used iu this Seaion 2l: (a) "Hazardous Substances" are those substauces defined as
<br />toxic or hazardous substances, pollntaats. ar wastes by Enviroutnental Law and We following supstances: gasoline. kerosene,
<br />other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materiats containing asbestos or
<br />formaldehyde, and cadioactive materials; (b) "Environmenta( Law^ m,ea.os federal laws and laws of thc jurisdiction where ihe
<br />Property is lacated that relate to health, safety ar emrironmeptal protectiou; (c) "Em+ironmental Cleanup" includes any response
<br />action, remedial action, or removal action, as de�ned in Envimumeutal I,�w; and (d) an "Emlronmeptal Condition" means a
<br />cond'rtion that cau cause, contdbute W, ar otherwise tdgger an �nviroomental Cleauup.
<br />Borrower shall not cause or permit the preseace, use� disposal� sWrage, or release of any Hazacdaus Substances, or
<br />threaten t� release any Hazardous Substances, oa or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do,
<br />apytqiag affectiug We Property (a) tl�at is in violation of �ny Enviruumental Law� (b) which cr�eates an Environmental
<br />Condition, or (c) which, due to the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substauce, creates a couditinn that adversely
<br />affects the vatue of the Praperty. The preceding two scntences shall mot apply W the presence� use� or storage ou thc Property
<br />of smalt quantities of Hazardous Substances cbat are generatly recagnized to be appmpriatc W�rmal residenti�al uses and ta
<br />maiuteuance of the Property (includiqg. but uot limited w� I�azardous sul�tances in consumer products).
<br />Borrower shall promptly g�ve Le�er written notioe af (a) any investigatiop„ ¢laim, demand, lawsuit or other action by
<br />any governmental or regulatory age�cy ar private paRy iavolviug the Property aqd any Hazardous Substance ar Bnvironmcatal
<br />Law of which $orrower has actual knowledgc, (b) a�uy Environmcutal Condition, includiug 6ut not limit�d to, any spilling,
<br />leakiug. discharge, release or Wreat of release of any Hazardou� Substance, and (c) any condition caused by We preseuce, use
<br />ar release of a Hazardous Substance which adversely affects We value of the Property. If Borrower learns, ar is notified by aay
<br />governmental or regulatory authority, or any private patiy, that any retnpva( or other remed�atioq of any Ha�ardaus Substance
<br />aff'ectia� dte Pro�rry is necessary, Borrower ahall promptly [ake all necessary re�media! actions ia accordanc� with
<br />Environmcntal Law. Nothiug 6erein �hall create any oblt�atioa ou Lender foc au Bmironmental Cleanup.
<br />NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. $orrower and I.euder Further covenaut a�d agree as follows:
<br />?.2. Acceleration; Retued��. Le�ader sLaII give notice tn Borrower priur to acceleratlon Po1lowing Borrower's
<br />breach of any ca�venant at agreement iq this Secudty L�strnenept (but not priot to acceleratlon nnder Section 18 unless
<br />Applicabls Law provides otherwlse). The notice sLall �recity: (a) the default; (b) the actiop tequired ta cute the dePault;
<br />(c) a date, n� less than 30 days fraan the date t6e nottoe is gtven to Bnrrawer, by w6�ich the default must bc cured; and
<br />(d) that [ailure to cure the default on ar before the date spedHed tn the nottce may result In acceleratlad of the sums
<br />se�ured by tWs Security L�strument and sale of the Property. The notice shall turther inform Borrower ot the rlght to
<br />reinatate atltter acc�eleration and the right to bt3ng a court actlon to a�ert the nau-e�rlsteqce �. a de�ault or any . at6er
<br />det�nse of Bartower to acceleratipn and sa1e. It the detault ls n� cured ou or beCore the dale spediied !n the ttotice,
<br />Lender ac irs opd� may require imrnedlate p�ymenc tn tull oe all sums secured by rJds Securiey L�scrument wichouc
<br />lhrther d�naud and may invoke tlae pawer ot sale and auy ol�et remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Le�uder shall be
<br />cntitled to collect all ex�enses incurred in pursuing the r�nedies pravided in t�is SecGion 22, including, but not litdted
<br />to, teasonable attorneys fees and costs of titk e�vldcnce.
<br />If the power aP sale is �iuroked, Trustee shall reoord a notice oC dePault in each county in wWch any part oP the
<br />Property Is located and sl�alt �nail ca�tes o! sucl� notice ip the mapner prescirihed by App4cable Law to Botrower and to
<br />the other persons prescribed by Appylcable I,sw. Atker the tlmet�quired by Appllcable I,aw, Tcustee shall give public
<br />notice o[ sale to the persons and in the mapneir rescril�ed by Appllcable Law. �kustee, wltho�rt denq�and on Borrower,
<br />s6aR sell the Property at pub4c auct[o�n to the I�est btdder at the ttme and place aad under the terms designated in the
<br />natice oi sale in one or more parcels aqd ln any otde�r 1�ustee detetmines. Trustee may► pon e sale o� a11 or any parael
<br />oP the Praperiy by publtc announcctnent at the time and place ot apy previously sch�ki sa�e, Lender or its designee
<br />may purch�se the Pra��erty at an,q sale.
<br />Upon receipt of payment � the price bid, TY��tee shs11 deltver to tl�e purchaser Ty�ustee's deed canveyipg the
<br />Property. The tredtals in the 1�ustee's deed shalt be pdma [ade evldence ot the trut6 of the statements tnade therdn.
<br />Trustee shall aPP1Y the praceeds ot the sale ia the followtng order: (a) to all ca�ts and exprnses oP exeirdsing tde �ower of
<br />sale, and the sale includln the d n
<br />permitted b A Hcable Law• P�ent of the Ttustee'� fees actually incurred aad reasonable attorneys fees as
<br />1 PP ,(b) ta all sw�ns secured by this Securlt� Ynstrumept; and (c) any excess ta the petson or
<br />Per�ans legauy entitled to it.
<br />NEBRA8KA—Sinple Family—Fannfa Mae/Fraddia Mav UNIFORM INSTfiUMEN7 Form 3028 1I 1
<br />Bardc�ra Sy�t�ms, lne., St. Cleud, MN Fqrm MD-1-NE B/17/Z000 ��� 6 p f ,���� �
<br />