.�.'. B¢mow�er shall prtymPUY BtYe Ler.der written nadc$of any iavestigation, claim, demaad. lavrsuit or arher r.cii,nn by�ny
<br /> gavemmenta!o�ze�ufatory ageacy az pflvaie garty invalving thr Pru�C:rty and�HazaMous Suhstance or Envisanpaentai Lav,
<br />`.:��•;q�`�` of�Iiich�a��rcr has actgal ta.rocvle3ge.if��ssmwer Pearn�.ar Is€ca'�f'ied by ar�y goveru�ental or rzgulatory autttnrity.tbat °
<br /> :, � � any reurnvat or oit-.er remeQ�a3ion oY Harardous�t�siance aff$ciiII�tEe Ls ? --.
<br /> �� all cecessaiy re�aedial acxions ia a,QCOr�dancs with�mvi:o�rxetal I.aw,�' ��Y �,�orrovrer sHal�praaa�ly tzke
<br /> ;�_::
<br /> :',,..� As ased in tHis p�gra�h 2Q. 'HazardAUS Sabsrartc�s"are those su8staaces de�nned as toxic or @aaaN...ous snDstances by
<br /> ';��:• �nvizaam�z�l�i,a�snd t�c fe#Iowusg_suiss�ee.5: g°.so3�e. keroseas, oth�s �Ie or go�ic peu�o2aun�c�. t�s�t :'_:
<br /> .�_:,�,;: pesiicides�d,' �,ht�icides.val�e solt�ents.materiais can�aeni a as�estus or formal�yde,and radioasxlve maieri�ls.As asett in� ----
<br /> '-��. ttus garagraph�tP: °Envimr�z��tal Law°means fed�taf daws aa�laws of the jvrisdiaion where the Pro�rty is toc�ated t�at� a{=-:
<br /> '�•'`.y �ate to�eaItts.safety or envlm;uuental prote�on. C" ':
<br />:'�;�t NOI�IINIFORM COVIIvANT'S.Tsorr�+wer and Lead:r fuat�ea wvr,a�t aad a�as foIIaws: �
<br /> 21.Aoee4er�#toa;��"'u�s.IrPn�er s6�13 gjve n,nYtce ta�urro�ser grtar to mGC�'�atd�s�falteas�Ing�3.crro�er's bze�c6 `.
<br /> . '�� 08 u�y wve�aaat cz a�.rt! in tb:s Secu�ty ias�mca3 (�ui eat prtor tea�an a�ar psra�apm 17 �Irss� -,_;�
<br />=�`���`` � ,.�e�p�rab�!aw�:rov[�at8�wisE)-TF�aotice si�11 s�ciff,y (a�the�fat�tt;(�}?:f�ce���_�c�:�1 fo cr�ae t�Qefaul�
<br /> -•:�`=:=�. :�" ��2,�!�4I��a 3i�days fa�t�2 d�t t�Ce�fc�#��ve3s Eo�CCe�u�:�^f�i��ti�e 6��:i�;sss�i!�r e�;'�8� �----
<br /> :,.,� . .
<br />-- .`_ �'::��'�t�tss.4 gaIi�e to ct�re We d�facrit o�as befare tGe dsit�r s��i�in 4he aat�ee�r r�it in r�oceie�u2[on p�th�t�ms
<br /> s�it'iiB.�U�this Secuaity Yas�t��a3 eu,-�s�e oY t�Prrs�j.'�`h�c�c3ire s�a91[r��inforia�rror�er a��W2 r�3 to
<br /> ret�i4e ai�er a��teration un�4 t�ra rigbt ta!�=ing a cu�rt act�o�to assert tt�e no.�teaoe of a d�efacli aP anp ot�s ��i
<br /> deYense of I�pt�r��r W a�riui���d s�E2.Ii tt2 d�ef�:.'i ts cc.3 ctrre�D on or 6efga�e tGe d�ie s�A�ieai in the noltoe,
<br /> Le�tder,a2 ffri d�itfoa.n�Y t�qatre Immed�tte p�ymen4 tn fuil of nS!su�s secar�d 6y tL�s Sec�tsi�Ynstrameu2 wtt$aut
<br /> Au�&sr demau@,er�tl may iavo�t➢�pa�e�oi s�le nn�a�y otber remeciies permftted 6y�p�St�;2 taw.Lender s�ti be , �-
<br /> mztiditet�Qo pL'�c!�e�;�.�ca irac��F�n prrcuYqg the�+emedies proviBed INhfs.par�tgr�pty Zl,dteduAing,but no!limittd �
<br /> �: ' to,r�n�bk 9ttorneys'fees ar�oosts oi title e�9d�nc�
<br /> .r' If the power of sale is tnioked.Tnrsiee sC�sll e�ord a ciotice o�deBaaYt in cac� ta whtc�"�ttspy�:st a?tk2 �,.°'
<br /> Froperty ts lacated and sltAll maU copk9 of saich oat�e[n the mws�s pre�tbe�l by a��te taw to Borro�rer�nd to =--
<br /> , �Persoas.p�ibed by npplkabie taw.Aftr.r ttx ttms requind by applteabfe�ai�.Teustee s�l1 gicc�au'L9is ar�it�e _
<br /> � Ihe Pt+aperlty uR�ae+cilon o t������Y aPP�e�6te tzw.7rQ.siee,s�ttbaut�uW cxi Sorrower,sis�Ed se�
<br /> •. �} gt�t Aie:s£2r ot tbe Ume and ptsce an�under t�e tern�s d�g�t�f 9�!bz�atire o�
<br /> . sak ta aoe or more paer�eTs and ta s►ny c►rder 7lrustce deidm4a�.Tr�3ee e�y pnstpo�e s�Es ot�fl or any porcd of th� �
<br /> pu�ihi����nn��t at tYse ti�e and pisce oi aqY P��Y sc�ed�ted s�e. D.eader or ita deslgluee smA}e• _
<br /> _ Upo�, �srs�s'p2 of p�ycnent oi the p►Fee bid, T�v�ce sIs�l1•dtdiver to t�e parcl�tr TrusteE's deed conv,€�rtr.g a�o � �. :.
<br /> P
<br /> �.<
<br /> Ptoperty. Tlte redWs ia ti�e Trustee's dced si�ll be patma f�cie e�tdence oi the trait►oi tbe s�temen3s made tLerdu. i.:
<br /> Tru.�Lee a�i 9ppty the�r+nceeds o[tbe s�fe in t6e iolL�voing order:(a)to�i casts an�e�cpeases of exareTsing tbe po�eer a? �
<br /> �'" �IIe,�Q�ee saie,inctaairr6!he P�ymeat at t�e'�'rastge's feps ac�liy f�.�ct to� 9b . --
<br /> �';i i,r :, a4 tt��prir�pat amoa�t ai t�e r�ete e3 tt�time oi 4Le dect�r�tion aY def�uii,�d ressun�6Ye��ys�Afeesr��;.�, "_'�
<br /> ' '"`�' by i4vr,(�)to�scuas secu3ed bq tb�S�i�Yc�ent;�ad f�su�y egc�a¢a t�e�SCasaa ur ts�'sw�6egaiiY e��Y�i�<:�,� —
<br /> ,r• —
<br /> 's t� •: . . .. ,,,::.�. .
<br /> �,:._;,2�. Yi�.�ey�. Uisan PaY�ment��'sU sumfi r�e,c�i�d by tHis Security I�mneat: L.endsr st»II `��tzi_ -
<br /> .`',:�� °i';�yr,Y t�s:�v�sperty and s�al� soirender this S�r3jS-;IitC�ent and �II nat�s��ing de6t secur��if}.3.�ara� --
<br /> 'T,` .�i�ent to �tee.Tcustee shali r�conve}+the Prcp�cSWit�out wartanty aud arit�sia:1 ct�arge to die person a<�a�+i�C::�X:�. _
<br /> "� � t0'�t;S�li(�{. ISOA O! , , �F:.
<br /> � . Qe j�fSOJ1S S�(17.Y 3ily lCOOI�3Lil,1A COSGS. ..r- '
<br /> " �� ':s r`;�'.�.•SuBe�tnt��ca�tme. Lander.ai us aption,muy in�m time uz t�remove Trustee and appoint a successor�;t�sl::.
<br /> . a;sy�'��ust�appointed herzunder bX an iasm�ent recerdi�,d.tn the coonr,y in wluch rhj.s�riry Ia.��uument is reco�ded.G�r'�t�nirP�. �
<br /> '. r canvcyance of the Properiy.�tte successor trustee shatl�r.�d to s11 the tifle.gotiv�:�d duties conferred apon'E'�sistec�t�t'+�: -�---
<br /> ';��i �b�r uppfluxible law. --- - --•- �— - � - .._. .. . ..,- ,�,_•.,
<br /> S z�9 �t�fcv NatI�.Borrower rr�'�i�tfiat copips of t�r nIIt;,sea of de �fauiZ'aa,d sa[e t�e sent to 8ortower's��ia, --
<br /> '.:�;�. • cvfich is the ra,�srtyr Atidress. • . : � . .';.•;.:
<br /> �,t�:, � , ?�'�Yo tt�s Sfcmrfty�'n�,�ran=-"iF ouc oz�are eidcrs u�c�xecuoed by Borro�vcr�$tt�oid¢d ta�erlter i�sfg �
<br /> �� ,.
<br /> ; . � `fY.tz�ity In..^uua-rent,the wvenants snd agreemeuta of e2r,3�suc�rider s�11 be inoorporated into aad s�Ii aa�encl..�t(�.Sa�,�h.�ebt —
<br /> . �� � , .ti.i�r',r�vr,,n�nt�a�st +t�reements oF thI3 Secority Ynsuvu���rs:if the rider(s)c+�ere a gart og thas Settiri.ty Ynstrameet;; � � :':. ;., �
<br /> + ':�i(�iteXdz,ap�:isabie box(es)} . . ,.
<br /> . � . ..,�.;, � :.. . :.,. :��� _
<br /> ,� ',' c�j�.°�:T �Coada�aInimn Ri�er �-4 Fami! Ride� � . '� _
<br /> r � ��s1:it"s«Rat�;Iiider �: .•
<br /> ;`.� Gradu2it�d Puyurent Rider Q Planaed�Unit Devetopraent Rider �Biv�tee�ly Paymeat�,�ft�.: ��`�';�'�.'
<br /> ' �',; ,;,, Sallaort Rider Rate Impmvement Rid,et 0 Seeond Hcrraa Ric9ei7 •"'
<br /> ,. ..!},, (�V.A.Rider �Otl�crts)[sPzcifS+l . , . : •
<br /> ;•�,h,F�J' . . . . � �� e.-r.-
<br /> �`S ''!` . ,��'` . a:�
<br /> .;i"
<br /> � ��.� . . . . . . _
<br /> - -� r . . . � . . . , ■' �
<br /> . .� . � . :, �� BY SItiMfiNO BELOYr';Borrower aooepts aad a�se.n�.ts��,*�,:f�n;�and covenanis cunLainetl in this SC�u�iigi:Jtit��fs'tttcsst;�:ir,�d _
<br /> � :ns�y ridet�s)enecutEd by Borrower and ceco�erl witfi ia�'� . � � �. - � ; �
<br /> ! �l'�r��nesses: , ��•. . � � ':
<br /> :�� � T��, � .
<br /> .�.� . � , ` fi,4vaL�
<br /> •T �
<br /> .�`y ; , . . � R-.Ld.g!r L. 0].2vo . -8onoaver
<br /> '4�`(i .t .1.. .
<br /> , � r� m. �'�l.�t� <s�s�i)
<br /> �:;-.
<br /> ;,. ;� Sharon rf. Olivo �B°"°"°r` _--
<br />� r .�
<br /> ., � ��� ��?�..�. _.
<br /> '�t }..-
<br /> .. , -s���� � .e���«-�-
<br /> r �•".
<br /> � . �' .
<br /> • . � .�•.
<br /> . .` Sl'ATE OF NEBRASlKA, � 1 Coan4y s9: ;��,
<br /> � The forego�g instrumcnt was ac��rlledUed�efore me this 6th day of M� • 1996 '
<br /> '•ai;' . . b Y Rudy L aad Sharon M Olivo • —
<br /> �, Wifuess my hnnd nnd noturial seal at Gr�ad Im$and, tdd.'+ in�i3'Cennry,tiie date afat�lt�.
<br /> ,:y� • . . • . — -
<br /> :��!� 1v�X�d�uui�,:;cn Explres: 2 6-98 .21.�t,�11 ,tIC/�i 5��...:.�._..'...:�.. —
<br /> �,,�
<br /> .;,:j„";'" tEG1HEtt6SiJ N��1{'�Ubh
<br /> � !1'� , � .,�,_—
<br /> �°<i:,t, �{ERALHOi�.4Y,Slt Z�� __
<br /> ;1fOlTH L���
<br /> ����'�' va�aoio Fbrtn3028 0/fl0
<br />� - - . . .� r � �t- .
<br /> .`- _". ... � .. . _ _ . � -� ,. . _. . . � � . 3. - . . - - a. ,, - ._ ... '''•�. .' , ' ... . .' . ._ . . •```•
<br />