- r .. � •F� �i i<. � `re.��_`�°`n� .. -r� _ . .5.., k' � _
<br /> � Y ,,h. �,r - ' . �; � ' �• _ -' i:: � � � � 'ft -
<br /> ..-... ' � . ' � .�.��.:. =_i�.' s'' — - - — --- -� .
<br /> ;_..e�� y � '�, x.
<br />:�.4.
<br />�� � 9�° �1���� �.-.
<br /> . f 1T.'Tcans�crc e4 ti:��perty or e BeueSifital b.rter� in�orm�er.If all or any part�of the Praperty or any inier�t in 9t =-
<br /> t
<br /> is s4td or Etansfetmd(nr if n�en:f cial int�rest in Borraiver is sotd or tiansferred and Eorro'wer is aat a natural p�son)erithout �
<br />_;.� Lertder'a prior tivriiten cans:nt. Le�ider �y�.t r�t�ex��er�sed b�L.e��e.xe cise��Iv��by�federal taw�as of ehe date _
<br /> 5c�urity(nst�ument.However.this oy�tF Y
<br /> of this Secutnty Instru�n:nt.
<br /> ` ff t,.ettQer excrci�es titis optt�n.L�stder s�21 give Borr�wu notice of aooelerarion. The aotice s3iall provide a periad of a4t
<br /> less 1ltan 30 dnys�iom 1he d�te the notice is delivered or mailed within which Somovrer must pay aIl sums secused by t6is
<br /> ..,� Security in�ttur�scnt. It fianower fails to pay these sums pritu to the expiradan of this geriod,Lender may invake any resnedies
<br /> permltta! this Securit�y tnsittltnCnl wiYY�oni fart�:r antice ordemaad on Borrower.
<br /> �� i8.�t��Ker'� ldt�E to RCiastate. if Boao�ver m�ts certain wnditioas, Borrower s6all have the right to havm
<br /> eaForee�nt ui this Scrur!y ln�ttument�discoatin•a�c1 at arby tim�prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days tor such other pesiod�
<br /> � appli�tble !au �y �ify fnr r�Ltptneni) 6efore sal� of t�� Property piusuant to affy power of s�le contaiaed in this
<br /> �� Security�it�sltumcns;ar ib)cs�t4y+of n judIIment enforc�th�:s Security Insuumem•'Those conditions are that BorroAer:(a)p�ys
<br /> �. ,� l.ender nfl sua�which then wauld Ise due under this Sec�,�x-uby Tnstram��and the Note as if no acceleration had o�rr�d;(b) _
<br /> S cu�s uny dcfault Qf an�r a�ker covenastts or egreements;t���..�g�all eacp`�es iac+ured'u e�farcing this Seauety Insaumvnt,
<br /> includinB.but not limtte0 to.teasonable att�rne�s'fees;aacl(u'�.�cs��such acnon as Lender maY reasonably req�u�ta assure
<br /> - .� that the lien af this Secoriry It�stnunertt. Le�Qer s r�gbts in the���Y���ower's obtigation to pay tiie�ns sa�ed�by
<br /> `.� f tfus Securiry Instrument shnll eontinua �nchur�Ged. Upon ceuisist�meni by Bosr�re�, this Security Instrariat-M � ti�,: _
<br /> obligatioas securcd hereby shai{retcwin fully effecdve as if no accelerarion had oocurred.However,tIus right t�:�ttte s�c'..k11
<br /> �:.. ; noi appSy in the cass o4�tccelcr��f4n und�r paragrn.ph 1?. : .:
<br /> , � 19. �ale ot Notti Change uf Iaaan Servlcer. T6e Note or a partial interest in the Note (cog�er.�itlf a�is��.'prit3+`
<br /> � �� Instnunent)may be sald one or more Nmes withaut prior notice to Borro�rer.A sale may resuit in a change in stse�iur•`(�a�'Q+
<br /> • es the°La1n Se�rvicer")that rnllects monthfy payments dus under che Note and tlus Se�unry Instmment.Tf�er�alsa����on�
<br /> �`.�, or more chasiges of tt►e La�n 5en+icer unrelnted ta o sale of the No2e.If t4�,.°7-'�s a c�ange of the Laan Servicer,�'awar will b�
<br /> : :;: given written notice af thc changc in arcordance with p�agi�ph lg ab�z.a.suel.�ticabie lav�.The uotir,e tiv�l s�►tati<��=�
<br /> address of the new l.nan Ser�tcer c+nd tha uddr�s to wGich paymeuts�s3�a�ald.�e made.'t�e nodce w111 siso�ct��sn any otb:;
<br /> infomiation r�equl�d by applicabla taw. � �
<br /> ,` �� Z0. Hazardow Seabs4ances.i3orrawer shalt not cause or pern�.��p�ce, use,disposal• stuxag�e.�r rE3.�e;of.any
<br /> ' `� Hazardovs 5ubstances an or en tltg Propeny. Rorrower shall �aot c4�o, t�t�c altow supotu� e3se to do, anytP�r�g�.�ffecting.th� -
<br /> � property that is in viofatian of any Bnvimnsnent�l Law.Tlte pz�cedi.�q;,�c�k�a szntenoes shall not apply to the p�s�c�,u3e..or
<br />;,�� '; storsge on the Ptoperty of small qoantitics of Hazarduus 5ubso-lr'�ces daat are generally recogn�d Yo he aPpi'°pna�e so mr�a1
<br /> residential uses and to maimenance of 4he Property.
<br /> �' ' Borrewer shAll promptly give l.etidet writton notice of any inv�k�s�,ciaim, demand.lawsuit or oiher ectio�•bp,ua►y
<br /> �; govemmental or regulatory agency of pclvtttep�rty involving tke Property.:a�rc,�.any Hazardovs Substance or Enviroiim�ns.al l:a�cr _
<br /> �r of which Barmwer has aetuul knowledgc�IY finrrawer leanu,csz is n�ntific�-.i.�;any govemmental or regnlatory au�tt.�rr`b1;t�s
<br /> � any removal or other remedintion of ony H�ardous SuEsts�ceaffc�cting�h��&!ooperry is necessary+,Borrower akall,�xr�irt�tldu�
<br /> .`'s.` a!1 necessary remrdiul action9 in ncear,dnnco with�nviranraen►el Iaw. ``� � •• : _
<br /> . ,� As used 'u�thfs parugraph 20. "HpzarQoun Substnnces°ace thase sa�star.ces defirs,d as wxis or haTasd�ii�sitrtt�x►8as 1i?� . --
<br /> -- ,�': � Environn:ental �.c�er nn� the follnwing substunees: ggsoli�o, kerosene, other ilammabte or wxic petro2�m��raikua'Ea;.ti��i�.. �
<br /> pesticides and lierbicldes.volntjte�+olver►ts,n�ateelals containing asbestos or foimabdehyde,und radiflar.uve�EOri�sl�•.J����:it�:-: ';� .
<br /> ,�� :. �hrs paragraph'2Q. "Fr►vironmental Lc►w" mcsuts fcderal I�wa and taws of the]arisdiction w8em tiz�P:��tt���is;tt�s�''+1'$�+i:: � ,., .` :m
<br /> � ..��,`� retate to health.safety ar environmenta�praicctian. � •• ,. ;. -
<br /> I 3 0 I V-U N I F O R M C�O V�[�A N T S. B a r r u w e r u n d L c n d c r t�t t h e r c o v e n�c.t a r a 1 a g,r e e a s f o Il o w a: • - • ' '-`���-
<br /> .:--�c r," _-.
<br /> 21. Aece3eraiian.Remedles.I,cu�zr st�tl giYe c�Mtc�ato Borrawer�ufa7.ta��fr.,ceietmtlon Po�osvia���ai�s,br�s�axr �:`';:. �:
<br /> . . oY pny coveQant ae�greement tn tQ�t1 Secu�Ity.lr.stc�cni (Dut e�ot p�i�+s.Qa�s�oceleratton un�r 'b�!��':7I�S .
<br /> � nppl��►b�c(aK pmvtdes athcrwlse).'Y`i�t_t�rs+1f:c ehadl spe�IfyS (i1)the de[tillftl;(c�i1.Qhe estIoD Yeg td�'r,�?t�lt��l�±;li��y. _
<br /> � '+ � (c)s�ite.ani deso t6sia 30 d�tye fro��ttft dx�t tfit ewtic�o f�glvtn¢o Barroc�ex,$Y�bf�h the defaulf,tnv.�t:Q�teicru�r'.��:ucz4�:.
<br /> ," (cn that faitun��to cur�t4e de�cWt a��r�b¢�r,CO ih�d3Zc+s��slil�fl in t4e�lce msy resalt in acceteestZorn:rN ttt�-sr�i�crs
<br /> � secared by thts Securtty Instntment Wtad�nbt of tlsq Pro�eAy.Thc no4ice shaD f'�uther[nlorm Boraow'er dP'Wa tl�'r Ya
<br /> rNnetAte after.accciceatl�n ond tho �gh! to brt� p coutl actton to asse�t t6ae�on-�Lstence of a defsati�Et br.�n}r,o�ft�x�
<br /> �� defcnse of Bbsanwer to acceleratton and ctaie. U tho detautt ts nat cur�d on or before the da2e sge�tfi�d ir�t1i?��:nia�
<br />"::';::� l,.en&r. at[tg optaon. mAy requ[�e @samzedlate p�yYncni�!a fuU ot nil sc�•ac�red bq t61s Seeurity�Stituu�naai�Kittrrr.�t:
<br /> fi�thee de�nand and rru►y invoke th.�power o�r�t�end Any othPr c�emad�e��sr�crttted by�appl�cabYe�a►�r.��;e��11!hx
<br /> � '�`_ eatitled to c�11od�1 eapen�s lncur�dle pu�sulc�the rcmedies pcvvTcladdt�.4���,�c�n�!►21,1nctud�,�:ff�hl;xA�ittitttedS��
<br /> to.reasonaWe attoree,ys'fe�and carts a4 tttia evldruce. .. . ,, _
<br /> , I[the power oY sale ts involct�.Tcu�tca sltall rewr�a notke of defAUi�i��es►�i�ca',�ty In wII�t'�rT�'..(�arY:t�S.�t�e �: �' ��.��-
<br /> • � , X Ze Ya�c ua•�imura�;•ra� f .::.
<br /> � Pro rtyr i9[�ted nnd ehall ma�t co^kc-�oi�such�wtke In tttie r�annes presceibed 6Y'�+�.��1, b �►t'rf� `� .� .
<br /> � � the o�ther persoae pres�rl6ed by o�obk I�w.Afttr th�time requleed by applicabte lia'�y�;�vstee e1�1`�Y�iF�r�►'tr��iu � ..,�'.,,+
<br /> ' ::, � ofsate to t�►e persony and in Ihe in�nl�ee ps�cscr32qd fry �ppiicabte Iow.Trastee.withou3�d�ti�Aud on��t,�ar►,�`.�r,,!st�11��r11R � --
<br /> �� `" ' !6e Pro�xrty at pvbitc austton to tttc Lhig4:ect h�9ie����iYte t{nas an+�ptace And u��er t�ta�i4 d�lp�iat�{.41��ti�r n:itlte'`�.
<br /> sal�in one or rn�re parcets a�d In eny order 7Vuntte dztercrniac�. 7'ntstee ms�y poE'�l�marsia�eroS ej!oY'S,uj�: t oY�t�er ,
<br /> ..� �,;�. YruPQLtY by P�61ic unnouneemiet at tAe tWt�a orrtS�'a�eeo.t Any previausSy sched�4td��sm3a�X�Ea�:e os�.�te'���in.^.y.
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