ti ` } � r '(L � i, . �
<br /> �_: ' _' .r. } '��� ,. `r.,, � , I ' . < - , `, c . _ . ; . .
<br /> - . • � . ` h�� 2• � . � ' t. _ __- -_. �/_.
<br /> � �'��
<br /> � S. Hazard or F+vg�4y tncor.,�c� Barrovre;shalt keep tha improvemeats now existin gr�hereaRer eKCted on the ��.,-
<br />-. Property insured against tass by fir8.ba7ards included widtin the tetm"extended coveiage and any other ha7ar�ds� in�Iuding �•,
<br /> Qoads or fluoding. �or wfuct�Lre.ader reqaires ir_sn-*-�—^s_.'i'his insuran�sha11 be maintained in the amo�mts and far the aseriods
<br /> tre
<br /> ihat Lender requires.The insuraace carrier providing die insuranse slsail!�$chasen by �orrower subject to t.ender's ag►proval �'��
<br /> �vtucb si�all aat be �nreasonably witbhetd. If Borrower fails so�*+a;n A;n coverage described a�OVe. Lender�y. at&endes's �� _
<br /> �:... .-
<br />. aption.oUtain caverage to protect Lende�'s rights�n the Property in accflrdance with FaragraPh 7. �---
<br /> 0
<br /> pll insurance polic'ses and cenewais shall bs ace�ptabte to Lender a�d shai!include a sianBard mortgage clause. I.ender �
<br /> shall have the right to hold the poliries and reaeaat§.If Lsnder requires.Bosrower shall prompdy give to Lender all rece'spts of �,�
<br /> �•f:: paid pre�iums aasD renewal notices•In the event of loss,�orrower shatl give prampt notice to the insurnnoe cxrrier and Lender. �
<br /> L�tder may aia4e graof of loss if nnt msde promgify by Barrower. e�.
<br /> " iJaless Lender and Bormwer atherwise a�e in writin8,insurance PTac�s shatl he�FPlied to reswration or repair of the —
<br /> property'damagcd,�f the n�stordtion or repair is economirallf feasibte and dxnder's seeurity is uat less�ssed.If the restoratian or -n-_L„
<br /> r�air is not eoouomicxlly feasible or L�►der's securiry would be les�d,the insurance procec�ds shult be upplied w the sums e�;�:��
<br /> secured by this Security L�cument, whether or not then due, wiEh any eacas�uid to Borrower. If Borrawer a6andons the t�'^�'.;�
<br /> : ,' Prap�ty,or d6es unt answer wi26in 30 days a notice from l.endes that ti�e insaTance carrier 6�.s offsred t�settle a cluim.then !
<br /> Lender may calleca the insurance proceeds• Lender maY use t�te Pmc�eds to repair or rester�the Frupe�ty or to pay sums ______
<br /> � secuied by tt;is Security Insuameni,wheiher or not thea due.'t7te 3Q-day period will hegii�wia�;ad�aatiae is given. �`�
<br /> Unless i.encier end Earrovs�er othenvise agree i�-,.�Ti�lsrg• a�►Y aPPlication of proceeds'.��-t"r�s'sait not extend nr �.
<br /> ,�s�saus+3se due date of the maruhly paymeats ref�ai,3n in paragcaphs 1 and 2 or change t4s amc�.�s�F;�he payments. If �
<br /> `�. ,rs�$ar�arip,�?h 21 the Property is acquired by L.ender..�orrowe�s right to any �++�,•�•,—sp policies and p.�adr�v resultinb from ��,:.
<br /> : 'damage t�'t�`re��roPert9 Prlor to�he acquisitio�shall pass to�*A the exteat of the svms sEqued by this��:curity Instrusnent
<br /> immpliatst�•�ior to the aoquisitioa. � .. `' . •
<br /> 6.Oa��aa�y,Pres+ervadion,Maint�.^z�anr3tfHtu€,��•�.thepropc�t�osrower's��.oanAg��on,Leaseholds. �"���,
<br /> . Borrower shall ocr�py,establish.aad use the Propar��;���rrov�er's princiggi�iS�nre witiiln siuy da3+s;iJ9�ihe executian of -__
<br /> .:.:..�-�.-:
<br /> . t6is Seeuiiry, Inswment and shall vorminue w axup`}�t�i�c�+.as Borrow�'��e�ncipal residence for��'.�`�t ane year after . .:,�i 3s
<br /> th,e date.a��r,:cuppasc.y,unless I.ender othenvise�e�C���:�',::�+Iuch cansent s6ali not be unreasona6ly witl�held,ot"^ess '`;'�"`
<br /> cu —_
<br /> exteuoa2�:ci•�»m�rAnoes exist which are beyor�i Borro�sc��:aa�trol. Bormwer shall eot desuoy, damagB or ie�r�the —
<br /> . Propeaty,�iow�tTis Progerty to deteriorpte, or c��mIc wasts�che PrapsrtY. Bormwer shall be in def�ralt if any Caic"zitute •
<br /> +:... . �• : .
<br /> action o�praceeding.cvhether civil or crimi�,3}�is 6�s th�in Leader's gaud<�ith,�udgmeat conld rESdI''��fiirfeiNr�:of the , .
<br /> ' Property or fltherwnse materially impair the li.n csa�ard by this Security Ins�ra�nt or Lealder's secusity i�r�Bomaw�z,�ay ' �.--�,,
<br /> cure surhi�;�3��a��lt and rzinstate.as provid�d in gae�IIraPh 18,6�t�:sing the aixflon or pmcx.�;to be dismissed wirh,�iimr�:n8 —',
<br /> . tLat� in I1�Si�s's good faith detecmination, p�cdw�es forfeitur�r mft'.j�e Serro�uEr s inte�ilt:�,?the Property or at�et �-ynal' • �
<br /> impairment'o�the liea s�xrated by this Secusity Ir�uument or L�u�O:.-r's se�t� �nteaest:�awer shatl also be in default�if ' _._-
<br /> . �orrower,during the[��atx�ppldcation prusess.gavc�m�ter'sally fatss or inacxursti:tnfor�ation or statcments to Lets�:,r(a:failed �----
<br /> c.�
<br /> � to ptovide,.i:a:,ader with 2siy material infflrrt�atio�)in,�connecrion arpth the loan evidenced by the�totz.inciuding,but nut iiipited �-,=
<br /> . ev,repY�tt4l�riocs oonceming Borrow;�.Q'zt o�'�q of the Praperty es a principal resideare.,i�;�hia S�curity Insuumert�.:tt�,vn,a �`-::��•r
<br /> teascfiatd.��orro�er sha11 compiy w;ti:alf ehe pTavisions of tfie lease. If Sorrower acqnima��'fse tifle to the Pto�, che �-
<br /> leasehoid and the f�e aHe s6all nat merge ua'.ess Le�ra agrees to the merger in writing. � ''�'� �
<br /> 9.ptatl�cdan ot Lendes's Itights t�l.�re Prapee�j.If Boreower fails to perform the covenanu aad agro:ments oontained in �a.
<br /> ' ttus Sociiriry Lu�u�nt.or there is a legal paa��4ing that may signifrc�n4ly affed L�ender's dp,hts in the Property(such as a
<br /> • • proceedin��In 6ankruptcy.proi�te.for comda.r�tiun ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or regolations),thzn Lender may�p�nnd�� --�
<br /> •• pay fnr,v�l�r%2ever Ys necessary to protect the v�iun of the Property aud Lender's rights in the Property.Lender's tu�.r;us;�ny�. �
<br /> iuciucte�stiying any sums secured by a lien wtuc� i�as priority over this Seeurity Incwmeat. appearin8 in ooart*:`�?°:�n„
<br /> .reasanabte attomeys'fees and eaiterin�on ahe Pro�sestp to make repai�.Althon�h Lender may take�3an uneter this par�r:y�aph . .•:.,. --
<br /> .., ;",;.;'�,,ti.mdet�s not hav�.�n do so. ' ,�,. � .: f""
<br /> •,� `. - Ati::ayt¢ounts disbaised by I�ltr ar�d,,.^ff this puragraph 7 shalll become ud�ittonal debt of�orrower secured by ttus , . �,,:,
<br /> � .�..
<br /> sh
<br />•. , Securs.�i�,�rii�a�m�u.Unless Borrower`zad I.Qnd:i agree w�other•t�ms of payme�.these anxw�ts.shall Uear interest.firim the --
<br /> �''�'• , .dste of k$.,�'ursement at the Ntote rate a�sbaU`6�payable. witiz interest, upon rtotice from Lender to Barrower requiating �
<br /> � : �,�y 8.Mostgpge Insorance.If Le�r r�ev,uuzr.�mostgFige insurance as a condi�on of making the loan secured by this Security . �
<br /> ,:'•� �Inswmeni, Bomawer shall pay the pr�c�nquired to mvnrain the mortgage insurance�n effect.If. for any rca:,an,the �
<br /> mort��,};s,insurance coverage required by LAndea lapses or ce�w be in e�ect,Borrower shall pay the premiums.ra{�{r��to �
<br /> , � abwi�a.ast�ierga substantially equiv�tern to e�mastgage insuraar.�epieviously in effeci,ut a oost su6stantialty eguivnter��t tia;r3tu
<br /> � , �. '�;isost to.Borrower uf tha mortgage in�«e pr���ously in effed.fmm an elt�mate vlortgage insurer appraved Dy L,e�xcT�i: IP
<br /> ' �:tvbstantialiy eqvivatent mortgage insuracce mve�e is nat available.Soirnwr:�rl�all pay to Lender euch month a sum equal to _,
<br /> ,.' �:�:�� on�twelfth of the yearly mortgnge in..rw�uzce pz�mr.►im 6eing paid by Borrower when the insurance wverr�e lapsed or oeased to =
<br /> be ics e�'d��.Lender will aooept.u,e anr!Qetai�these payajents as a loss reserv�in lieu of mortgage insu�ance. Lass n�,sserve
<br /> ,.�•� ' ���
<br /> Form 3028 8/90
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