i y�-'i,: . . , . ... '4 f�: � :.r. . . `;`:r . '� _r
<br /> �'�'�;c.� � ... ;; .- . . r . .�. ,. . `E'� . �' _ .. � . -t.A,4 �f,�E �. �,�:
<br /> ' . �Y � � �� � a'� :,., ti'�. . � �.i�. . _ ,' = Raj ' , �
<br /> ` C�✓4 �RiL�� F,� ' , F '.Ya A L➢`Yk��laESi� S' �� �� —_ • .�emsi����idfi/ h* ' ' •
<br /> �
<br /> �� �t;
<br /> � � �� �.4�.�'°���� �r<
<br /> r �
<br />:.f%- paYmen*.s m�y ao tonger Ee r�uia�d.et thc opiiQn of•R.cnd�. if mori�e intusonce oovemge!;n tIte aa:anrct a�d:�cY'� e�:riad �_'_
<br /> thu E.ender �:ires)Pravided by an'sn�r�r np�:��by Lece���n b�oora�avai{zble and is o6taircd. 0���r�ro7�sb.�t1 pay ��=
<br /> the premiuras r�quixe0 t�m.3intain a�nrt�g�insumr�cr�in etfoct,or ta provirix a tass resr,sve.uatit tlae rer{:�z��er.��:r.�4cr.,�.,�rtgage s�';� -_
<br /> Ins�ance et�s in ace6r.r�.nnce with aay wmtte�ag�msi��b�iecn @arro�ve�aad Lend�ot uppllrable!ati=r. . _ .r
<br /> � g.Inspeetica_Lr.r.d�r or it�c�q;ens mzy mstrr:r3saan26te en:ric-�upoa aad in..�pections af the P�oJte�sy. L:r�3�c:bhall give ==
<br /> Borrower notIce at cP��ti�e of or prior to aa insp�,�t�us�s(tv�$'����5oia�ble cau�c for tha ins�tion. �....
<br />� tU.C�84�ta. The pro�ds of any uto•a�rd or ctsim for daan�.s.direa mr ron�equPr►ti3l. ua sa�r:ct'�t�,with any :,�-;, .
<br /> _ condemnation or oth.�c taL•ir�oE any pa�of tlt.F iq�w'�ty.nr�'or oaavey;��e in li�of cond2mnation.ar.°. h�f asA�gned a�td
<br /> �hall M paid to LRn.der. � _ =�-
<br /> In the event a�a tQtal caking of the Atop�.tht g�rot�2ec�.s sh�il 6e applied to the sums securzc!by t�Ssc,�a¢it�•�esuumen�
<br /> whettter or nat then due,�vitk ung exc�ss F3i�1,to,Bi�to�•�e. In th�evecu of a p�.nial cafong of the Fa+n�riy in whiR�the fair -_,--
<br /> m�rket vatue af the F�u�serty imnw3ia�ly b$f'o7a.ths.tdc�tlg is equ:!to or grcat�r th�tn the simuum of�c suu�secuts�d�y this :�_--
<br /> � g��ty Tnctmrru nt imm�diaieiy hefort the tui�,wnSr�Bu.mo.ti•es c3n�Le�d2z otheiwise a�eee in riritir�t,t���r�!b�,� "l°-
<br /> �i tbis Secvri2y Ir.stntu�nt s}tal! be ceduced hy�t�annwu�o'f thz pmoceds mn�tiplia�E by the following fi^� tp,3 the tatal �'
<br /> °-}' amnuat of the suats securzd immediareiy befom th�t�"�ir�,divid�by N)the fair mrarket value of t�e Fear,�e3p issmediately "'
<br /> } befor�tGe tt�Cinny As3y 6aiance si�aU be p�id•ta 8o�r�oir�es. In the ev�t of a pa�ti�i eakin�of the Pa+u�sr��im ti�r�.irh tit�[air
<br /> • mart�t v�Ius o�ti►e Pmparty i�iately Defc►ra�th�tabt�is,les�eh�the amount off tha sums se�rad i�r�d's•iree.fs•isefare the �Y�'=`
<br /> tuldng.nnless Barrower and Lender oth�w�sa t�zue in.u�tidqg or uniess uy�plit�bte laiv othe�v.ise prov�8n,�.tL-s prt+�e8ds shall ��-.-.�
<br /> be ap�tl�ed to the sams se�ut�6y this�urit}r Irlsuumani w:�hza or noi tho su�s are then due. . �f:�`=:
<br /> � If the Pmpe�ty is ab�ndonai by��tic�.:ar�i�.�tift�aotire by L,e�m IIa�noiv�r that the coside�rs-offetx to maYe an _,_
<br /> �:: sevard or se�tle a claim for damages.IIaYna�►�r�faUfi'to�nd to l�xz nithin 3Q days aftcr tt�e date tia��x is give�, -
<br /> ! F.ender is a�uthorized tn call�ct and apply tt�pm�c�a.at its opliam,eithar m�arutian or repair of the�to�erty M to ti�soms �'�:
<br /> ��` sicarod by t6is Secutity inst�um�,wh�.k�or n�t tb�ss dut. , �..--�
<br /> ��:� ---
<br /> 1lntess L,cuder au�f �'crrower osIs..-mvi2a a�ee in ayit�ag,any apgliration mf pma�eds to peicci�gtil shss!'J�r'.c,i txte�or �,;, _:_,.
<br /> postQane tlte`c�te date of the moat�IY pay��refar�p�ta in p�•�rugt�tss 1 and 2 or ct�cng��he amau�t mf�-eaah��+ents. ---
<br /> '�� 11.Bnt��Na3 I�e'e�s2�;Forr�mnarr•D�!9.�tl�u�TT�st tn�cTd'aive�Exte�sion of the ti�for pay�sr�x�er mod3f�catinn �
<br /> "�';{'r of amotti�a�of the sams s�by this Socwity r�rn�,.n�zn�tod by Lendzr w any suocessnr ua erter�t�aa�Bnrrower sl�all �;
<br /> ' aat op�ate to retEase tbe 1'eability of tis�orig'imk•Boserative4 or Bnrro��e's suacx�sors in interest.Leader shnlJ:�nat��re�ed t�
<br /> �;:�::c . "�om�nenoe pr�ceedmgs a�iast any saoae��iri�int�st or e�t�'vse ta•ettmd dtra for�ym�t or otd�erivis�mttc�ft"g amortirrdttisan
<br /> ,•,�� ., af the sutns seruted by this Se�urity Y�stsumxaa by��sa3sQ�a csf zr_ay d�nd m�de by tfle osigival B�cscti4ic�i ar Borrorrer's ��^
<br />:;r:;�, � s�t�ssars in interest.Auy forbearanoe by.,�32�in,cs�����'�at or remedy sh:il!¢coC[�a cvuivcr�aF or pieclade t1� :�-._
<br /> •�%�;.�:� exercise of any righi ar rertsdy. ' ,:• • �:
<br /> �.•=7�.; 12. Sao�ssons�:!���aundt��oint���.��rt1�'�itg:Q;r�,*�-�.�e covenanta anr��u�uts af this
<br /> ., �',ec�ity Insttu�at shn]!fl:i�d and be�et'it�rth���t�.-��:?:�,,r.'�s of Le�:,�zu3 Barxwwer. sub,�ect ttr.tife��rovisi�us of i� ,
<br /> � � P�S�P� 1?. Sa�awes's aovenants a����a¢m�s�.;al:b�;�:�:��ar� se��sal. Axey gorraerer achc�o�si��s��this Se3c�sriiy -
<br /> ' � I��In1fi:elc�es Qat execute the Mr�t�(s��is oo-�i�ning thls,�ci�ity+ En�mera only to mo3sga�e. ��tt a�oomey that a
<br /> Bortawer'�iritt��t in the Property un8.xr th�ht��af,lhis S�uity+Paut�2at; (b)is,not peisozwlly o6��so p�y thr snm� � �
<br /> : ' secx�recl by fnYs Sec��iry Instramtnt;and(c).�sus tt�I..cFSd�u aad uny other Bas�aL�may agee�ta cuce�rri��,;�difY.fa�op
<br /> maks�y a000tnntodatisms aith regud Lo thp saam�of Wis�S�+:zity tnst[usnznt aT the Atote witl�ue rt�nt Snz�tuutiss's oa�senG
<br /> 13.fl�osa Ch�sgar.If the Eaan secum3 b�•thls�Seauity�Instru��nt is subjec¢to a law a�ich seta ruA�i,�m toan ch�rgrs, - -
<br /> - aad th�t iaw is�ually cnrE�sr�od so tht;thA irr►a�^�►sc ar otha laaa chu�e3 aolHect�or to be ci4ii��xerZ ia,�nn wi�:the
<br /> -. loan exc�ed the gum�ted limits.tI�a:,(a)t�1"swh�td�et►�r�ge sh�U b�r�ed¢a�d lry the u�naarst:.ltc�cast:rlr 3Sb fEQQCC[�C'C�i� -°
<br /> ���,, .. to the permitted limit:aar2 fb)an3+sw-ns uiraa�y�:wlls�d fmm f3nrma�eQ whic3�exceadad pc�iil.i�;t3 Ycrtaist�t�4?ed!be nafiinded W ..�>,
<br /> Borra�er. l.ender may citi,�:se to malre this�rafitad��p rad�ic'u�,r tho p�inapa�,,ocw�d under t��Nat�oe3��r;rc�alang a diroct �:�'s.�.;�,�'�
<br /> � ',s . `. :paymc�t to Botsav,er::1;1'fn nfmd re�Su�s p�n�ip�3,�tt� raduc�._nn.wi'li Ge� tn�s�d as a�t'sa?�p�}t�e� witt;oue auyr '���.:�
<br /> �'� ' ' prepaya�enC,cli�tr.;�e ar�et',LUre A1ote. . . . —
<br /> '� •��•� 1 14.N��Any ci�re to Hantir+rcr ptov`fled far�in this Semf�i}}Yn�um�at ahall 6e giv.efs.6q del'sv��iu�it or isy n�Midiag � —
<br /> . �;:�: ` it 6y fust class mail untsx;�applicable Iaw iuq�iras use of arratn�:r�t..`�a-1.�notia°s1u�l1 be di�es�dc�tlmbi�mperiy Address ��''�
<br /> . or anyr otI�er aQdiess'B�c��.uwer desig� 6p�.�atit� W LendE7. tlny acmiae to Leatt�s1�a12 ba gpv�m�►y��t�ast class mzil to
<br /> Lender's address statod her4in ur auy�thtu ad��n�ss Axr,��deuig�t.�tYy notice W Btiao�ver. �lny nndce pnr�yided foi.in this
<br /> �� ; Secuei:y 1�`trumeni shafl be doe�aed�r thzr►w bsc�•giv�to&rrnnw��a Le�r urhea given u�j��nvid'ed i�a sJCms:mp�agzph. �
<br /> = 1S.Gavern3ng i.aw; Sevsa6�4. V�is� Stc�aity Insttuma� sh�1 bs governcrd h}f�fi#ttt�xsl Iaua artt9l c the law of the
<br /> ` jarisdicflon in which the Praperty is tocaioc3.�In tht eveffi thrs aayn Qtovision or clause of aitlb�~�+..^r.�s6CY Inu�tstm�mit ar tl�e Note
<br /> � ! oonflicts with appiirabte taw.such oonflic�sh3U i twt nff�ct o�te provisiamq of thls Se�curiry Iastcac�ecre�oa tt�a Nata wirich can be .
<br /> given effixt wil�t the contllcdng pmv'saian��To ihis end the pmvision3 of this Secarity Zn�nza¢ent and�tEa�Net,�tire decJclt�i
<br /> < to be sevcnbte.
<br /> � 16.Bu�a+o�v�r's Copy.Sorrowef stst�li�b2 gnvta��oanfo�crJpy of the Noto and of d�is S�itq'PiDPiRG.11ICllt.
<br /> j 6urm 3628 9/8D
<br /> t vspr4 ot 6
<br /> f
<br /> I
<br /> .f
<br />