. ' `�{ .:' . ' , f . .. , :'.-r;•-,�d�� " .. . . ... 5� , .
<br /> , �t • , � . _ � f_ . .tr � . '?' . � �i. '.•-
<br />- ..... , k�.�t.� � . � � t•, . � .r � F. • c .
<br /> .i•» :'sr. . i. 4. 6 c ' }. . ' _ e i+!.�+=-
<br /> � . � • � ���V -
<br /> °° � T�fEPI�EER iklT�i nll t�c i�prove�ents ctaw or hetraRe�e�cted an the praperty,an�lt esseiasat�.appurte,.a��es.aad �
<br /> faxtutes na�r ar �Se.re�fter a psus of thz pmp�nty. A1 rsp.��n�-a aad u�ldition§ s�nSi alsa te ca�erc� by thi� Saurit�+
<br /> •4°:.; Insttumeat.All of s��'c�reg�sinD i�x�e3��s�w t�5�.�it; � � �a�2s t64`Pr+n��.°
<br /> `� •, g�ItltpW�I{�pVEIV,qN7'S tI�t Borrower is lawfulfy seised of the estate hereby comreyed aud Et�s tdi�riyrht to�rami an�
<br /> ennvey thz�o�,e�€�r onci t�the Praperty is��� r�hss�d.ex�p3 for ensum6raaor of ineord. Sorc�wrer evarrants und will
<br />': def��sd genetully�h2+dtte tQ the Property aGnin�r ul!cLzims aatl de�aucds.subject to cury encuaibronoes af record. _
<br /> U.. . Tli[S SE�UligT1°Y1+SSTRUb�'T QamBines unifarra oaver.ants for aational use and aoa-uniform o�venants with iimieed
<br /> � • vari^�tiatts by jnri�dictian tn rnnsntute a uniform security insr�,�*�,t cflverin�rea4 pro�erty. ,
<br /> . tFP;1IV()Iih!�OV�JANTS.�oarowu a�d Lender�ovemni and ag�e as folloc�s:
<br /> �,- fl:���!�����n�36 �ya,�.�Y ur.s9 1Late Ci�rges. Hoiramer shall F��FUY P�Y wtte�d�e the
<br /> prtacip.;�of a�intc.�vs4 on the de�t evideaced by the Ka3�a�s�Y P�'Payment aad�ate cbsuges due t:r�r'.:x�th�I�ute.
<br /> 2.�utt3�Pur TarES s�Q��e.Subject w 3ppiicable lacv or w a written waiver By Le�ep.Bomaw�st�zlj pay to
<br /> � Lendea�n the c3�r�moni0lY FaY��arz d�e u�der the t+ioie.until the Nate is paid in fu11.a yum(°Fuads")far.(a?Y�uty taaes
<br /> and ussesstn2�s whic�may atWin�riority ovea ahis Sawriry insuument as a lien aa ths Ft�'rf:�b1 Y�y le�otd F�Y��
<br /> � ot�nd t�ts aa tbe Pruperty.if anY;(c)YearlY hazard or praperty insulance pramiums:(d)yearty f3amd insnrar.c�p�auum�,
<br /> �an3':t�19�3'mort�ga i�ur,.nce p�mitzvxs.if any;and(�ai►�'sums pa�rabla by Hormw�w l�d�r, in acoord�noe with
<br /> t�t pmvisions of�Saaag�tgh Q,in ii�of t�,e��cent of mortp,�ge in..�uanoe premiiums.TheEe it�as are called"Bscmw Iteu�s.°
<br /> LendGt mzye�any time,oollect aad hd.d��3s in an�uaant nnt to exsxx�ti�e mmsi�m amou�t a Qe��r for a fed�callg -
<br /> . c�t�a�mar¢�u�s taan c�.y require for B�acrcr's�w a000vnt under the fe3era!Heai Fsta�e S2ittemz�i Prooedu�s Act of
<br /> t9�T4�.s aaie�3�fmm tims to ci�e. 12 II.S.C.5rzaion.2601 ec req. (°R�SSPP�'),aWess aaather taa+that ayplies to tbe Fhnds
<br /> ,,, , secs o tes�amount.If so,I.eader mag.at ar�y E'ss�e. colIecc�amd l�old Funds in an amunnt nnt ts eaoesd the lesser amnw�. , .
<br /> . I�en�y escim�e dze amonnt of Fa:ds dss��:t�s t�is of curneai data and�oaafile esl�mat�s of espe�di�res of fumse .
<br /> •� .:� Esccow Ite;ns or othesarise in secordaace edt�aEs�sl�:[Ja�law.
<br /> 'LB�Fw�s sh�ll be h�ld in asi i�-ar�c�a �fi'rt��depasits are insureti•by a fcd�l agenry> insuumer,tality, ar entiry
<br />°. fins�ir'.�ifag i e�t�r,if i.e�3er is sudx�an instit�ic�)rxs,i�aay Federal Home�Loan Ba�.Lemd�shall apply the Fuads to pay the . -
<br /> ; '. F.�.a:�v dt�ns.t.eader may aot chaige Bazro��ee fcr:krtf.�f.ing and apptying t�*e Fnnds,�inualIy aaaIy�ing the f�w accavni.or
<br /> " �ezifyinB tha EscyavY Items.unless Leadrr pays�r,�rnccCx interest on the Fr,c�ets�und applicabie!aw p�mits Lender to m�Ice suc�
<br /> ' • a r.h�,-ga.l€flu�s�r.Lender way requi�Barrm:ec eu 3�a one-time cha�f�r m�inde�eadent ral estaza tas 3eportiag servioe
<br /> � used by�LQSxler in oonneetion wittt thi.g loau. �:mincs;�icable law pta-r:des othervr+ase. QnI�u►�gre�ent is msde os . �. .
<br />� � apg�ia�Sle trsw reqnires interest to be paid,Le��r sT�lf.B�tir�t�rzquited to pay�orrocver a�inter�st or eamings an the Fands. ,'_
<br /> Borc�u►�an�➢.c�tr muy ag�e in writing,dra�roe���s:.42ole iai�est sltaQ he paid on the Funds. Ir�t shai!give W BorroRer.
<br /> w1IIlI1llt�S1t�Yg�.sm�mnui axounting of the fiwo�.sritra�tn�ecedits artd de�its w tfie Fund3 and t�e parp�se for wtrich each ,:: _
<br /> debit:to•W�i Funds was mude.'l�e Funds a�pled�as��iYtS�tional sac�ity I�e`uJ�stmt�-sea�md Iry this Srcwrity Ins�uffieat. .��,-'
<br /> _ If tha Funds iirJd by Lernier exceed tt�anrtuntl ,�.� �i:.:
<br /> a rt p�.r.r�a:sted to be he'sf:i�i`tsj�if�ble taw,I.ender shail aocouru to$orrower �;�:>�. `
<br /> faT rtl�d�.exe¢ss Funds in IIcoordnua:a.rith tt�cer�rimr�,m:t.�qf��ag►licable la�i::�"6iu:��xi�st of tite Fu�ds held 6y I.e�der at�ny � ,
<br /> .``�,•,�. tim:is zsot sui�ci�nni to psty the Fs,�w Yte�v,�ty:�du�::,.A,�-.��aY so�J,Bomcswa�r��r.�rriasng,aad,in sach ease Bormwer �
<br /> '•�`, s�3'�x-ay to�.eader thfl amouut a�aryr w rc�+:zm s���e��cy. Bascux�r�ail maice�the defcieixy in no mare tT�a
<br /> twe'!vs manthly ps41rmcats.�t t,e�er's sole di,�cc�zica.
<br /> . Upan puymx�t in full of all sums sca�ar�b3r•��ti�.�.vrity Instruu�::�i. Lender sisail pcomgtly refuad w Earrower sm,� �
<br /> � : F�,�h�'d�b�r Lc:n,der.�i;under paragrap�2i.L�iYEC:sft�U�qrcue or sell thc Praperey.Lendcr.prior to tEie acquisi�or�sale
<br /> :.:,:�, af c��Praps�eyr.shall apply any Funds hel�hy Lcnrfae:ar;i�'tb;td'a��af aaquisitian ar sal�as a cr�it a,g�t t�e aams sakvu�'bY
<br /> �hip Se�rit�}Instium�t. ``:`:.
<br />�j"`•� 3:A �It�tfon of�ra r3ts.Uale�s ts4s►�1�tiil��provides athemiss:.al! �y�mcnts received b leadeir aader ara
<br /> �P Ym� aP'f? P Y P ��_�:;�:
<br /> t an�2 str�li�6a Appli�d:first,co anY pz�aa5mr.nr�c�ilceges dae�scder the Note:�s�cnnd,to amounts payabte under garagiaph x,'�;;:;�'•;'::...
<br /> : � tt�it�t;to int�est dne:fowth.to pttia�apal d�ia:��?�t.to any lzte cfiarges due under.the N�te. .<:;.��"`.
<br /> . .,�,_,
<br />' �� �i:[�r,�e�,IId�.Bo�o��c;yu;�a�a��i��.as�nts,chai8es,fines end.;rri��nneions aterihutable co d1Re'L+��emj� �,.'. . -
<br /> ..'��;�.. w�ilda.r,s�:p�nttain ptiority over ttr�,�?:Cu.�ty��;:,;#�xnt,and Ieasehold payments or gir,t�id rents.if aa�r._�onnvi�e;c,i�,ll'pay .
<br /> � W�aea'bligstic�in she m�ner pr�ovided�c,pt�Itit�xtX:Sn 2.or if aoi paid in t',s�i6��rnsumer.Borrower shall�;;�Gi�em an�me directly.;?�,,:�:;�.
<br /> . ��,��� w a�.�.,��n pu+s3',�s�yanrmt.Ba�rower sh�alfi�ptastr�"Jy furaish to Lend�s,^.Jll in�riw.s of amnunts to be pa:d nBder this paragagh.��;'.'�'.:
<br /> . af QC�acna��;2 m�1c:s'th�se payments di�dZy.����otrier srall pramptIy fumi��:o Lcnder icaeipts eviden�cing the payments.. .
<br /> "���Y�i.sfr+�w�r sf�ll pmmpily discharge a�t�f SSfro�vhich has pridrity over this Secwity Instrument un2ess Borruwer:(a)agr�es i�
<br /> w�rr`t�i;i,y�r eo the paymrnt of the obligatioc�secunnd��y the tien in a manner aoc�ptnblo to L�endzr;(b)coatests in good.fa:�the lien �
<br />' ; ,';`.',. by, or de;e.�ds a�Frnst enforce�ent of•tt,� !u!{%.in, te�al proceedings which'in•the txnder's opinian apexate ta pxevent the
<br /> � enforcemea�of t�c�:lien;or(c)secus�s�rcr�ra�tfu�hrs�lder of the lien en�rart saiisfactory w Ler.d�r sebcrndimting the liea to
<br /> itt��ca�:s�.rFt3►�uumerM. If Lender det�rrai�ttuct cmy part of the Paopert���svbject�t��$lien whlcb may aitain prioriry over
<br /> ttir l���it��'y Instrument.Lerid�:ttin��i��e&?;nower a natice,s�dentit'gring the IIen.�Bo�rtuver shall satisfy ttte liea or taL•e oa�or
<br /> �tirs�t:+�titf�3 at�ianc set forth abo'u4�>�uit�i,m tU�9s of the gi+iri�s•�F notice. � ' �
<br /> �;;.,:..: . . .
<br /> Fam+�02� 8t9f►
<br /> '.`� . �t(yp3 ot e
<br /> ' . . , • ,
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