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_ . -' ., .��rprNVC�f'y�qBnc: ���,(t'-:r.�S�•i,,tr;� Yl.�", lf1'..�y'� .. !t3"::'�+�r��LLaW�ir' �n�vrrs.- <br /> �-, � . � -1 • . •.., ... . '�i' ' —__ <br /> ' -�' d..��!"`���.:.• �, �$ -.: .�l� .e�.-...�. .�. .nt. �`f .r •f.n.:^�, ir�.• , ., . . . ` � . ��y� �- Li.f[ -. <br /> �I '�'''!'{#ic�l.�• ,�. �5 '�"�?��5��' � .. . ..._. � "t' �:b.:r-r.r�=—�..��.� __ <br /> : 4�?k�i� �e '�W <br /> - I;�.k ..r. . • .�� �� �' LS�'��""�w..r`; f_.., : ww�w�y..�: �a.. .ry -.-_. -. <br /> Ji, - ., F+ •�v':.i� . �;�:��rr^�+ ._a.. <br /> ,,. . . . . .� . ;.. <br /> N \ • <br /> .4�' . ��.�.r_.._...._.�._ '`� . <br /> -- - -- � <br />. . . . r �� - _ _.._ <br /> _„�,�,�1.._ -- =i-`— <br /> ....�.. - -'a�.:"�c" �._. � ' �'~-J`,�_.i.x�_R� <br /> � ��. .��� <br /> 11M� � 'i`..-'�--- <br /> . . �~' <br /> ' 16. Borrow�r's iilqht to RdntNt�. q earoww m.ns ow�.�n aa�dWons�8«rowM� �y �. ����t ninsatwrw�q bMon —"'"' <br /> . dsoontlnu�d�t any tNn�Pda to ih�Mrl'i�r of: (�) 6 d�y�(a wah olhr pwlod���ppMo�W� ���.-±�,--- <br /> ,.. , .w a u�.�ra�r v����y ao+�+•r ot s�.�u�.a h u,i.s.ou�+�►w,.�u�+��.nay o�. pd�,.m.nw�orw ur.s.o�+�r �_.,� <br /> . . �h..';�N�. . � Instrumml.Thos�oondtlons�n Ihat BonMV�r: (�) PM I.�ndw Y wn�whkh ih�n wauld b� dw undrr Ihis 8�ourUY InqrunMnl �nd _ <br /> th�Nob u M�.nuon n.a ocaWnd; (b1 wm.ny d.auM a any a�,w oov.n.m«�r.«n.,at (a)PM v�us InaNnd b <br /> � mforoh9 lhis 8�o�+�MY Inthwnmt� hdudM►Y, but nW Nmild to, nnawbM �ttom�ys' Nw: ind (d) takN wah �atlon a� Undw nyY <br /> . haspKpy nqut�to�aun th�t Ih�Y�n o1 thb S�awftY InstmnNnt�Lwidrr'�Aphts In tM RapKtY snd Bonow�r's obYptllon W p�y Ih� <br /> � wms ��ind by this S�aufty In�trummt �h�N aonlYiw unalwi0� � ninq�t�nt bY���• thb 8�awilY InsUunnnt �nd IM <br /> , . obYptlbn�secund h�nbY shW rwrwlri(u1N alfaaUv�u q no�eeMMStlon Md 000urt�d. Howw��r.thN dpht b nhstat�sh�no4�pPh►h �.��:,Q-._ _vT <br /> .. � th�au�d�aeNw�tlon undar p�rag�Ph 17. = <br /> � 19. 8d�of NoNi Chanp�of Loan 8�wlc�r. n� Not• « � pwtW ra.m� �n �n� No�. (lopMhw wnn tha S.a�Y <br /> Inf�M4um�nt)m�y b�totd on�a mcx�tYr�a wqhoul pbr notla lo Barow�r. A sd� n�Y nwN In a eh�np�h Ih�entqy(known ss Ih� —___— <br />��. •Lo�n S«vicar') thd a+lkcts monthb P+�Y�t� du�undK Vv Nol� �nd 1hi� S�owiy In�Wm�nt. Th�n uw rtay b� on� a ma� __ <br /> atu�npes o1 the 4an SMVIar u�uNat�d to� sd� ot Ih�Not�. 8 Ih�n b � chm� d lh� Lwn S�rvk�r. BorrowK w i l b� q i v�n w r l l U n �, _ <br /> notfa of tha Gwnpe fn accordanee wNh pua�Ph 14 abov��nd applic�bN I�w. Th�noda wIN stat�th�nam�and�ddross o1 th� nwv - <br /> t� �hould b� nrd�. TM nWla wil �so conWn �ny olhs InWim�tbn nquk�d bY �`==-"" ' <br /> Lwn Savlce� �nd th� �dd►as w whlch P�Y� ��.�� <br /> . appacabla law. �.'"_— _ _ --- -- <br /> � 20. H�z�►dous 8ubst�lfC�s. Botrawer uiail no1 cws. w PG��it tho praonce, uee. d�y►o�l, etnn�w. or rel�a� ot mY �_ :__--=--- - <br /> H�mdout Sub�l�ncas on ar In the PropaAy. BortowK sh��ot do,na Now�rryon��to do.�nylhk�p aM�etN�p ihe Prop«ty th�t b In � h--_ <br /> HZtl sr , <br /> violaWn oi�ny Envkonmenl�l L�w. Th�Paeedhp Iwo s�ntances sM1 nat�pply to Ih�pnanea,uea,or�tonpe on ths RopeAy o1 am�M '- <br /> • Iitles w Hmrdous Sut�ncss�Iud ws yaneny��opn�zad to b��pprop►i�te to nomyl rhW�ntlal usa and to m�intwwia oi th� �'.,.'_`' <br /> � �� :. <br /> -ra-ra�r::a-:. <br /> •,.,,,,; ProPatY• <br /> BortowK shw promplN�a Lender wdtten notla ot�ny YrvesUp�Uon� d�im� damnd,UwwB a othe►aclton by�ny 9ovanment�l w �,�.,�,�: . �,r,=,-..°.-=,,. <br /> �nd�ny Har�rdaus Sub�unca a Envtronmsntal L�w M wNch Bortowe►h���cWal , `� .�"':���r <br /> ,. nqutticry�pency a prhnt�puly ktvoMny the Propedy , : , <br /> Imowl�dps. fl Bortowar leams. or Is notlMd by �nY yovemma�W a npul�tory �uthoiily. Ih�t �ny �emovd or other remedi�Uon of�ny ,.� , ^. <br /> .. � ; . H�zudous Substuia�11�ntMW Iht ProPertf' is nacawry� Bartowr shY prampty Wu Y n�asuy ran�diu�dlons In �ccord�nc�with tT:�� : <br /> �. EnvhonmanUl L�w. �<� , �� - -- <br /> As usad in this P�O�Ph 20. 'Hu�rdous Subttanc�s' u� thoa wbstaneeo ddln�d n toxic a hwrdous wbst�nc�s by ., . '� ,," - <br /> Envkonm�nW Law and Ihe foNowinp wbalancos: y�wllne, kwosm�. oth�r �ble or toxia p�trataum products, toxla padcW�s md ,�:. <br /> hwWolda�, vol�tits soNents, rtwterials cont�k�inp �sb�stos or lom�td�hyds. �nd adiacliv� rmtai�ls. As us�d in tMs puaqnph 20. �- �� <br /> 'EnWronmm:d L�w' mana fede�al I�wa �nd I�w� ot th� �Isdklton whw th� PropeAy is bat�d thtl nl�b to hallh, eNNy or ;� - <br /> �nvkonmenhl(NOleCtlon. �• ',. <br /> - - N4H-UNIFC�RM C.nVENANTS. AoROwer and L�nder twther coven�nt u�d apra��s IoNowa: �� , . � _;i <br /> -- 21. Acc�l�raHon; Ramodle�. Land�r �hall qiv� notic� to Barow�r prlor to accoior�tion fdiowi�� , ' . <br /> Borrow�r's ix��ch of �ny covan�nt o► apn�m�nt in thi� S�curity Inslrum�M (but not pr�or to ',y< <br /> acc�l�ratton undor parayraph 1T unlass appllcaW� I�w providws oth�rwiw). Th� notico shall sp�cly: (a) ;�,�.: <br /> .� th� d�hult; (b) th� actlon roqulrod to cu�� th� d�f�ult; (c) a dat�, not I��s than 30 days from th� ddo �..� ;:�.�. <br /> th� notic� is qiv�n to Borrowor, by which th� d�i�uR mud b� cur�d; and (d) that failuro to cur� ih� �' ':'�'�:� <br /> ..:, `�, d�huR on or bota� tFw dat� spociflod in th� notic� may r�sult U �cc�l�ratton of th� sums s�cund by w <br /> thb S�aurity Instrure�nt and aal� of th� Proporly. Th� notic� �II fu�th�r inform Borrowa� of th� �IqM � ' � <br /> to rotnstat� dt�r accoleratlon �nd th� risht ta brinq a aourt �ct�on to aaw�t !h� non-extst�nc� of a , <br /> dohult or �ny otlwr d�fansa of Borrowor to �cad�r�tlon and sal�. If the dofault Is not cund ot� or � , : ;�;�_ <br /> b o f a�t h� d a t� s p a ciftad in iho notice.I.ondor at Ib optlon may roquir� Imm�diat� p�ymont in tull af all , <br /> sums waur�d by this Sacu�ity Instruro�nt without furth�r domand �nd may invok� ti+� powar of sal� �nd ► ,�' <br /> any otiwr r�modlas p4rmlttod by applicAbl� law. l��d�r shall b� �ntltl�d to collact all �xp��wa . . . �::: <br /> Incurr�d In punufnq iho ramedios providod In thtr par�praph 21� includin�. but not Ilmk�d to. �'. , <br /> r�uon�bl� attom�ya' io�s �nd co�t� oi Ntl� widonc�. ; �_ . <br /> • If tla pow�r of sNe Is Invokod,Truoto� sludl ncord s notic� of doiault in oach county in which any . . <br /> ' ' pa�t ui th� Prop�rty Is loaotod and �hall �anatl copl�s of such notic� i� th� mann�r pr�scrlMd by • <br /> applicabl� law to Borrower and to th� othor p�nons p��scrib�d by appitcabl� law. AR�r th� tlm� <br /> roqulnd by appllc�bl� law� T�ustaa sh�ll givo puWic notic� of sab to th� porsons �nd fn tl» ro�ne�r <br /> � pr�ac�ibod by �pplicabla law. Trustoa, wtthout d�mand on Borrowor� ohall soll th� PropQrty �►t public <br /> aueNon to tho hiphost biddor at th�tim� and plac� and unda►th�t�rms dosi�natod in tho notic� of al� <br /> la ono or mor� p�rcols and in �ny ord�r TruN�� dot�rmin��. TruNa� may postpon� sal� of dl or any <br /> parc�l of th� Proparty by public announcomont at th�tim� and plac� of �ny p►oviously sch�dul�d ��. , , � <br /> ' L.�ndar or its do4lgnaa may purchaso tha Proporty at any wlo. <br /> Upon �ecoipt of payment of the prlca bid, Truatao shall dolfvor to tha pu�chaser Trustoo'� daod • <br /> � � , convoyinp the Proporty. The rocitals In tha Trustaa's dood shall bo prima facto ovidonco of th� truth ot . <br /> � ' • th� stataments mado tharein. Truetoo shall apply tho procoads of tho salo In tho following order. (a) to <br /> ' all costs �nd �xponeoe of axercising tha powor of sato� and tha salo. fncludin� tho paymant of tha <br /> Trustaa's faa� actually incurrod, not to axceod 3.00 96 of tha principai amount of tho nota at tho <br /> tima of tha daclsNation of detault, and �oasanabla attornoy's taaa as pormittad by law; (b) to all �ums <br /> ` � � pcurod by thls Sacurity Instrumont; and (c) any oxcosa to tho porson or peraons IQgally ontitlod to It. <br /> ' ZZ. Roconvoyanca. Upon peymenl of aY aums secured by thfs Sew�ity InatrumenL Lender eha4 request Trustee to retonvey <br /> � the PropeAy �nd eh�N aurtender thls Securiry Inslrument and aA notes evidencing debt secured by thls Security Instrument lo Tn�etee. <br /> i TN6186�h�N f@COf1V6y Ih@ PfOPE+rty WithOUt wartanry and wllhout cheqe to th� penon or penons leyally eniHled to R. Suoh person or <br /> pereons sh�ll pey ony reeadatlon costs. <br /> w�.a��e��.� T....� `��� .� ��_ w..�L�n m�� Irnm IYn� to t4nY remove Trustee and appolnt a aueeessor truatee to ony <br /> �.J� OMY�{�\Y\� ��M.'��• .. <br /> Truate��ppointed h�reunder by on Instnxnenl recarded In the counry In wh{ch ihis SeCUrity�nstrument is tecotded. wthout conveyaneQ <br /> of the Property,succosaor Uuslee ah�ll auccced to oll Ihe title, power and duties conlerred upon Truslee herNn�nd by�pplluble 4w. <br /> 24. Raquo�t tor Noticea. Borrower raqueats th�t cople� of th� notkes ol detauh �nd sala ba sant to Bortowars �ddress <br /> which I� the F'�opeAy Addreas. <br /> ZS. Ridars to this Socurity Instrumant. II one or more Ndero u� executed by Bortower and recorded together wflh this <br /> Security InaWment, the covenants �nd ogreementa ol each such �ider sh�N be Incorpmded k�to �nd ahaY amend and supplamont the <br /> eoyenUntt�nd aqreemants ot thts Security InetrumeM as 8 the ridcr(s)were� peA ol Ihle Securlty Inalrument. <br /> P��e�of S �nrm JOIB 9N0 <br /> F1029.LAK!(7/92) <br /> i <br /> �•1 i <br /> . � • �,r - - - � . <br />