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-tti����`� t-tn�,���y��t `- . .��.f;.t,. ,y . i'.. _xw• �� y, j,��� _jr,' l �+fyt'��, .., i}1�:r)��.S3�0II�F14-v��--- - -- <br /> -.��il��Y�,� + f f Y•• ' 7 -.�.�7�TL".� �S.Ct1:A�------- <br /> :�I '��f• n �'�1'�t'"�t.. �' ,�.x��....r..,_,�. . ., . � —_ ._ �_ — <br /> ,. . <br /> -��-._;�:; ,y <br /> ---:"--r-�pi.-,•.�;fir 1 ---- �1i.- ••-f,, � .t'ri'}' � , , .... . <br /> 1� ,l..^��' ^ x...�Js .: . ' . � � F� 1 <br /> J.� • ���� ,i.•+.�.r��,�.. +. ��� . . .f!� -•`.�tJ�^^l ...--_ ._'_ ._ <br /> �•� � <br /> . . ,.a 'r•.. <br /> ::". ':.�,.•'4 " " -_ L —_._ <br /> . � <br /> . ' . ..�i � _ � <br /> .. .�� _i i2�°t.. <br /> - .. . <br /> � -_--;�'� -- � ,. r+.ti+n.. _ ,..., _ -:: _ ,-.. <br /> ' "q .�-p 92— ��r►�o <br /> �1,' . .:. c,'-' t � <br /> ;���.::��__.,Y.�:J:.�:„ .' '�'ppETHER W17'fl ull Iho impravcu�cah nuw on c�reuhcr crecicJ un thc property.und uU ca�emcnts,appurtennnces, _ <br /> ''��.''��'�"°'�'�" ,.� and fixturc9 nc�w or hereaf�cr a pun af Ilx�pru�xny. All mphirrw�ntK and addilianx shall also be covered by this Security <br /> ' ,: ��.�'4...5;r�:j'.. , .� ' inonvmem. All of Ihe fixegoing iw�clrrnd w in thix krurily hu.l�umcnl u�the"Property.,. <br /> 'Y�'`',a:. ;.h,�: <br /> � � .��,,.;.. 80RROWER CI)Vt?NANTti thiu Hum�wer i�I+�wfully+ci�.cd nf ihc cslutc hcreby canvcyed and hax ihc right to granl — <br /> ,;:.,;. .,, .. � <br /> . s,x::,��. •., ,, ond convey the Propeny and�h,n�hc 1'n��xny ly uncncumlxrcd,cxc�p�for encumbrunceti of record. Barmwer wurrunts an <br /> �* '`°t��'�"•''','�' • ��� � will defend gener•rlly the title to thc f'ru�My aKuin�l all rlufm�+�nJ demundr,subject lo aay encumbrnnces of recard. <br /> ' ' �.�.sl{L - . ' <br /> - "�r`�,�-�--~-• �� - +' THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMGN'f c��mhfncs unil'om� cnvcnum+ li,r nalionul u,c und non-uniform covenanis with �. � _R� <br /> ''`"'{'�' " � • Ilmlted vurialiuns by)url.r•dicli�+n to con.lilutc u uniGKm r�cu�Uy inntrumum cavaring reul properly. _ <br /> • r.�.,�.;�••� �, ' .; . <br /> ."•ks ••:.� . -''.;''i�,•�..:,' UNIFORM cOVENANTS. 8urrowur und l.c�xlc�cuvcnum und ugrre si,fi�Uow�;: °rt. <br /> �_ <br /> _��' � '" . � 1, Pwyment of Principnl pnd loterecti Preprymenl pnd l.�te l'hs�rges. Borrawcr shull promptly pny when due�he �_ <br /> � � , �;�:,'�!-.�: ., principnl ai und Mtercst an the deM evi�ktnc4�1 hy�h�N���c uiul uny prepayment und lute charges due under the Nate. _Y <br /> -' �` " " 2. Fbnds ior7bxes And Insurr+nce. Subjecl iu��pplicnblu luw�tt to u wriucn wuiver by Lender.BoROwer�hall pay to �_ <br />-'�`�t`�...: ^�..: �� ...?. '��'�`. iv.� <br /> �•'.: ��'� Lcnder on Ihc Juy monihly paymcntK un:duu undur thc N�nc.umN tha NiKC is puid in fuil,a sum("Funds")ior:(a)ycurly E„_. <br /> �.i..;�.-• -- - <br /> �`c';;, , • y„�� ��.;s-• tuxcs and us�cessmcnt�which muy uttain prinrity ovcr thi�Scruri�y In�trument u�u licn on the Prapeny;(b)yearly leasehuld <br /> + j���: puyments or graund rent, an the Pm{+erty. it anY� Ic► Ycurly huiard ur property inxurAnce premiums; (d) yearly flood fc�:� <br />_ '..„ � ,. . .;� >.7:�:,,•. -- <br /> - `� ':�� �••��,.�'���:,•��~ insurance premiumw, ii nny; (e) yoarly mon(tuµc M�uruncr prrmiumti, if any; und (fl uny sumK pAyable by Bartower to `_�� <br /> ^:=':::.�<:,.:-�4,,,'•'.,'.,.�;c;�r P'Y E t P �_�_.__ _-- <br /> • �•. S,•�.;;.:}• Lender, in ucwrdunce wuh the pruvibiun�ui�pu�+�uraph tt. in lsru c�!thr .� mem�t'm��n n�e insur�nce remiums. Thexe _ <br /> � ��r•.�°.. ,-� item�nre called"Eurow Items.' l.enda�muy,ut uny�ime,colleci u�xl hold Fwxls in un amount not ta exceed the maximum .�, <br /> ��t������'����", amount u Iender t'or a federull reluted mon u e I��un mu re ulrc for Burruwerk escrow uccount under ihe federul Real 4 <br /> r'yr_i�;,�}•:. Y 8 R Y 4 �::_::..: <br /> . �'�'� .,'•';"'��` Eslate Setticmcnt Pmcedures Acl of 1974 ur Amrndcd from timc lo time, 12 U.S.C.�2601 er ccy.("RESPA"),unlegs anather i.__; <br /> - , - i. Li> Il nr <br /> _ �� 11 'r law that Applies ta the Fbnda se�s a lexscr unwunt. If+o.Lrnder mny�u�uny time,collect ond hold Funds in an amaunt nal to � , -- <br /> -� �.1.� �_. <br /> � :x'����? �' I exceed the lesscr omaunt. Lender may c+timatc Ihr umu�m� �►f FundK dua un thc busis oi currenl duta und reasonablc <br /> ��,f:;;.'.,f�:{� estimates of expendi�ures af future E.cruw Ucmx or ot herwi+�a in a�cur Jance w i t h a p p l i c u b l e l u w. <br /> �.:�:.�;:,• <br />, .�:.:;sy!�?,��,,`:;' The Funds shall bc hcld in on instiwtion whotic Jepo�,ilr are innund by u federsd ogency, instrumenlality, or emity � __ ,. .' <br /> • , ^����;," •Y,.;;.` (including lxndcr,if Lcndcr ir�wrh on intilituiionl�rc in uny Fedrrvl Ni�mc l.oun Bunk. Lcndcr shall apply�hc Funds to pAy <br /> i.,:.:.:,Y w__-�.:.�__- <br /> the 8scrow I�ems. Lender muy m�t charge 9nrruwcr litt holding and upplying the Funds, nnnually annlyzing Ihe escraw __ _ ar <br /> „ `i -:;� uccount. or verifying the Eticrow Itrm�, unlc,x l.endrr puy. Burruwer imcrctil on Ihc Fund� and applicuble law permits ,��a..k:�,i;,_ <br /> - ' ���.:ti':,, Ixnder to make such u charge. Howrver.l_cnder muy rcquirc Bnnowrr lu puy u une-time charge for un independern real r�.�,�,_, <br /> , „ i: csiAte tux reporting scrvice u,cd by Lrndcr in cunncc�ion wiih thi.loun,unlcxr;upplicable luw provides otherwitie. Unless un . ,� <br /> agrecment is made or upplicublc luw rcyuirc+intcres�lu hr�kr�h�dl nut Ix rcquireJ ta pu��Bortower any interesl or _ ' ' '�.`� <br /> -' • camings on the Fundc�.�Borrower und lAix�cr muy ugrcr in writing,h��wcvrr.lhut imcrc�t shull b@ pnid on the Funds, l.endpr <br /> � ' ahall give to Borrower,wi�huut churgr,un unnu+d uccounting of the f�und�,�hi�win�s cmdil.und debits�o the Funds nnd Ihe � �r ' <br /> � � � pu►�wxe for which euch debh to the Fundti wu.r muJe. The FundH un plcdged a�uddilionnl security for all sums secured by �-,Y��•�;.';"� <br /> - ��'' �hix Scw:wity lnstrument. - :;,,�-- <br /> � ' If the Funds hcld by Lcndcr cxcccd tik u�»��o�,�. �:►m���«� ��� � n�i� nr Urr���uni� luw. Lrnd�r shull accaunt ta � ����.;�;.' <br /> •• ,��I'i Borrower for the excecs Fundx in uccurdunr�wilh Ihc reyuiremaniti��f upplicuMr luw. If�he umount of the Funds held by �;�T,.���„_ <br /> � , '� Lender u�uny timc is not sufficic�t to pay thc��crow I�ems when duc.l.endcr muy+u n�Nil'y Borrower in writing, - <br /> . 1 •- ! ��:�:i•t-r <br /> such casc Borrower �hull pay to Lendcr the amount necr.�ury�a mukr up �hr dc(iricncy. BaROwcr �hull moke up the ��_� <br /> • �,�;�., � defidency in no more thun�wclvc monthly paymrni�,ut Lendc�'+�ulc Ji.creti�m. , ..;,-�:,�•;::-- <br /> �� -�!' � Upon p�yment in full of ull,um�yecured by ihis Srcurity In+lrumrnt,l.cndrr.hall prumpdy rel'und to Barrower uny � � <br /> � , Funds held by Lender. If,undcr pnrugruph 21,l.cndcr+hull acyuirr ar uU�hr I'�nprrly.I.cnder,prior lo the acquisition or �� �� ,. �-;�� <br /> ���' SpIC 0`tI1C PfOpC11y, shull upply any Fund. held hy Lender u1 Ih�Iinw i�l ucyui�ilion or sule u�u credit a�uinat the sums �.,,.,,yri�,,,�� <br /> '`.'�!:'`�' , sccured by this Security Instrument. _ ''•''""�� <br /> • 3. Applicallon aP Payments. Unlc�s upplicublc luw pmvidu+� ulhurwise, all puymcmti recc�v�d by Lender under .� • ,..Y��' <br /> , . . � purAgrnphs 1 und 2 shall be upplied:tint,tn any {►n�ps�ymem churKr�duu undrr Ihr Nrnr:second,io umounts payable under ,f:,;;,:}:.,� <br /> �' pazs►gruph 2:Ihird,to intareFt duai founh,to prinr�pal duc:unJ In+i,t��any lutc rhurgc�duc undcr thc Ndc. ; •v.�- <br /> 4. Chprges; Liens. Borrnwcr shall puy ull tuxe+, uxzc+xmoms,rhu�u�., finr, uiNl im�x►�itions allributablc to Ihe ,�,,�., ::�;{.'� <br /> ' .,�• Propeny which muy anuin priority avcr this Scrurity In�trumrn6 und Icukh��ld puym�m�ar�rounJ rcnt+,if any. Borrower � ::.�C'�: ;; -_ <br /> : a��_ <br /> shull puy these obligutionn in thu munnar provided in parugraph?, or if nnt puid in thm mnnrnr,Hi�rruwer shull pay them ou ' -o. <br />, ;• lime directly to the person owed pnymunt. Bnrrower shull prom�ly furnitih lu l.endcr aU ixNirr+uf umounts to be puid under �' ' <br />. �his parngraph. If Borrower makes thexe puyments direc0y.Bom�wer�hall promplly 1'urni�b In I.�mler receipts evidencing ,,,.,..,. <br /> •� the payments. ,;�7,;:, �. . <br />. .. `�� :��,' � �'� .�� .. ,. _- <br /> ;:,.;�� . Borrowcr shull prampUy dixchur�c uny licn which hu+priuriry uvrr�hi.tircurity In.�ninnnt unlctiti Burruwcr:(ul agrce� ,,%,;;'�._.,� � <br /> � . in writing to ihc pnyment of thc obligu�ion suurrJ by thc licn in u munncr accrpluhlr tn I.rndcr.1h1 runlc+tx in giwcl faith thc ,•?,:,-: ; � <br /> �. � Ben by,or defends aguinst enforcemem of the lien in.Irgul pnxcrdinE�which m thr L��nJrr'•upiniun o�x:rule to prevent the ,.,'•;' ;':• <br /> enforcament of the lien;or(c)sccurex from the holder of�hc licn an u�recmrnl+uti+t+irtury w I.rndcr+utx�rdinuting the lien � ,�;.. <br /> " . to thfs Sccurity In�trument. If Lendcr dctermines thut uny pan of th�F'�ru�rly i�.uh�rrl lu u li�m which muy atlain priority �'; <br /> '•.! over thi�Securiry Instrument,Lcnder muy�ivc Burcower n notice idemityin�;th��Kn. IiuRUwrr,hull+uti�fy the lien or tuke � , � ,,. ._ <br /> . . ,:.,�:',;�� one or mora of the uctions set forth atxwe within 10 d•rys oF ihu giving�►t'nuurr. „`• ,xi�����,,►r hereutier ercc�ed on the �, �,��"I,��. <br /> � � 5. Hazard or Properly lnsurunce. Burruwcr.hull kcrp thv imprm•rnk n��u� � E �, <br /> Property insured aguinst Ioss by firc,huturds inclu�kd within thc 1�mi"rxtcn�lyd r���•r�.ipr" :md mry uihcr huiurd�,incluJing �... <br /> Ooads or floading, for which Lcndcr reyuires in�ur�mcr. 7'his in.urarKC .h�dl Ix� mnnnumcd m �hc nmountx and for thc �, • <br /> ' I �� . <br /> i• <br /> . Form.N1311 W4p �l�,�,qr=uJ n��rs� <br /> . �' . <br /> �. . . . i . ' . <br /> } , .�.� � ' , " � ,' �. <br /> . • _. � . . •. . <br /> . . � . , � <br /> t � <br /> •_� <br /> , ,� <br /> ., � <br /> � - <br /> . . _ _ <br />