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2oi.00so4s <br />by any governmental or regulatory authority, or any private party, that any removal or olher remediation <br />of any Hazarclous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Sorrower shall promptly take all necessary <br />remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. Nothing herein shall create any obligation on <br />I.ender for an Environmental Cleanup. <br />NON-LTIVIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree ag follows: <br />22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Sorrower prior tp acceleraHon following <br />Barrower's breach of any cpvenant or agreement in th'►s Security �nstrument (but not prior to <br />acceleration under Sectian 1$ unless Applicable Law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a) <br />the default; (b) the action required to cure the defauit; (c) a date, not less than 3U days from the date <br />the notice is given ta Burrower, by which the deTault tanust be cured; and (d) that failure to cuire the <br />default un or before the date speci�ed in the nvtice may result in acceleration of the sums secured by <br />this Seeurity Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall furthcr inform Borrower of the <br />right tn reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence af <br />a default or any other defense of Bprrower to accelcration and sale. If the default is not cured on or <br />before the date speciiied in the notice, Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full af <br />all sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand and may invoke the power of <br />sale and any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all <br />expe.nses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this Section 22, including, but not limitcd ta, <br />reasanable attorneys' fees and costs of tit�e evidence. <br />�1' the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which <br />any part af the Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by <br />Applicable Law to Sorrower and to the ot�,er persons prescribed by Applicable Law. After the t�me <br />required by Applicable Law, Trustee shall give public notice of sale to the persons and in the manner <br />prescribed by Applicable Law. Trustee, without demand on Sorrower, shall sell the Property at <br />public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the <br />notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale <br />of all or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at the time and place of any previously <br />scheduled sale. Lender ur ita designee may purchase the PXUperty at any sale. <br />Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trn�tee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br />convcying the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be pxima facie evidence of the truth <br />of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds nf the sale in the following order: (a) <br />to all costs and expenses nf exercising the power of sale, and the sale, including the payment af the <br />"1'rustee's fees actually ipcurred and reasonable attorneys' fees aq permitted by Applicable Law; (b) to <br />all sums secured by this Security �nstrument; a�nd (c) any excess to the person or persons legally <br />entitled to it. <br />23. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender �hall <br />rec�uest Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall surrendcr thiG Security Inslnunent and all notes <br />evidencing debt secured by this Security Instnunent to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property <br />vvithout warranty to thc pers�n or persons legally cntitled to it. Such peraon or persons shall pay any <br />recordation coGts. Lender may charge such person or persons a fee for reconveying the Property, but only <br />if the i'ee is paid to a third party (such as the Trustee) for serviceG rendered and the charging of the fec is <br />permitted undcr Applicabla Law. <br />24. Sub5titute Trustee. Lender, at its option, may from time to tiine remove Trustee and appoint a <br />successor trustee ta any Ttustee appointed k�ereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this <br />Sccurity Instrument is tecotded. Without conveyance of the Ptopetty, the successor trustee �hall succeed to <br />all the title, powet and duties confecred upon Ttustee herein and by Applicable Law. <br />25. Requert for Notices. Borrowet tequests that copics of thc notice of default and sale be sent to <br />Bartower's address which is the Properiy Address. <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�-6(NE) (os� � � Page 13 of 15 i��ciais: Form 3028 1l01 <br />