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2o�ooso�� <br />r�:i:�r.3rr:� <br />PARCEL 1: Tlae East One-half of the Southeast Quarter (E '!� SE '/4) of Sectinn Twenty- <br />eight (?8), Township Twelve (1?) North, Range Ten (10) West of the �`� �'.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />PARCEL 2: A part of the Nvrtheast Quart�r af the Narthvc+est Quarter (NE'/� NW %} o� <br />Section Thirty (31), Township Twelve (12} North, Range Ten (10) West o� the 6�' <br />P_M., Hall County, Nebraska described as folraws: Baginning on the Section Line 408.7 <br />f�et West of the Quarter Corner between Sections Th.irty (30) and Thirty-one (31), <br />Townsi�ip Twelve (12) North, Range Ten ( I p) W est; thence South 369.3 feet; thence <br />South 88 degrees 57', West 235.4 feet rutu�.ing tllence North 1 degree Q9 East, 372 feet <br />to the North line of said Sectinn Thirty-ane (31), Townsl�.ip Twelve (12) Nnrth, Range <br />Ten (10) West, running thence Narth 89 degrees 34', East along and upon the Narth Line <br />of said Section Thirty-ane {31), 235.4 feet ta tlie �lace afbeginning. <br />And <br />PARCEL 3: A tract of land cnmprising a part of the Narth Half nf the Northwest <br />Quarter (N % NW '/a) and part of the Northwest Quarter af the Northeast Quarter (NW '/¢ <br />NE'/4) ofSecrion �i.rty-one (31), Tawnship Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (1Q) West of <br />the 6`� P_M., Hall County, Nebraska and xnore particularly described as fallows: <br />Beginning at the Northwest Corner of said N�rth Half of the Northwest Quarter (N'/z <br />NW '/a); tl Easterly along and upon tl�e North line o£ said North Half of the � <br />Nortlawest Quarter (N'/� NW I/�) a distance of 1,753.0 feet; thence South 1° 09'W a <br />distance nf 372 f�et; thence N 88° 57'E a distance of 67$.2 fe�C; thence S 38° 31'E a <br />distance of b6S.7 �eet; thence S 82° ?3'E a distance of 3$7.6 feet; thence S 64° 52'E a <br />distance of 89.4 feet; thence S 89° O1'E a distance of428.�2 feet to a point on the East <br />Line of said Narthwest Quarter of the NorCheast Quarter {NW '/A NE `/�); thence S 0° 29'E <br />along and upon the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Nartheast Quarter (NW '/ <br />NE'/a) a distance of 338 feet to the Southeask Corner of said Northwest Quarter o�the <br />Northeast Quarter (NW '/a NE '/a); thence S 89° 40' W along and upon the South Line of <br />said Ndzrthwest Quarter of the Northeast Qua�rter {NW '/< NE '/4) a d�stance of iS6.75 feet; <br />tkaence N 43° ?4'W a distance of 258.33 feet ; thence N 72° 43'W a distance 735.32 feet; <br />tbence N 35° 40'W a disCance of 542.98 feet; thence S 89° 52'W a distance of 152.25 <br />£eet; thence S S?° 47'W a distance of 875.5 feet; thence S 89° 32'W a distance of 1$9.5 <br />feet; thence N 69° 3'7'W a distance nf 602.6� feet; thence S d9° 34'W a distance of 865.7 <br />faet, to a point on the Westerly Line of said North One-half of the Northwest Quarter (N <br />%z NW '/4); thence NortherIy alang and upon the Westerly Line of Said North Qne-half of <br />the Northwest Quarter (N'/z NW '/) a distance of l,Ofi9.4S feet to the �OTNT UF <br />BEGTNNING. <br />