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1 11:11; <br />� 9 Sale ot Nate; Ch�t�c oi Los�e S�rvicee�; Natiee ot Gri�va�noe. The N�tc ar a psrtia,t i�r�st in tbe N� <br />(togathe�r with t�is Sectuity Ita�rum�t) ce�n be sold o�e ar ma�e times withc�ut piriar notioe to �orrow�r. A sale might <br />r�ult in a changc in the entity (knawn as the "Laan Service�r") tlaat coUects Periodic Payments due under the Note <br />and this �xurity Ims�t and pearforma other �ortgsge lo�n ser�icin� oi�igatia� und�r tq�es NnEe, t�ris Security <br />In.�tru�cnt, and Applicable Law. Theae also migk�t be one or �ora changes of tt�e Laan Servicer uarelatcd to a sale <br />of the Note. [f tl�rc is a change of the Loan S�rviccr, Borrowea will bc givea writtea nc�tice of t� cbange wbidl vvill <br />statc the nam�e ax�d address of tha xtcw I.osa Servicer, the addcess to which payimeNs shrnuld be made ead suy athea <br />ixiformt�tion RESI'A rcquixes in co�nectian witl� a natice of tt�n.�t`ea of se�vi�ing. if tl�e Note is sold and tlaer� <br />�AC T.A$ia 1S SCrV1CCd �Y S I.(� SCtV1CCf O1�Ct �8ri C� �lg'C�T p��YkC NOC� ft� marfg^� toan se�vicimg oblig�atinns <br />to Ba�rower wilt x�in with tbe Loan Serwicer or bc tr�nsfcrrcd to a successor Loau Servi�er and are not assuat�l <br />by �e Notc pwrchasc� �nlrss atl�e�v�ris� provide� by thc Nate putchasea. <br />N�tttycr Hc��nt+nwex nc�r I.�dcc� m�y r.�cc, jorn, c�r be jcrined tc� e�y j�d[ciat �tit� (� eith�r s� iasctirridtml <br />litigant ar tl�e mamber of a cless) t�ait acises from the udier party's ecttin�,s pvrsuant to tbis Sccurity Instrumant ar t�t <br />all�ges t�st t�e n� party has breache� any provision of, or any duty owed by reasvn o� t1�is S�urity Iastrwaa�nt, <br />�il s��:h Fioxrower or ��s �nti� the � parl�r (vri� sue� �tice give� in c,om�sli� vvittt t1� r�emen:ts <br />of SeMion 14) af such allcgod breaph and a�fordr�d t�e o� party harcto a rcasanable period aft�r t�e givi� of such <br />notice ra talne carrcctive action. If Applicable L,aw provid�s a time �iod which ux�ast elapsa befaxe cextain actiar� <br />cam br t��, t�at. time pa iod v�rill be dc�d to ae res�onable for puXpose$ af thia peragraph. 'I"h� nc�tir,� of <br />a�cekaatio�n and oppartunilY to cut� givm to Barrower pursuaai 10 Section 21 and tt�e notice o�` accek�racian $ive�n <br />to barrawcx �suant to SecCia�a I7 slaaIl be dcemed to satisfy t1� notice au�d cipparWnity to taioe corrective actian <br />provisions af this S�tidn 19. <br />TQ. N�rardou� Substa�nces. As tuod in tbis Section 20: (s) ��Ha�rdpus 5�abs�" are thvsc substam�ces <br />�e� as toxic or baz�rdous subst�ncrs, polIut�n�s, o,r wastss by Environa�tat Law and thc follovKing su�stances: <br />�soliae, 1.e�ase�e, athr.� #larmaonble or toxaic pegol� pradr�cts, t;�zic pesticidea and hedrbici�d�, vola�ila sal�vents, <br />matexials contai� asbc�tos or f�yde, �nd aradioadive m�teria�s; (b) "�uvironmantal Law" amca�s f�al <br />laws and.�aws of t�e juriadi;ctia� v�e the Praperty is lacated t1�t relate to h�a1d�, sat'�ty or e�viran�atal pxotscac�; <br />(c) "Environmental Cleanup" incltide� any r� actiu�, re�madial a¢tian, or reanoval actiau, as d�fined in <br />Envixann�eutal Law; and (d} au "Fuvironmca�l Canditim" im�eaus e co�diciau i�at can cause, cantribWo to, �ar <br />atherwise triggea an Envirar�mantal Cicenup. <br />Bartnwer shall not cause ar permit the pre�nc�, use, diapo�al, storage, ax rele�se of any Hezardavs Suhster►ces, <br />or t�reatcn to release any �Iaz�rdous 5ubstances, on or ian the �raperty. �orrctwer s�att nd do, nar attar�► anyac�e etse <br />to do, snything aff,ecting t�ua Ptope�tY (a) ►hat is iu vinlation of any Envican�fa�tal I��v, (b) wfiich crcat€� au <br />Environcr�eantal Condition, �r (c) which, du� to t]�e prescnce� use, or rele�se of a Hszaxd�aus �tm�ce, crcates a <br />con�Cion Q�at adversely a$�cts the valua af tha giraperiy. '�'he preaceding tw�a s�t�ces sbatl nat appI� to t�Ze <br />pre�ce, use, ar stara�B an t,�e Property of smsll quantities of Hazardous S�stan�cas that aro geau�atly roca�a'rzed <br />ta be appropriate W nnr�nal residcntial uses snd W�tianntcnance af 1t�e Pr�ty (i�cluding, but nat limited ta, <br />Y�r� sttk�ttances itt can� prv�tsj. <br />�arrowa shall promptly �ivc Len�r writta�n �otice of (�) anq invesaigatia�n, alaim, douxan.�, lawsuit ar od►e�r <br />acd� by any govr►+ �+tal or regulatory agc�cy or priv�te party invohrit�t the Pt�perty end any Hazardou.4 5abstat�ce <br />c� �'viro�mental Law of'wh�ch �rr+� � acte�al ]t�wle�e, (b) e�y Etxvitn�sms�tal Cc�adi�ian, �cl�u#ag bt� �t <br />limited to, eny spilling, leakang� dischar$e� release or threat of release of eny Hazardau� Substax�c+c, aa�►d (c) �trY <br />cond'atian ca�used by die prese�ce, use or r�leasc af � Ha�autdaus Substance which adversely affects tt�e value of t�e <br />Ptaperty. Tf Borrower lestns, or is n�otifird by aay �rw�a�tai or r�orY suthoritY, or eay private pacty, t�aa1 <br />any rrm�val or other remediatian af st►y H�ardous Subs�xrct a$bctiuig the Prvperty is neceasary, Horroweu s�all <br />�romptty talce alI neces.gaty renledaai actic�s in accadrdance with Envirann�ntal Law. Nothing &urein s�ll crcate �ny <br />obligatian o�n Lender for en Environmental Clr�nup. <br />N�FtA3fCA�tng1e Famity-UNII�ORM tN3T!'�tJML�'dt` DocYr�icq�►m�6 aoo.eeg.ra�sa <br />MODI�IEb FORU6aARTMHVT aF VET�J111N5 AFFAIRS - MERS www.dloeme�c.ovm <br />(RAV�. i/01 ] i�Qe 11 Af 44 <br />