<br />Lender a(1 receipts of paid premivams and renewal notices. If Banower obtaiz�s any form of insurance coverage, not othe�rvvise
<br />required by Lender, fiar darnage to, or desiruetion -of, ihe Pr�opertg; such .policy shali include .a ,standatd mortgag� .cla�e and
<br />shall name I,ender as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss payee.
<br />In the event of loss, Bartowex shall give ,prompt notice to the i.nswrance carrier and T.,ender. Lender may xnake proaf of loss
<br />i�not rnade protnptly by Borrowsr. Unless.Lender and Borrow.er oi'herwise agr,�� in writing, any insurance proceeds, whether or
<br />not Ch� underlying insurance was required by Lend�c, sha11 be applied to restoration or repair of the Praperty, if fhe restoration
<br />or repair is economically feasible and Lender's securiiy is nat lessened. During such repaiu�' and restoration period, Lender shall
<br />ha�e the right to hoid swe� insurance :proeeeds until �Lender 1�a� had an opport�u�ity to ins,pect .suc}a Pxoperty to ensure t�ae vv�rk
<br />has been completed to Lender's satisfactinn, provided fhat such inspection shall be unde;rtalcen promptly. Lender may di�burse
<br />proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a�ingle payment or in a series of pro.gress payme►�ts as the work is completed. Unless
<br />an agteement is made :in wt'ifing .or AppTicable -Law requires :in.texest'tc► be paid on sueh ansuranca procoeds, Lender shall not
<br />be required to pa�y Borrower any interest or eaa�ings on such pror,eeds. Fees for pub�ic ad or other third part�es, retained
<br />by Barrower shall not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and shall be the sole obligatinn of Borrawer. If the restoration or
<br />repair is not �conomic.a�y feasibl� or.Le�der':s security �►!ould be lessened, the iz�suranc� prar.�eds shall be app�aed t,� the suzn�
<br />securscl by this 5ecurity Tnstr�rment, �vhether ar not ihen du�, with the excess, if an�+, Paid to Borr�er, Such ir�sur�nce procceds
<br />shall be applied in the order provaded for in Section 2.
<br />If �orroa�er abandons the �'rop.erty, L�nder may file, nego�iat� and settle any .avaiiabie answrance �laim and �related
<br />znalters. Tf B:rnroa�uer do�s not r�spond vvi�thir� 3fl days to .a :notice fram i�ender that the .i.nsurance carrier has .offered to s�ttle
<br />a claim, then T�exadex' may negotiate and settle the claim. The 3U-day period wi11 begin when the notice is given. In either
<br />event, or if .I.ender ar�quix�s the Property under �e�tion 2�F or �thea�v�s+e, �orrower �ier,eby :assigx�s to Lsnder (a) Sorrower's
<br />rights to any insurance pr�ceeds in an amount not ta exceed the amounts �apaad wnder the 1�T�t�e or this Securit� Insirument,
<br />and (b) any other of �orrowor's rights (ather ti�an the right to any rafund of wn.earned premiur�ns paid by Borrower) under all
<br />insurance policies covering the Prop�erty, insafar :as sucb. nig�ts are :app�licable to the cov.erage of ths Prap.erty. Lender ct�ay
<br />use the insurance procaads e�ther to repair or resture the Property or to pay a�ounts unpaid under the I�dote or �ttis 8e,�urity
<br />Insfiunsnt, whether or not then due. -
<br />6. Occupancy. Banrower sha11 oecupY, establish, and use the Property as �arrow.er's principal r�ide�ac.� with,in 60 clays
<br />after the execution of this �ecurity Instrurnent and sha11 continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal resiclence for at
<br />least ane yeaz.after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwisa agrees �in writing, which cansent shall not ba uzueasonably
<br />withheld, or unless extenuating eircurnstanc�s e�cist which are beyond Sorrowsr'a control.
<br />7. 1'reservation, Ma'in.t�nance and Protection af the Property; L�spections. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or
<br />irnpair the Property, allovv the Property to deteriorate or cornmit waste on the 1'roperiy. Wh�ther or not Borrower is residing in
<br />the Property, Bor�owsr sh�l� �intaiun th�e Property vz order to prevent the Froperty from deteriorating �or decreasang i� vaiue due
<br />to its condition. Unless it is determined putsuant to Section 5 t�at repair or restoration is not ecanamically feasible, Sarrowcr
<br />shall promptly repair the Property if damaged to avoid further cieterioration or damage. If irasurance or candemnation proceeds
<br />are paid in conr�action w'ttl4 da�age tfl, or tfie taking o�, the Property,'Borro�sr sha;ll be responsibl� .for r�pairing or restoring tkte
<br />Properiy only if I.endar has released proceeds �or such purposes. C.;ender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in
<br />a single payment or in a serias of progress payments as the w�rk is carnpleted. If the insurance or condemunation proceeds are not
<br />sui�ieieni to repau':or restote the P.ro{�rty, $orrs�uer is nc�t reli�ee�+�d �of B�rro�uver's obligati�tn for the �ompletic�� af s�c� ra�aair
<br />or restorativn.
<br />T,ender or its agent may make reasonable entries upozt �nd inspections of the �'operty. If it has reasonable cause, Lender
<br />may inspeet the interior of �he impxov.ements .an the Pr�perty. L�mder shal] :giv.� :B.orr�wer no,tice ,at the time of or prior to swch
<br />an interipr inspeeCion speeifyir�g such reasonabie cause.
<br />8. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loan application process, Borrower or any
<br />persons �r entiti�s acting at the directinn of Borrc►wer �r with Barruwer's kzaowledge or.consent ga�e materially �'alse, anisleading,
<br />or inaccurate information or staternents to Lender (or fai�ed to provide Lender vvi�h r�erial �inforn�ati4n) in connect�ion with #he
<br />Loan. Materia! represent�tions include, but are not limitad ta, representations concerning Borrovrer's occupancy of the Property
<br />as Snrrower's principal residcnce..
<br />9. Protecti.an o1' ;Le:nd�r's �nterest ia the Pra�erty and .�ights 'Under this Sseuni�Cy I�s,tcumsn� If (a) Borrower
<br />fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Security insh�ument, (b) theire is a legal proceeding that might
<br />significantly affect �.ender's iz�terest an #he i?roperlty andfor riglits auider this 5ecz�rity Ir►str�rineut (such :as a.prn�g in
<br />banlmiptcy, probate, for condemr�ation or forfeiture, fo;r enforcement nf a lien which may attaizi priority over this :S.eeurity
<br />Instrument .or to :e�orce laws ar :rsgulations), or (c) Borr.ower :has abandoned the Propexty ttien �endex nlay do and pay for
<br />whatever is t�asonable or appropriate to proteet Lender's interest in t}�e Pxoperty and rigt�ts under t1�is Securit3� TT►stxument,
<br />C3rawtl7oca°
<br />NEeRiASMY4-MGR� (Pege 8 M 12J
<br />IT�M 2897L8,(102209)
<br />PLATNESS,KQOp0422737 OOOD422737
<br />