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<br /> --�:�:.:x;.°;t,�'��#'��.�:._... T1�E77�lER WITH oll the impravementa naw or hemaf�crcrcc�cd��n thc�n�i��d ul car,enknl , puAcnancex. _ ____
<br /> _— __ and fix�urcx now or hereAftc�u p�rt of thc pmperly. All mpinccments and additiMtx xhall also tie rovercd by Ihis Security
<br /> - ""' ^ Insltument. All of Ihe Poregajng ia referrcd to in this Secu�lly I�xln�ment u.��hc"Prupeny."
<br /> � t �! �� � ��a�� . BORROWER COVENANTS lhut Barrawer is Iawfully sci�d uf Ihr c+tuir Ikrcby cnnvcycd und hu,�hc rigM ta gront
<br /> ••,+�••' ' ` �, ,�`r wid canvey 1he Propedy und thut the Properly is unencuml+emd,excepl for encumhrunce.of recorJ. B�xruwer wnrcnnl+�Wad _
<br /> - °• �' will defend generally ihe�i1M tn Ihe Propeny againsl all cluims�nd dem•rnJw,subjc�at lo uny encumb�nres�if��c�►rd.
<br /> : �� �r_�:;_; �. .`_ �°�,.. THIS SF.CURiTY IN5TRUMF.NT cnmbine� unif�rm covcnanls fix ��aliunul uk and nun-unifurm covcnunln wilh �_ _
<br /> ��• limited verlationa by ju�isdfction to cons�iwtc o uniform sccurity in+trun�cnt covering rcal proprAy. -
<br /> •S�rr�r,xa:..• ��+:�,� , .. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lende�covenunt and agree us fullowr;: _
<br /> �:°.•± . .~';:�'- 1. Pnyment ot Priacfp�l ond Inhresti Prepayment and I.ale ChArges. Borrawer shull promptly pay when duc tl�e —
<br /> • > ��"`" ""� princip�1 of and intereat on�he debt evidenced by the Note wid uny prepaymenl and lute charges due under the Nae. _�_
<br /> ' , •• 2. Fuada for'Ibxesand InsurAnce. Subject to upplicablc law ur to a written wuiver by l.emler,BaROwer shall pay to
<br /> „ Lender on�he day monthly payments are due uncler thc Note, until the Nac is p•rid in full,a gum("Funds")for:(n)yeurly �;..�.--
<br /> � tuxes and ussessments which may anuin priority over thic Sceuriry Instrument a+a Ilen on thc Propcny:lh)yearly lenxehald �•.�_. __
<br /> � "`"' � `�� payments or graund rents on the Property, if any: (c) ycurly hazard or propcny inauruncc prcm�ums: Id) yearly flood �___
<br /> '�"' `�•��', ' � insurance premiums, if any; le)yeurly mongnge in�urance pmmiuma. if uny: und �11 uny sumw payublc by Barrower�o —_ - -
<br /> �. - - --__�,._: _
<br /> ' ' � Lender, in nccordunce wilh the provisions ot paragraph �s,in I�eu ot the payment aF munguge inaurance premium+. Ihese ----
<br />�r. • ' ilems are called"Bscrow Itema" L.ender muy,ut any dme.collect and hold FunJa in un umount�ot to exceed the maaimum
<br /> j-. •� umount a lender for a federally relAted monguge laan muy reyuire for Barrawer�escrow account under Ihe federal Reul ��•--
<br /> ��v, �state Seplement Procedures Act oi 197d as amended fram time to time. 12 U.5.C,�2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unlcss another --
<br /> � � luw that a lies to the Funds seis u lesser amount. If so,Lender may,at uny[ime.collec�and hold Funds in an amount nat to �=��——"
<br /> .• ..,
<br /> . ..� .
<br /> Q!'. .-.�.� _:-_.�.,.. , � PP
<br />�.�,..: . •. � • exceed ehe lesser amount. Lender may csdmA�c thc umount af Funds due on �hc b:�.ri� uf cun•ent du�a and reasonablc �,.a,�._ -
<br />�, r. � ;t. '• _';": ...-
<br /> rf�; ;�. ,..;•�,,��=„•, estimates of expendilures of future Escrow Items or utherwise in xcordance with upplicAble luw. '
<br /> ' •'�=���"` " The Funds Fhall be held in an institution whosc deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumcntality,or entity ' �x �:':-
<br /> ,•.,,,; ,;,..
<br /> � -�•������ • -�' (including Lender,if Lende� ix such an institulionl or in any Fedcral Homc Loan Bank. Lender shull vpply the Funds to pay �°�!• � �
<br />: �"•���r�""�' ���';i�"� ° the Es�row Items. Lender may na charge Borrower for halding und opplying �he Funds,unnuully analyzing �he escrow ;;:.=�.=�_
<br /> � `��'-�f�� account. or verif in the Eurow Items, unless l.ender pays Borsower interext on the Fundn And upplicuble law permits
<br /> Y B �°"N-
<br /> � Lender to make such u char e. However, L.ender ma re uin:Borrower�o u u one•Iimc chur e for un inde ndent real ��°•-
<br /> t�:: : , � Y 4 P Y � P�' �,,._L_=,.
<br />, � - estate tax reporting service used by l.ender in connec�ion wilh this luun,unlesx appllcnble law provides otherwise. Unk.s an 1����
<br /> ; . agreemcm is made or applicublc luw rcyuires interest lo t+e paid,Lender shull not be rcquired tu pay Burrower any intemst or �i��t��_
<br /> � � ," eurnings on thc Funds. Borrower and Lender may A€rec in writing,however.t6n�intercst shull be ps►id on[he Funds. Lender E�'°!�.`.-�%�
<br /> �':.-.-�.:,�•
<br /> . .. � shs�ll give to Rnrrower,without chnrge,un unnual acc�unting of the Funds,showing cmdiu and debits la the Fundc and the K--^•-
<br /> � . purpase for which each debit to the Fundx wux made. The Funds ure pledged us uddi�ional security for ull sums secured by '_'�:-_=='j1h�
<br /> - ' 1hi�Seou�i�y in�trument. '�`-''"�-'�
<br /> � ' • If the Funds held by Lender excecd Ihe s+mounts permitted to be held by upplicable law, Lender shall accaunt to
<br />