<br />2oioo��s4
<br />I, DELORES J. BRUNS, af 2715 O'Flannagan, Grand Tsland,
<br />Nebraska 58803, designate VERNON A. BRUNS, of 2715 O'Flannagan,
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68803, �elephone number (3Q8) 384-1937, my
<br />Attorney in Fact and Agen�. (subsequ�ntly cal.led '�Agen���, whether
<br />one or more) in my name and for my benefit:
<br />1. GENERAL GRANT OF POWER. To exercise arid perf�rm any act,
<br />power, duty, right or obligation wha�snever �hat T now have or may
<br />hereafter acquire, relating to any p�rson., matter, transaction or
<br />praperty, real or personal, tangibl� or intangible, now owned or
<br />acquired by me, incl.uding without 1imi�ation, the �ollowing
<br />specifically enumerated powers. I grant to my Agent ful� power
<br />and au�.hority �.o do everything necessary in exercising any of the
<br />powers herein gran�.ed as fu11y as I might or could da if
<br />personally present, with fu11 power of substitution ox revQCation,
<br />hereby ratifying and confirm�ng all that my Agent shall lawfu�ly
<br />do or cause ta be done by virtue of this Pawear of Attorney and the
<br />pawers her�in granted.
<br />a. Powers af Collectian and Payment. Ta forgive, request,
<br />demand, �� sue ����for, ��recover, collect, rec�ive, hold al1
<br />such sums of money, debts, dues, commercial paper,
<br />checks, drafts, accounts, depo5its, legacies, bequests,
<br />notes, st.ock ce��:��:icates, bonds, dividends,
<br />certificates oi deposi��, social security, and al�
<br />ather con.tractual ber�.efits and proceeds, all documents
<br />of title, al.l prop�rty real or personal, tangibl.e nr
<br />intangible prope�ty and property rights, and demands
<br />whatsaever, liquidated or unliquidat�d, now or
<br />hereafter awned by nr due or payable Qr belon.ging ta me
<br />in which I have or may hexeafter acquire an interes�,
<br />to have, use and �.ake a11 lawful mean.s and �quitable
<br />and legal remedies and proceedings in my name for �.he
<br />coll,ection and recovery thereot, and to adjust, sell,
<br />compromise and agree for the same, and to execute and
<br />deliv�e� for m�, on my beha].f and in my name, all
<br />endorsements, releases, receip�s, or other sufficient
<br />discharges for the same;
<br />b. Power t�o Sell and Acc�uire. To acquire, purchase,
<br />lease, ���� exchange, ��grant, sell or convey an.y real or
<br />persanal property on such terms and conditians as my
<br />Agent shall deem proper;
<br />c. The Maxa,agemexa�t, Pawers . To maintain, repai�, invest ,
<br />manage, insure, and in any manner deal with any real or
<br />persanal property, tangible or intangible, or any
<br />interest therein which � now own or hereafter acquire,
<br />in my name and for my benefit, upan such terms and
<br />