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<br /> ���=u"'�'"�=_Q'_�'� '• applicable luw may specify far reinslu�ement)before xolo of the PmpehY Pursuunt to+u�Y PoWer af .ruk cc�nluincd in Ihix --
<br /> ,.����;,---°- ---- � Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment eniarcing this 3ocudly instrument. 77�oce cundiuc�nr ore�hu�Bortower, lu) �""�
<br /> _�� ,�, .* ,. � pAyti Lender all sums which Ihen wauld be due under this Secudty Instrt�ment and the Note Ks if nu uccelemtic►n had
<br /> "�+���;�;•- occurred;(b)cures any default of any other covenants ar ngrcements;(c)puys ull expenrex incurted in enfarcing this Security
<br /> �. .�.. ..
<br /> :�ti;•• . � �j_�:,�• • Instrument,iacluding, but nat limited lo,reasonable attamey4'Fees; and(dl wkex +uch ac�ian u�Lcnder may m�a.�unably ��
<br /> � , , rcquire to esaure that the Ben of this Sccurity Instrumcnt,Lcnderk rightx in the Propeny and Bort��wer ti nbli�;ation lu {Wy Ihc
<br /> , sums sccured by this Secu�ity Insuument ehall continue unchanged. Upcm reinntutemen� hy H��m�wer, thi� Securily �
<br /> �'� `^ '�� �" Instrument and the obligatiuna�ured hereby stwll�emain fuily effrcti�e n!�if no acrelcra�iun had�curtcd. However,this � _ A
<br /> �."`�'�=�:`7� 7 ' ; rlght ta rcinstate ahnll na apply in the case of acceleratia�under paragn►ph 17. _
<br /> "'"�` "��`-"� "" 19. SAIe ot Note; Chan�e of Loan Servlcer. 77�c Nate ur a pautial interer•t in�hr Nut�ltc�.ether wiih this SMUrlty �_
<br /> .�_�*w'���'• �� ' � � instniment)may be sotd ane ar more timeti without prior naticc to Bortower. A�ulc may rcxult in u chungc in Ihe entity "_,-_�^
<br /> '�:aa,::,..1:,...�;�'"�'-,^ � n ! �::�':_
<br /> (known ua thc Laan Servicer')that collats munthly payments due under tlu Nute und this Sccurit�InWrumcnt. Thcrc ulr;a
<br />,�.r�� �+E •-������� - �-.. may be one or more changes of�he Loun Servicer un�elated tu u�+ale of Ihe Nute. If there is u change uf the Loun Servicer, ��____
<br /> ' Borrower will be given written notice of�he change in accordance with purAgruph 14 above uncl u}+�IiraMc law. Thc natice ��,
<br />�; . � � � will slute the name und address of the new Lu�Servicer and the acidress to which puyment�shc�uld be�udc. 7'he n��t�ce will �..,,,...__ �
<br /> �;• � y eq licable law. �'°^'a'.
<br />�F� ;,,.ra;;+�''��.'. , � ulso contain an other informution r uirod by app -
<br /> ���::._;�`''�,:-----..,- , ?A. Hazs�rdous�ubstancea. Burruwa:r+hall�ot cause or permit �he presencc. u,r.dispusal,slor•rRe, ar rcicatie of any __--__
<br /> � " Hu�ardous Substances on ar in the Propeny. Bo�rawer shall not do, nor ullow unyone cl�cc to do. unything uffccting the ����`
<br /> u•
<br /> , �'``""" ' ��� ' Popeny thut is in violation of any Envfronrnental Law. The preceding two sentences shull nat npply toih� presence.use,or
<br />�; ,:� � storage on lhe Prapeny of small quantilies ui Hsv.ardous Substwucs that ore generally mcognized to be uppropdute lo numnal ��="'-r:
<br /> �-;.
<br />�,,� • `" ' � I residential uses and to maintenanca of thc Prapeny.
<br /> ='r,--
<br /> '_ ' ''''`+�•.'. _ Borrawer sh�ll promptly give Lender written noiice uf any investigutian,claim,demnnd,luw•xuit ar uther uctbn by vny ���';=-'�
<br /> 4... _.Y_3:'__
<br /> � � .• • " govemmental or reguluary agency or private parly involving�he Propeny unJ any Hucurdous Suhstance or Env�rc�nmental ____
<br />�'°�' �', �' l.aw of which Borrower has ucwul knowledge. If Bartower tearnx,or is notified by Any go�•ernmcntul or rcgulatory �..•' -.
<br /> ► •, �� • � a:
<br /> • .. .. uuthoriry,thAt nny removal ar other remediation af uny Haxnrdoux Substunce affecting the Prapeny is neceswry,Borrower �.,-
<br /> . ° ., shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in arcor donce wi l h E n v i ro n m e n t a l L n w. - ;
<br /> � " As used in this para�n►ph 20."Hsuazdous Substunces"ure�hase substunces defined ux taxio o�h:u+rdous subs�ance+by �+���t'._
<br /> �'i;' � Environmental l.uw and the foltowing suhs�ances: g�soline, hero,ene,other tlammuble or�oxic petr�leurn pnxlucts,toxic �� � ' -
<br /> ' ' � pexticides und herbicides, vols+tile�olvents.materialx containing uche,�ox or fi�rmaldehydc, uixi rudi�uctivc ma�erialti. A+ ,
<br /> , � used in this parugrAph 2Q,"Enviranmental l.aw"meuns fedcrul luws und luws of�he juri�diction where thc Properly is laated _,�c_�,y,;;° '
<br /> thut rclatc to health,sufely or environmentul prMection. �+a-_,;,�
<br /> � � NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. SoROwer und Lcndcr further covcnant und ugrcc as fullaw+: �°-',=`
<br /> 21. Acceleratlon;Remedies. Lender RhAll give notice to Borrower prior lo ucceleratiaa foHowing Borrow•er's u„r
<br /> � : , breach of any covenant or agreement In this Securily Inslrument Ibut not prior lo accelerAtlon nnder parngraph l7 ;�?:.;
<br /> notic e s h a l l s c i : I A 1 t he dePauU t Ib)the arNnri rc °'red to cure the �=_'`--
<br /> -- unless app!lrable!aw provldes otherwkw). The pe �Y '�-' �Y�'; ___
<br /> � default:Ic1 a date.not less shan 30 dAys irom lhe date Ihe natke is given to Rorrower.b�•w•hich Ihe dei's�aN musi br �_=-_==
<br /> • ° cured;and(d►that failure lo cure the default on or before the date specificd in the notke mAy resnit in accelcrahon of' �.�,
<br /> �,.,;. • . ....�r.��
<br /> '� '':��"' "'�'" Ihe sums secured by this Security InNrument and snle of the Prapertw The nutke shull furlher InPorm Borrower of �„�;.-.-
<br /> ,; t.;}y;;;,,,,;;,;,,,; , �
<br /> Ihe right to reinstate a�ter acceleration nnd the riRht to bring u ruurt ucllon to aa�Nrt the nan�exislence uP a default� ��,.
<br /> � ' • any olher defense of Borrower to acceleration and Kale. !f Ihe default is not cured on or bef'ore the date apecilied ia �";":�. . �
<br /> '� the notice.L.ender at its optlun may requi�e immedlate pu��ment in Pull oPall Aums cecured b�•this Securih•Instrument E�j,z�__-
<br /> i without further demand and mu}• ia�•oke Ihe poNer��� sale and any other remedies permitted by applkable lan. —�____
<br /> • Lender shall be entiNed to rollect nll erpenses incurred in pursuin� the remedies provided in Ihis parag�aph 21, �:;,;�,:L�. �
<br /> lncludin�.but not limited to,re�.sonA6le altornev4't'itis und cosls of Illle er•idenre. �'-'`-�`�'--
<br /> �:._y::-
<br /> 1f the power oP sule is invoked.7rustee shs�ll record x nolice of dePuult in euch count�� in which on�•parl nf the �,- -,-� - •-
<br /> � Property is lacated and shall maN copltw uf'such notice in the rnunner prescribed by uppllcabk IaH lu Horrower und In ': :.==;"--.
<br /> � Ihe other per�snns prescrihed b��uppHcuble la��•. Af1er Ihe Ibne reyuired by upplic�ble Ist�r.'Iru�lee tihAll gf�•e publlc '., r�.-==_=
<br /> � ' notice of w�le to the persons and In the rnrnner prexcrfbed hv upplicuble luw•. 'IYustee.withaul demand un Burro�ver. �Y�''.':=_-
<br /> • ' • shall seU the Property at publlc aurtbn to the hi�he�t bidder al the Iime und pluce and under the lerms desl�naled in -�"'—°
<br /> � � the notice oP sale in one or morc purcelc and in un}•order 71�u�lee determinex. 71�utitee muv postpene wle of u0 ur anv "'-
<br /> parcel of Ihe Prnperty bv publlc nnnuuncement al the time und luce of any re�•iou+l��wheduled sule, Lender or ils �''yT-g'��""-
<br /> P P k..�,T___
<br /> �• �-
<br /> designee may purchasc the Propert��ut un}•wle. }���--___
<br /> •• � Upon receipt oP payment of the price bid. 7Yuster shull deliver to Ihe purrhaser'IYuhee'.r deed cam�ey�ing the ���-�� ,
<br /> . Property. The recitals in the'fYutitce+deed shall I►c prima furle e�•idence of the truth oP Ihe�lutemenls m�de Ihcrein.
<br /> � • 71�ustee Rhall apply the proceed.r oi'Ihe�alr i�Il�e fulluuina urdcr: lul 1��uU custs and cspeme�uf exerdrinR the po�+�cr _. _
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