� _ . • _ -
<br /> -- .�. -Y,=-
<br /> � —
<br /> �V�i�Id��� ��
<br /> �= 1�e Funds shall be itetd in an instienuon whesc degasits arc insureci by a federal agency. in9trume ty. ar e�hty =.
<br /> '. "? (insiudin�Lender,if l.ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Hamc Loa��Sank•Lender sha11 apgly the Fuads to gay the �-�
<br /> F„scsotiv Items.Leu�dcr may not charge Borrowes for haldinb nnd npplying the Funds.annualty analyzing t5�ascro�v aa:ount.or _
<br /> �', verifying ttte Escrow Iter�as.unless I.ender pays Borrswer intetest on ttte FwcdS und appIIcahle!aw�sermits Lender to make such _
<br /> --- a ch.rg.. Hoc:ever.Y.��er assy res�nsse 8mirower to pay a m�tirae char�e for an independent reai estate t� npartiq�servic�e �,y
<br /> uss;d by Lert�er iR connection �vitfi this toan. unless apglitabte ia�v Qrovides othervrise. Untess an a�reeme� �s c�de or _-
<br /> apptica�te taw requises inserzst to be paid. I.ender shall not ise r�quim,d tQ pay Borr�wee any interest or�vmngs oa the F�ts. �_-
<br /> $orcowrr and lxttder mr�y agsee in wr�nng.however.that iatenest shal�be�aid on the Funds.Le�der s3�a11 give to BQrrower.
<br /> m
<br /> �vithout charge, an unnual ac�untins vf th�Funds.showiag cr�iu and debits to the Funds and the purpose for wtrich eash �_.
<br /> ctebit to the Etutds cvas made.Tiis F�ncis are pledge�as additional security far all sums sevured by tbis S�curity IastrumenL 6
<br /> If th�Funds he�d by I.en�er eaceed the amounu permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shalt acoount to Earrower k>.::,
<br /> `i'� for the excess Funds in acoordar.ce�vitU the req��irem�nts af applicable taw. If the amount af the�unds h21d by LBUder at aay
<br /> _� tim�ig not suffieisnt to�y the Fsseow Items when dae,Lercder cnay so notity Borcower in writing,and,in suc�6 ca�e Borrasrer =_-
<br /> ' sha�l pay to L.ender t4�e amoum necessary+ to mutce�p the defrrierccy. 8orrower sI�! matce ap tt�.,dsfrcie� in Ao mQre t�an ��•
<br /> ,`..1:� ' ncelve cuonthly paym.nts.at Lender's sole discrerion.
<br />- Upnn�ayment in fu11 of all sums sewred by ttus Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly cefund to gorrower any _
<br /> Funds held by L.ender.If.under paiagraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acqursirion or sale �
<br /> of the Praperty.shall apply any FtuWs hetd by Lender at the tin�e of arquis'stion or sale as a credit against the sums secured 6y
<br /> this Securiry lnsnument. —.
<br /> 3.��liWiEo�uf Payments.Unless appticable{aw provides othemise.all p�ayments received by Lxnder under para�ra�hs =__
<br />:,:;�.`. i and 2 shall 6e applied: first.to anY P�Y�r�eg due uader the Note:s�ond,to amowrts payabie ta�der pamgap�2;
<br /> . third.to interest due;fourth,t�PriatiPal due;and tast,to arry tate charges dus unde�ths Note. �
<br /> 0.CharBes;Ideu�•Boraower shap pay sU ta�ces,ass�smeats,chaorges,fines and'uapositions amibutable to the Froperts+
<br /> u4
<br /> vsrhich may attain Fsiority over thIs S�urity inswment,ar�d iea�eDoid payments or gmuad renis,if any.So�wer shal�pay �;;
<br />° t�` these abligarions�n the manaer provideA in p3ra�aPb 2.or i�rtat paid in that wanner�Borr+lcvor shall pay them ou time d�te�tIy
<br /> . to the person owedpayment.Borrower shall prompdy furmsh to Lecder alI notices of�mrnuus to be paid ander tbis paiaB�Pb.
<br /> If Borrower malces t�sse paymenu dir�etly,Bomocver shall promptly fumish w Lender receigu evidenc�ng the PaYments• --
<br /> Y Barrow�r shaU P�'A�Y��YSe�Y lien�vhich t�as prionty over tiiis$BCUrity Instnunent unless Bnrrower: (a)agrees in =_.
<br /> �" ��� writing to the payment of the obGgation secuied by the&en in a manner ac�repmble ta Lender:(b)contests in�aod faith tl�e�iea �:
<br /> .��"� by. or defends against enforcement of the Gen im, legal ProreedinP,s whi�h in the Lendei s opiniom operaie to przvent We �;=,
<br /> .�H..,
<br /> ?�" enfarcement of the liea;or(c)seaues froin the holder of the liea an agreemert satisfactosy�rr Lender subordi�tnt�the lien to =__
<br /> � this Se�riry InstnunenL If•Lender determines that any part of the Praperty is subject w a Eien wtuch may astain prioaity over _
<br /> this Security InstruBe�.°nt. Lendsr rtmy give Bor�+mver�no6ce idenrifying the I�en.Borrower shall sa6s�j tL+e tira►or take one or
<br /> • • more of the astinns set forth aiwve wit7an 1Q daYs of the giving of notice. _-
<br /> 5. Baastr� or Pt+uperty tasn'eanc� Borrower shall keep the improvemenu noa eaisting or h�reafter en�ed oct the �_
<br /> propeity insured against to�s hy fir�e. Uazards inctuded witbin the term "exteaded coverage°a�any ather ha�ards, ir�cladsng _
<br /> , ftaods or floading,for whicii Lsnder�quires ins�rance.This in��uanoe s6all be maintain�in tiie amoimts aa�d for tke periods =--
<br /> that Leader requites.'ihe insurance cazrier pmviding the ins�uarice r.bali he chosen by iiaysower subje�t to l�ender's agproval �_
<br /> w9ucA sh.al!not bz nnreasoaaBIy arithhetd. ff Bor�uwer fails to mniatain cos�e descd'bsd above,Lende� may.at I.ender's r=
<br />''�,,:.� option,olstain coverage to protect Leadet's rights in thc Property ie�aeoor�'c��t��p�ragraph 7. =:,:'.�
<br /> All i�urance policzt�an�rene�vals shall be accxptabte to Lsnder aud�1i�cii intlude a standard mortgage elau�.�. i�uder . •:,<.;:::�;��
<br /> shall have the right to tcald the polid«s and Tenewals.If Lender r�uires,Bonnw�r shafl pti��ptly give to t�ader all recei�of � `,•;;y:�'�,
<br />"`''�:'.' paid przmiums an,d rene�wal notioes.In the event of lass.Bnirower shall give promgt natiax.�aa the i�surance cairier and f.eader.. � .;i,-
<br /> :Leuder may m�Ce proof of[ess if no2 made promptJy by BOrmw�: � � • =
<br /> .:-. Unless Lender and Borrower otheruvlse agee m vvntmg,iasurance procxats s�all 6e ap�li�to rest�ra��n os r�a�r o+f tL=e �� , . _
<br /> �PertY damagcd,if tn�restoration or repuir is ecanomic�Ily feasible and Lender's security is not less�aa3.IIf the resWrat�an�oc , .�
<br /> . � repair is not eoonomically feasible or l.ender's secnriry would be Iess.-ned,the insuianoe pruoeeds st�}1 bc applie�to the sums ¢__
<br /> �-.� • secured by this Security Insuument. whether or not then due. with any excQSS gaid to Bosrowret.If Borr+�wer abaadans thc _.-
<br /> • Property,or daes not ansvrer withM.�(T days a norice from Leader that the insuranre carrier flas affe�ed to settle a cl�, ttten
<br /> Lender may oollect the insustwca�tr,�s. L.endee_may use�fie ptiCCtdS t0 i2�fl1P OI TCStOI:, tI1E P[OpCTtY OZ [O[}�iJi S11QIS
<br /> ' set,vr�d by thLs Seraciry Tnstniment.�rhether ar noi then due.TAe 3Q-dRy period will b�gin whrn the notice is given. "
<br /> • Untess l.ender and Borrower othenvise agme in wridng. atry appliption of pmceeds to �rincipal shall rtot extend or
<br /> pastpane the dae date of the mocttily payments ceferred to in pararaphs 1 aad 2 or ci�ange the amaunt of 1he gaym:nis-I�
<br /> under.P�S�Ph 2l tha Property ts.�uu�d by Lender,Borro�+er's�righi to any insuranc�:y�olcc�es a�pmaLeds resultin�ficom
<br /> � d�s t�.tbe Froperty prior to siie na�puation s1�a11 pass to I:�ait�r tn the extent of the sutt�si�+t�uted by this Security Lnsuunsant
<br /> isnmed�tli:�+.Psiar to tk,,aoqaisitiou. . ��. . .
<br /> 6.�nc�r.,��It�svatfon.Ndalnte�o�nce ssttt9���ot the Pcop�.3y,Borroai+ei°'s I.oa�t Applkatba:I.eace�totdg.
<br /> � Boaawer shall c�s�e�.�stabiish.and use the Ptoy�r,�as B�ormwer's princip�C cesider�oe within si,xty dnXs�fter the eaocurion of _
<br /> this S�sy Instta�:at and s�all condnue to ocxupy the Pr�perty as Borroaer's priacipat residence t�r7rt t�least ot�e ytat aRe�r
<br /> the dste.���.nca:pa�scy.unless Lender otherarise agre�.s in virttffi�.,which consent shall not be u�euov�'c:y withh�td+.!±cr•r�niess
<br /> � entenuaWi� c�rcurastances exist w6ich are beyond Borrowet?�:�a�ntro2. Sorrower shall nat destroy. da.'nage ac'•i�trq�3i." the
<br /> Fropetty;�1aw t�P.roperty to deteriorate,or commit waste��sa the Property. Borrowet shaU.be in defau[t if a#t���fr.£eiWre
<br /> astion or pmceexSir�r,.�vlietheT civil or criminal, is begur.that in I.eruier's good faith jadgnent could retlili in forFe�mre of the —
<br /> Fraperty or othenvl.��uaterial3y im�air the liea sr�xted by tbis Security L�st�ument or�der's security��ere�st.Barrower cnay ., � !-
<br /> � cate such a defauly.�cu!reiastate.as provided in�saragraph 18.by causing the accion or pnnceeding to be d'umissed arith a railin� . ,
<br /> � that. iq./:.radar's.good faith determination, prec ludes fo r feiture of the Borrower's interest in the P ro p e rt y or other material .< �
<br /> � impaumret�frni t,he�icn creatad by thls Security Instrument or Lender's security interest• Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> . ga�wr�,���rtt�.�;{�an application process.gave materially false or inaccutate infomiation or statemenis ta Lender(ar failed =
<br /> • to pmvid�LkxY,���vilir any material informarion)in oonnec.tiian with the loaa�videnoed by the Note.inciuding,6ut rtot limited�
<br /> e
<br /> to.repr�eniet4r�t�s�:inttat=zning Borrower s occupancy of the Properry as a prii�:i�al residence.If this Sewdty L�serument is oa a .
<br /> leasehatri.:.Iir,rfa.4ar'eftall comply with all the provisions of.,the lease. if IIdrmwer acquires fee title to �he Pmgerry. th� . —
<br /> lca�e�n(t�tu�'d.ehe t�s atle shall not merge unless Lender agrec�hta,rhe merger in writing. � :
<br /> ' 7r Ifl�tKe�ion oP l.enEer's Rlghts in the Prmperty.lf llnrna+Ner fails w parForm ihe coveaants and agceements r�snitjlr:ed in
<br /> this SccUrity Insuument.or there is a legal proceedin�that r�uy significandy affect Lendcr's ri�hhts in the Pmpetiy�such as a
<br /> pmaeding in banknryt,cy.probate. for condemnutian or forfeiture or to snforoe lavus or��uulutions). ttien II.ender may do and _
<br /> . pay for whateqcr is nae.essary to pmtect the valua of tke Property��d Leader's rights in�he�roperty. I.ender's actions may
<br /> Include paying any sams secared by a lien whieh hnc prionty over this SecuriEy instrum�ent, appe�n�in cou�4. �aying
<br /> . � reasonable auomeys'fees an[l entering on the i�raperty to mnSce repairs. Althou�h Lendrr may take action under this paia�aph
<br /> � 7.Lender does not have to do so. -
<br /> My amounts disbuised by Lender under ddc paragr�h 7 sh�ll become additiorla! drbt of Borto�ver sxured by this
<br /> � Soqtriry Instrument.Unless Borrower and Leader agree co other terms of poyment.these amounts shafl bear in.emst from the
<br /> date of dis6ursement a3 th: Note rate and shall be paysible, with interest. upon notice from Lendcr to B�rro�vrr requesdng
<br /> • PaYment. _
<br /> . 8.Mortg,age����'.If Lender required mortgege ins�ranoz as n condition of making tPie loan secured by this Sesurity
<br /> . Instcumeat. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintnin the mangage itL�uran�in effect. lf. fot any reason. ttEe
<br /> • � mortgage iasuraccce rnverage required by Lends:r lapses or oeases to be in effect.Bonvwer shnit pa}+ the premlums r�equired to
<br /> � � obta'sn coverage substantially cquivalent t�the moRgage insuransx previasuly In effeq.at a cost substantialiy equivalent to the
<br /> ' oast to Bottozver of the mnrt�age msuran�pr�eviously in effect,from an altemate mortgagc insurer appmsed by Lead.°r. If -..
<br /> � Form E028 9J£a �
<br />�- • ' Fage 2 0�a
<br /> ••••� _ . • � .. 1 . . . J .
<br /> . .., -. ; .. .��: _ . .. ' . " ' ' . . . • . �� .
<br /> - .. - . . ' ` �.<' , � ' . .. . � .
<br />- . .._ ...( .i . _ - . . .• � . . � . � _ . •_ i..r. . . . .. _ . � �t� �5::.�� � . . . � 1 li.�. "
<br />