� . . . . ..`J�. , '� c �. G. . �: -�t . .. '` '/,f` '
<br /> r F tiar+�i.i7v- .-�as_S'� - - �_ —__ __ .-.
<br /> i �. .
<br />..l.'' ._..
<br /> i'. °-.
<br /> garrowet stmll promptiy giv�6.ender�vritten a�t?ce af oay invesii�atio�. c[aim.demv�d. tawsnit or oth�r aci:�n by eriy
<br /> gavg:mr�en*�al or re�Inwrya��sry or psiv;.tc p:�ety envo9ering the Feo�e�y ans!any H�zardaas Sut+sainoe or Environr,::n�3 4� -
<br /> of v�#�ich Borae�res has r.rtoa!ktcotvtec4ge..Iff g3orrowar te:un�.or is rtoti4ied 6y any govemmcnsal or reguiatory ant�.nri��. �4 -
<br />� �ny e�oval ar other.�ea�di.daa of t�y H�zurdous Sub�ke affecting the�rogerty is r.exss;uy.Bormwes sha�t pms�•3y taice -
<br />`,.. �11 n�cessuy r�m�.�iut uctIons Ia�ascor�a�oe witta�nvisnnm�RUi1 E.aw. _
<br />'t . p5 u�d in�is p�agragT�2p, `�ta�►rdaus Subsu�nne�s'sue thoss sa6starces defin�d as toxic ar h�rdous aib�tanc�s b�
<br /> Envi�nmenYaD ls�cv and the fQIloiv�n� suh�staes: gasoline. kerosene. oiher flamma6le or tazic pewteum �ratuqs. toatic�'
<br />,;;r'_, pesEicieles ttc�d lu�iddes.volatiIs salvents.materi�is con3ainiag asbestos or for�aldehyde,and rs�iaactive mai:�als. As used j�a ,
<br />: �.,; dtis�aragrap4s Ia. 'Environnrenta!_i�w" nt�s federaf Iav�s and t�w*s of thc jutisdistior where thc Praperty Is ltstxites4 2b�
<br /> z:.� �etate tv heaItls,�ety nr envir�nm�ntal protection. �=_
<br /> '-�'` IdpNt-1JI�IIFORM CO'VENAN't`�. Bosrower:utd I.errder further covPnant ana ugra.as foliows: '�
<br /> 2!.A,�tcra3fon:Qemr�li2�.IR73dLP 5b8II j�QB i24T.�2 Q�HB�OW�T�OZ t0 SC�SCY`d1I0a e�118R'bIig BOPrOP',L'F�8 63'C8 °-
<br /> ;�` of a� eov�aant or a�en� b�a B�i�ri3� �tz�8 (but cuY Rsiar tm°.�I�eti�� e�� p�e��b 17 ucai .
<br /> o�siicaF�la bvr pror3dPS ot�erwLseD.�'De na�te s�all specii�: (m)tise ddaui�(b)t�e ad€am e�utres!to cam ttse defaul ��-
<br /> i ::� tre
<br /> ::.,+: tc}a dat�nat ls�tE:un 3Q ds+gs f�irn t�e date c�r�ce t��v�em�arrower,by 6vhtch�t,e defauic enuss be�!;an
<br /> (�ttt�fQ}e�irz mm s�etne cP�D'auit�n ar be�ore the�te�c3iied in t�e aai€ce�,y e�.vit[n�eraf�on of the�s - -
<br /> >.,.ai �iby 4Fmia�+eeua�Itg'I�ur�tent snd sate of the P�+up�t¢y.The�oit�e s�nl�ilun46er tmform�orcvwer of tfie rlgi�t to =-
<br />"":.��;�! re3n�a2e afB�s a�cclerntE�n s�d t�e eigfit to brIng a covrt uc4ton to ass�th�n�nnesE.nence ot a defauTi oc su►y a3Yit�r -
<br />� ':;� deP�e of�rra�ver eo IIs�tr.r�4tan aad sate. I�ihe dctaasaii Ls aot cur�on or befose tb+c date sg�ed in the aot�Ce. _
<br /> sa
<br /> ,� L�er,at&s ogtimt.a�ay reciadsc Lmmedi�te�S�meat In tii11 of aIl sam4 seru�by tt�s Securlly Irss3s��nt withont __
<br /> mm
<br /> ,;
<br /> fa�er�nd and ms+y inlvo�rc th2 po�r ot��nny+ot6er e�meGies pennitterl 6p appl�ca6le taw.La►der st�be
<br /> ���+� �i�d to cn8tp��It espeases iitc�ie�cl irt p�rs�sg We sartroti�provisl¢ti in i�Ls p2r�}aP3��R,ir�tt d i A gs���ot lim,ted _..
<br />;�',.;,1�, t�ec�D�ettot�e�g�t�$�ttc�s..�'`sQBtFtfeevict�c�. �
<br /> If t6e pa��o��zle is inami�.Trts�ce�a1t re�ord a.��dj�dt�fu�iii ta��ua �:�3c�ang part a►f tbn
<br /> °.G:;'. �'�ad by applic�lt��facts.Yo�s�ro�vcr Srt�l to, . -
<br /> , .r �'k'operiy is YaWtc:d f�s6a9i II1ASi 6�I��og•st�f�n2�iri tt9e�Ni
<br /> � tiee ath�r pei501L�:�c�ed�y appl�b�e YaW.t�l+tPt tlfe tI3riY r�+�1�S!�pli�bte law,Trtrstqt�r�gicg piFYlpC s�s�Yit� .
<br /> ,,� ;� �f mie Yo c�e p�s�r�s.�d in 4fre n+°*�TMp presa�toed 6�n�UtA�E[�'•�witbont d�and an��rca�ce��bk�A11��#` -
<br /> ` the k►cag�at��I?c Qaciton¢o th�Ng�xst DiBder at gfie tTtnx as��e and�the taa�dest�wte�In�tr�i nal�ce a?. . .
<br /> '.,r safe En�atfe crr more paevels�in any ord�r T�stee de2eisstkaes.Ta��tfie�ay postpane saie of e11 ar wy�oi tb� `.
<br /> �' PtQpci3y�3� paFilte iinTtoanc��t at t6�time u�d pLroe a?�ny pr�Rtnt��3'ssttEdani�s;�t2.Ihsdxr ar its ��tYe mr�g+ . .. :, �'-,
<br /> ��'� �: �t�e PraYsc�t�f st aaY sa�a , . �' . —
<br /> �I�taa �git a�:Lss�ymenY oT�e prke Md, Tra.stee si�il dei�ver�ta the �es TrnsGet s de�D muveyiu� � .,:•""'.'; i:�;,
<br /> � '.• %; T I�g�i►.-1Ytz ce�ta�s En gba'fti,��'s d�D sbai7 be prtina 6acie evid�ce oP tLe�I,o4 the sAafecueirts�de th�. , i,,:--
<br /> •„,:,`�: Tr.�1t,°r�apg�y c�+e pr+ocre�i m?87�sa4e i�the[aIIowt�a�tes:(n)to�ll oo�s a�t'i:G�cp�s�s of�g tis�pe�ver nt -
<br /> ''- : • sa[c,and the s91�tr�ad�t�e p�yt�eai utthe Tr�tee'sf�s scda�id�i�d.�+ut to atce�d����of$50.OOoz� ° -:
<br /> `�' R�d�te pt�g�t r�smt of tbe note at tl�e tF�stin a�?t6�z aIocYaraYfon u�defanIt.and�aai�Ie sIItruri�ys'�ees as ptrmftted �'
<br /> � .`iir, ;: --
<br /> . . i,.. 4��'°�B to e�r�ns secan�by t�Sec�dty gn,n�tram2r3;and(c)uny ex�to the peisoa or�;�s tegaflY ebt3tted tc� : �.<�: _
<br /> :� '�' �.:;.=•.:� :. '
<br /> � :;�:;':�..�oae�yanae. Upon payment of all s�nms sea.u�cE.i�yF this Serurity Instrame�. !epder sbalt reqnest�Tiust:,�x+o' ��.
<br /> ... :.i � reaoriz:'s�'.3'� �P�Y and sha12 sucrender this S�wrin,r fttt�iYriu�i and alt notes evideacing delst secmr�d by ti�i��'�curity -
<br /> . In�r,�t�.t�•��r�_Trustez shaU�onv�y ehe Prapert�wiG�?�[t.'.�cvamx°tp rstd withouc cbarge co th:,y�.nn or�ersans te�alty � `'r:.:
<br /> effiide�t�i�9tci�,,�tsa�n or petsans shaU pay azry remrEf�ti�' .�. " �
<br /> , _ ��.�ntr�ttt�$t�".��.»°� Lender>a�irs a�ptioa,m�Y fmqin�ica�e to mr[e�ceriwva Trust�and a}�poiui a�ueaessor trastee tn -
<br /> •�:'S.� aay.'�;;rj�t�:aPimi�tac�hemauider by uw instrum�ent reoar�d itutincs county in wfiicii this�°t:�,q��ity Instrvmeat is reaordB3.WitYtowt
<br /> oon�c���f the Property.the suooessor trn.�et sball szsacraY•t�s all the dde,Power a�l tiilti�aonfemc3 upon Ttusia�hertio .
<br /> ��. an3�y a�fQficzble tanr. ' � • '���'� '
<br /> ���`;,;t� 7�.Rxa�uts't.Yrtr,Notio�;.fiorrower t�eqa�ts chat capies of ths notices of defau�t and sale 6�s�ts9:'i�,Barro.�rt's eddzc� _..
<br /> ':,r Whic.i is/i�o FtOp�3ty AddfCS5. , t,, ,
<br />;,,.:;.�,....�
<br />,°:5.,. .".,� -9,.�j:RY4�iw.t�tIn�ity Inshvmen�.[f�ts�:ar anore ride�s are e�ecuted by Bomawer aad rea�+3 to�e'�h�r wizC�s tdus
<br />;;,:::.';;. S�r,i'rilt�?�m�ut,tha mcenants aud ag�eements of eu..h z,e�der staa116e incorporated into and st�a11 aru.'nsl ans!�t{►plem�at
<br /> .;r� �:.� tIre v�i'�?�,s an;l ascezmertts of this Secvrity Im�trume►�t a,�'�•tii�crider(s)u�Q par[of.this Security Insirumant. '- ,
<br /> � [C[��stp�+�bls box(esp `:: r, ' �'
<br /> �� � • . .�;;�;,;,.. . , . _
<br /> � c„;�;..•,:...� ,,� . ; , ,' ` �
<br /> .,;.,,ti -�>� • � �_
<br /> 1�?�¢�.�,�.}',,i�iti�Ride�t CI Candom�.,�.f�i Rider .�` .. [�2.d Family Ridei ';..� ` , � ,•
<br /> '' . ';, '(�'tE�sif��`�yment IIi�der �Planrsed 6'�dffi�Deve2apmeal Rider �Biweelcty Paytntat�it}�r::":..;;. . :,�
<br /> , . `'�i�iwn Rider . � � Rote Iuip,i�t�i�P.nt Rider ���tco�Home�tider '``�� ' . � . ,
<br /> . '''U'.A.RicYer ��.�7Y�=1��`Yl � '
<br /> . . ,'..��+,��7.�ECB OF DEFAOLT
<br /> . ' �':.f��GiM� BQIIITY� ACCL�SS LYNE RID�B _
<br /> BY SICrNRSt'r BE1+OW,Hoaowes accepts and u�.wt�i�rtir�cernrs and covenaats�ntai s Security Insuument and °
<br /> � . ` in any fideRsj executad hy Bo�wer�uid reaurdec�6vit�i�. � � � �
<br /> . � , �
<br /> �4 � Witpesses: � ' ,
<br /> ` r , (3e3D}
<br /> .. .� �
<br /> AriL�S 8 CAi�iPEl�:T. � -�0n69`'°r
<br /> � , . � `�'l ' ` `;»�-(�j).
<br /> , :' �4� MRA L CAMP EY.L ' . ; ',. •Borrmva
<br /> �,'. Y..
<br /> � . ,... ��,
<br /> � , . �
<br />. • , (Seai) (Seal):•,. �
<br /> . � -Borrou•er •Iio:cowe(�`;
<br /> � .
<br /> • - ;r�
<br /> STA�`EOF 1o1E�RA5KA, 1�ALL �!Y sa:
<br /> TRe foregoing iastrument was uckaowlodgod b�fore m:��'�is 19 th �Y of JUH� • 1996 �
<br /> Mtn�ss my hand atxl noL�rial sea9 nt �gAftD T SLALiD, t AASRA i *d County.the date eforesald.
<br /> � � L
<br /> My Comtnission�cpires: g� 14, 1998 `
<br /> • - �fA'iR.Yik�1S�TS.��t��'
<br /> ���
<br /> ` • . � ���'r�1F�� �
<br /> vep a o�e Farm 302� 91r�-0
<br />, . �'
<br /> � � r^ .. i ,. ,
<br /> .. . . . ' ',;,. .. ' .
<br /> ''�, . . •� ' ' :. .. .
<br /> . ... � . � . _ . . � . ..�... -,... .� . . . , . '
<br />