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<br />':_r:.`i'•
<br />;;'t<«: 'C�e Funds shall be held In an ir�titution whose de�osits are insured by a feuea�! ageasy, insuumentaliry. or eritity
<br /> y;;�:t{ (ims�udlag Lender.if Lender i��cb an institutionl or in any Federal Home I.aan B:u�k.Letsstet shall a�ply thc FnnSs to pay thc �
<br /> :ti.'�;`� . Fscrow Ieert�s. I�ttder mag aai ctiar�c 6orrower for hatding gnd upplying the�iu►ds.agauntly unalyzing the escrow IIsxavng.or -.
<br /> ,�:t:,; rerify�i�g t�e Escrow Itnms.uNcss Lender pays 8orrorver interest on tRe Furtds aa�1 apglFcable ia�v peRailts Lender to m.ke suc6
<br />' �V.:�
<br />�'t`y�::- a cDs,lga.. Ho�v�er. Leader may r+zquife 8orro�v�r to{:ay a on�-tim;:�'�t{�e for ast'ir�d►'�ettde�tt tea!estsle£s�.;ne�+s�tiin�se4vi ce _.
<br />. �,;" �ed.tCy Lender in conttection with tiiis toan. unless applicable Is►w provides otherw�se. Untess an agceemc�t ts made or _-
<br /> � .: a¢�l��bie tmv requires ints�.�sa to B�p;ud.Leader ahali nat tra re�uined to pay Borrowsr any intecest or eumings on the Funds.
<br />�' -,�:� Sorrower and�eader may agree in antm�.however. tiisl5ntcrest shall be paid on the�unds. Lcnder shall give to�arrQ.ver. .._.
<br />�='� --
<br />;�,r,. without char�c.an annua9 acconnting of the�unds.showi�sg cre�dits and debits ta the Funds and�he purposc for whical eaci�
<br />':+r'!o{�` debit to the Funds�vas made.'lY�e FaRds a:e piesiged as zdditional secxsriry for all swns securad by this Security Instnun�m. -
<br />�t'''�f r3 If the Fur�ds heid by l.eutier exsetid the amaunts�rmitteci to be heid by apglicabte lacv, Lender shall a�courat ta�orrower �::
<br />,•F�Y,: �
<br /> for the excess Funds in accardan�with the requiremeau of applicahle law. If the amount of the Funds hetd by Ixrtder at any E��-
<br /> �:�' tim;.is nat suffcei�t to�}ttte E:�oc�ltems whe�e�.Le�er�y so nfltify Bnrrocrer in writing,and.in sush case Borro�•er =_.
<br /> � shail Qay to Lc�er the aruount nec�sary to mue ap the defcciQnsy. Eorro�ver s�all make up the deficiency in no�nore than ;
<br /> .;',; : twclve manthly paymenta.at Lender's sole dis�cretion. ' _.
<br /> Upam payt:ea�in full of aU sums sscurrxi by this Srxurity lnsuument. Lender shall promptiy refund to Sorrower any _
<br /> Ftu�ds iasid by [snder.If,under putagzaph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell rha Property.Lender.pnor to the acquisition or sale -_
<br /> of the Praperty.shall apply any FttnQs held by Lender at the time of aoquisitian or sale as a credit against the sums s�cumd by
<br /> tfiis Security Instntmsnt.
<br /> 3.AppUcstinn of rf';�ymeat�.Unless appGcable laiv provides otherwise,all paym�nu rec�aved by Lender under paragraphs __.
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied:F�st,to m�Y P�PaY��chaBes due under th$Note:seennd.w amnunts payable under paiagragh 2: �_
<br /> third,co interest due;fow�ett.to prancipal dn$;and 1a.�3,to any late charges de�e uader tha Note. -
<br /> 4.(�g�;Lfeas.Bamawer shalt pay a!1 taxes.assessments,c.harges•fin�s and impasidons attri�utable to tha Pmperty
<br />, which auny aitain priority aver this Securittj[n5tmmem.and feasehaid payme�is ar grau[ud rents.if any. Borrvwer�a1S PaY
<br /> these obligutions in the manner provided in p�a�ayh 2.ar if aot paid m t�t manasr.Borrower shall pay them on tims dir�ctly
<br /> to the person owed payueen�Borrower st�!pramptty furm�h to Leader all aotices of aumunts w be paid tmder this paa�agraph.
<br /> � If Borrower mattcs t1�e gayaceuts di�ctty,Hoixuwsr shafl promptly fumish to Lender rc�eipts evidenrang the payments.
<br /> .. ;'-, Sormwec s?ri11 L�romPilY dischar8e any If�wT�sc$�i2as prioriiy over tins 3ecurity Ias�rumeni unlcss Bormwer:(u)agr�in e°.
<br />` '`'�� writing to ihe paJrr�sG of ths oDiigation seau�f�y rhe lien in a arannar�rr:�uble to L�der;(b)oont�ests in gaad faith the lien
<br /> �� by. nr.defends ag�st enfor�ment of the ti�ci�a. ��sto�dings�vhicfl in the L�de�'s apinio»o�etate ta px.weat th�
<br /> �.� � eafarae�ent ef the lien;�r(e?��aes fram the huSder of tiz��an agreeme�satisfi�,cr�cg¢o Lender suhordmating tho lien t� _
<br /> �- this Secvrity Inswment. If l.�c�3eterm�es that any jrscr r_�'the Propert}+ is sabjece rr�a Iiea which may atm�n pi"sc�ity ovet =
<br /> , chis Sewrity Instrument,Len��ay give Bornower a aotix�identifying the lien.BormR:s shail satis€y ths liea or taks one or _
<br /> � { more of the actions set forth abave within 10 days of the giving of notice. -
<br /> :...}: S. R�rd or �r►�ty t�'�'mn� Bnr�wer shall keep the imFrovements aow exisring ar k�rafter ecected oa the --
<br /> ;.� Pr�operty insured agaiast foss� �xe.dazards iucluded wiUiln the term"extended wvc�e" and a�y c�cher ha�ds, indudin8 _-
<br /> flaads ar flaoding,for whic8 L�er reqnims insur.ut,�e.Tixis insurance shall be mai�n�d in thE amaunts aad for the peaiods
<br /> . � ` tluu Erender m.quira.The ias�anoe cariier providing the insurance shal!be chosen by Qorrower su63ecx to Lendez's appsaval =
<br /> • :� wttid�shall nnt!��►=tuea�nabiy withheid. If Eamnwe�r fails to maintznt�cvverage desEribed above..➢..�der may,at E.eac{et's
<br /> `.. .F�; option,obtain cuv�rr;;e cs protect Leuder's rigMs in the Fmperty in�acan�;��wiTh paragraFb 7.
<br /> f Ai] insur.t�ue�olicies aad reuswals shall be aoaeptable to Leader aa�rl:•5'�11 inclnde a stan�aid s�urtyige c[a�ise.�Er : :.:. .
<br /> sGcU t�rr:�the rigb�m hoYd the policies and�ewals.If I.en���qui�es.II�zrow�r sh�]i PromptlY gi�'e to Lendc�all.tt-+�I�o£" ;�;_,, .•�
<br /> �� puIri:�-.iums and�aewal aotiazs.In the event of Ioss,Bvcs�u��sl�till g�ve prompt natisx to the u�surance carrier ar�d=L��zier: ,
<br /> �"�;':-:;e I.���y maY.e p�nof af loss if not made pmmpdy by Bun�-��r. .
<br /> ;::.,; Unfess Lensler and Borrow�r othEtwise a�e�n wntiag,in4urance praoeedfr shali t�.:a�►lied to restotuiinn or repair og the
<br /> . >' P�perty datn�ad.if the restasation or rep�'v is�c�onnmically feasibte and Lender's�r.iry js not lasseaad.If tke cestnrauon or =
<br /> ,.�'}�+• repuir is not emonaanrally feasible or Lendar"s secvrity wouid�e lessenad.the insutan�prooaeds shalt 6e applied to th�sums .°`.
<br /> ' ' soqur.d�y this Security Ins�men� whet6e:or noi then due,with afir ex�s pnid e�.i�ocrowzr. If Bormwer abancbns the
<br /> ", , ' Prope.'ty,or does noi aaswee lviWin 30 days a natice fsam Leader that the ia.ru�noe c:�ser has offesed w settle a claim. then
<br /> - Leader•may colioci the insurance praceads. Lender may use the prooexds w re,�air ux cEStore the Pmpeny or to pay sums
<br /> � sac.vmd by this Sev.uity lnsuument.whether or nat then dae.The 30�day period.�vill begin whea tha notioe ts given.
<br /> _`� ,. �, . Qnlas Lender and Borrower otherwise agcee in writing. anY aPFUs.",ti�sa of praa�ds to prirccipal sl�all noi exteud or ; -
<br /> postpone the due d�of the monthlY PaYments referred to in paragrnpir�.�"r,�.;d 2 or ci�age the�maunt of the pay�YS.If.;... -.
<br /> ` uader p�agragh 2l tbx Fmpexty is aoquired by Lender.Boaawer's right�,,c�yr insarance policies aod pinceeds mviting fmm '• -
<br /> � � '''t dmna�to We rty grfor ta��t��coquiuuo�shall pass tr��cstrdes to th�eezttem of the;�,rs sQCUred isy this SacurJtyf'�'r�riw~utaeat'
<br /> � im���tely prio�the acquisitiins: ; . . . � . •:� •
<br /> �i t'�;�ocnpancy,Preserv�tiui�,-� '�sa��nd Pt+a�tan ot the Froperty,Bcxrarc�s Loan R�i��s;�z�seholds.
<br /> Ea�-r�wer shail ooa�y.establish,�utuir�,z�i lSw:l?tx�t�l as Horeower's principal ressideac�within sixty days after the exeer.otion of
<br /> . ,.,;,; �3u:,��ecuriry Iasuivaent arcd sl�zI�.rna��mr�cn<«.�y the Praperty as Boaower's priaapJ residenoe far at teast one year after -
<br /> tPr��te of occupan�.y.UlIIC59 Il0Il3�4$�3lliPi'Vif3�f'�fE'2S ID WTIhOg,which oonset�t shall nai be nnreasonaf�Jy withheld, or unless
<br /> :'� .:{.: � extca�ting circumstances exist as.�ich are�eyond Borrower's wntrol. Bosrower sttall nat destroy. damagc or impair the
<br /> � ..�,.; E*mperty,allow the Property to deterior.rte. or oommit waste on the Froperty. Borro�ver shaU be in default if any forfe�ture
<br /> action or prooeeding,whether civil or crimin�l, is begun t�c in Lender's good faith judgment coutd resuIt in fa�rfeiture of the �
<br /> �•���' Property or othemri�c materially impair the liea created 6y i�is SecuriCy�r��xutsset►t or l.ender's security interest. Borrowes aury
<br /> care such a default r�d reinstate,as provided in paragraph!Q.by causing r3�action or pmceeding to ba d�smissad with a n�liag: . .
<br /> ' �•! : thai.in Lendei s gaod faith d�..-aninztion, pr�cludes forf'r.in�of the�orrower's interest in the Property or oth� maYeriai• _
<br /> �'�� ; imp�itmcnt of the lien created G�x:c;�is Security Instromenn�.v F:,�nd�r's security intelest. Barrower shill atsa be i.tt rlefauIt if
<br /> ' Borm�ver.during the loan ap�ii:,�.��iso process.gave materialtg!'alse or ineccurate infom�ation or state�menis to Lendc��(nr f3iiiad
<br /> .� to provide Ler�der with arry mat�informarion)in�nnection with the loan evidenoed by ths Nota.insluding,but cr�a limited
<br /> � to.representations oottcerining Borrower's oc�nry of the Praperty as a principal residence. If this Soauity Instiumt'nt is on a
<br /> . � teasehbld. Borrower shall oorm,p�y with uil t�r�prmrisions of the leasc. if Borrower acquires fa„ title to the Pro�rry. the -
<br /> . leasehold ud the fee titIe shall ro�2 z�rge anl:��E.endeT agrees to tf►e m�ez in writing.
<br /> ' 7.Ptotocilon at Lrader's.L!�1s&n�Ice fr'li+operty.If IIornywer fails eo perform the coveaazets amd agroemynis con?aine�d in
<br /> ,• � this 3ecutiry Inswmetu. or tttr.��s v le�al p�ooeeding d�ar.may signiticantly s�ffoct Lcadei s rights in the Pt�aperty (such as a
<br /> proaeedin g in banlw p t c y,pro�sete,for eanda�r.ation or forfeituro or ta enferce laws or regulations). then Lcndei ma.y dv aad
<br /> ' � ` �ay for whatever is aecessary to pratect the�r�Su�of the Ptoperty and Lcnde:r's rights in the Prnperty. Lxndez's actians may
<br /> . { mclude paying any sums secured by a lien wi�ich lias prionty over thi� Security Instrument. appearing in court, p�ying =_
<br /> reason�ble attomeys'fees and entering on the Paoperty to maice repairs.Although Lender may tnke uction urxier this paragtup�
<br /> ` 7.Lender does not have to do so. -
<br /> : � A»y amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragmph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secumd by this �-
<br /> � Security itutrument. Unless Bonower and Lettder agee to other tertns of payment,these amounts shall bear intetest from ttte =
<br /> . date of disbursement nt the Note rate and �ltall 6e payable, vrith interest, upon nutice ftam Lender to Borrawer raquesting --
<br /> �. : �Mortgpge Insaru�ce.If Lende:required mortga;e insurance as a wndition of mmillrins the to�n secured by this Secuaty
<br />