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<br /> . �. . �� 92— io�li
<br /> �`" In conBideration of the payment of all abliqatione under t�
<br /> � � Trust Deed dated Jun� 11, 1991, by and between COLLEGE PARK AT
<br />,.. � GRAND ZSLAND, A Nebrask� Nonprofit Corporation, as Truator, which
<br /> � � , � Truat Deed is record�d as Document No. 91-103672 in the records
<br /> � of the Hall County Regieter of Deeds, and upon the request for
<br /> • reconveyance of th� Beneficiary, DUANE A. BURNS, Attorney at Law,
<br /> �"` • � Trustee, h�reby releases said Trust Deed on the followinq
<br /> .' � d0scribed real estate: �._,_, -�- --
<br /> �'' ` A tract of land comprising a part of the
<br /> � Southwest Quarter of the 3outhwest Quarter -
<br /> ' . (SW�SW�) of Section Twenty-Nine (29) , Town- - _---- -4- _.
<br /> � ship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West
<br /> � � of the 6th P.M. in Grand Island, Hall County, _----
<br /> , Nebraska, more particularly desczibed as ��
<br /> . . . � follows: $''=;'�Y.-. .
<br /> . � • Beqinning at a point on the east line of said {�;w.;�_�-= �
<br /> � Southwest Quartar of the Southwest Quarter "�=�" "::,.
<br /> . . i-�:'�::�:u,::
<br /> � � (SW�SWI) , said point being Seventy-Nine and . ;;,.,,��,,�
<br /> Three Tenths (79.3) feet north of the aouth- �;,,�r�s,•k.;�;
<br /> � � east corner of said Southwest Quarter of the � ��:
<br /> � � �
<br /> �•��_`� Southwest Quarter (SW}SW�) , also being a ��'<�.`.?'�';;1� -
<br /> _ � �:-_:,,,,.,:'�;-
<br /> �� , ���'� point on the northerly right-of-way line of �,_:.,m
<br /> . ; Husker Highway and the westerly line af Tech � � ��
<br /> • Drive= thence northerly on an assumed bearing ,'� �
<br /> ' ' of N 00° 16' 02" E alonq the east line of ` '
<br /> � said Southwest Quarter of the Sauthwest � .�y�-'` ��
<br /> �uarter (SW�SW#) , and the westerly line of ; .
<br /> said Tech Drive� a distance of Seven Hundred '
<br /> . Fifty (750.0) feeti then N 07° 16' 09" W �" . � � � ,',ri,
<br /> . alonq the westerly line of said Tech Drive, a s. �. =r_�
<br /> � distance of Three Hundred Five and Eighty- �' ' =`'`r'��
<br /> � Nine Hundredths (305.89) feets thence N �0° "`;-=-_
<br /> 16' 02" E along the westerly line of said � � �" `"�.�� J
<br /> Tech Drive, a distance of Two Hundred Twenty- '`
<br /> Five and Fifty-Three Hundredths (225.53) feet ;� • ' �-
<br /> ta the north line of said Southwest Quarter � � --
<br /> of the Southwest 4uarter (SW�SW�) f thence Due , _ �
<br /> West along the north line of said Southwest ' .
<br /> Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW�SW31 , a •
<br /> � distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Forty � �
<br /> and Twenty-Four Hundredths (1,240.24) feet to ,
<br /> � • the easterly righL•-of-way lfne of U.S.
<br /> •� Highway No. 281= thence Due South along the �
<br /> easterly line of said Highway Na. 281, a -
<br /> distance of One Thousand One Hundred Thirty�-
<br /> Faur and Sixty-Seven Hundred (1,134.67) fee�j
<br /> thence S 5B° 11' 47" E al�nq the northeaster-
<br /> ly line of said Highway No. 281, a distance
<br /> of One Hundred Seventy-One and Four Tenths �
<br /> (171.4) fe�tt thenco S 86° 41' S9" E alonq
<br /> . the northerly right-of-way line of said
<br /> Husker Highway, a di�tance of Five Hundred
<br /> • Thirty and Two Tenths (530.21 feet; thence S
<br /> 86° 20' 19" E along the northerly line of
<br /> � said Husker Highway, a distance of One
<br /> ' Hundred Seventy and one 'rentn ii7u.ij iee�p
<br /> thence S 88° 20' 1G" E alonq the northerly
<br /> � line of said Husker Niqhway, a distdnce of
<br /> Four Hui�dred Tweiity-Nfnt and Six Tenths
<br /> (429.6) feet to the place of beginninq.
<br /> The Trust�e does h�r�by remises, release and quitclaim
<br /> pursuant to Section 76-1014 of the Statuta�s of the Statc� of
<br /> Nebr�ska, said premises to COLLEGE PARK AT GRAND I5LAND, A
<br /> Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation.
<br /> -1- �
<br />