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� .. .._. ��.� ,.... �-,...,.... r � �.�..... .___,�L'_-- � -------- ` � - ... <br /> � r '},! aw .� .-u-_---�y,. ti.. Ik�{� n7' ' -uliAek"�. _ _ ____ <br /> n {�,,.�� �n.+yv� ��Fi'1 M•. .l•��_ - �Y . {Qn � <br /> 'N� 4 ��yM{�tls..�.�... <br /> _' :�,�• C � ,�, 1 rtn_ <br /> ��., ¢ /NIJ�71 ''+i�.�.,�' _ . <br /> �� . , N .. - _ _. <br />. � -- , * ". .. �� ..,`'�e.Lu.:i, ,.�..r.y..., Ytillt <br /> ' � — <br /> _ . .. ��� ___�......._.• 3��' - - — <br /> ,:..t� • _ ..._ - - �'v.u..� ....... <br /> i ..... ,., - -- ........�_....� lOAN qt �11U7'��T19 �,i��rl,�_ <br /> � rn—•,�..7:1-'--= � <br /> � , rAi��nT � ��•�,..-= <br /> � � . — <br /> . � .. . .t��. ADJ[JSTABLE RATE RIDER !�r .�.•,�-- <br /> n' ° , ,. • I6�Moo1b T Bi1,Wo�lp Auallon Averye N�ve�ne�M)'�410����' — <br /> .: �:' � �'. THISAD7USTABI.�RA7'ERIDER bmodethb ."kl� p�a A(��:Il . 1'v+,' ,u�dY�lnaxpototedintoand ��,:4:,.<;-._ <br /> " � �Ilbe Oeemod lo�mend�nd wppkmenl the I►lartg��a�Doed otTnw or Socurity Deod(Iho"Sxurity lrotroment")af IAe wtne d�te�en by We °°— <br /> ? � ... ': " urberal�ned(tha"BoROwer")�o Kcurc Hoao�+er's Ad�u�We Etalo Note(tAe"Nae")to _ <br /> . � i�rrht.ti�� ini rt orilni M�u�r��n�,i � �u:i'�1NAI IUN �- <br /> .� (the"Lendet")af ihe Mnie dete and caeNng 1h�propeny draafbod in the 9ecurhy lnarument and located wu r---��___.__� <br /> � ' Sni YF NNCf�Y f�k, GkANf� 1',� ANu, NI hNBn'� <br /> ' I�no�M�+�! <br />�' � ?HE NOTE COM'AINS PROVISION3 ALLOWIN(i FOR CI-IANaE3 IN THE INTERE:4T FiATE N�D THE W'' . _ <br /> ' � M O N T HLY PAYMENT. THE NO'TE UMITS THE AMOUNT'THE BORROWER'S INTEREST RATE CAN �r��-°� <br /> . CHANaE AT ANY ONE T1ME AND TNE MAXIMUM RATE lNE BORR O W E R M U S T P A Y. °--" <br /> . . 5�:-=. ..��:- <br /> . '..'�._ _ - -.�.- <br /> � .. . ADD177ANA1.UOVBNAN'is. ln rdditioa to�he caerwnro and a�ramenla made in tha Scswiry Imuumeat,Batnwer and Lender <br /> . �� � tunber oavea�nt aM+��ee as idkr»: ' __— °- -- <br /> ;. ,. <br /> ,. ,,., <br /> ,.. ... <br /> � 4�;, - <br /> A. Ur7i'RLSTRA7EANDMONTfILYPAYM[FJd7'CflAN(iE3 '�;''•'7�'•:�.�.���— <br /> 'Ibe nate prc�vida for an inidal interest mte ot �;.1:5 �. 7be Nae pravides far changes in ti�e iaierest ra�e and the monthry ,�,�,.�__�.---_ <br /> � ' paymenn,as foUows: 'ru:�`��nY' --— <br /> '; . � 4. ]N18RE S''P RA7E ANA MON7HLY PAYMPNf C�iAN(iES a:• ;,•:�,�',_;; _-'"•••"'-_ <br /> '�' :;�,! � ' (A) GmngeDatca . .... .�.._ .::�„�,�:� <br /> �. '�('�;ti :..,,,i:•� <br /> ..'� • ��:�'� . . 11x iaterdt rate I will pay may chenge on the first day of Ni t VI'M ftl I+ �19 �+'� ,and on that cl�ay every 6th montb ; ,.�. . . i�•._ <br /> . i,;'; : . ';`'��"'��� thereaAer. Eacb date oa whM�my interat rate oould edon�e 4 calkd a"Chan�o Dpta." � , - _-- <br /> , , •':�...ti'+ �� 7balt�dCa �`•-� <br /> Aaglnning with the flcat change Date,rny Interat rato wlll be b�ed on an Index.'Iha"Index"4 tha weekly aualaa everege(im�cstment)an ' . .� <br /> 6�montb trc�awry bflb,a�made wallpble by tho Palaal Rencrva Boord.7be mo�t reaent Gtde�c 8�uro wailabb a�ot the date 45 doyi be[aro ead► � ., �� <br /> , Qun�e Dato N calkd Ihe°C.unent Indcx." <br /> � � � . (t ehe indcx b ra bnger waUabb��be Nae ttoldor wUl elworo e naw indm whk�h b bsaed upon oomppnbte iafermatba 7be Nae HoWer .t �,; y. <br /> will�iva me aotla ot thb choia. � . <br /> — --- - -; - (Cj ra�s�s�os�aa� _ - �` <br /> BefaroeachChan�aUalc,theNaellolderwiMcakulatcmynewinlercu�tcbyadding �i�i petanugapotnu( ��,�� '�) '� <br /> tolhc(.l�rrent Index.7?ie Nota HoYkrwllllhenroundlhc ruuttotlh4addl�lon tothetrcan�t oneti�hthofonoperanw�e polnt(0.125'1G).Subject <br /> u <br /> ,, to Ihe Ilmiw itated In Seaion 4(D)belaw,ihi�rounded wnount wfU be my new In�erru nte un�il the nact CAan�e Date. <br /> 71�e Note Hdder wlll then determine �de aewunt ot tho ma+nhly peyment that woutd be M�ttk�er.�to ropay tha uepe�d pHncip�l thW i am : . ;�` <br /> eapeded toawe at tha Change Data in fullon tAe matuHty date et my naw M1era1 rata In wbWentf�lly equal peymanu.'Ibe�pult of thb calcubtbn . . <br /> wIN bo tha ncw amount of my monthly pnymcm. � ' .,:� <br /> (D)Wniu oa iatcrait Rate� ' ' � <br /> � . � <br /> ' 'Ihe intcrat rate T am rcqulred to pey at the Mt Change Date will na ba greater than �,.��7�� 96 ar k+s tlwn .►, ���, 'J�.7lforea[ier, ; .'.:'_�- <br /> ` my Intereu rata will never ba fncr¢aaed or decreaacd on am single C�ange Date by more than :;�� pecoeoteBc poina( i i.i�,i i 96) . ... . <br /> .+�„ <br /> . ftom the mte of interat I have bcen paylnB Ea the prcadMg ebc month�.My iineresc rete will never be�reater than �).1,�� `1�. , . .`.;•:�,..;; <br /> • � (B) P.ffalh�o Uata of Q�mgas � •..•,as, <br /> � • '. ' My ncw interw cate will beawnc el[enive on each Changc Date. t wfil pvy the amount af my new manthty peya�ent be�Inning on the firri . , <br /> . � monthly peyment dete e8er the Change Date until the amount o[my maNhly payment changea agab. f � <br /> � <br /> (t�Natbe ot Cbeaga � ' <br /> - 71io Note Holder will dedver or mell to me a notice of any chenga in my intereat ratc and the amount of my ma�thly payment betare�he �y` <br /> cifedive date of any chenge.'I1�e naloe witl indude In[wmatlan rcqulred by low to be glven me and aiw the titk and tekphane numberof a petaon ,. ;_�.,,e; <br /> I . who wfN anawer eiry qua+tlon I may have rcgarding�he nala. � ,;•,:"�'�,.� <br /> 8, 7RANSFHR OF THB PROPP1tTY OR A B6N�E'ICIAL IN7FRLSl'1N BORROWEdR �`'..."°, . <br />� Uniform Covenent 17 0[the Secudty Inslrurnent bemcnded to rcsd as tdlowa f <br /> 7Yw(er of thep�perty or�beoe6ci�l lnterat in borrua►�er. I[all or a�ry part ot thepraperty or airy interdt in it le aoW or trans(ernd(a if <br /> � a benelidal Interest In Horrawer ie sold a�raroferrcd and Horrawer is not a newrel penon)wfthou�l.cndcr's Prior written oonrent,Lender mey, <br /> et ila ion,requlrc fmmedlate paymem In [ull otall aums axurc�by thla Securky Instrument. l�ender atso ahetl not a�ereLse this option if:(e) <br /> � Dorco�r cauaea to bc wbmfttal to I.endcr intormalion tequkcd by Lender to cveluete thc fn�ended t[ansterec ae ff a new loan wcre being made <br /> , � � to the trensfcrce;and(b)I,ender reasonably determines�het l.cnder'R�ecuriry wiN na be fmpafred by chc Ic�n a�wmptton ond ttfac tfic Hck ot a <br /> � txeach of a�ry oavenant a agrcement in thla 5ecuriry Inatrument is acoepteble ro I,ender. <br /> To thc ez►ent permftted by applkablc law.I,ender may charge e reasoneblc fee oa a aondition to Lender's oonsent to the Idan atwmptfon. <br /> • I.ender mey also roquirc thc transferee la sign an auumptlon egreemcnl that Is�ooeptable to[.ender and that oblfgates che transfcree to kecp all <br /> the promisea end agreomenta mnde In the Nae and In ihfa Security In�trumen�. N�xunver will con�inue to be abligated under the Note end thu <br /> Securiry Instrument untesa[,endar relcmes lbrrower in wrfung. <br /> . • � If Lender exerdtcs thc opt{an to rcqulrc immedfale payment M full,[�ender shall givc ticxrower nalae of eooekretbn. 7M naia shall <br /> i provide e perlad ot na lese then 3U daya Bom the dete Ihc natl�x Is delivered or maited within which Borrower must pay ell auma aecured by thLs <br /> Secudty instroment. If Borrowcr falls to pay ihesc r�ims prior to the e�iratkm ut th�perfal,l.ender may�nvokc any remedla permitted t�y this <br /> I SecuHty Instrumcnt wf�hout funher notbc cirdemand on iicxrower• <br /> i BY SIUNINC)B�LOW,licxro+ver c�aocpta and agrces to the terma end cwenanla oon�eined in thfs Adjua�ebte Rete ItWer. <br /> J - � <br /> ' / � <br /> ' ' / /��:L�l� �'� ' . i (SPAI) i • i •'� . /.� • (SCaI) <br /> rlli;:l� I � i�l I . ' - ��� " . 1', i .`!�I � .'�I . .�::ltC �BOftOwM <br /> �$CB�� ���� <br /> „��� --Borrowyr <br /> (SiBn(kiRina►Ch►NI <br /> � � MULTISTATE ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER--ARM 5�2--Sinple Famly--FanNe Ma�+Freddie Mac Unilam InsUumei�Form 3111/�85 <br /> MC3033(REV 03/9t) <br /> . t�� � I _ <br /> , <br /> _-� -- <br />