<br /> �,"��� ��'���MI` _'iM•.+,.p��..�.' - �" � ".,�� �
<br /> r� cT��'!��� - -
<br /> , � �,i.li�.�i��f''H"�j'k 1 .}v'•� -- - -_-� --. ..--- --� -..._..W � - _ -n' -
<br /> l � v
<br /> ''-i �' �..� �;,. r 2� �1lOi��'""`
<br /> ;,�X, .�'b • a,, 7'OOBTWBR WITN dl tho improvcment�nc►w or horcafter eroctod an�ho Pra�er�i.�uwl all c��.�Nrieu�ooc+,and
<br /> ��:a...;s,..���` • u�
<br /> s�• Oxturcs M�w an c�rc.aQcr � pYrt uf �he properly. All rcpl�r.emcntr rod wdcN�innr xhAll �Irc► 6o uwarod by ihi� Socut�ty
<br /> �.��:�!�-�:-..�'7
<br /> -- _.._ — --.�•.,"' In�lrumcnl. All oY 1hc ti�rc�uin�iy rcforroJ la in Ihir Sauri�y Inw�umcM wi iho'Pmperty."
<br /> ;.=s����,��`.���.;"'��'T� , BURRUWF.R COVGNANTS Ihut F3�►rn�wc�i�Iwwfully xcixa!at Ihc c�:ir�c hrrchy c�mvcyc�l w�d h�x tho right Io��anl Wnd
<br /> ,`� �f�:�i.,��'!'�p;�111i .,� cunvcy Ihc Property unJ�iwt �hc Pm�:ny iw uncncumbcral, cacc�N litt encun�hrancca uf r.xorJ. ��rr��wcr wamnl� wnd will
<br /> ; ',,'�,.�,�.� daicnd gcncrally the tiUc d�Ihc Pr��peRy uguina�all cluim.r�nd dcnwndr,�uh�cct tu uny cncu�ah�uncc�uf ran�d. _
<br /> ''��;���"3�n.�;!;,����,• �:� THIS SBCURITY INSTRUMF.NT c�imbincv unif��rni cmenunl� fi�r n�tlonul usc and nun•unifnm�covcnnntr wilh limitod
<br /> .,. ��. . %��•. • . vA�ialinn�hy ju�iRdlction t�i c�nstitulc u uniPi�rtn caur�ty instnunem covcring rcal propehy.
<br /> .._��., _�
<br /> `•-' ��• •��' . UNIFqRM COV�NANTS. &►nower und Lcndcr covenont nnd ugrce o�faOuwR;
<br /> �..tM'; _,T�l'.�•:,.��. ..
<br /> ' ,,,�,�,�y.�K,h�:•:, , • 1. Paymeat ot Principal wnd interectt Prepwyment pnd I.pte Chpry�ca. QoROwcr xhull pr�►mpdy puy when due tho
<br /> . ",r ���.,,;,. :•� ` princfpal af und interest un the debt cvidcnccd by the Nntc und uny prepoyment und lusc chnrgcs Jua undcr the Notc.
<br />— ' ' • . ' 2. Funds for Taxes and ImRUrpnca Subject to applicable luw or Ia a w�iucn wniver by I.endcr, Barrower ehull puy to
<br /> --.�'.(6i'�. . '
<br /> „ • Lendr.r an the day manthly paynxms are duc under thc Nate. until thc Ncuc is paid ia full,u sum('Fundx')far:(a)ycnrly ta�cee _
<br />-�� ..` " and assessments which may uttuin priority ovcr this Secu�iry Instniment as�licn an thc Property;(b)ycarly Icaschold puymento
<br />__ ��.� . or ground rents on the Pmpeny,if any;(c)ycarly huzard or propeny insurance premiums;(d)yearly Ilood insurance premlum�,
<br /> "�' �,r,M��,r,, , if an Y B 8 P Y: Y P�Y !
<br /> y; (c)yearl mon a c i�surance remiums,if An and (�an sums able b Boirowcr ta I.ender. In acwrdarrca with
<br /> '���--;�-�:�:_�__ .; the provisions of parnQrnph$,in licu of the pa}�meat of mortgnge incnrance prcmiums.These itcros are called "Escmw Items.'
<br /> •�:�� �-� _
<br />-- , L.ender may, at uny time, call�rt und hold Funds in an amount na to exceed the maximum amount a fender far a federaliy
<br /> � • ` related mortguge laan may require for Born�wer's escrow account uade�the fedeml Real Estate Settleme�t Procedures Act of
<br /> ` • , 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. S�.�tio� 2b01 et seq. ('RESPA').unlesx another law that applies to the Funds
<br /> � sets a tesser amount. !f so, L.ende�may,at any time, collect and hold Funds in an emount not ta exceed the lesser amount. __ ---.-..���._. .
<br />- ��` � Lender may estimate thc s►muunt of Funda due a�thc basis of cunent data end reasonablc estimates of cxpenditures af future
<br />-��r�' ., ��," ,;,,r,y;%;s:;, Escrow Items a�ahenvise in accardunce with applicable law. _
<br /> '` ' �+ .'�•�"'���'�- ' The Funds shall be held in an institution whose dcposits ure insurcd by a federal agcncy, insirumentality, or entity '
<br />::,,;;;`•,. , (.�i.�f�'-'� �� ,•.. •. _
<br /> '�� � ` `c'::'"���' (including Lender,if I.ender is such an institution)ar in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall epply the Funds to pay the
<br /> ,.t�;�., ,i : .,s;,s, ��' .; -
<br /> ��"�'.'v � ` "'�}'�� � Escraw Items. l.ender may nat churgc BaROwcr for holding and applying the Funds,annuully analyzing thc escrow account.or --
<br /> ' ' :` �`n... . • � _�.
<br /> ;� � ��,', ,�.�� ��'k` •���-`�;,�.•.�;: verifying�he Escrow Icems,unless I..ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appUcuble law pertnits l.ender to muke xuch ��
<br /> �� , ,. `;�.. .:,,,. .•,. ., ,. �,,�_,,..._--
<br /> , , .1,_: �,.�..,.,..•,:,.;..;;- ,-, a charge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-lime charge for an jndepcndent real estete wx reporting servioe f_
<br /> ",;r�>>' •': used by I.ender in connoction with this luan. unless applicablc law provides atherwise. Unless un agroement ia mede or
<br /> �f''>� N ' ppplicable law requires intercct ta be paid.I.endcr shall not bc required to pay Borcower eny intcrest or eurnings on the Funds. ••� '�'"`
<br /> ,'ff' . -.,
<br />�' � ' �ti�'%�r�r��; �y; Borrower and I.ender may egree in writing, however, that interesl aha11 be paid on the Funds. l.ender shall give w Borrawer, �_„ „
<br /> ` '`' s� `i��-`� �`" yrithout chasge, sn annual accounting ef�he Funds, sh�wing crcdits end del+it+t to�he Fnnds and the�►uTnce for which each
<br /> �. ...r..�'° °--
<br /> � + � , ;.�;.x`;�����:ti ���i` debit to the Punds was mede.7'he Funds are pledged as additiunal secu�ity for ull sums securccl by this Securlty Instrun�ent. °"—"'`
<br /> � � If the Funds held by Lender exceed the arm�unts pennicted to t+e held by applicuble law,l.ender sha11 aoaaunt to Borrawer �`�-=-��
<br /> . i .,' , �.�.;1'�.�.�•-_:
<br /> � �{�� � � •• for the excess Funds In accordance with the requirements of applicablc law. If the amount of the Funds held by l.ender at any � r,.•
<br /> � � . timo is not sut�'icient ta pay the Escrow ftems when due,Lender may so notify Borrower tn writing,and,in such case Horrower __
<br /> • shall pay to L.end�r the amount nccessury to muke up the deficienry. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in oo morc lhan �...- ___`
<br /> � twclvc monthly payments,at Lcndcr's wlc discretion. �.'�""�°' �
<br /> .,�"Y.�'.q9�.'..�_
<br /> . � �. . � Upon payment in full of all sums�ecured by this Security Instrument, l.ender shnll pramptly refund ta Borrower any :-:�,
<br /> , � Funds held by L.ender.IP,under p•rragraph 21, l.cnder shull acquirc or sell the Propeny, l.ender,prior to the acquisition or sale '�
<br />` • of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by I.cnder ut thc timc of acquisi�ion or sale as a crcdit egainst the sums secured by i___�.,. -- -
<br />. , ir—rt3.i4-.�'.-.,
<br /> this Sccurity instrumcnt. � �•: •
<br /> " n „ 3.Applicadon ot Payments.Unlcss applicable luw provides otherwix,�II payments received by Lender under paragruphc '-:�:,
<br /> , ., • 1 and 2 shall be opplied: first, to any prcpayment chargcs duc under thc Ndc; accond.to wnounts payable undcr parngraph 2; _ -- ---
<br /> . third,to interest due; founh,to principul duc; and last,to uny I�tc charges due under the Note. �".1��-`'`.�
<br />- � , 4.Charyses;I.fens. Borrowcr shall pay all tuxcs, assessments, charges, fincs and impositions attribuwble to the Property � ��-y�� -_
<br />_ . which may attain priority over this Sccuri�y Instrument, and Ienschold pnyments or ground rents. if eny. Borrower shall pay � •- •�-�_�w;;',=.
<br /> � . ., these obligations in the manncr providc�d in puragruph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on time directly '`'°-
<br /> to the rson owed u mcnt. &irrowcr shall rom d furnish to l.cnder ull noticcs of amounts to bc sid undcr this ro ra -.- ._ '
<br />