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201007936 <br />, ���,_�v <br />Pa�e 2 of 8 Initials <br />6. T'hat any provision or clause of this Scc�►rity Instrument �r the Note conflicts <br />with applicable law, such conflict shall not al'Iecl c�ther prc�visic�ns �1' thi5 Security <br />Instrument c�r th� Not� which can be given effeci wiihout conflicting prc�visipn, Tq this <br />end the provisions of'this Security Ynstrumcnt and thc Note are dGClared to be severable. <br />7. Borrowers Copy, Borrower shall be given one coniormed copy of the Note <br />and of this Security Instrurnent. <br />NON-LJNIFORM CQVT+aNAN'1'S, <br />8. Acceleration; Remedies. Upon I3orrower" s breach c�l� any cc>venant c�r <br />agreerneni of Borrower in this Security lnstrument, irtcludin�; the cc�venants 1,o pay when <br />due any sums secured by this Security Instrument, I,cnder, pric�r to acceleration, shall <br />give notice to 13orr�wer and to any ather persan required by applicable law as pravided in <br />paragraph 17 hereaf specifying: (1) the breach; (2) lhe action required to cure such <br />breach; (3) a date, nc�t less than 30 days fram the datc the notice is mailed to Borrawer, <br />by which such breach must b�; cured; and (�) that failurc to c�rre such breach an ar before <br />the date specitied in th� notice may result in acceleratic�n ok'the sums secured by this <br />Security Instrument ar�d sale af�the Property. The notice shall turth�r infarm t3orrower of <br />the right to reinstate after acceleration and the right tc� brin�; a cc�urt action to ass�rt the <br />nonexistenc� c�f a default or any ather defense of 13c�rrc�wcr tu acccleration and sale. If <br />the breach is nat cured an ar befc�re the date speciliec� in thc noticG. l,cnder, at I.ender's <br />option, may declare all of the sums secured hy this 5ccui•ity I�istrun�ent to be immediately <br />due and payable withaut further demand and may i►�vokc tl�c power ol� sale and any ather <br />remedies permitted by applicable law. Lender shalf hc entitled to collect all reasonable <br />costs and exp�:ns�s incurr�d in pursuing the rem�dicti provided in this para�;raph 7, <br />includin�, but nc�t limited ta, reasonable attorneys' lees. <br />If Lender invokes the power sale, l,ender or "1'rustee shall �;ive notice c�f the time, <br />place and ter�r�s af sale by posiin�; written notice at lea5t ? 1 days pric�r to the day of the <br />sale at the courthc�use door in cach ot' th� cauntics in which the Property is situated. <br />Lender shall mail a cc�py of thc notice of sale iU 13orrowcr in thc manner prescribed by <br />applicable law. Such sale shall b� made public venue betwecn the hours of 10 o'clock <br />a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. on the tirst 7'uesday in any �n�mih bui, in no event shall the sale <br />cammenc� more than three (3) hours after the time st��iec� in th� nc�ticc of sale. IIorrower <br />authorizes 'l'rustee to sell the Froperty to the highcsl I3idc�er 1'or cash in one or more <br />parcels and in such order as Trustee may determinc. l.ender or l,�;nder'� dcsignee may <br />purchase the 1'roperty at any sale. <br />"1'rustee shall deliver to the purchaser 'I'rustee's dGGd c;onveying indefeasible title to <br />the Praperty so sold with covenants af �;eneral warranty. 13orrower cc�venants and agrees <br />to defend �;en�rally th� purchaser's title to the Yropert.y against all claims and demands. <br />The recitals in the Trustee's d��d shall be prima Iaci� cvidencc ot� the tr�ith of the <br />statements made therein. Trusi�e shall apply the prc�cceds ol' the sale in the following <br />order: (a) to all reasanable costs and expenses af thc S�ilc, inclu�ing bui nol limited to, <br />reasanable Trustee's and att�rney's fe�s and costs c�i' title evidcncc; (b) to all sums <br />secured by this Security lnstrument; and (c) the excus�. ii' any, to the �erson c�r persons <br />legally �ntitled thereto. <br />PaKe 3 pf' 8 Initials <br />/v- /�f <br />