'� . - ! � iE � . . .. ' •t'r{: ' .
<br /> .i �yr- .>'"'r • . / �. - o -.F'. . ' w" - • _.ft c�,j - u� . . ,:'._
<br /> ' ,t`,�`� -�t,' .4.' _ .) � c y�.. �,4 - . ,. � . ~,. .� '.�•.i•:rf�.�.��,s �M:-.
<br /> + - - _ _.._..r�.—a� e _ ..,d1::.� _r.mzauw�+et.-s:n:"s:rv.i�'.•� ""_� _.
<br /> . �
<br /> , `\ :.
<br /> . . 9�- ������ - -
<br /> ' s�. �taz�9 er P�op�y fn�rance. Borrawer sd�all �t�� impsovements naw ex+s2in� or 6e�eaftar eroct�,cm ahe . ��_
<br /> `�•� '�' RCO�SerEy iasured aQainst toss hy fue.hatsrds incIaded wittair�t�teme"extended caverage" amd a�+othe�6�rd�. irictuding �•.'_
<br /> � 6to�ds or f�o�ding�for whkh Leadar reqvires ir�.,�.tranca.'('hia ie.-nsar�ce si�ail�e mainuaine3 in ame a.mour�ts am�ior tLw Stericsds �_
<br /> �;_
<br /> ' that txuder r�uires. 'i'�in5ur,�nce c;sn'ier ptoviding @ze ita���ce shall 6e chosen by Bomotiver s�hject to Lendec's apprav�l ,�_,-
<br /> - which shall ttai be unrc�.;on�hly tv+ithheld. IP Borrower fsis to maintait�coveiuge describe�ahove, I.e�cder mt�+, at i,.ender's �'
<br /> aptton.a6tain coverage to pmi�t l.ender's rigi�ts in tP�Property in accordance with paraf,raph 7.
<br /> A!1 insurati�e pajicies and re�ats shaU be acregtabQ4 to Lender and shall inci�e a stand�d mortg�e clsntsa. Lender ��`.=
<br /> E
<br /> shall l�vc the ri�t to hold she pa�icies and rt��vals. If I�tder reqs�iras.8flrrower shail prom�tlY giv8 to Lendmr�1J zr�ceipts of =
<br /> p�id grrmiums aad Qenewa}nntices.Ya t�e eveni of less,Serravier sttall give prompt notioe to the ins�n�carier ansl iender. -----
<br /> s• �. Isender may m�Ice�mof of loss if nnt m�de pto�stly by Barrower. �
<br /> :� . .. �.INess Leader and Eorroger otherwise egr�ir.vJtitinq.irsurance proceeds shall be applicd to restarc�pan er�s of the , �-=
<br /> ,;.', Property damaged.if the restaration or repais is ecanomicaliy feasible and Lender's secusiry is aot te�senerl.lf.ti�m re�a�oa or #''
<br /> ,.�5 repair is not economirally feasible ar Lender's serairity wau'.@ be le.ssened.tf�insuraave prno�ds s�'�all I�a applled w�We sums � -
<br /> � s�;uumd by dus Security Iastrum�at, wttether ar na3 t�en due. with any e�ccess p2id to Sormcvsr. If Barrn�v�r Bh�ndans the
<br /> Pi,openy.or does not answer with:n 30 daye a notice from L�nder drat the inswan�carrier has offered ta seuiu a c�uuim.then
<br /> Lender may rnllect the insn:ance proceeds. Ln..�ter tn�y use the praceeds to r�pair or�tore the Ftaperty or tu�pay su�os
<br /> s�cu�d by this Security Insmiment,wh�ther oz nat then due.The 30-day periad wiii be�in when the nouca is givr,n.
<br /> ' TJatess Lendet and Borrawer otbenrriss ag�ee in w�itina, any applic�tion of p�nceed� to principal shutl nat euend or
<br /> . posipatne tT:e due date of the arontiily pay¢�eNs refer�d to in paragiaphs i and 2 or change tue amawn af tltR payment,. If
<br /> uadet paragraph 21 the Frogerty is flsqair�d v,�#.xa�der,S�rmwer's rig6t to azry in.,twmn�polIci�and psr�e�.resalting f�om -
<br /> , dama�e to tlte Ptagerty prior to the acqui�s3�fL pass t�Leader to tha extent of tbe�s�e�ur�3 by tbis�S�uity t�strunnent_>:.;.�::. —
<br /> Immediateiy prior Lo the aoqnisIaoa. '.� �. . ;;'• . . •�
<br /> 6.tkcapauc�,Eresa vaRE�YR��'�ints�a�:��'r3��tldYjrsrflf the Prope�y,S,ctnt+szv��'s�Lnnn•ADp�Sii�tFqz�;.�etsse�nlr�. j � �'-'
<br /> SosroRer shall occupy.estabti�,;i��r�t+se r�;�+�,.�j��ty as9��'s pra�residei�:q�i��in s3�+1:c��aft�'��an cg .�-
<br /> " . , , tt�is 5ecurity Insnvment aad s�(T rontinus t�p�c�3►�t�e?�-s�rEy as�t#:.��er's psirtcip�*�1�dt�iss�:TmE-321ea.st one ye.�after, ,;•�. '�
<br /> ti
<br /> .:'r�•�:I � the date of accup3ncy,untess Lendgr oticera��a���ces in omting,w��a�crs,.�ent si�ll nat 6a�t+i�;r�ind�t.y withtield.or.untess,.�;.,..
<br /> .. ��" � eatennating circnmstanees exist wiuch r�e 3�;.rul Som�aar's conuni, 13¢mo�nrEr s!►nfl nat dustr�:,'�a.�nage or impair tfie `
<br /> : '` �.`: PaagercY:allow the Prqpert-j�rnr�ritirate,ar cammit.cnx§sy b�n the Fc�Peny- Hareaivar sh�31:8¢�_�Ft if as+vw�forfeiame. ��,
<br /> '',.�, attiofl or praceodit�,whei�uer ci�u or cau�c�•'.�,i�be&un eT�in I.ender's good fuith judgm�urt�cau!s�:�'�3 in f�trr'tc�f4�r�of the ,. .
<br /> '`���s � ,.`:. Praperty o�othen�fi��teri�:y.'rc!pair t'ae G,���ted by this SECUriry�t,�t�Ilt or l.��ar's r��at�'i�aj�.'t�st:'fc,,,'i�`�Dwer may �'. �:i..
<br /> • ' ctue sach a defauf�CSirs���t��s prouie�r.�;a"�c�.,atagcapb 18.by��s�tfre�ri�io,n ar pensi3:.c�In�tsr bz:��wmissed with a rul�a� .. . _-
<br /> �;�:•., that, in I:en�er's��€�ith�?�zinasioc��m:.cindes forfeieure of Wa•i3'rirs��A�'s�fn#:�in t6e C�ti.�.ty or ot�ica:materiat �_
<br /> ��.,,. !�� • impaix�ent of t�e Tnen created by.t.;�s Secv�,-i:y Insuu�eat or Lender's sec�riry Intesi;K.�ormwcs sbaI1 alru 6c iu��,:faui�-if� .�:
<br /> ,;fl:
<br />;;;.l�,:�4. ; f3acsuricer,dnring t�e toaa applic�ion procea�,gave mflterially f�lse or ina�rsu.p inFar�tFan ar statemects ta.L.esdc�{or,faiY�d� �
<br /> , ' ta provide Lcnder with any matcrial iafor�nr�e�)dm wrucection wiih tho ladn�vidat�d by the Noie,including,but not limited
<br /> to,rqsreseniatio�conceming Borrower's accu�ancy of tue Pmperty as a princdp�l residence.If ttns Security insuument is on a �n�r
<br /> ::.�._�� �
<br /> : leasehold. Barcewer shall comply with alG�ti:� pt+ovisions of the lea�o. If'Bormwer acquires fee dtle to the Prope�ty, ehe � �%
<br /> leasehold aad the fee title shalf not m�rge ualeas Lender agrzes ta the m�ffr�n wrising. : �=. -
<br /> .� 9.Pt�;tecttan oY Lende�e RigGYs�i�tPu AroEseriy.IP Boaow,�fails to p�rform tlte eote�nts and a�r..ciaeats coAiained in i�:::,
<br /> , � . E6is 5ecurity Instruraeat.or ehere Is a te�ai proeeed9mg that may si�;nifi�antly affect I.ender's rights in the Pmgerty(suc8 as a ....
<br /> �. proceeding in Dankruptcy,Probate. for condernnotio�o:fosf�itum m ta engflrce laws or regulations).th.en Lender may do�d � �
<br /> . pay far wflatever is neoessaryr to pr�tect tRe vuluo of the Pro�ty a��L'�cder's rights in the.Property. Lendec's actibns cnay
<br /> � iBClude payins any sums szcuet3d by a iioa_w6ich has priority ort;c tttis Secudty Instrament, appe�ring�in caurt,.paYing �:
<br /> � rosonuble attomrys'fas atd entering on tho Pruperty to mai�o re��irs.Altbough Leader rt�ay t�1ce acxion under this parsartph =
<br /> • 7.Lsr►der das not huve to da sa: . ' ' �—
<br /> t4ny auwuuts dIsba�sed by Icndar nnd�c,tMia patsg�aph 7 stt�li3�ecome addidonai de5t of L'arcower�sec�d by ti�Ss °
<br /> , ..:..�:`�. Secarity InsUUmem. Unlc�s Borrower and LEader agree to oihe.r tasn�of payment.thcse a�aunts s�bear intecest�from the . ;�'�
<br /> �r.�,.:
<br /> d�t�of disbutser�ent at the Note rate and shuli be payabl�. wit6 3ntarest, upon notice from�Lender to Bomowc�requesting ,
<br /> �� �ti}�'t7tf'tht. � .
<br /> jt .-.
<br /> .�"�, . 13.Mortg�e Insuranee.If I.eMor requie+�martgage in��ru��as a ean�ition of�malcsng the loan secnred by this Securiry ;�,==
<br /> ' � Instnim�ent, Bo�ra;ver shall pay ths pn:minms requ�red ta ru,�intramthe.ir.•.o�tgage insutance in effect.If. for any ireawn.�.�he
<br /> ,.� .:: .
<br /> �;���`' mortgage insuranoe wverage rcquired by icnder lapces or ce3sc�W bs ixn.��fett,�arrower shall pay tha gremiums,raquitbd Ea
<br /> ��•��?�•1'�,' obtain wve e subs�antiall gag Y�N?� T ..
<br /> . ., r rag Y equivsi�nt ta dte mart e in3ura�x prevkr:siy�n effece,at a oast substanteall v�:¢to the .�.
<br /> ., x, cost to Botrower of lhe mortguge in��rance previou�ly in effo�t, from an alternats a+.�ngage insurer approved inw.fi`�nder. If
<br /> '.�'�'�. sdbstuntiafly equivalent mortgs►�e intvratcce��xrage is not availnbie,B+�rriwer shall pay to Lender crch month.0��xtTi equal to i�
<br /> �.r�.��.:. ono-iv,relfih of t81s r;ear�y mortguge iiwvran��•lyrs�rnitun beiag paid by Bon*���r whea the in�vmna�<c�s°+�i-a,g�e laprwd ot c�asecd tm
<br />� ���� ' be irt effect.l.end�will uocept,us�e and�imr•.�r.se pay+ner►is as a loss rr��.rve in Iteu of anongagg: �risur,uice. 1:o�.s re�,-rve
<br /> :' ..'� • F6rmo�2� gJ3@ —
<br /> �` '� m��eo►e . , --
<br /> �
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