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<br /> _ .. _ .
<br /> �if0� „ . , •... ' 71,
<br /> -�` •- - ,, v.: ' �
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<br /> � _ - --
<br /> IClI .
<br /> - _ .�..��, 92- �4�
<br /> ot sak,aad tl�e�k�iaciuding Ihe paymeat of the 7lrusta•s fees actuwlly Incurred,ad to exceed 3.0 q(,�
<br /> � th�prlacipd aroount ot tUe aole�t the Ume of Ihe declAr�llou ot defAUll�and reasonAble�dorneya'tees aspermilted �
<br /> by lawi(b)to all suros ueured by Ihl�S4ecurity bulrumeati�ad(cl aay excew�to tLe penean or penon�k�ally eaNlkd
<br /> -= a�.
<br /> - 22. Reconveyance. Upun payment of all sums secured by thig Security Ins�rumcnt,l.cndcr ahull request'Itustee to
<br /> — _�-� reco�vsy the property�nd shull surrender thi;Sccu�iry Instrument and ull notes cvidcnring dcbt sccurcd by this Sn:urily
<br /> ,����
<br /> _� lnstrument to 7tustee. 'tivstec Rhall reconvey thc Property without wnrtunty And wlthout chargo to the person or persone
<br /> " °-�- -- le�ally enlitled to it. Such person oc persons shall pay any reconlntion costs.
<br /> z----
<br /> 23. Subsdtute 7�u.Wee. Lender,at ita optfon,may from timc to time remove 7lustee and appoint a succcssor vustcc to
<br /> .:`.� �`"';"�j any 7Yustco uppointed hereunder by an inatrument reco�dcd in Ihe county in which this Security Instrument ix recorded.
<br /> -- --�-° �thout conveyance of Ih� PropeAy.tite successor Irustee slwll succeed to oll Ihe litle, power ond duties conferted upon _
<br /> _�,�,�_ •1 9tustee berein and by appIicAble law.
<br /> �„���� 3� Zq, R�quest�or Notkes. Barrawer roquoats tha�copics oi the nwices of default and galc be xnt to Barcowor K oddress --
<br /> ",'''� which is Ihe Properly Addrcss.
<br /> xa�re���.i�.. • •
<br /> -_�-••{� , 25. Itiders to t6Lv Security Instrumenl. If anc or more riders�re exccuted hy Borrowcr su�d rerordcd togclher w Ih F__
<br /> �rr��., this Security Instrument.Ihe covennnts and agn;ements of each such�dcr Ehall be incorporuted into and Fhull amend and ��•-
<br /> supplement the covenantx nnd agreementx af�his Security Inxtrument as i(the rlder(s)were a part of this Security In9ttumcnt. _
<br /> —____--__ {rhr�•k applicable box(esll =_=
<br /> '��.^'�.����`':.�� �'
<br /> "° ` � �Adjustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider �1-4 Family Rider
<br /> y^�t.a��vr+ �,1 � � �je.'
<br /> ::. :LL;._e•�t.o.�►..: d �
<br /> -- - �-�.. I =��_
<br /> --- _ �,;��•'�:--�,.+,-��T � �Qrwlur�cnl Pxyment Rider �Planned Unit Devclopment Rider Blwecrly Payment Rider ��
<br /> i ry �'�'�*•,�'�';'. . I �s,�
<br /> n ti�'� �Rate Im vement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> —� ;.,•:'• .:.�fi;.;• �Batloon Rider Pro =-
<br /> ` �;, ,�:�.,.;:.� ;. �:��
<br /> ��, �; .'y�s{( '>>:"' j �
<br /> � •`sF;;,"i�'j��s°ki'� Olhel'lg)I���fYI ACKNOWLEOGEMIENT ��
<br /> _��..�,,,,..
<br /> � a::. , . .,,
<br /> — ,��. . �t�c.,s��} ., � � �:�.
<br /> `� ` ' � :`".;•,,r gy SI(iNINCj BELOW.Hornawer uccepts And agrces to Ihe tem�x and coven�nts con[ained in this Securiry Insuument �_`
<br /> - - '.. :k;t,s
<br /> _ '�. . ..°f�;�''; and in any rider(s)execuled by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> -��,� �.
<br /> -- — .••: �1� �:�;
<br /> ; �9. �; Witnesses: �:=
<br /> ���� ;#+�ar.�'�+�'r��: `tiG�.eN� �- � , (SeaU �'�t,
<br /> _:���_= _ _, , ---_ ` ('QYCHAEL A. WISEIr1AN -Bortower �,.-.
<br />- �r
<br /> ' , ^ • ,.i:�: Social urit Number Sn�..5R..51 F7 �:{:.
<br /> w .- �.��
<br /> . -.. ' , .'��rrh� .
<br /> , << ��� i . (SCAI) +�s
<br /> � it:.
<br /> �` ��,I �.;�r��,+'� ,'.j,}' . Af�ELIA M. WIS �IAN J •eorcower ��+ -
<br /> ;'r."' ;;1, ..' • Sacial Scaurity Number �na_aa_�a7� ���.
<br /> • . wci•.
<br /> r,,�;, ;..,�•. ,. .. _., HALL
<br /> __ . ":`°;,s �• {, . STATEOFNEBRASKA, CountysR: _
<br /> ,�.�;�:�. R:_.
<br /> ;.,..: ;..
<br /> . •��r'��"'� ' 0�1�hjq 22Np dny of APR IL. 1992 .lxrforc mc,the undcrsigned,A Notury Public �:-'"
<br />',� '�r». :r�-.° � duly commissioncd and qut►lificd for waid county,p�:rsonnlly camc mICHAEL A. WISEP'IAN RND AmELIkA M. �-'�,
<br /> '' " � ' ° � WISEP'IAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE ,to mc nown to be thc ��_•
<br /> ° �� �� identical persons(s)whose nume(s)ure subscrit�d to th�e forcgoing instrument und ucknowledged the executinn thereof to �`
<br /> �_�_.
<br /> . t.'vI:'. ,_,, , b� THEIR volunlury ac�and dced. .R�_
<br /> r,�;. ..i.
<br />.• .'��� Wimess my hand•rnd ndarial�eul ut GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA in.ruid county,the -_
<br /> � ��`
<br /> • •�. i��� du�e aforesnid. . �
<br /> ,. .;.... ..,`r.. M Cammi. /.a. yii�s.�,.i �_,.
<br /> �;f;:, Y � � � � Naary Publk , ,
<br /> r„
<br /> . '�,';;c•::.��x:. :' _ �� �� UE5T FUR R�CONVEYANCE ���
<br /> �;;.,_.. a:•
<br /> +:•(�+ •^� � • TO TRUST �
<br /> {' �� � " � Thc undervignrd is the halder of the nwc ur nole�.ecured by Ihis IheJ of'Ihi.rt. Said note or notc.,together with all
<br /> other indebtedness secured by�hiy Deed of'Thixt,have becn puid in full. You urc hcrcby directed Io cunrel suid note or natea
<br /> �,,4„ •�i ' nnd this Dced of'Itust,which urc dclivcrcd hcrcNy,and to rrronvcy,wi�huut w�rcanry,all the cwate now held by ynu under •
<br /> � this Deed of'Itust to the�rson or per.sonx Icgally enlitled thereto.
<br /> �'� _ -
<br /> Date: — ���
<br /> �prp�ipbl 9/9D 1/wKr6r�JA/ru�ts)
<br /> '..,.
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<br /> �.
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