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<br />_ � � Of III1 UIL�ICSL!11 It '_ -
<br />;•� 19.'Y'e�ttsfe�Q��4►e PruP�Y or a BeacIIdai Intes�st tt3 Bornuwe.r.tf ail ar a�y part of the Prope►tY Y _
<br /> '��Q FiSf
<br />,1 is fold or transfe�d tor if a b.ne�CCial int�mst in Barro�+e�is sold ar tr�uferred aad Horroa'full of all sumg s�red by this --
<br /> ° LQnder's p�ior written oonsent� I erder at3y. at its option, �Iuire immediase paymea —
<br /> Security Instcum�nt.I•iawever.this opuon sha11 uot b�exetciss;d�y Len��r if eaemise is prohibited by f�derui!aw as af the de:e
<br /> of this SecuritY Insau�,rit. . ---
<br /> if L,ender exenises thi.s apdan.Lender shalt give�oaawer nntite of zoreteration.Tiae notice sS�aU providz a peeiod of nflt _ _
<br /> Eess than 39 dayss fra�the date the aotice in delivered ot cnailed wit�in which Bosower must p3y all suaos secvred by tLis �—,--
<br /> Securiry Instru��If Borrawer fails to pay tt�se sums pirior to th�expiiztion of this pe�iod,Lett�er maY invoke any nm�dies�. t�
<br /> � �mitt�Q hy this,Se�xviry In�erument witliout furt�cer notice or demand on Borrower. ___
<br /> 1�. Barem�er's RigtiR to R�nstate. 1f Borrower msets certain can8fitiors. Borrower shall have th� ri�� to l�pve.:
<br /> enforoemene of this SECUrity Insnvment 'd�oonEiaued at any iime prior to the eazifiea of: ia)5 days(or su�othea p�riost as� —__ -
<br /> ` agplic�able law may sp�cif��for reinstatem�nt) �fore sale of dce Propercy Pursuant to any pov�es of sr�e coa�ain�d m thla: G`.r-�,::.
<br /> S�unty lnstn�inent;or(b)ent►Y of a judgm�t euforcing tt�Secuctty Instrument.'I�o�candiuons are t6at Borrowes:(a1 PaY�' �,
<br /> itn .�
<br /> �endsr all sums wIuch the�wontd be dae ande�this Security Ins�vmem and the Note as if rco 2ccete�arion hzd oavtted:(1t��
<br /> C�IIDeS 2nY�CPdIIIt OY 2�jt OttlEt COYEP.FlntS OF II�CIII€IlLS:_(c) pa5+s all expenses mcurre�in enforan�thrs S�ainry I�um.°,AA� �,µ,_,
<br /> . �:•.t�tudi�,bnt uat limited w,raasonable attomeys'fees;and(�taSc�s such action as L.eader�ay reasonably�quite to ossnre.
<br /> < ' .:•tt�at thQ li�af tius Seauity Iauuu�,L.endes's nghts in t�e PropPsty and Bomawer's obligatioa to pay the swng s�bjp.
<br /> �, :tfiis Sewrit�/ t,-"-�iII"'�'+r �a11 oominuc unchanged. Upon raiastate�ent by BarrowPa. this Sec�iry Instnun�i aa�! ¢h��
<br /> •t obligatious.�ared heiehy:s`hall remain fully effective as�f no acreleratinn had oec�rred. However.this rig�t to teinstats sin�El��
<br /> (�� r.oi appl�y�a�l#�.c�se of acceleraaon�a'�aragraPti 17. - - -
<br /> . .��•�f Note; Change oY Ii� �es�'. T[te 1�Tote��pattia� in2erest in t3ie Note(tog�h:r with this Sexur�tty
<br /> - t Insuum�4'r�. be sold one or moie.�tvithout Qrior�tice ua I�ower.A sale may resolt in a ch�n�in tt�enrity(kaav�'n:.
<br /> 1�r as tI�°Loan�icgr°y t���s iaomhlY Paymr�f��ne undc-r t�N�te and t6is Secanty Inswarr.tsi.'Ft•.e�e aTso uray be�sas �;.�_
<br />_,°,��. ur a�ore cfu�,s~�of t�e,�i4x•Serviosr anretate�Ln��+I'��f�:.Na�.of thc�e is�rhange of tDe Lam Sen�i�a,Bo�wu wilflh9 ��. =
<br /> '���. givsa writv�n�t�s�'c:�tti�ange in acoordance wir�ta��h f:�..sl�ave and agplicab2e law.�e ns�ti�e�,'�.Il st1!a d�nam�mnd �-�. ,�
<br /> '. ±f,' address of ti�°�xw,:l�;Servioer and the�ddress ta�ic��q,�v'�� shou�d 6e m2de.Ttte�c ur-�c.�"�waTnin uny athcr
<br /> ;;,�r information�Il��':��cable law. , . • ;�
<br /> . 20.IIaardaa$��t��•Sormwer shall Qw-r canse or pi�it the pnsenoe.use.di�,�sai, sto:��.ot rel�e o�`,iany
<br /> :;�� Hazandovs Snbstance�•.ds�iti.'or iu the Propraty. So�roxiit�shall nas dfl, nnr altnw anyone eLss to dfl.��te�ing affecrin�,�thd Y'
<br /> property thas is in vici d��af an Environmental Caw.T[�e precedinS tu'o?es2ences shai nat apply to r',:�pmsenae,u�,pr .
<br />" F storage oa tt�e Propesty of small quantities of�Iazacdou�Sabstaaces that are geaerallY recognized to bz 2Y-r�rapria?e ta rni�ntil �
<br /> ' i. residen6ai ases�d to maintenancr of the Pmperty. • `' ' ation,cla�m, demsu�.lawsu;t or oth�asaian.6j�•any
<br /> '. Borrower shall P�PUY�ve Lender wntten�uce of aa��-�s�`�ig _._�._
<br /> �'� govemmeatal or regu}.Ed��,a$e�cY oz priw�e P�Y?�lving t�e>sepejty�any Ha�aus Snbstanee ai,�.vimnmenuti�ILnw
<br /> `� of wdicfi Borrower Yu�t;�i�al tmncvledge. If Bos�rar•t�t"fc�ms.or is�nd���anY SovemuseniaS or reg�7�sF�ary sutha�iij.t�th�t � ,,4 r,:s.:
<br /> f "' �dIICC 2�&CLIfIy�°1f�'t�!il}'�.t.4[y 1$i18i9GSS'3Tya�rC^'�`......�i��QflDID��j1 1'd�CE ,',,;��'�'e,t�Y>!
<br /> . any removal ar oihe�r�itt�tion nf anyr Hazardflu.x�a.;� •,.. . �`��1��,,;:
<br /> . aSI nc:ass�.r�.ramedia��ons w acoordance with F.c•:�,�'mzUn�ta1 I:aw.. •�.: .. --_-
<br /> . . .As'�al�i�i.pn this p3ragrap.h Z0. "Harardous Substances°8t+e those subs�t�es define�av toxic or h2�»'�5oas subst�'taw�s by� ;���'!t!!.,:?"`
<br /> p,aYironr�,.�tsl�,Law and ths foltowing s�abstances: gasoline, kerosene. utker flammab2e or touc Zxuus��lm pradus�y .taNc
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,vo4aale solvents.caateria�{�ntsining•asbestos or fara�ldefiyde.ao�cddia�cdv�!c.�ats•A4us�in
<br /> ' this paaagraph 1A. °Environmentai Law" mesns f+�i4tfiaL tav�s and laws of ttte jurisdiction c•Irere the F�t.�#�ciY is la�4ad-`� � --__
<br /> reL3te to beaItn,safety or environmental prote�ion. '"
<br /> .� NON-1JIdIFORM C01TF.l�JANTS.Sanower and Gender further covenant and agree as foIImvs:
<br /> 2i.t�ocd�stiad,RemediLw.I�ender ehs�U give aotke to L�orrower prYos w acc�Iera�ion folltmiag�larra�e�'ist'bt�xtcb
<br /> o!any cave�it or agroe�►aat tn tdis��y �t �� �t pr�ar w aocet�utaan amd�paraSraPi�.B.Z�t�A�
<br /> applksbie Iaw pruQId�s ot3ectwise).The�notice st�ll epedfy: (�}the defa�lt;(b)Rhee a�ion fiQ��to c�m tit6�dctY�t+utt�
<br /> ' � •: (c)��Iate.as�t less�t�.n�B•,3fl days trom tFie date t�e motice ts gtvm to Bnrsv�er,by whlcm tiu ak�nWt nuw-t be cwn�s�and ,
<br /> ed in t� ema c+�salt En aoc��ion o���dtd�smms �t .
<br /> ,�-:�t�'th�Ytatlm�Efl C.ilAax�Q�e deTaati on os be�otr:+�ae daLe spocift ta�.� Y �,;,_,,,_
<br /> �•.:��;�i`�s$���;'�cst�ea3 ancD sa?e q1V I��e.Progzrty.'i�a notice�s#�,f�thtr�Ctf�oi d�a�ait cr����itt� .'��`''�%�'`' -----
<br /> ' � "•�c.�F� il,tc�?s�l.".���+cn oad tIze rigbt t�.b� a oourt act3oa to�f t�11i��� -�,.;� _'�
<br /> _ • xcderatton and sa�° ,��e deFaa[¢�is not cuc�d a�t►irfiief'ore t�e dssiv s�dfied t�i�;ne nw�ci�'�. _�,,-�;,��.. --
<br /> ���'t�����`�''�y����{�c��u�,:�ent.in io11 of st11 s�rcns�^ura�bq t4ts Secu�tt�I�s��s��tri�0utrt
<br /> . , ,.�:�+t�',s eg4'r�f�i+�.. '� � �.- ' z__
<br /> • � � %;�'�turt'4�d�4��i�;xi�rr�'i�n�t6e paaer a��t��i ssa�any other r�edies�rm64teti bp app9irable�w.�t3dr s��ue�
<br /> e
<br /> � : ' . °�:°aMitied t�,¢fi'�e�tE1�;�rt+ip�,ettses incurred fa p�5�ig tt[e re�necllcs provide�D tu¢I�pataBtaPb Zg�indntii�,6ut ttM�litri�:;`•:;���;:;;..�_..
<br /> ` tu,rwwntit9C�niSs�tm��o fees���i cos�oi tiik tvi�ce. �s`t•t�t�t 1. •� '.
<br /> �� If tL�+i pac�r�cr��e is'inva�J,Trustee ahaU t�ord a no+.ice of defanjt in ead�.cxun In whic�anY',7t�ix�,. , �t ':
<br /> . property ris�iocuts�l�t�s�11 cman'Y oopies�s�cb aotice in the munnes pr�.ssr►"b¢�hy u�le l�v tu Bon�;z��r���40 �... ..
<br /> � � t�e oZCzs pe�rsa:�qfiqvts�"s2d bq ag�itc�Ye lts�w.After the time requfred by appikubS..G��v,Trustm slts�l giva�l�ati�i'�iiy�t�¢-�;:i,�,:.'
<br /> ot sale to ti�pc�o�l��4i��$fn tiie manazr ps�xrt�s�'1 by�ppldrzb.s Eaw.'i'n'stee.�rItl�ou3 dc�as��b�.IIa�a��f,�t��l�u�r'.�)'_��;:.;:.'l�
<br /> 1he Pzvprsty at pu�lfls�t�udion to ttae highest 6ldder at the 4ime and Qtpcc am7 under the tem+s dcs�«-.c�in�tihb nt�ice cft::.;;,,;:?;� ___.�..-
<br /> aWe in ane or more p��ee+s susd Gn s�my or�aer Tri�siee deteraniu�;.Tnulee may po�stpanx saE�e of a11•or s�g��:t��!�;�t6a .°,',,;> .
<br /> . . �Pe�Y dY Pa����ai the time.aad ptace of auy prcvlou�3�sc6ednl�d sa�a Le�o�its e�r�►s�c.�y ,.
<br /> ,. � pnrctiase t6e Propepty uE s�ny sal� • _ -
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