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. . , .. : .. <br /> • ' <br /> y . . 1mu -t �:: =k. + , . ,�_ _ ;,.; ___.._ <br /> �! ; .«� �i� ` , �ti-sa�'` l'�'.�" -. <br /> s. . . ... . <br /> , ._..._. <br /> . ..�. .�._ . — -- <br /> . ;�. <br /> _C' " ,�, �—�-'�a"' ' ----- <br />�llfr.:nra lG� � -- <br /> - -....�n.;:.� � 92— s�a __ <br /> ----�""'''� TllGE77-iBR WITH ail Ihe improvementx naw or hercaftrr e�ec�ed�N�IIk pnMxrly,und wll cu�umenta,uppurtenances. <br /> �- ---��Y-� and fixwres now or hereafter A pan af tha pmpe�ly. All mplaccmrnix and uiklilfony�hull ul+u�Iw rovered by IhiA Secudty _ ___ <br /> ��,�� lnc�rument. All of the foregalog ix referred to in�hix Sccurily Inxinimrnt ux ihc"Ih�►pcny.,' - - <br /> - — --°°''w--� BORROWER COVENANTS that Sartowcr is luwl'ully xel�ed i►f 1hc c��atc hrrcby raiwcycd und ha�thc rfght�o grant = _ <br /> — x <br /> ��.,,�..r;,,y� and convey the Property and that 1he Property iK unencumhercd,except li�r enrumbruncer of rec��rd. Hunower werronts and =__- - <br /> .n; '• will defend generally the tide to the Pmpeny again��All cluima nnd demundn,+�ubJecl ta uny c�uumhrunres of recard. -- <br /> � .,, <br /> �_�..�:•�; A,.��°��r TFIIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT cambines uniform covenunts fc►r nutinnul u�� und iuM•unii'orrn covensuNs with <br /> ` -- �� -�:._� Iimited variation�+by jurlscficlion to constitutc u unifatm securily in�tnm�ent rovering rcAl pn�ny. <br /> n_n.r •___r.c.r:_. <br /> � � M�. � UNIFORM COVENANTS. acxrower und l.endcr covenant anJ ugrec ux fullown: �= v <br /> �3 1. Poyment of Principal and Interesti Prepayment And L�le ChorRe�+. Som�wcr�hull promptly puy when duc the <br /> ���.fii„;w:, .: ,�,�;•; ---- <br /> ,£�ia�1�:�jg °.� � principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note und any prepuymeni und lute chu�geK due under�he Nrne. <br /> ''rk` � „ `' ' 2. FWnda�or 7bxes And lnsurAnce. Subjec�ta upplicahlc law or to u w�iuen waivc�by LenJer.Horrower sholl pny to �uK = <br /> ; i� ���'� . Lender on Ihe duy manihly payments nre due under the Nale,unlil�he Note iK puid in I'ull,u wum i"Funclr')fi�c (a)yeorly ��f;1������' <br /> y�j�",�y�1''�o�.•_ , taxes and asse�sments which rnuy uttain pdarity uvcr thi4 Securf�y Inatmment ax a licn on Ihc F'�ru�xrty;(b)ycurly leasehold g, ,� t., , <br /> � t'�°'�`•;:; Pe Y Y Y Y P M� Y P ' r�.�IN�` - <br /> r,��•�i� ��!'•"i �, , pnyments or ground renta on the P�o n , if an : Ic) ea�l huzurJ ur r n inr:urunce r�miums: Idl yeo►�Y fl�x►d �i' -- _ <br /> "��'':• insurance premiums, if any; (e)yearly martgage inxu�ancc prcmiums+,if uny; und 1� uny wum.r• puyuble by Borrowcr to �t.�;���r�= <br /> - - — Lender, in necordance with Ihe provisions of puragrapb it,in lieu oi the�wymem of mortgugr in�urunce pmmiums. These rN=,,. ___ <br /> —' � � ��� � items ure called"Escraw iteu��." L�n�cs any tlme,collect end hold Fundw in un urn���m�m��a��a�c..i thc maximum ��t� <br /> ,��.,,,,,;:}a;,,q-•:�'�� amount a lender for a fcderally reluted mortguge loun may require for Borrowcrk excmw uccaunt undcr thc iedeml Real `;�,,���zk �° <br /> ;.,j`.� • �• Bstate Seplement Pracedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time,l2 U.S.C.#26111 �r sry.l"RFSPA"1.unless another ;�;�;A.�.�A�:., <br /> - '" ,'.�r:Y"� law that appliea to the Fundr sets e lesser amount. If so,Lender may,at any time,c��llect and hc►Id Fundx in un amount na to `"�;'±'��:�� <br /> , t vr..,.r.!��?t�Yo' p.:;,•t.:y�w <br /> ,�-,,, r��,•;��.i�;t - exceed the lesse� nmount. [.ender may estimutc the c►mount of Punds due on thc bu.tiix uf cuRenl datu und reaxonable ._��, �����_ - <br /> ��. ,;;rf;,��, .�t;�!„ estimates of ex}'rnditures of fu�ure Escrow Itemx or otherwise in uccordanee with uppliruble luw. ;,„° ��� .' <br /> ���ti` ' The Flirtds shall be held in an insdwtian whase deposits ure insured by n trderul ugenry, inatn�memaliry. ar entity ����.,���� -� <br /> �,�a�:�.+v.., <br />- �� i;-!';;��.n .-� (including Lender,if Lender is�;uch an institu�ion)or in nny Federul Nomr l.c�un Bunk. L.ander�hall upply thc Funds ro pay ..,��-� ���u,,• <br /> ;.,. ,.�.�.=_-_-- <br />_ ���(�)';�'�;�;." {'• � the Escrow ltems. Lender may not churge Barrower Por ho l ding un d upp ly ing t he Fu n d+, u n n u u l l y u n a l y i i n g t h e es c row .,,:�;:�! _;��..�a::. <br /> _ _ '�t'' `•� acrnunt. or veritying the Escrow ltems, unless Lender puys Borruwer interes�on thc Funds und upplicuhlc luw permils ;��, ,-,��� <br /> _ �;;,���'.°;�rit.� ,. l.ender to mahc such a charge. H��wever,Lcndcr may reyuirc Bo�TOwcr ta puy u cxic-�imc rhnrgr fi,r un indepcndcnt real �� ` ,,,�,��J;�: <br /> y�� estatc tux repanjng servicc used by l.endcr in cannection wilh Ihis loun,unlc�s upplicublc luw providez othcrwixc. Unless an "j �4�i,w�,�d.,,.' <br /> ';. • `, � �:,_ , +;.�r� e�cs�t� <br /> � �_•,•?�.��.s': agreement is madc or Applicnble law rcquires intcrest to be puid,I.cncicr xhull nol bc reyuircd tu puy Hurrowcr uny inlcrc+t or ., y ,,,«,,,�� <br /> �� .:�;�f,::�,. • 't�� �.�, <br /> , ,,_�,.�„'t eomings on the�lmds. Borrower and Lender muy agree in writing,howcvcr,thu�intcrc�t tihull bc puid�x►lhc Fuads, I.CIIdCf ,�,Mrv;'� �..�:��r:: <br /> ':- '� ' shall givc to 8arrawcr,without chnrge,un annunl ncrounting of thc Funds,nhuwing crcdi�r�und dchi�,io�hc Fund�and thc ' f,�;s} ;r� ���� <br /> .. °��?:�3.;:1'��.,', purpose for which each debit w the Flinds was made. Thc Fundx cuc pledged u.r•uddi�iunul fa.wuriry ior ull�um�r:ccurcd by ';.,r}�:�,;,,,��` <br /> • � this Securiry Instrument. '� �� _ <br /> . lf tix Funds by Lcndcr czceed the umounts permitted �o l+r hrld hy upplirublc luw. Lender �hull uccuunt �0 4t� � . �'' -- <br /> �� Borrower for Ihe excess Funds in accordance with the reqwremenls of'upplicubk luw. !f'Ihu nmount of Ihe Funds hcld by ��A ��.,, <br /> • Lendcr at any tirne is not sufficient to puy the Escrow Itemx when due,l.cnder mi►y so natify Borruwer in w�iting,und,in � u;y�+��. <br /> �, such case Bortower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to muke up the deficirncy. Burrawer xhall muke up ihr ���r,_ <br /> ° + deficiency In no more than Iwelve monthly puymemy,at Lender;solc discretiun. —� <br /> •• ,��••. <br /> � • Upan pnyment in full of all sums securcd by this Sccurily Instrumcnt,L.ender xhull pramptly rcl'und�o Harrowrr uny ���'. <br /> •• ��� Funds held by l.ender. If,under puragraph ?I.Lendcr,holl ucqufrc or scll�hc Propcny, Lendcr,prior to�hc ucyuf+itiun or ;xn�u' <br /> �l� , .r?��.'" sale of the Praperty, shall upply any Funds held by Lendcr at thc lime of acquisitiun or xulc ux u credit uguintit �hr vum.r '�,Y`c,,,_,; <br /> ' � secured by this Security lnstrument. ;w"�': <br /> � • 3. Appllcation of Paymen�v. Unless upplicuble luw providex otherwise, nll puymems rcccivcd by l.endcr under ,-,:,:°-. <br /> , .. • pnragmphx 1 and 2 sh�ll be npplicd:first,to any prepayment churges duc undcr thc Nntc;second,to u�miuntr pnyublc umk�r ��r.�,,.. 4�'� <br /> • u n late char es due under the Note. ��'-"`-°'' � <br /> paragrnph 2;tbird,ta interest due;fourth,�o principal due;und lus�,t a y B u„���?�;• <br /> ' 4. Charges; Liens. Borrowcr shall puy ull taxes, ussessments, chorges, fincx unJ impnsitium ultrihuwMe to�he �Y,'.` T <br /> � Property which may ttttain priority over thi�Scrurity Instrument,und leaschold paymentx or Fmuad rents,it'uny. dorrowcr �ti_,��;�-- <br /> • �. shall pay these obligations in Ihe munncr provided in paragraph 2,or if nat paid in that manner,Borcower shull puy them on ' — <br /> � ... . �.>:.;� time dirce�ly to the p�:rson owcd puyment. Borrower shnll promptly furnitih lo Lender ull natices ol'umuunls 1u he puicl unJrr ��-�'lY= -=_ <br /> �'�h��.��. t h is pnrAgrup h. I f Borrawer ma k es�h es e p a y m e m s d i r e c t l y,ao rcower shall prom pU y 1'urni�h ta Lenckr receip�s evlckncing �•.,--�_!�''•''�"' <br />. „ .. Ihe payments. �_ • . ••'�'�„� <br /> � Borrower shall promptly dixhurgc uny lien which huti priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrumcn�unlc,ti Burtuwcr:lul ugrec� _ _ - <br /> . in writing to the payment of the abligntian securcd by thc lien in a manner acceplablc to Lender;(b)contestr in g�Kxl laith Ihe ��"�jk,_� <br /> � lien by.or defends ug�inst enforcement of the lien in,Icgal prcxeedings which in the l.cnJer i upinion nperule tu pnvrnt Ihr ,.;f;, <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of thc licn nn ugRCment+utixfu�:tory to l.cnder suMttJinating 1hc lirn •:';.5���;, <br /> - � . to Ihis Security Instrument. If Lender determinex thut uny part of the Property is subject to a lien whirh may uuuin priurUy • •� <br /> ' �� over this Secudty Instrument.Lender may give Borrowcr a noticc idenlifying thc licn. Borrowrr shall�u�itify Ihr licn ur�ak� ��:,�:� ,_, <br /> , one or more oi the actions set forlh ulx�ve within 10 duyx of thc giving oi notice. <br /> S. Hazard or Proherty Insurance. Borrowrr shull kcep�hc improvements now exi.ting on c�rcuflcr rmc�cJ ou�hr <br /> , Property insured aguinst loss by fire,hsu.ards included within the trttn"extended cuveragr"und uny��ther huiard�,incluJiuu <br /> flaads or flooding,for which Lenckr requirer intiuruncr. 1'hix in+urancc shull tk maintained in the umount,und fi�r Ih� � <br /> t � . Form�112N Yi4U �Ja�ir:�,�n�.�er.� <br /> � 1 <br /> i <br /> i <br /> ' .� <br /> ( <br /> ., , '. .. <br /> �. _ <br /> �_ _ ' - <br />