`,s����-�'� ; . .. , , . f . . ,. .. ,�
<br /> , ..:�� . .
<br /> � . ., ;. ,��. ��� ° �: . , •
<br />� � �. �, f Y��}•��,,�.a � - �i S�` �Y � `� ` Ot , .. � /. f Y,.' etf~Y f r���.1,
<br /> z., a ' _v'S� .a.:<- .. . . t' �'� � ,.. , �
<br />. - 4'!. • �, f Sa . •�� . .H• ��`� .. f� . ' ��_.... - -- _ . .. _ �.r,,...
<br /> ., . � •aP .�..:..1r � 'c. `Zv,— _.
<br /> F �� � ��r
<br /> �f..
<br /> ' � 1?.TraisPer esf the Prope:ty or a 3i�23ict�Interest in�t�+�Pr.If all or a�y part of the Praperay or.rasy intesess In it �`;�`_
<br /> f
<br /> i�,s�3i+�.ar c�►nsferned(or if a ber,eficiai inter�st in�orcawer is�old or t�ansfeaerr�3�BoYCU�.�er is Qoi a namral.�Y�nl�t�out ---_-.
<br /> ►a
<br /> �:�det's prdor wriit�n wr�sect. Lender may. ai its optioc�. re�uis�imm�iate p3yrnent in fuil of a1! svms sesar�l 67�. s3ii� -
<br /> 5cr�sity Lrette�c Hoz�ever.this optian shaU nnt be eaecrised b�r La�der if es�em�s�is proIu'bited isY fedgral�a�v�.s of tba du�i � �'
<br /> �R�`�
<br /> <��t:�'r:' af ll3is�11Rt;td���:'rQUt�t. —_. _
<br /> �;�;`.;f�i If Lcmdut•tra�sv.�iras this opflon,l.ender s,h�tl�ive Borrowet noaice of acceleratia.�.T6e narice s�all Frovi�e a psriad a�f.ppi -`,',
<br /> ; tess thnn 30 duys�'yv�m�a3l�dn:e t6c natcse is d.Sivere�or mailed vrithin whicl�Basrov�er mvst pav all sums secus�d bY ttils ';�`r'-
<br /> `--� �.�sity Ynstmrrt�nt_If!b�snr.4svrr fails to pay il�ese sums Fr�nr tv the expir.•tian of this period,Leader may invo'se arry�ies t�,'
<br /> �,., pera�itta�by t�s S�atE4!�Tur�tua�ns aritbous fnrt�t�aolice or dewa�d on Borrawer. �f�."
<br /> IS. Basrow+c�'s Yit�tS to R�2e. l f B arrower t�eeis o e r t a in o o r d i v o n s. B o r r o v r e r s h a l l h a v e t h e ri g h t to t�ave �.F.....
<br />"�,�;�•;�; —
<br />:,1;;;��, enfatcea�nt of Nis Serz�riry Instruu�,r�3 8iscantin�zPd ut any time pts4r go the earlier of: (a)5 dpys(or suc6 ather period as �..-
<br /> •..•1.�_:, app�isn'u!e Iaw mag specify for reins�.°r:�t)ttc�ore sale of ttje Fc+apeity Pntsw�nt to 3uy pmve�of sale oonu�iinad in this
<br /> ,�,.,; --
<br /> ,.. {:. S�tteity taspr�eru:or(b?ene�Y of u judgme�.t eaif�c�t�s SeansitY tu.�nt.T�ose oar,d��oas aze th.i wer.(a Paps �---
<br /> `:''��•,. i.ender aJ1 snms wnicfl•Qhen n-auM 6e dun a��tY�is SOauity Instrumeat a�d the Note as if ao acx,�lem3ian.i�trd ac�vrne�:N1 �-�;{_•
<br /> � cua:s cny dufia3tit,csi'any.•nthrr coven3nts ar azrr�.c;s:(e)I�Ys sil ex�e�se$iecurred in enforcing ti�is 3ocurir�In�rumw�t. �;�_
<br />`h�;�,�;�, incivaln}y.8m ans limitut:to.nasona6it atto��y3'foes:ard(d)t�a su�h asxion as i,ender may a�snmabl,r raquic�w a��u� �,�l;.�;'r
<br /> `:.;,,�` thai�a Uan.uf.U�i�Stcu�h�Ins4eumeat,Txa*�ut:r's�ighis in tt�Prapesty ar�d Borrovrer's a�ligadton to Qay�he swns se�vred UJ.� -
<br />:,,.,,.t ��-.
<br /> �r`;?� this Secvrir� Infmimmt �t�tlL wnrimce utxa'�anged. Upan rei��t2ierJea�s by Borsower. tbi� �ecut�ty Ins2rutnectt and tha �:,:-
<br /> �tY_:
<br /> ; �:., oblig�!ions s�.�Ucmtb�•stutll•rema�n fu:Iy effeczi��e as if ao�ceE�rntiom had occurc�d.Havnver.this right to reinstnte st�l �.�%.,._
<br /> notap�Iy in tke cuse of s�ccetuea�o�t under paragra�19. �r`�"`;'`,
<br /> " 3i�` ie�,_4-
<br /> '.;;r;;� i9 Saie of Y+tate: (�mg�a�Loaa Seit�Eoer.The Note or a partial intc�t:in the Note (together arith tiis Se+eurity ��,.:,
<br /> .`��f�ls Tnst�ment}may be sald oue ar��wiihout prEor aoiice to Barmwer.A sale snay�esvlt in a change in the entity(i�awn ,� ::
<br /> •,•;>,
<br /> : .. as tne°Laan Serviar')thut ooltects maat�Ig paya�ents due u�r th�Note an8 this Secarety Irtst�umea�'i�ere atso may be aae _'�t_^'-
<br /> .'}:;. ;> .._.
<br />:<:,, ,l,1 , or more c6anBc3 of the Lasn S�ser anretated to a sate of ttte Note.If these is a changa of the Loan Servicer.Eorauwer ufill he -�::y:
<br /> e
<br />:�.•Nf�>� gin�wriuea aotice o€thC+�ange in�ardanee wit�paragragb t4 aiinve and applica�le law.lhe ns�Ice will sTate t8se nme an� �:t..,..
<br /> ,,,,....
<br />. . �:, addtes:�af t$e new Loan.�vFcer sujd the sddres4 ta wvhicis payments slmutd ae mae�e.1��tioe n�i11 also cas�tatn any oth�r �; •
<br /> s d ��
<br /> - infumnrrian c+e�ui�ed b4'�nP�ticable daw. `'.`.
<br /> � �,.
<br /> �.::
<br /> . 7A..�un�lUl��scLS. Barnawar ahal! noc eause or penait tHe pr�tse¢ce. use.disposal. storage. or rdea�e af any �4�.;,
<br /> ..``�' kTirrAnddun:�t�b�on or in the Property. Borrower shalf rboi do, aor altow nn one else to do. anyttung affec8n�ti�a "
<br /> y .. `�.�,,:
<br /> Fca�e�j Wat::is.in.viol�Ytiate of any F�vuonnxata!lxw.'Phe p�seding two senrec�ces shall not ap�IY to�hs pr�senee,u�.ar <.l.,Ri
<br /> • .. saarage on ttte Fragerty oE s�sil quaatides of Ha�datss Substances tbat are geaeralJy recogni7a.d to be aPPmPriate to�m�al •.'..r��r,r
<br /> .� •,� teside�al�uses aud to wnintdaanoe of the�i'operty `
<br /> . esi �:
<br />"."' • �• F.omswec sha11 t+�t1�"l�ave Lea�er wYittea natice of any Investigatior3,cluim.dr,mand.Iawsuit ar aslicr ac�ion by ssny •:,.:
<br />?°��;�`. � ovemmcami ar r a2o ag ar•��►ate pareN iavolvin the Fr�perty and any H�zardeas_Sabstauce ar Environmental�Latv `'��
<br /> ��•ac 8 � �Y �l! � `: t, :
<br /> �r� ` af wluci�Btf�rranrsz has actual�imaRi/stl�#p:If Pdnrrower learn�,or is nut4fsd by any govemm�ntid arr regalntory antharity.tt�a3 .
<br />������ atry reawv�!!as ot�r reYUed�tion aif ii�y�£aardnus Su�stance affecOU�g tiie t'roperty.�s aeccs�ry;:Aarrower s4�all pmmpdy� ��,��::
<br /> :p . ,' .
<br />;�;�•�;'� , all neces�a�c�r�uc�ial t1t'iitrr�.in acoordanoe with Environmental Iaw: �- �;�"
<br /> • As uszd'iu•dnia p�Ph 20. '�3azardous Svbstances"ase tY�se su6�cf:�ined a�wr.ic or h.�ardxn�sub=tances by ;,,,,'
<br /> Ea��irommeut�S.•Lav+and::tttcs falia�ting su6starses: g?soline, ke.�seae, fltfier.g�srnable or toxic oetrole�srr�•p�ducr�, wxic y..�-...
<br /> pe�iadit�?s and.fira�ictdes.valatile sotveats.materials oantai�ng asbesu,s or farrde��rd��de,and radinacdv�m��s.As u�ed in __--
<br /> tlus pa�#���#::2p, 'Environr�er►tal Law" a�ms fsdera!laws acd !{rws of the�unsdiaron wher�the Property is locat�that
<br /> . ' retate Ga ih�tlfx;.5afery ar eaviranmental protection.
<br /> �ION-U"VTFC)RM C�Q4►ENANI`5.Borravfer and Lender further covenant and at,�ree as follows:
<br />;',,.�;..:."; �1.A�ooet¢r��iun#A�t�ui�dieq.Lendcr s8a12�aie r�atl2e to Bosro�r�prlar hi zsaaoe2eraiion foYtosvir�iiorrower's b�sesrd� �:_;
<br /> ' ' ot any,cuveQas�? or a�gt'o�eut in tE►�s Secority I�n�►4 (6ut not paia�r drr;#�ooelers�tlou�mc{dr garagaa[at� 17�Is3 . �:,:.
<br />"``'S;'�," ,���,,�q,�e tam vt�otlsetwiseD,.��tce�s[i s,,,,�,.'q �
<br /> t�%r'>• „9 Aple`°`�"" � i'"^"'J. �p�L�lE�i1�'s��Qaf:�0� �O f'IIt8�dG�Ii1�s
<br /> ;�'��` (C}9/�i��II��4 lhalf�i33f$�tCiRt{�IIw'.$ZCY 4.�1E�62�fC�9 g�VRIf t0 1301T0'GYFts�W�f�t;�d0 t�tAll�i In�Si 6B C�'Cai aIId �
<br />;-j.`�,+y.:`. (d)E(�$�tij.TrC�LQ>�II'lC l6E tIef�U�tlf: bd0{t�th�d1LB 6�4�Cd iD tHe f30tlfC m�jr,f,�3 iSl 8C�CIC�OH Of(I16�S �-�'
<br /> sea�re�by tTiL�Se�rEIY dn�sument�s�z oS tize Ptr+npe�ty.T�e notke s�1 fo��fil4lra Lor�'a�flY 4Ete ri�t tn�
<br /> . . aSmlate after�t�is acu�]t1�eig6t to��Yag�court action t��t tl��o�ea�eace o?u d�i+ntc.or any otber ;:;i,;�,:•
<br /> • , ,��� .. deleasr or A.Arraw�tsr,nc�:�el�tioa an�sgte?�f,fQ��anlQ�s not cm�ad o0 or t�efore tl�e d�te s�s�it�B�Eri,Qbo cta�tfc.e. `.����i;:.�.��;:-
<br /> e
<br /> i.ender,t�L.i��.o�28an,,i�p,�°'reqa�r�imm�atTate�SUyti�?�&'a:�3 o8sll sams searred by tt�ts�rauSty C�s�am�t;vlt�o�t •-�.t -•. �-
<br /> inrti�er tt� �:�•��uivake t��ower of s�te'r,tt�dranq:ot&�S�+r�eGEcs perafittcd 6y apptfcabte taw.Y.e+uYcm�tib�l�t�rs� . . �,�::i�;� ..
<br /> a.
<br /> : rutifk�44o'+�i ��11e�c�s inea�ed�iu[sms��u�r�.ra�acalf�s:�ir��R�d ia e�ts[aarr�pb 2II,inri�diag,but;a���ilf�ttea9
<br /> ms�u
<br /> �.� ,, to,re�sunai��'�ttd�u�g�.�:ss and cas�x ri�'titte�vtrP�: ., `�'-__
<br /> n � --
<br /> .��?� � UI t�E power of:�i�a�t�i�voke�Trauee�trtl�:�rrtar�l�.aatke ot dc:fi�lk..xz�ear�anurz�tn wWc��t+nY part of tho � ;;:; ,
<br /> � �._,.�1i?�opei4y£�Q�tc�a�stlfr ltti�cnai➢.cagtev of suc�t�it�'Ift�.e in thx�aaunucr pr{:s�i�#+�1 bp sppltca Iz tsw ti��l3or+re�ser sind 40 � :�..__
<br /> ���! iZ
<br /> �',' ?j�` ' the otber�per�ons�Br�:sc�ft�t�iry sp,�l�;ft�te.faiv..�r.t�:t"i�he time reqoired by a�ilt�bie�v.Trnstee s�aU�tve gubtic notice -
<br /> '� ot s�le to ttie p�s�as aae�"W t�:.ttm{�mor�rf b e d 6y app lice➢�Ye iaw.T i v s tee,w t t�o t i t;�t t�a n d o n B o e r o w E r,s t u il'i l s e 1 1
<br /> ;,:.�t::, t6e Yct�perty at�u6lIc a�on�a LCt�."tfi�,11�c5�b ddet at tt�time aad ptace aad amdep i(ie�t�s d�Lu�u�ted'in th�not�ce o� u...___
<br />. sa[e 1��one or more p�;and in il�j order'�'rastes deter¢riines.Tt�tstee maY P�B�ne sate of ail or�nY Qarod:of t�
<br /> : . �rapcety�by pntyitc aiul�rlr�,cement at the time �cd piace o�smy prevla�.,�y s�ednle�l saIe. Y.eudt�ar its�es t g�a�y . :��..__.
<br /> -, pur�c6ase the Propertq�,i:�rsy saie. . , . --
<br /> • . . . ;.;,,. ___-_
<br /> � , , � ' � Form 902i!�4lffii9 '
<br /> . : . . . v,�nsms ��:•���,.
<br /> . . , . . , i•
<br /> . , � :' .
<br /> ;y;� • , F ,;,;_.•. :
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<br /> .. . . . .. F''
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